We have the blueprint for prosperity. Wherever free market conservative policies are implemented, prosperity reigns. Wherever marxist progressive policies are implemented (like they were in Venezuela), poverty reigns.
  • It had been more than 20 years since a left-leaning government in New Zealand chose to eliminate government subsidies for farmers, and Hausman was surprised at what had transpired since.
  • But those who participated in this nation’s grand farming experiment hold it up as a valuable case study for policymakers worldwide.
  • Today, New Zealand’s farmers are some of the world’s most productive and innovative.
  • Removing government assistance completely, New Zealand officials say, freed farmers to produce what people really want, and to do so in an efficient way that could turn a profit.
  • Since the reforms, New Zealand farmers have cut costs, diversified their land use, and developed new products, Clark says.
  • Additionally, productivity in agriculture has grown faster than the New Zealand economy as a whole.
New Zealand Farmers Thrive Without Government Subsidies
This is what farming without subsidies looks like, Poodle.

Bwahahahahaha! Look at the "progressive" being regressive. I give real world, current example that is indisputable. It actually occurred and other nations have followed suit. Meanwhile, the "progressive" goes back to 1910 for a fake example (there is no link or context around that picture as usual). Pussy Cat....nobody from that era is even alive today. Not one single person. Stop being a regressive and join us in the 21st Century, won't you?

By the you think those people stole from their employers like you did? Probably not. It takes a serious dirt-bag to steal, uh pussy?
We have the blueprint for prosperity. Wherever free market conservative policies are implemented, prosperity reigns. Wherever marxist progressive policies are implemented (like they were in Venezuela), poverty reigns.
  • It had been more than 20 years since a left-leaning government in New Zealand chose to eliminate government subsidies for farmers, and Hausman was surprised at what had transpired since.
  • But those who participated in this nation’s grand farming experiment hold it up as a valuable case study for policymakers worldwide.
  • Today, New Zealand’s farmers are some of the world’s most productive and innovative.
  • Removing government assistance completely, New Zealand officials say, freed farmers to produce what people really want, and to do so in an efficient way that could turn a profit.
  • Since the reforms, New Zealand farmers have cut costs, diversified their land use, and developed new products, Clark says.
  • Additionally, productivity in agriculture has grown faster than the New Zealand economy as a whole.
New Zealand Farmers Thrive Without Government Subsidies
There is no denying this real-world, current example of success!!! This is why conservative policies end in prosperity and progressive policies end in poverty.
When people marvel at the rise of Donald Trump, they forget the republican base, a base so partisan they believe wrong things on top of wrong things so long as the wrong things fall in line with their brainwashing. Any need to mention any? Nah, all you need to do is think for a moment or listen to their talk. You know the words.

Maine Welfare Reforms Have Led to Big Welfare Declines-Mostly Fiction!
Who can say Trump cannot emulate Maine's bat shit governor? (-:
Bwahahahahaha! Look at the "progressive" being regressive. I give real world, current example that is indisputable. It actually occurred and other nations have followed suit. Meanwhile, the "progressive" goes back to 1910 for a fake example (there is no link or context around that picture as usual). Pussy Cat....nobody from that era is even alive today. Not one single person. Stop being a regressive and join us in the 21st Century, won't you?

By the you think those people stole from their employers like you did? Probably not. It takes a serious dirt-bag to steal, uh pussy?

Uh, guy, you are the one who wants to use 1787 principles to run the government.

The reality is, we provide abundant food, far more than New Fucking Zealand, because we have government subsidized farming. But Cleetus and Billy Bob out in the Red States whine about dem der government types that keep them afloat.
Bwahahahahaha! Look at the "progressive" being regressive. I give real world, current example that is indisputable. It actually occurred and other nations have followed suit. Meanwhile, the "progressive" goes back to 1910 for a fake example (there is no link or context around that picture as usual). Pussy Cat....nobody from that era is even alive today. Not one single person. Stop being a regressive and join us in the 21st Century, won't you?

By the you think those people stole from their employers like you did? Probably not. It takes a serious dirt-bag to steal, uh pussy?

Uh, guy, you are the one who wants to use 1787 principles to run the government.

The reality is, we provide abundant food, far more than New Fucking Zealand, because we have government subsidized farming. But Cleetus and Billy Bob out in the Red States whine about dem der government types that keep them afloat. got owned with a link to a current, real-world example. Nobody cares about your whiny, uninformed opinion.
Patriot I assume you are for jobs that illegals do for 7 bucks per hour now being done by citizens for 21 bucks per hour. Seems fair.
Patriot I assume you are for jobs that illegals do for 7 bucks per hour now being done by citizens for 21 bucks per hour. Seems fair.
What an astoundingly ignorant statement. For starters, cheap labor does not justify tolerating criminal activity. Second, no manual labor will go from $7 per hour to $21 per hour. There are tons of Americans looking for work. Third, even if it did cause those jobs to shoot up from $7 to $21 (and it won't) what? The market will bear what the market will bear.
Worker productivity is tied to pay. 7 bucks per hour means little to no productivity. 20 bucks per hour equals higher productivity. The best workers live by this rule.

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