Oh look....another "prediction" from the nitwit who has been wrong more than all weathermen in history combined. Haven't we gone over this already? How are you not humiliated by your long and laughable history of failed "predictions"? And yet still you are too stupid to stop making them.

Yawn, Poodle, you've made as many predictions that turned out to be wrong.. Just ask President Romney...
I never made a single "prediction" - including Romney. All I did was share what the media was saying. They were not my words nor did I even attempt to pass them off as such.
Thankfully for the United States, the American people could care less what you think. After all, thinking is not your strong point. At all.
Most AMericans support medicare and medicaid... so you'd be wrong.
All intelligent and educated Americans recognize it is another failed left-wing marxist program that is now insolvent. And that is why Republicans control everything across the nation. The people realize that when things are a mess, they have to turn over control to the only adults in the room.
The only ones that gets this prosperity is the top 1% under your plan P@troit. Without government = that 1% will lock out anyone from moving upwards with nasty tricks.
Except that they can't do that. Only government can prevent people from moving up. Bill Gates has zero ability to stop me from doing anything.

You've either completely bought into the left-wing false narrative or your lying...
The only ones that gets this prosperity is the top 1% under your plan P@troit. Without government = that 1% will lock out anyone from moving upwards with nasty tricks.
By the way - "my" plan is liberty by simply adhering to the U.S. Constitution. It is a flawless plan which has never failed (and it never can).
I never made a single "prediction" - including Romney. All I did was share what the media was saying. They were not my words nor did I even attempt to pass them off as such.

Okay, if that's what you want to go with...

All intelligent and educated Americans recognize it is another failed left-wing marxist program that is now insolvent. And that is why Republicans control everything across the nation. The people realize that when things are a mess, they have to turn over control to the only adults in the room.

guy, repeating whatever shit the Koch brothers tell you isn't "intelligence".

There's no problem with these programs other than we aren't taxing the rich enough to pay for them. The program that is in trouble are these thieving private insurance companies looking for 100 billion in bailouts under DonnyCare.
The only ones that gets this prosperity is the top 1% under your plan P@troit. Without government = that 1% will lock out anyone from moving upwards with nasty tricks.
By the way - "my" plan is liberty by simply adhering to the U.S. Constitution. It is a flawless plan which has never failed (and it never can).

So go back to counting blacks as 3/5ths of a person? Was that flawless?
So go back to counting blacks as 3/5ths of a person? Was that flawless?
Was that liberty? Nope! You left-wing racist hatriots wanted to keep people enslaved - just like you do today. Thankfully Republicans stepped in (as we always have to do) and restored liberty with a constitutional amendment. And as I stated above - "restore liberty by adhering to the U.S. Constitution". Would you like to try again snowflake?

By the way - every time you people bring up the 3/5ths clause you embarrass yourselves because you literally have no idea what it is.
Was that liberty? Nope! You left-wing racist hatriots wanted to keep people enslaved - just like you do today. Thankfully Republicans stepped in (as we always have to do) and restored liberty with a constitutional amendment. And as I stated above - "restore liberty by adhering to the U.S. Constitution". Would you like to try again snowflake?

So, Poodle, how is voter suppression and giving tax cuts to the rich providing "freedom" to black folks today?

This country was founded by slave owners. It was conservatives who wanted to keep it that way. Republicans were initially a PROGRESSIVE party, not a conservative one.
When people marvel at the rise of Donald Trump, they forget the republican base, a base so partisan they believe wrong things on top of wrong things so long as the wrong things fall in line with their brainwashing. Any need to mention any? Nah, all you need to do is think for a moment or listen to their talk. You know the words.

Maine Welfare Reforms Have Led to Big Welfare Declines-Mostly Fiction!

From your article...."It led to a 70% reduction in able-bodied adults who receive food stamps". That's exactly what the video says if you had taken the time to watch it. But....being a hardline, brainwashed ideologue, you refuse to research anything or question your ideology.

More indisputable evidence that everything about the conservative ideology raises the standard of living for all of society. Some key points from this article:
In a society in which a college degree is almost required for entry into the upper middle class, 77% of people whose families are in the top quarter of the earnings distribution secure a bachelor’s degree by the time they are 24. For people in the lowest income bracket, that figure is 9%.
So that would obviously dictate that education is the single most critical factor to moving from lower class to middle class and middle class to upper class. So obviously Utah must spend a fortune on education - right? Wrong.
The state has not invested a lot in fighting poverty, nor on schools; Utah is dead last in per-pupil education spending.
We'll based on these two indisputable facts - then Utah must be among the lowest in "upward mobility", if not dead last. Wrong again.
But things look a lot better in Salt Lake City, which economists Raj Chetty, Nathaniel Hendren, Patrick Kline and Emmanuel Saez identified as having the highest rates of absolute upward mobility in the nation. So I went to Utah to discover its secrets and assess whether they could be exported.
So this hard data supports everything about the conservative ideology and proves that everything about the progressive ideology is 100% false. Their biggest success is addressing poverty through charity - most notably the (Mormon) church. Just as conservatives have been saying for the past 100 years.

How Utah Keeps the American Dream Alive
More indisputable evidence that everything about the conservative ideology raises the standard of living for all of society.

Then why have the five of the last six recessions happened when Conservatives were in charge?
Because they follow 8 long years of failed left-wing policy, which takes its toll. Bill Clinton's 1997 Community Re-Investment Act had a catastrophic effect on the housing market which had a catastrophic effect on the economy.

In addition - economies are intertwined at least to some degree (and in some cases are completely intertwined) so when the left-wing leaders in Cuba, Greece, Britain, France, China, etc. fail, it impacts the U.S. economy.

Finally - your idea of "in charge" is skewed. You think a Republican in the White House means Republicans are "in charge". When in fact, the George W. Bush administration ended its last 2 years under Dumbocrat control of Congress. They pass the legislation which impacts society.
Because they follow 8 long years of failed left-wing policy, which takes its toll. Bill Clinton's 1997 Community Re-Investment Act had a catastrophic effect on the housing market which had a catastrophic effect on the economy.

To it took the CRA (which was actually enacted in the 1970's, but never mind) ten years to bring down the economy, and it had nothing to do with the fact that banks not covered by the CRA were making loans to people who couldn't afford them, and then selling the worthless paper as investments?

Guy, you need to stop getting your economic advice from Hate Radio. The 2008 meltdown did not happen because banks were legally required to loan to poor people if they qualified. It happened because all these middle class white people were buying McMansions as investments hoping to flip them in a couple of years.

In addition - economies are intertwined at least to some degree (and in some cases are completely intertwined) so when the left-wing leaders in Cuba, Greece, Britain, France, China, etc. fail, it impacts the U.S. economy.

Except the epicenter of the 2008 meltdown was the US banks. The epicenter of the 1990 meltdown was the S&L Crisis. You could make the argument (if you were capable of making an argument and not just regurgitating whatever shit you hear Rush say yesterday) that 2001 was indeed a global recession - inventories were too high and had to be whittled down -

If you want to go back further, the 1981 recession was caused by the Fed intentionally driving up unemployment to drive down wages and inflation. (That's when they still had that kind of mojo). Reagan supported and went along with this policy because he considered inflation to be the greater evil.

The 1975 recession was caused by the sudden downturn in military spending when Vietnam ended combined with the oil shocks of the 70's.

Not that we would do anything totally sensible like try to get off of oil or redirect that money into building infrastructure, because that would be silly.

Finally - your idea of "in charge" is skewed. You think a Republican in the White House means Republicans are "in charge".

You might have a point. Republicans are amazingly never, ever responsible for when they fuck up. Just ask Trump.
To it took the CRA (which was actually enacted in the 1970's, but never mind) ten years to bring down the economy, and it had nothing to do with the fact that banks not covered by the CRA were making loans to people who couldn't afford them, and then selling the worthless paper as investments?
Banks don't make loans to people who can't afford them. And selling off the bad loans as investments was a brilliant strategy to get out from under the bad loans the government forced them to make.

And the prospectus on all of those loans were 100% accurate with full disclosure. If the papers were worthless then the greedy investors have no one to blame but themselves for not reading the prospectus on each investment as they are supposed to and yet investing in them anyway.
You might have a point. Republicans are amazingly never, ever responsible for when they fuck up. Just ask Trump.
So for Bush's final two years (which ended in the great crash when Barack Obama took over) who controlled Congress again? Go ahead... you can say it. Everyone knows the answer already. That's right - it was the Dumbocrats!!!

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