As youy said so what? I agree. 21 per hour is a barely survivable wage. But a fair wage nonetheless.
Your utter hatred of working folk is Dooly noted. I figured as such. Why?
For starters genius...that would be duly noted. Not "dooly". :lmao:

Second - what are you talking about?!? I "hate working folks" because I don't support illegal aliens performing illegal labor?!? :uhh:
Worker productivity is tied to pay. 7 bucks per hour means little to no productivity. 20 bucks per hour equals higher productivity. The best workers live by this rule. it's not. At least not for anyone who isn't a lazy progressive. Normal people provide their top performance for the wage they agreed to work for - whether that is $7 per hour or $21 per hour.
I would encourage no american citizens to apply for those jobs unless the pay isnt significantly higher than what illegals work for. You on the other hand would wonder why no Americans are applying. Then you would call them lazy.the best workers are ready to walk off the job at any time......for higher pay. NO 2 weeks notice. Buy bye. Oh, you need me today? Uh, buy bye. Normal people don't work hard for 7 bucks an hour.. Those are called losers and they haven't figured out they are being exploited.
food stamps are waaaaaay down all over the country, not just Maine.

Food stamps are the highest in U.S. history. Stop making stuff up out of desperation.

Check facts and don't believe Trumps lies. Food stamp usage is down.
I've checked the fact sweetie. I don't listen to Trump. I hate Trump. We reached a record number of people on food stamps under Barack Obama. That is a fact - and it is indisputable.
I would encourage no american citizens to apply for those jobs unless the pay isnt significantly higher than what illegals work for. You on the other hand would wonder why no Americans are applying. Then you would call them lazy.the best workers are ready to walk off the job at any time......for higher pay. NO 2 weeks notice. Buy bye. Oh, you need me today? Uh, buy bye. Normal people don't work hard for 7 bucks an hour.. Those are called losers and they haven't figured out they are being exploited.
Look at the idiotic and immature entitlement attitude. Someone is a "loser" for actually holding a job, earning their keep, and not mooching off of society. Spoken like a true kid in high school. I'm guessing sophomore. Am I right?

As far as the rest of your nonsense, if what you say is true, then that will in fact force salaries to go up. So what's the problem? The market will bear what the market will bear. If people are willing to work for $7 per hour, that's what the market will bear. If they won't, then business owners will have no choice but to raise the rate to attract the labor they need. If you weren't a sophomore in high school, this wouldn't be so difficult for you.
I've checked the fact sweetie. I don't listen to Trump. I hate Trump. We reached a record number of people on food stamps under Barack Obama. That is a fact - and it is indisputable.

Yes, Bush wrecked the economy pretty good... what's your point?

Trump will make us miss Bush.
It didn't happen under Bush, nitwit. It happened under Obama. That is a fact - and it is indisputable. Even if your ignorant ass is to immature to deal with it.

By the way - have you been practicing saying President Donald Trump?


Yes, you keep reading your Ayn Rand... and thinking we need to suck up more pollution so the rich can get richer.

You see, this is why I know you are probably in your 20's. You aren't old enough to remember the bad old days when if you lived in a big city, you couldn't see blue skies in the summer because the smog was so bad.
Ah yes...more libtard "logic". Everyone should lose their job and die from their inability to provide basic needs for themselves so that they can see "blue skies" when they die. :eusa_doh:

See...this is how I know you are an immature idealist. And by the way, as always, you are so far off on your prediction that it's actually comical.
Ah yes...more libtard "logic". Everyone should lose their job and die from their inability to provide basic needs for themselves so that they can see "blue skies" when they die.

See...this is how I know you are an immature idealist. And by the way, as always, you are so far off on your prediction that it's actually comical.

No, we can have jobs AND Blue skies. You see, what happened is back in those days, when we had smog covering major cities, people did something about it. They demanded that cars be made more clean, they demanded that industry stop filling the skies with smoke.

Again, if you weren't like 20, you'd realize how bad things were before Government stepped in and DID something.

the thing is, you keep pining for a past that actually, was kind of sucky and you probably wouldn't want to live in.
You see, what happened is back in those days, when we had smog covering major cities, people did something about it. They demanded that cars be made more clean, they demanded that industry stop filling the skies with smoke.
Yep....and those demands were costly. You see, money doesn't just fall out of the sky. Regulations have real economic impact and that impact is a combination of higher costs to consumers and less jobs for workers.

You're too much of a simpleton to understand the complexities and subtle nuances of economics (simple as they are) so you'll just have to let the adults handle this. We've all heard your ideas of "utopia" and all we can do is laugh. Society has rejected your communism junior. Donald Trump is your president now. A real Supreme Court will be your Supreme Court now. You might as well give up on your failed pipe dream because all you can do about it as the point is cry about it.
Yep....and those demands were costly. You see, money doesn't just fall out of the sky. Regulations have real economic impact and that impact is a combination of higher costs to consumers and less jobs for workers.

We have more jobs today than we had then.... So, um, no. (In fact, the Labor Participation rate in the 1970's was about what it is now. 63%)

Now, you see, I like breathing clean air and drinking clean water. I'm not sure why you don't.

Here's the thing, if you were getting beaten by countries that practice you kind of Ayn Rand utopia, you might have a point. We aren't. We are getting beaten by countries like Japan and Germany, that are more socialist than we are.

You're too much of a simpleton to understand the complexities and subtle nuances of economics (simple as they are) so you'll just have to let the adults handle this. We've all heard your ideas of "utopia" and all we can do is laugh. Society has rejected your communism junior. Donald Trump is your president now. A real Supreme Court will be your Supreme Court now. You might as well give up on your failed pipe dream because all you can do about it as the point is cry about it.

Actually, Trump has nowhere to go but down.

Here;s how its going t play out. We'll have a recession in 2018. Most of the economists are predicting one. WHen it's clear Trump has no idea how to handled that, the mid-terms will be brutal for you guys.

Somewhere in there, the Republicans who hate Trump will start feeling frisky. Establishment vs. Teabaggers, round 2. Total bloodbath on every level. But at that point, we'll have Dems in the Statehouses and govenrorships, and the 2020 Census will find a whole lot of minorities.

All over for you Nazis at that point.

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