So tell us Poodle where does government, society, you, or anyone derive the power to take from one to give to another? Government is not allowed to discriminate - which means they cannot deprive one while giving to someone else. Just one of many illustrations about how your entire narrative falls flat on its face.

"Government can't give us anything without depriving us of something else." -Henry Hazlitt
If Poodle here knew history he would know that every single nation that has ever tried his idiotic ideology has collapsed under the weight of the stupidity. The U.S.S.R. Cuba. Cambodia. Greece.

He would also know that the U.S. is $20 trillion in debt thanks to his idiotic ideology and that we too will soon collapse.

Except no one was advocating communism here, guy.

And the USSR collapsed for the same reason the British Empire did. But I don't see you calling the collapse of the UK a failure of "Capitalism".

Empires fall. They always do.
So tell us Poodle where does government, society, you, or anyone derive the power to take from one to give to another? Government is not allowed to discriminate - which means they cannot deprive one while giving to someone else. Just one of many illustrations about how your entire narrative falls flat on its face.

Poodle, sweetie... we had this argument 80 years ago and your side lost.
So tell us Poodle where does government, society, you, or anyone derive the power to take from one to give to another? Government is not allowed to discriminate - which means they cannot deprive one while giving to someone else. Just one of many illustrations about how your entire narrative falls flat on its face.

Poodle, sweetie... we had this argument 80 years ago and your side lost.
No we didn't. I can prove it. Just pick up a copy of the U.S. Constitution and read it snowflake. What happened 80 years ago is what always happens with your side of the aisle - criminal activity against the will of we the people.
If Poodle here knew history he would know that every single nation that has ever tried his idiotic ideology has collapsed under the weight of the stupidity. The U.S.S.R. Cuba. Cambodia. Greece.

He would also know that the U.S. is $20 trillion in debt thanks to his idiotic ideology and that we too will soon collapse.

Except no one was advocating communism here, guy.
Poodle here is so stupid, he thinks what he's advocating for is "not" communism :lmao:
No we didn't. I can prove it. Just pick up a copy of the U.S. Constitution and read it snowflake. What happened 80 years ago is what always happens with your side of the aisle - criminal activity against the will of we the people.

Yawn, not terribly interested in what a bunch of slave rapists who shit in chamber pots wrote.

The fact was, what you advocate was tried. It failed miserably. The Great Depression was really bad. My parents lived through it, they were still talking about how bad it was 40 years later. (Also what a great guy FDR was... and my Dad was a Nixon Republican)

We the people voted for FDR by overwhelming numbers four times. The GOP was reduced to such a small number that the real opposition party turned out to be Southern Democrats, because they were more than the surviving 17 Senators and 83 Congressmen the GOP was reduced to by 1936.

IN fact, the GOP didn't get back into power until Eisenhower admitted that we simply were never going back to the 1929 model, because it didn't work. And frankly, that was fine. worked fine for Nixon and Ford, too. Even Reagan was careful to not cross that line.

Poodle here is so stupid, he thinks what he's advocating for is "not" communism

Poodle is too stupid to realize no one is fighting the cold war, and most of us want government services. Even ones the Slave Rapists didn't think of.
Poodle is too stupid to realize no one is fighting the cold war, and most of us want government services. Even ones the Slave Rapists didn't think of.
If that were even remotely true, then you would have no problem getting the U.S. Constitution amended. The fact that you can't proves you are a liar.

...and most of us want government services
This one sentence alone proves the limited intellect of Poodle here. He actually believes that government is some "magic" entity. He truly has no idea that government is an inanimate concept which can't provide a service.

Poodle - only people can provide a service. And who is going to pay those people? I'm not paying for you simply because you're lazy, ignorant, and envious. It's not happening. Deal with it.

We're getting rid of Obamacare. We're getting rid of Social Security. We will restore constitution government and there isn't a damn thing you can do about other than cry like the little bitch that you are or move to one of your utopian failed socialist states that you are too afraid to move to.
Yawn, not terribly interested in what a bunch of slave rapists who shit in chamber pots wrote.
Yawn. The U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land. None of us are the least bit interested in your uninformed, ignorant, opinion. It trumps (pun intended) everything - including your uneducated opinion.
We the people voted for FDR by overwhelming numbers four times.
We the people voted Donald Trump into office to reverse all of the illegal and repulsive acts of the power-hungry, fascists asshole FDR. And we voted true Tea Party conservatives to offices all across the nation for the same reason. Deal with it snowflake.

Nobody cares about FDR's election 80 years ago by desperate and ignorant people who didn't even have television so they could keep up with the day to day illegal activities of FDR.
If that were even remotely true, then you would have no problem getting the U.S. Constitution amended. The fact that you can't proves you are a liar.

Why amend the constitution to do something it already allows for?

Look, guy, you don't seem to get you strict constructionists are a fringe... you lost your argument 80 years ago.

We the people voted Donald Trump into office

Um, no, we didn't. 54% voted against him and his opponent got 3 million more votes. Oh, yeah, his approval rating is down in the 30's already.
This one sentence alone proves the limited intellect of Poodle here. He actually believes that government is some "magic" entity. He truly has no idea that government is an inanimate concept which can't provide a service.

Poodle - only people can provide a service. And who is going to pay those people? I'm not paying for you simply because you're lazy, ignorant, and envious. It's not happening. Deal with it.

YOu couldn't afford my services anyway, Poodle.

But you will pay to take care of the less fortunate, whether you want to or not.

Have fun in tax season, Schmuck!
If that were even remotely true, then you would have no problem getting the U.S. Constitution amended. The fact that you can't proves you are a liar.
Why amend the constitution to do something it already allows for?
Because it doesn't allow for it. And you know it. And no matter how much you attempt to lie about it, you can't change reality. Everyone can read the U.S. Constitution (well, anyone who isn't a left-wing nitwit).

There is a reason that Republicans are in charge coast-to-coast and border-to-border in this nation. The American people are tired of you parasites violating the U.S. Constitution. President Trump and Betsy DeVos are already doing an amazing job with the Department of Education and it might not even exist any more by the time they are through because it is 100% unconstitutional.
Um, no, we didn't. 54% voted against him and his opponent got 3 million more votes. Oh, yeah, his approval rating is down in the 30's already.
He sits in the Oval Office this morning because We the People elected him snowflake. You can deny reality all you want, but it won't change reality.
Because it doesn't allow for it. And you know it. And no matter how much you attempt to lie about it, you can't change reality. Everyone can read the U.S. Constitution (well, anyone who isn't a left-wing nitwit).

Again, the Constitution doesn't allow or disallow for it, and I really don't thin we need to take health Policy advice from people who thought Roots and Leeches were cutting edge medical technology.

There is a reason that Republicans are in charge coast-to-coast and border-to-border in this nation. The American people are tired of you parasites violating the U.S. Constitution. President Trump and Betsy DeVos are already doing an amazing job with the Department of Education and it might not even exist any more by the time they are through because it is 100% unconstitutional.

Guy, you haven't won the national popular vote once in the last 7 elections. The people do not support you.

That you've gerrymandered your way into a fake majority until people get wise to you isn't anything to be impressed about.
It'll get worse when you wingnuts find out that the ACA isn't going away after all.
Oh look....another "prediction" from the nitwit who has been wrong more than all weathermen in history combined. Haven't we gone over this already? How are you not humiliated by your long and laughable history of failed "predictions"? And yet still you are too stupid to stop making them. :laugh:
...and I really don't thin we need to take health Policy advice from people who thought Roots and Leeches were cutting edge medical technology.
Thankfully for the United States, the American people could care less what you think. After all, thinking is not your strong point. At all.
Oh look....another "prediction" from the nitwit who has been wrong more than all weathermen in history combined. Haven't we gone over this already? How are you not humiliated by your long and laughable history of failed "predictions"? And yet still you are too stupid to stop making them.

Yawn, Poodle, you've made as many predictions that turned out to be wrong.. Just ask President Romney...
Thankfully for the United States, the American people could care less what you think. After all, thinking is not your strong point. At all.

Most AMericans support medicare and medicaid... so you'd be wrong.

It's why it's hilarious to watch the Right Wing claim they oppose ObamaCare because they are trying to save Medicare after 40 years of trying to gut it.

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