For the second time in as many weeks, I have caught danielpalos contradicting himself. That is a trait of the ignorant (which in turn causes them to become desperate as their ignorance is pointed out to them and their position starts to fall apart). Here are his posts insisting over and and over and over that the government needs to be “capitalists” at the border and solve the border issue through “capitalism”.
only lousy capitalists lose money on border policy.
only lousy capitalists lose money on border policy.
only lousy capitalists lose money on border policy.
Only lousy capitalists lose money on border policy and blame the Poor.
Good Capitalists solve their federal problems at the federal borders and make money, not lose money on enforcement.
We should not be losing money on border policy. Only lousy capitalists, do that.
And here he is right here in this thread claiming that government “cannot” be capitalists.
yes, Government is Socialism. the Proof is, it can't be Capitalism.
Uh-oh Daniel. Uh-oh! I just caught you contradicting yourself again.

:dance: :dance: :dance:
Except that we already established that it’s not “capitalism” for the government to pay people not to work. many times are you going to make that mistake? :lmao:
full employment of resources is merely using capitalism for all of its capital worth.
Whose resources?!? Mine? hadit ’s? Are you under the misguided left-wing impression that you’re somehow entitled to my resources? :uhh:

You’re entire schtick has just grown old. We’ve debunked every idiotic thing you’ve said (and when we do that, you post a nonsensical response that has nothing to do with the issue - as you just did here).
lol. quit. don't whine.
Quit? Is that your answer to everything in life? No wonder you’re a failure. I asked a simple question: whose resources? Why can’t you answer?
national capitalists find capital solutions; national socialists just whine about social problems.
And now the dolt doubles-down!!! For the second time in as many weeks, I have caught danielpalos contradicting himself. That is a trait of the ignorant (which in turn causes them to become desperate as their ignorance is pointed out to them and their position starts to fall apart). Here are his posts insisting over and and over and over that the government needs to be “capitalists” at the border and solve the border issue through “capitalism”.
only lousy capitalists lose money on border policy.
only lousy capitalists lose money on border policy.
only lousy capitalists lose money on border policy.
Only lousy capitalists lose money on border policy and blame the Poor.
Good Capitalists solve their federal problems at the federal borders and make money, not lose money on enforcement.
We should not be losing money on border policy. Only lousy capitalists, do that.
And here he is right here in this thread AGAIN claiming that government “cannot” be capitalists.
Capitalism cannot be Government.
Uh-oh Daniel. Uh-oh! I just caught you contradicting yourself again.

:dance: :dance: :dance:
inequality is not better.
There is no “inequality”, snowflake. None. Those with Bill Gates IQ and Bill Gates work ethic get Bill Gates equal success.

The real problem is that you don’t want to put in the equal time and the equal work, but you want the equal results. Sorry, doesn’t work that way. Deal with it.
it is about equality and equal protection of the law.
We already have that. The poor is just as “equally protected” under the law as the wealthy. You can’t murder the poor. You can’t rape the poor. You can’t steal from the poor. See? Equal protection.

Why are you so ignorant?
lol. say that in a more serious venue, not just this political venue where hearsay and soothsay may have equality with truth.
For the second time in as many weeks, I have caught danielpalos contradicting himself. That is a trait of the ignorant (which in turn causes them to become desperate as their ignorance is pointed out to them and their position starts to fall apart). Here are his posts insisting over and and over and over that the government needs to be “capitalists” at the border and solve the border issue through “capitalism”.
only lousy capitalists lose money on border policy.
only lousy capitalists lose money on border policy.
only lousy capitalists lose money on border policy.
Only lousy capitalists lose money on border policy and blame the Poor.
Good Capitalists solve their federal problems at the federal borders and make money, not lose money on enforcement.
We should not be losing money on border policy. Only lousy capitalists, do that.
And here he is right here in this thread claiming that government “cannot” be capitalists.
yes, Government is Socialism. the Proof is, it can't be Capitalism.
Uh-oh Daniel. Uh-oh! I just caught you contradicting yourself again.

:dance: :dance: :dance:
a vacuum of left wing special pleading? Good socialists merely learn how to Use capitalism for all of its worth in modern times.
And now the dolt doubles-down!!! For the second time in as many weeks, I have caught danielpalos contradicting himself. That is a trait of the ignorant (which in turn causes them to become desperate as their ignorance is pointed out to them and their position starts to fall apart). Here are his posts insisting over and and over and over that the government needs to be “capitalists” at the border and solve the border issue through “capitalism”.
only lousy capitalists lose money on border policy.
only lousy capitalists lose money on border policy.
only lousy capitalists lose money on border policy.
Only lousy capitalists lose money on border policy and blame the Poor.
Good Capitalists solve their federal problems at the federal borders and make money, not lose money on enforcement.
We should not be losing money on border policy. Only lousy capitalists, do that.
And here he is right here in this thread AGAIN claiming that government “cannot” be capitalists.
Capitalism cannot be Government.
Uh-oh Daniel. Uh-oh! I just caught you contradicting yourself again.

:dance: :dance: :dance:
Socialism is Government. Government cannot be Capitalism unless it is voluntary.
For the second time in as many weeks, I have caught danielpalos contradicting himself. That is a trait of the ignorant (which in turn causes them to become desperate as their ignorance is pointed out to them and their position starts to fall apart). Here are his posts insisting over and and over and over that the government needs to be “capitalists” at the border and solve the border issue through “capitalism”.
only lousy capitalists lose money on border policy.
only lousy capitalists lose money on border policy.
only lousy capitalists lose money on border policy.
Only lousy capitalists lose money on border policy and blame the Poor.
Good Capitalists solve their federal problems at the federal borders and make money, not lose money on enforcement.
We should not be losing money on border policy. Only lousy capitalists, do that.
And here he is right here in this thread claiming that government “cannot” be capitalists.
yes, Government is Socialism. the Proof is, it can't be Capitalism.
Uh-oh Daniel. Uh-oh! I just caught you contradicting yourself again.

:dance: :dance: :dance:
a vacuum of left wing special pleading?
More like a major vacuum of intellect on your part. :lmao:
For the second time in as many weeks, I have caught danielpalos contradicting himself. That is a trait of the ignorant (which in turn causes them to become desperate as their ignorance is pointed out to them and their position starts to fall apart). Here are his posts insisting over and and over and over that the government needs to be “capitalists” at the border and solve the border issue through “capitalism”.
only lousy capitalists lose money on border policy.
only lousy capitalists lose money on border policy.
only lousy capitalists lose money on border policy.
Only lousy capitalists lose money on border policy and blame the Poor.
Good Capitalists solve their federal problems at the federal borders and make money, not lose money on enforcement.
We should not be losing money on border policy. Only lousy capitalists, do that.
And here he is right here in this thread claiming that government “cannot” be capitalists.
yes, Government is Socialism. the Proof is, it can't be Capitalism.
Uh-oh Daniel. Uh-oh! I just caught you contradicting yourself again.

:dance: :dance: :dance:
a vacuum of left wing special pleading?
More like a major vacuum of intellect on your part. :lmao:
Government is a form and part of Socialism. We have a Constitution, to prove it.
Government cannot be Capitalism unless it is voluntary.
Then why did you insist on government “being” capitalists in all of these posts? :dunno:
only lousy capitalists lose money on border policy.
only lousy capitalists lose money on border policy.
only lousy capitalists lose money on border policy.
Only lousy capitalists lose money on border policy and blame the Poor.
Good Capitalists solve their federal problems at the federal borders and make money, not lose money on enforcement.
We should not be losing money on border policy. Only lousy capitalists, do that.
laws are not capitalism. neither is Government.
Laws are not “socialism” either. Government is not “socialism” is either. Socialism is an economic system.

Why are you so ignorant?
yes; laws are a form of socialism. it must be so, for any form of social Order over social Chaos.
Socialism in an economic system, you nitwit. You see the word “social” in socialism and think it applies to any facet of life. :laugh:
I didn’t ask for a definition, dumb ass. I asked for the rate.
it doesn't really matter; it is the concept that has to be solved for to simplify Government and its Cost.
Of course it matters! How can you solve the “natural rate” if you don’t know what that “natural rate” is?!?

How can you plan without that rate? How can you prepare and distribute resources without that rate? How do you know if you’re being screwed by an unnatural rate if you don’t know what the actual “natural rate” is?

Typical left-wing nitwit. Forge ahead with an idea for without any idea about the scope of the problem, the cause of the problem, the proper solution for the problem, or an end game once the problem is solved.
Government cannot be Capitalism unless it is voluntary.
Then why did you insist on government “being” capitalists in all of these posts? :dunno:
only lousy capitalists lose money on border policy.
only lousy capitalists lose money on border policy.
only lousy capitalists lose money on border policy.
Only lousy capitalists lose money on border policy and blame the Poor.
Good Capitalists solve their federal problems at the federal borders and make money, not lose money on enforcement.
We should not be losing money on border policy. Only lousy capitalists, do that.
merely Using capitalism for all of its worth; that is all.
laws are not capitalism. neither is Government.
Laws are not “socialism” either. Government is not “socialism” is either. Socialism is an economic system.

Why are you so ignorant?
yes; laws are a form of socialism. it must be so, for any form of social Order over social Chaos.
Socialism in an economic system, you nitwit. You see the word “social” in socialism and think it applies to any facet of life. :laugh:
socialism includes Government.

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