Then you are going to see Texas and Arizona flip to Blue when the Hispanic population starts voting.
You'll have to forgive us if we ignore every "prediction" you make while laughing hysterically at you. After all, you are the ignorant, uninformed, immature asshole who made this hilarious prediction as well in post #279:

Republicans will nominate Jeb, democrats will nominate Hillary. Hillary will win all the states Obama won, plus Missouri, Arizona, Arkansas and Louisiana.
Holy shit is this one a special gem... :lmao:

You literally did not get ONE prediction correct. Hillary lost many of the states Obama won (Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Florida), she lost Missouri, Arizona, Arkansas, and Louisiana, and the Republicans didn't nominate Jeb Bush. You made 6 predictions and you were 0-for-6. This is a glaring example of extremely ignorant you are.

Then you are going to see Texas and Arizona flip to Blue when the Hispanic population starts voting.
You'll have to forgive us if we ignore every "prediction" you make while laughing hysterically at you. After all, you are the ignorant, uninformed, immature asshole who made this hilarious prediction as well in post #100:
Here's the thing. Yes, people don't like Hillary. But Trump scares the shit out of them.
Then you are going to see Texas and Arizona flip to Blue when the Hispanic population starts voting.
You'll have to forgive us if we ignore every "prediction" you make while laughing hysterically at you. After all, you are the ignorant, uninformed, immature asshole who made this hilarious prediction as well in post #221:
Realistically, I doubt anyone can beat HIllary at this point.
Then you are going to see Texas and Arizona flip to Blue when the Hispanic population starts voting.
You'll have to forgive us if we ignore every "prediction" you make while laughing hysterically at you. After all, you are the ignorant, uninformed, immature asshole who made this hilarious prediction as well in post #34:
Fourth- The poorest preformer of the three is Bush, and that's going to be your nominee.
Then you are going to see Texas and Arizona flip to Blue when the Hispanic population starts voting.
You'll have to forgive us if we ignore every "prediction" you make while laughing hysterically at you. After all, you are the ignorant, uninformed, immature asshole who made this hilarious prediction as well in post #87:
Uh, HIllary will beat anyone you put up. and when you guys are done with the Reality TV clowns, Bush will be the only option you have.
Then you are going to see Texas and Arizona flip to Blue when the Hispanic population starts voting.
You'll have to forgive us if we ignore every "prediction" you make while laughing hysterically at you. After all, you are the ignorant, uninformed, immature asshole who made this hilarious prediction as well in post #305:
Hillary will win by a landslide. Nobody who voted for Obama in 2012 is going to vote for one of your crazies next time, and a lot of White Suburban women who wouldn't vote for Obama just can't wait to vote for Hillary.

3 million votes is a landslide. Even with the Russian Hackers helping Biffenfuhrer...
Then you are going to see Texas and Arizona flip to Blue when the Hispanic population starts voting.
You'll have to forgive us if we ignore every "prediction" you make while laughing hysterically at you. After all, you are the ignorant, uninformed, immature asshole who made this hilarious prediction as well in post #66:
Hillary will probably do better than Obama did. I know a lot of women (mostly white) who wouldn't vote for Obama, but will vote for Hillary.

I have yet to meet the person who said, "I voted for Obama in 2012, but man, no way I'm voting for Hillary."

Since Jeb Bush is going to be the GOP nominees, I have yet to see anyone say, "I can't wait to vote for Jeb Bush!"
Then you are going to see Texas and Arizona flip to Blue when the Hispanic population starts voting.
You'll have to forgive us if we ignore every "prediction" you make while laughing hysterically at you. After all, you are the ignorant, uninformed, immature asshole who made this hilarious prediction as well in post #305:
Hillary will win by a landslide. Nobody who voted for Obama in 2012 is going to vote for one of your crazies next time, and a lot of White Suburban women who wouldn't vote for Obama just can't wait to vote for Hillary.
3 million votes is a landslide. Even with the Russian Hackers helping Biffenfuhrer...
You lost in a landslide, poodle. I know your inability to accept reality is affecting you - but she didn't win. She lost.
I literally got exhausted going through all of JoeB131 idiotic and inaccurate "predictions". But rest assured - what I have posted here is more than enough to illustrate why he has zero credibility among his USMB peers. Even know he wants to proclaim that Hitlery "won" a "landslide" election. :laugh:
I literally got exhausted going through all of JoeB131 idiotic and inaccurate "predictions". But rest assured - what I have posted here is more than enough to illustrate why he has zero credibility among his USMB peers. Even know he wants to proclaim that Hitlery "won" a "landslide" election. :laugh:

Poodle, I'm better liked here than you are.

Hillary won by 3 million votes. Biff is illegitimate, and you "know" it.
Hillary won by 3 million votes. Biff is illegitimate, and you "know" it.
Hitlery got obliterated in the Electoral College. That is what elects the U.S. President and has since the beginning. Like everything else in your life, you just can't accept reality and deal with it. Now let's take a look at this beautiful map again...

Poodle....literally nobody here likes you. Nobody. Not one person has ever had nice things to say about you.

Okay, Poodle, you keep telling yourself that... while you fixate on me.

Hitlery got obliterated in the Electoral College.

so what? The People Said NO.

54% of Americans who bothered to vote didn't want this guy.

and if this wasn't a big deal, he wouldn't be making wild claims about voter fraud and wiretapping and other fantasies.

He knows he's a fraud.
Just imagine what we could do as a nation if we implemented all of these tried and proven free-market principles and then channeled the extreme passion of liberals into private foundations for social needs.

Jobs would be bountiful. With low taxes, people would have a lot of money in their pockets for their future and to spend on goods and services in the economy. With private foundations handling the social needs, governments could eliminate their crushing debts (despite the lower taxes). Most of all, it retains liberty for the American people. The blueprint is there. Ask yourself why anyone would oppose proven policies?
What exactly would be the private foundations handling the social needs? Because no matter how I think about it I can't see how it could suffice to meet those needs. And how did the elimination of taxes fit into this? With what money? What do you think liberty means to the poor American people?
What exactly would be the private foundations handling the social needs? Because no matter how I think about it I can't see how it could suffice to meet those needs. And how did the elimination of taxes fit into this? With what money? What do you think liberty means to the poor American people?

Poodle learned his history at a school where they teach Ayn Rand in economics and Talking Snakes in Science class.

If he new any history, he'd realize that the private foundations were overwhelmed during the Great Depression, which is why people demanded the social welfare programs he hates so much.
What exactly would be the private foundations handling the social needs?
The one's created by all of you bleeding heart liberals who claim to care sooooooo much about those in need. For starters - look at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. They do some incredible work with healthcare. Now imagine if George Soros joined that cause. Hollywood liberals. You. Poodle.
Because no matter how I think about it I can't see how it could suffice to meet those needs.
Even if that were true (and it absolutely is not) - so what? Where is it written that government (or society) can steal from person A because it deems person B is in need? Whatever those needs are - it is only legal to address them voluntarily.
And how did the elimination of taxes fit into this?
Because without the government taking 60% of what we earn and pissing away trillions of it on waste, fraud, and abuse, we'll all have a LOT more money which means more commerce (which means more jobs and thus less in need) and more charity.
What do you think liberty means to the poor American people?
It means the greatest life in the world. Being poor in the United States is infinitely better than being wealthy in Russia (ask Bill Browder), or China, or North Korea, etc.

The problem is that you lefties are shallow, materialistic creature. You have no respect for liberty, or family, or the things that money can't buy. You only care about the latest iPhone, the latest plasma tv, and the latest automobile. Liberty was handed to you on a silver platter, you didn't have to earn it and you've never experienced life without it and as such you take it for granite. You treat it like an antiquated idea.
If he new any history, he'd realize that the private foundations were overwhelmed during the Great Depression, which is why people demanded the social welfare programs he hates so much.
If Poodle here knew history he would know that every single nation that has ever tried his idiotic ideology has collapsed under the weight of the stupidity. The U.S.S.R. Cuba. Cambodia. Greece.

He would also know that the U.S. is $20 trillion in debt thanks to his idiotic ideology and that we too will soon collapse.
This is what happens when we do it Poodle's way (simply because he wants to be able to mooch off of society):
  • From 2000 to 2010, previous administrations expanded Maine’s Medicaid program, causing it to double both in enrollment and cost. Due to annual shortfalls, the state was unable to pay hospital bills and provider rates were constantly slashed to bail out the Medicaid program.
  • The worst of it all, these prior expansions came at the direct expense of our elderly and disabled as nursing facility costs were ignored, home care services were grossly underfunded, and wait lists for home and community services for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities grew longer.
  • For more than a decade, Maine’s finances were in perpetual crisis because of explosive Medicaid growth and out-of-control spending. This is the very same scene that we see playing out today in many of the expansion states as they grapple with sizable state budget shortfalls.
And this is what happens when we do it the right way and obey the U.S. Constitution:
  • This is why we’ve spent the last six years reining in Maine’s Medicaid program. As we’ve reduced enrollment by 24 percent, we’ve contained spending to an average 2% rate of growth compared to the national average of 6%. This year, we are forecasting a 0.7% increase.
  • At the same time, however, we have been able to increase funding to nursing facilities by over 40% increase rates to home care by 60%, and add an additional $100 million to support the needs of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
  • Additionally, we’ve invested in increased support for primary care to better manage individuals with chronic diseases and to integrate primary care and mental health for those struggling with mental illness.
  • None of these priorities would have been funded in Maine had we expanded Medicaid. And unlike Maine’s previous expansion years, our uninsured rate has declined.
  • With Medicaid’s fiscal crisis now behind us, and with Gov. Paul LePage’s leadership, Maine has reduced taxes, stimulated job growth, and is experiencing one of the lowest unemployment rates in nearly 10 years at 3.8%.
Everything that Poodle stands for and advocates is a FAILED ideology. It never works and it never will. And he knows it too - but he wants the "right" to mooch off of society.

How Maine Achieved Success Without the Medicaid Expansion

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