The market celebrated the last month of complete and total Republican control.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose by 800 points on Friday morning after the monthly Labor Department jobs report showed the economy gained 312,000 jobs in December versus 176,000 expected.
When the Dumbocrats controlled everything in MaObama’s first two years, we saw above 10% unemployment, record debt, decreased savings, and significant loss of liberties.. When Republicans controlled everything for President Trump’s first two years, we saw record highs in the market, record low unemployment, higher incomes, and more freedom.

Dow rises 800 points after blowout jobs report, comments by Federal Reserve head
Prohibition is not a delegated power.
Neither is socialism... :lmao:
our form of social-ism is expressly limited by our Constitution.
So you not only don’t understand what the word socialism means (Mr. Social......ism :lmao: ) but you don’t understand even a simple term like “limited”. No wonder you struggle like you do.
you know it less; i am not making excuses.
President Trump and the Republicans have done more for minorities in 2 years than the Dumbocrat Party has done in 170 years...

Hispanic Unemployment Rate Hits Record Low in December

Thanks, Obama!

You’re such a buttplug, Buttplug. The reality you choose to ignore is that the Hispanic unemployment rate peaked at 13% due to Bush’s Great Recession. The previous low was 4.8%. To reach a record low, Hispanic unemployment would have to drop 8.2 points. It dropped only 1 point under Trump to reach that record low since it had already dropped a staggering 7.2 points under Obama; and continued that trend under Trump.

The reality you choose to ignore is that the Hispanic unemployment rate peaked at 13% due to Bush’s Great Recession. mean in 2009 under MaObama and the Dumbocrats?
:dance: :dance: :dance:
To reach a record low, Hispanic unemployment would have to drop 8.2 points. It dropped only 1 point under Trump to reach that record low since it had already dropped a staggering 7.2 points under Obama; and continued that trend under Trump.
Oh didn’t drop at all under MaObama and the Dumbocrats. In fact, it spiked. It didn’t drop until after the 2010 midterms, when Republicans took control off everything coast-to-coast.
President Trump and the Republicans have done more for minorities in 2 years than the Dumbocrat Party has done in 170 years...

Hispanic Unemployment Rate Hits Record Low in December
The reality you choose to ignore is that the Hispanic unemployment rate peaked at 13% due to Bush’s Great Recession. The previous low was 4.8%. To reach a record low, Hispanic unemployment would have to drop 8.2 points. It dropped only 1 point under Trump to reach that record low since it had already dropped a staggering 7.2 points under Obama; and continued that trend under Trump.
The reality you choose to ignore is that the Hispanic unemployment rate peaked at 13% due to Bush’s Great Recession. mean in 2009 under MaObama and the Dumbocrats?
:dance: :dance: :dance:
To reach a record low, Hispanic unemployment would have to drop 8.2 points. It dropped only 1 point under Trump to reach that record low since it had already dropped a staggering 7.2 points under Obama; and continued that trend under Trump.
Oh didn’t drop at all under MaObama and the Dumbocrats. In fact, it spiked. It didn’t drop until after the 2010 midterms, when Republicans took control off everything coast-to-coast.
” mean in 2009 under MaObama and the Dumbocrats?”

Buttplug, Bush’s Great Recession started in 2007, not 2009. :eusa_doh:

”Oh didn’t drop at all under MaObama and the Dumbocrats. In fact, it spiked.”

Liar. :eusa_naughty: I even gave you the link which shows it went from 13% to 5.8% under Obama.

”It didn’t drop until after the 2010 midterms, when Republicans took control off everything coast-to-coast.”


Numbnuts, according to your moronic ramblings, Democrats get credit for the hundreds of thousands of jobs added the last couple of months.

See how stupid you sound?
President Trump and the Republicans have done more for minorities in 2 years than the Dumbocrat Party has done in 170 years...

Hispanic Unemployment Rate Hits Record Low in December
The reality you choose to ignore is that the Hispanic unemployment rate peaked at 13% due to Bush’s Great Recession. The previous low was 4.8%. To reach a record low, Hispanic unemployment would have to drop 8.2 points. It dropped only 1 point under Trump to reach that record low since it had already dropped a staggering 7.2 points under Obama; and continued that trend under Trump.
There’s no spin, Buttplug. Reality is not spin just because it annoys you. And the reality is to hit an all time low of 4.8%, Hispanic unemployment had to drop from 13%, where it was in August, 2009 following Bush’s Great Recession, to 4.8%, which it hit in November, 2017.

That’s a drop of 8.2 points. It was 5.8% when Obama left office. It was 5.0% just 2 months later, before Trump’s policies had much effect and while we were still operating under Obama’s budget.

The reality you sadly hide under your bed from is that it dropped:

Obama: 7.2 points
Trump: 1.0 point

And that’s all it takes for you to lie just so you can fluff trump.

“Oh didn’t drop at all under MaObama and the Dumbocrats. In fact, it spiked.”

Liar. :eusa_naughty: I even gave you the link which shows it went from 13% to 5.8% under Obama.
Children, Faun Over Men is the perfect example of why you should stay in school. As I highlighted above (in red), I said “MaObama and the Dumbocrats”. When they were in control of everything for 2 long years, the economy collapsed. Unemployment hit above 10% despite MaObama’s “promise” that it would never hit 8% if we just passed his stimulus package.

So when did it drop “under” MaObama? Oh yeah, after the 2010 midterm “shellacking” (MaObama’s own word) when Republicans took control of everything coast-to-coast and implemented proven conservative policy. The astounding turnaround in Wisconsin had nothing to do with MaObama and everything to do with Scott Walker.

See kids, Faun Over Men is what is known as a “parasite”. He wants to mooch off of society so he doesn’t have to work and provide for himself. To achieve that, he needs Dumbocrats in office. And to achieve that, he must deny reality, lie, and push loads of propaganda.
Reality is not spin just because it annoys you. And the reality is to hit an all time low of 4.8%, Hispanic unemployment had to drop from 13%, where it was in August, 2009 following Bush’s Great Recession
MaObama was President in 2009. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

And Congress had been controlled by the Dumbocrats for 2 years at that point.:lmao:

Like I said, Faun Over Men...

“Oh didn’t drop at all under MaObama and the Dumbocrats. In fact, it spiked.”

Liar. :eusa_naughty: I even gave you the link which shows it went from 13% to 5.8% under Obama.
Children, Faun Over Men is the perfect example of why you should stay in school. As I highlighted above (in red), I said “MaObama and the Dumbocrats”. When they were in control of everything for 2 long years, the economy collapsed. Unemployment hit above 10% despite MaObama’s “promise” that it would never hit 8% if we just passed his stimulus package.

So when did it drop “under” MaObama? Oh yeah, after the 2010 midterm “shellacking” (MaObama’s own word) when Republicans took control of everything coast-to-coast and implemented proven conservative policy. The astounding turnaround in Wisconsin had nothing to do with MaObama and everything to do with Scott Walker.

See kids, Faun Over Men is what is known as a “parasite”. He wants to mooch off of society so he doesn’t have to work and provide for himself. To achieve that, he needs Dumbocrats in office. And to achieve that, he must deny reality, lie, and push loads of propaganda.

Poor Buttplug, the unemployment rate began falling before Republicans took control of the House. Not to mention, with Democrats still in control of the Executive branch and the Senate, Republicans in the House has no power to pass any legislation.

Still, under Obama, Hispanic unemployment dropped 7.2 points from 13.0% to 5.8%. It dropped 1 point from 5.8% to 4.8% under trump to reach the all time low.

Buttplug fluffs trump. :suck:
Reality is not spin just because it annoys you. And the reality is to hit an all time low of 4.8%, Hispanic unemployment had to drop from 13%, where it was in August, 2009 following Bush’s Great Recession
MaObama was President in 2009. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

And Congress had been controlled by the Dumbocrats for 2 years at that point.:lmao:

Like I said, Faun Over Men...

So? Hispanic unemployment peaked at 13% due to Bush’s Great Recession. That was caused by toxic real estate loans being given years earlier, which you moronically believe weren’t given until Democrats took control of the Congress in 2007.

That proves you’re retarded. :cuckoo:
So? Hispanic unemployment peaked at 13% due to Bush’s Great Recession. That was caused by toxic real estate loans being given years earlier, which you moronically believe weren’t given until Democrats took control of the Congress in 2007.
No, I’m on record all over USMB stating that the “toxic loans” were the result of Bill Clinton’s 1997 Community Re-investment Act which essentially forced banks to make the bad loans. Because, ya know, socialism. Everyone should own a home - whether they can afford it or not. This is what happens when government interferes. And your solution to problems caused by government interference is more government interference? Bwahahaha! Typical left-wing parasite. More government so you can do more mooching off of society.

In any case, as usual, your entire post is 100% inaccurate.
the unemployment rate began falling before Republicans took control of the House.
Your very disturbing obsession with homosexual toys and terms aside, the unemployment rate skyrocketed under MaObama and the Dumbocrats. The day MaObama was sworn in, the unemployment rate was 7% and change. After they “promised” that unemployment would never reach 8% of we passed their idiotic (and unconstitutional) “stimulus package”. Well, we did. And unemployment skyrocketed above 10%. Those are the facts and they cannot be disputed.
Not to mention, with Democrats still in control of the Executive branch and the Senate, Republicans in the House has no power to pass any legislation.
Because economic prosperity only occurs at the federal level? :lmao:

1. Republicans had power to prevent legislation. That gave investors and business owners confidence to invest, hire, expand, etc.

2. Jobs were created by policy at the state and local levels (where Republicans kicked the living shit out of the Dumbocrats). Scott Walker literally saved Wisconsin. John Kasich turned around Ohio. Rick Snyder drastically turned around Michigan.

It’s ok, Faun Over Men. We know you’ve been so busy getting off on your gay porn sites (and the gay emojis here on USMB) that you have no time to learn the facts. So I’ll keep feeding them to you like your boyfriends feed you their loads. :itsok:
So? Hispanic unemployment peaked at 13% due to Bush’s Great Recession. That was caused by toxic real estate loans being given years earlier, which you moronically believe weren’t given until Democrats took control of the Congress in 2007.
No, I’m on record all over USMB stating that the “toxic loans” were the result of Bill Clinton’s 1997 Community Re-investment Act which essentially forced banks to make the bad loans. Because, ya know, socialism. Everyone should own a home - whether they can afford it or not. This is what happens when government interferes. And your solution to problems caused by government interference is more government interference? Bwahahaha! Typical left-wing parasite. More government so you can do more mooching off of society.

In any case, as usual, your entire post is 100% inaccurate.
”No, I’m on record all over USMB stating that the “toxic loans” were the result of Bill Clinton’s 1997 Community Re-investment Act which essentially forced banks to make the bad loans.”


You’re on record???

You’re a fucking imbecile. Meaning anything you posted “on record” is fucking rightarded. Need I remind you, you also said Obama was president in 2007. It matters not what you said, especially since the CRA had little to do with the economic collapse.

And of course, none of your rhetoric alters the reality that Hispanic unemployment fell from 13% to 5.8% under Obama, and continued falling to 5% just 2 months after Obama left office. It fell an additional 0.2 points later in the year to reach its all time low of 4.8%.

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