This is how socialized medicine always ends. This family raised $1.6 million and would like to take their baby to the U.S. for treatment. It won't cost the U.K. government a dime. And yet they are holding the baby hostage and will soon execute the defenseless little baby.

It's going to die, anyway....

As opposed to Nataline Sarkisyan, who was given a 50% chance of living 6 months with a liver transplant Cigna refused to pay for AFTER her father paid premiums.

This baby is blind, deaf, possibly brain dead, and will die within seconds of being taken off a respirator.
This is how socialized medicine always ends. This family raised $1.6 million and would like to take their baby to the U.S. for treatment. It won't cost the U.K. government a dime. And yet they are holding the baby hostage and will soon execute the defenseless little baby.

It's going to die, anyway...
Yeah...that's the idiotic way it always starts with fascists. They try to justify government executions of citizens who can't serve the state by saying insanely stupid shit like "they are going to die anyway". Guess what, slick? We're all going to die anyway. Which means you just created a justification and precedence for the left-wing totalitarian state to execute anyone at any time for any reason.
Yeah...that's the idiotic way it always starts with fascists. They try to justify government executions of citizens who can't serve the state by saying insanely stupid shit like "they are going to die anyway". Guess what, slick? We're all going to die anyway. Which means you just created a justification and precedence for the left-wing totalitarian state to execute anyone at any time for any reason.

Are you some kind of retard, Poodle? Or just dishonest.

Okay- Let's compare. Charlie Gard- Has no chance of recovery, is blind, deaf, paralyzed and possibly brain dead. Can't breathe without a respirator. HIs defect is on the cellular level.

Nataline Sarkisyan- Had at least a 50% chance of living six months with a liver transplant CIGNA denied her.

One decision was made on solid science, the other was made on pure greed of a big corporation.

Guess which one you support.
Yeah...that's the idiotic way it always starts with fascists. They try to justify government executions of citizens who can't serve the state by saying insanely stupid shit like "they are going to die anyway". Guess what, slick? We're all going to die anyway. Which means you just created a justification and precedence for the left-wing totalitarian state to execute anyone at any time for any reason.

Are you some kind of retard, Poodle? Or just dishonest.

Okay- Let's compare. Charlie Gard- Has no chance of recovery, is blind, deaf, paralyzed and possibly brain dead. Can't breathe without a respirator. HIs defect is on the cellular level.

Nataline Sarkisyan- Had at least a 50% chance of living six months with a liver transplant CIGNA denied her.

One decision was made on solid science, the other was made on pure greed of a big corporation.

Guess which one you support.
No was made by pure choice (Natalie Sarkisyan who chose her plan with her insurance company) and one was made at the barrel of a gun by a near-totalitarian regime.

The more you try to defend your idiotic position, the dumber you look. No government should ever decide for a person when they should die. Nobody deserves that kind of power over another human.

P.S. - I challenged you a week ago to vote Donald Trump out of office after you claimed you could do it. I gave you 24 hours. A week later, he is still President of the United States. But guess what? Literally anyone in the world can terminate their policy with CIGNA within minutes. You lose, snowflake.
No was made by pure choice (Natalie Sarkisyan who chose her plan with her insurance company) and one was made at the barrel of a gun by a near-totalitarian regime.

First, Nataline didn't choose her plan. Her father didn't choose her plan. Her father's EMPLOYER choose her plan. So you got that one wrong.

Dude, did some government person tell you that you couldn't pick your nose when you were five?

No government should ever decide for a person when they should die.

But don't you wingnuts support capital punishment? In any case, the government isn't deciding when Little Charlie Ragdoll is going to die. His shitty genetics made that decision for him.

The only question is, how much resources are you going to expend prolonging the inevitable.

Are you some kind of retard?
First, Nataline didn't choose her plan. Her father didn't choose her plan. Her father's EMPLOYER choose her plan. So you got that one wrong.
And her father chose to be on that plan. He wasn't forced onto it, you dimwit. He could have gone on his wife's plan. Or chosen a self-paid plan. Or gotten a supplemental plan.

Cuba is waiting for you, cupcake. You're refusal to go speaks volumes.
And her father chose to be on that plan. He wasn't forced onto it, you dimwit. He could have gone on his wife's plan. Or chosen a self-paid plan. Or gotten a supplemental plan.

Or he could have expected them to keep their promises.

So let me get this straight. The government refuses to keep a baby-corpse alive, that's bad because "gummit"..

But a big greedy corporation cheats a family and let's a teenage girl die of a treatable disease, and you're good with that because, um "Freedom".

(Note, "Freedom" means those with money fucking over those without money. Which Poodle is good with because some day he hope to have money.)

Capital punishment is the individual criminal choosing their own death because they chose to engage in heinous crimes.

Um, except we've sent 154 people to death row for crimes they didn't commit.
Or he could have expected them to keep their promises.
They did keep their promise. To the letter of their contractual agreements. The father failed to get a supplemental plan. That's on him.
So let me get this straight. The government refuses to keep a baby-corpse alive, that's bad because "gummit"..'s a little deeper than partisan hack. The parents aren't even asking the government of the UK to keep their child alive. They are simply asking them to leave him alone so they can come to the U.S. for treatment. Why would the government refuse such a simple request being that they would no longer be on the hook for the cost of the child? Oh yeah - they want power and control over life & death in society. It gives them the absolute power they desire.
But a big greedy corporation cheats a family and let's a teenage girl die of a treatable disease, and you're good with that because, um "Freedom".
The corporation didn't cheat anyone, you partisan hack. And yes - that is a small price to pay for freedom. The girl died naturally from a disease. She wasn't ordered executed by the corporation.
(Note, "Freedom" means those with money fucking over those without money. Which Poodle is good with because some day he hope to have money.)
*Note - little kitty here is insanely envious of people who are more successful than him. Therefore, he wants them to "pay" by having government control them and redistribute their wealth to society.
So let me get this straight. The government refuses to keep a baby-corpse alive, that's bad because "gummit".. But a big greedy corporation cheats a family and let's a teenage girl die of a treatable disease, and you're good with that because, um "Freedom".

Tell me something kitty - when was the last time a corporation engaged in "unthinkable atrocities"? When is the last time a corporation unleashed chemical weapons against their customers?

Syria war: 'unthinkable atrocities' documented in report on Aleppo

(Seriously kitty - the next tie you get something "straight" will be the first time you ever got anything straight)
So let me get this straight. The government refuses to keep a baby-corpse alive, that's bad because "gummit".. But a big greedy corporation cheats a family and let's a teenage girl die of a treatable disease, and you're good with that because, um "Freedom".

Tell me something kitty - when was the last time a corporation engaged in a "Great Purge"? When is the last time a corporation murdered millions of their customers ?

Great Purge - Wikipedia

(Seriously kitty - the next tie you get something "straight" will be the first time you ever got anything straight)
So let me get this straight. The government refuses to keep a baby-corpse alive, that's bad because "gummit".. But a big greedy corporation cheats a family and let's a teenage girl die of a treatable disease, and you're good with that because, um "Freedom".

Tell me something kitty - who is carrying out these atrocities - German corporations or the German government?

(Seriously kitty - the next tie you get something "straight" will be the first time you ever got anything straight)'s a little deeper than partisan hack. The parents aren't even asking the government of the UK to keep their child alive. They are simply asking them to leave him alone so they can come to the U.S. for treatment. Why would the government refuse such a simple request being that they would no longer be on the hook for the cost of the child? Oh yeah - they want power and control over life & death in society. It gives them the absolute power they desire.

OR they realize the system doesn't work if everyone can just walk away from it and use whatever quack medicine someone is willing to take their money to deliver. Then you end up with stuff like cancer cures made of apricots, which works about as well as you'd expect.

The corporation didn't cheat anyone, you partisan hack. And yes - that is a small price to pay for freedom. The girl died naturally from a disease. She wasn't ordered executed by the corporation.

Charlie the flesh doll is dying from a natural disease.. so I'm not seeing your problem here other than your battered housewife syndrome for capitalism.

Oh, if Charlie the flesh doll had been a Cigna patient, they'd have cut him off a long time ago long before the religious nuts heard about him.
Tell me something kitty - when was the last time a corporation engaged in "unthinkable atrocities"? When is the last time a corporation unleashed chemical weapons against their customers?

No, corporations just instigate governments to do those things... that doesn't make it any better.

So let's look at some unthinkable attrocities commited by your beloved corporations.

Tobacco- Kills 480,000 AMericans every year, more than World War II.

Asbestos - Kills 15,000 Americans a year.

The GUn Industry - kills 33,000 Americans a year.

Tell me something kitty - who is carrying out these atrocities - German corporations or the German government?

And who supported putting Hilter into power. Maybe you should read up on the roll of the Krupp family in Hitler's rise to power and how it used forced labor to make a profit.
Tell me something kitty - when was the last time a corporation engaged in "unthinkable atrocities"? When is the last time a corporation unleashed chemical weapons against their customers?

No, corporations just instigate governments to do those things... that doesn't make it any better. So let's look at some unthinkable attrocities commited by your beloved corporations.

Tobacco- Kills 480,000 AMericans every year, more than World War II.
Wait....dumb assholes like you choose to smoke and then you want to blame the tobacco company? Tell me something snowflake - did the corporation every mandate that people need to smoke? I've been on this Earth for many decades and have never taken a single puff. Not one. Ever. So how is it that I managed to escape the "evil" tobacco corporations?

Oh wait...that's right...I wasn't a dumb asshole like you progressives.
Tell me something kitty - when was the last time a corporation engaged in "unthinkable atrocities"? When is the last time a corporation unleashed chemical weapons against their customers?

No, corporations just instigate governments to do those things... that doesn't make it any better.

So let's look at some unthinkable attrocities commited by your beloved corporations. The GUn Industry - kills 33,000 Americans a year. it doesn't. In the history of the world, a gun has never killed anyone. Why do you feel the need to lie in every post? Oh wait - that's right - because you're a fascist who desires to have government control when people take a breath, live or die, and serve the state.
Wait....dumb assholes like you choose to smoke and then you want to blame the tobacco company? Tell me something snowflake - did the corporation every mandate that people need to smoke? I've been on this Earth for many decades and have never taken a single puff. Not one. Ever. So how is it that I managed to escape the "evil" tobacco corporations?

I don't smoke either, guy. BUt the point that you don't seem to get is that when the government sued the tobacco companies, we found out that they were both marketing to Children and spiking their product to make it more addictive.
Wait....dumb assholes like you choose to smoke and then you want to blame the tobacco company? Tell me something snowflake - did the corporation every mandate that people need to smoke? I've been on this Earth for many decades and have never taken a single puff. Not one. Ever. So how is it that I managed to escape the "evil" tobacco corporations?

I don't smoke either, guy. BUt the point that you don't seem to get is that when the government sued the tobacco companies, we found out that they were both marketing to Children and spiking their product to make it more addictive.
And? Isn't that the job of a corporation, kitty? To market their product and make it more desirable? At the end of the day, you still have complete and total free will as to whether or not you do business with a corporation. Unless you're telling us that you are so weak-minded that your incapable of resisting a little advertising.
And? Isn't that the job of a corporation, kitty? To market their product and make it more desirable? At the end of the day, you still have complete and total free will as to whether or not you do business with a corporation. Unless you're telling us that you are so weak-minded that your incapable of resisting a little advertising.

guy, when we have real choice, let me know. Fact is, invidual insurance is impossible to buy, and you are usually stuck with whatever shit your employer gets because Cigna compensated the HR Slugs with too many free lunches.

Again, when you have to fight with an insurance company to get treatment after you've paid them, then you can come back to me and talk about how wonderful the insurance industry is.

Fuck em. The sooner we abolish these companies, the better.

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