The Bolton Bombshell (from his book)

Don't call things conspiracy theories, when you don't know the facts.
Nonsense. They are conspiracy theories because the person forwarding the theory does not have facts to support it.
There is a longgggg list of murders and facts . Just because you are ignorant of them, doesn't mean they're not there. :slap:

And the Clinton body count isn't a theory being forwarded by one person. It is common knowledge thats been reported by many people.
Again, trump does not have to prove his innocence to a bullshit charge
Nobody said he had to. But an innocent person would readily do this, at trial

But Trump is guilty as shit, and everyone knows this. Even you cultists, who are just bad actors.
That's what You're doing . Bad acting. They couldn't come up with something more believable than this ridiculous farce ?

Come up with? We didn't make this shit up you baffoon. Some whistleblower who worked inside the whitehouse told on him after he heard the inappropriate call. Then a dozen people showed up to testify that it's true. Trump did what we say he did.

But now you want to say it's not illegal? Well it's impeachable dipshit.

The only reason Trump is safe is because the Republicans senators are afraid if they do the right thing they'll lose their next elections. We're hoping that happens because they are defending this criminal.

No witnesses? They don't want to call any witnesses? What a sham.
Don't call things conspiracy theories, when you don't know the facts.
Nonsense. They are conspiracy theories because the person forwarding the theory does not have facts to support it.
There is a longgggg list of murders and facts . Just because you are ignorant of them, doesn't mean they're not there. :slap:

Same way Trump really isn't a billionaire. There's a long list of facts that corroborate this but you are ignorant of them. Now if Trump would just release his taxes we could show you but he won't so you remain ignorant.
Its a lib lie accusing trump of being a pedophile

Libs are getting desperate
Impeached Trump was accused of pedophilia by Katie Johnson.
I accuse you of violation of US Code 8 Section 1324. I also accuse you of 10 other things. You are accused.
Faun is innocent.
What makes you think so ? And how about you ?
Well if you say Trump is innocent because he's a Republican then I say Faun is innocent because he/she's a liberal. And if Trump will never admit being wrong even when he's cold busted then why should we ever? Seems you live in a world where facts don't matter.

For example, do you believe he never had sex with Stormy Daniels?
I don't care if he did. That's his business, his wife's business, and none of yours.
Don't call things conspiracy theories, when you don't know the facts.
Nonsense. They are conspiracy theories because the person forwarding the theory does not have facts to support it.
There is a longgggg list of murders and facts . Just because you are ignorant of them, doesn't mean they're not there. :slap:

Same way Trump really isn't a billionaire. There's a long list of facts that corroborate this but you are ignorant of them. Now if Trump would just release his taxes we could show you but he won't so you remain ignorant.
I hear you talking about this long list of facts. I don't see you presenting them.

When I mentioned a long list of facts, I presented them here, with a link.
Again, trump does not have to prove his innocence to a bullshit charge
Nobody said he had to. But an innocent person would readily do this, at trial

But Trump is guilty as shit, and everyone knows this. Even you cultists, who are just bad actors.
That's what You're doing . Bad acting. They couldn't come up with something more believable than this ridiculous farce ?

Come up with? We didn't make this shit up you baffoon. Some whistleblower who worked inside the whitehouse told on him after he heard the inappropriate call. Then a dozen people showed up to testify that it's true. Trump did what we say he did.

But now you want to say it's not illegal? Well it's impeachable dipshit.

The only reason Trump is safe is because the Republicans senators are afraid if they do the right thing they'll lose their next elections. We're hoping that happens because they are defending this criminal.

No witnesses? They don't want to call any witnesses? What a sham.
You idiot. I'm not saying there was no phone call. Trump himself released the transcript immediately, when Democrats started this laughingstock scam. We all saw it.

The point is there's no wrongdoing. Trump enquired about Ukrainian corruption, clearly with good reason, and acted appropriately, as is required of a POTUS. Good job, Mr President.

As for his phone call being impeachable, kids in the 5th grade would day that doesn't even deserve the dignity of a response, except for this - :laugh:
Refusing all document requests and witness testimony. It’s almost as if there’s something Trump doesn’t want us to know.
Look up the facts....every president at one time or another including Obama pleaded executive order with can't be this has to do with national one knows what a witness may could be an innocent remark that starts a war....grow up man....take the loss like a grown up and work against Trump if you want but to make shit up and turn common presidential practice illegal is dangerous....
True, witnesses can say anything -- which is exactly the reason the House conducted those interviews behind closed doors.
Witnesses will extend the trial and ultimately increase the dems pain....
If that were true, Republicans would have a yuge line of witnesses to call. Are you ever not stupid?
Its not "the republicans" dummy its Trump's legal team and they want four witnesses so far...Hunter....Joe....Schiff...and the so called treasonous whistle blower....

What a preposterous claim that the whistle blower is a traitor.
Again, trump does not have to prove his innocence to a bullshit charge
Nobody said he had to. But an innocent person would readily do this, at trial

But Trump is guilty as shit, and everyone knows this. Even you cultists, who are just bad actors.
That's what You're doing . Bad acting. They couldn't come up with something more believable than this ridiculous farce ?

Come up with? We didn't make this shit up you baffoon. Some whistleblower who worked inside the whitehouse told on him after he heard the inappropriate call. Then a dozen people showed up to testify that it's true. Trump did what we say he did.

But now you want to say it's not illegal? Well it's impeachable dipshit.

The only reason Trump is safe is because the Republicans senators are afraid if they do the right thing they'll lose their next elections. We're hoping that happens because they are defending this criminal.

No witnesses? They don't want to call any witnesses? What a sham.
You idiot. I'm not saying there was no phone call. Trump himself released the transcript immediately, when Democrats started this laughingstock scam. We all saw it.

The point is there's no wrongdoing. Trump enquired about Ukrainian corruption, clearly with good reason, and acted appropriately, as is required of a POTUS. Good job, Mr President.

As for his phone call being impeachable, kids in the 5th grade would day that doesn't even deserve the dignity of a response, except for this - :laugh:

It wasn't a transcript, it was a summary which is different. A transcript is an official record of exactly what was said, word for word. A summary is a briefing which does not contain a word for word account. In other words, there is missing information that could change the meaning of the conversation.
Again, trump does not have to prove his innocence to a bullshit charge
Nobody said he had to. But an innocent person would readily do this, at trial

But Trump is guilty as shit, and everyone knows this. Even you cultists, who are just bad actors.
That's what You're doing . Bad acting. They couldn't come up with something more believable than this ridiculous farce ?

Come up with? We didn't make this shit up you baffoon. Some whistleblower who worked inside the whitehouse told on him after he heard the inappropriate call. Then a dozen people showed up to testify that it's true. Trump did what we say he did.

But now you want to say it's not illegal? Well it's impeachable dipshit.

The only reason Trump is safe is because the Republicans senators are afraid if they do the right thing they'll lose their next elections. We're hoping that happens because they are defending this criminal.

No witnesses? They don't want to call any witnesses? What a sham.
You idiot. I'm not saying there was no phone call. Trump himself released the transcript immediately, when Democrats started this laughingstock scam. We all saw it.

The point is there's no wrongdoing. Trump enquired about Ukrainian corruption, clearly with good reason, and acted appropriately, as is required of a POTUS. Good job, Mr President.

As for his phone call being impeachable, kids in the 5th grade would day that doesn't even deserve the dignity of a response, except for this - :laugh:

It wasn't a transcript, it was a summary which is different. A transcript is an official record of exactly what was said, word for word. A summary is a briefing which does not contain a word for word account. In other words, there is missing information that could change the meaning of the conversation.
Not hardly . Zelensky himself has said all along, that he wasn't pressured, and even if he had been, that would be a good thing. Keeping U S aid $$$ away from corrupt regimes.

Good work, Mr President, protecting US $$$ and interests, as usual.
Last edited:
Irrelevant, we're talking about the president.

Then why did you bring it up?

Because civil officers can be Impeached. I also included the VP.

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

But we're talking about the president.
Not without Due Process, and you have violated Due Process since day 1.

That and you have no actual evidence to even prove your non impeachable non existent crimes which are no where found in US Code.

There doesn't have to be a crime. It may not be a "crime" to try to get a foreign country to make up fake dirt on your political opponent but it's certainly an impeachable offense.

Republicans are going with the defense that while it was wrong for him to do that, it's not a high crime or misdemeanor. But they know that's a lie. And if or when they let him get away with it, Trump will do it again and much worse. What's to stop him?

If not the Senate then us voters will stop him.
It was only impeachable w/o a crime when Clinton was in the dock.


Clinton admittedly broke the law.
Then why did you bring it up?

Because civil officers can be Impeached. I also included the VP.

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

But we're talking about the president.
Not without Due Process, and you have violated Due Process since day 1.

That and you have no actual evidence to even prove your non impeachable non existent crimes which are no where found in US Code.

There doesn't have to be a crime. It may not be a "crime" to try to get a foreign country to make up fake dirt on your political opponent but it's certainly an impeachable offense.

Republicans are going with the defense that while it was wrong for him to do that, it's not a high crime or misdemeanor. But they know that's a lie. And if or when they let him get away with it, Trump will do it again and much worse. What's to stop him?

If not the Senate then us voters will stop him.
It was only impeachable w/o a crime when Clinton was in the dock.


Clinton admittedly broke the law.
I know this wasn't part of his impeachment proceedings, but few people in America have broken the law more then the Clintons. They are serial killers, and have been for 40 years.
Again, trump does not have to prove his innocence to a bullshit charge
Nobody said he had to. But an innocent person would readily do this, at trial

But Trump is guilty as shit, and everyone knows this. Even you cultists, who are just bad actors.
That's what You're doing . Bad acting. They couldn't come up with something more believable than this ridiculous farce ?

Come up with? We didn't make this shit up you baffoon. Some whistleblower who worked inside the whitehouse told on him after he heard the inappropriate call. Then a dozen people showed up to testify that it's true. Trump did what we say he did.

But now you want to say it's not illegal? Well it's impeachable dipshit.

The only reason Trump is safe is because the Republicans senators are afraid if they do the right thing they'll lose their next elections. We're hoping that happens because they are defending this criminal.

No witnesses? They don't want to call any witnesses? What a sham.
You idiot. I'm not saying there was no phone call. Trump himself released the transcript immediately, when Democrats started this laughingstock scam. We all saw it.

The point is there's no wrongdoing. Trump enquired about Ukrainian corruption, clearly with good reason, and acted appropriately, as is required of a POTUS. Good job, Mr President.

As for his phone call being impeachable, kids in the 5th grade would day that doesn't even deserve the dignity of a response, except for this - :laugh:

It wasn't a transcript, it was a summary which is different. A transcript is an official record of exactly what was said, word for word. A summary is a briefing which does not contain a word for word account. In other words, there is missing information that could change the meaning of the conversation.

Bullshit! You lie!
Again, trump does not have to prove his innocence to a bullshit charge

democrats have been looking for dirt on trump since the day he walked down the escalator in trump tower

does anyone really believe they hated trump before he beat queen hillary?

Yes we've been looking for dirt and we actually found some. Republicans have been looking for dirt on Obama/Hillary and they've found nothing. Doesn't stop them from looking.

And even when it's a fact that the Biden's are innocent, you right wing cock suckers keep pushing the narrative that there is something there. That's because you don't care if there is actually something there. You just want to smear your opponent. I already see you doing to Biden what you did to Hillary.

Well you can't talk abut creepy Joe when you have pedophile Trump running your party. I bet Trump misses Jeff Epstein.
Its a lib lie accusing trump of being a pedophile

Libs are getting desperate
Impeached Trump was accused of pedophilia by Katie Johnson.
I accuse you of violation of US Code 8 Section 1324. I also accuse you of 10 other things. You are accused.
Faun is innocent.
In lib la la land you have to prove he’s innocent
Again, trump does not have to prove his innocence to a bullshit charge
Nobody said he had to. But an innocent person would readily do this, at trial

But Trump is guilty as shit, and everyone knows this. Even you cultists, who are just bad actors.
Your response:

“its true trump does not have to prove his innocence”

“but till he does he is presumed guilty”
Again, trump does not have to prove his innocence to a bullshit charge
Nobody said he had to. But an innocent person would readily do this, at trial

But Trump is guilty as shit, and everyone knows this. Even you cultists, who are just bad actors.
Your response:

“its true trump does not have to prove his innocence”

“but till he does he is presumed guilty”
Excuse you. I didn't say that, nor would I say that.
Again, trump does not have to prove his innocence to a bullshit charge

democrats have been looking for dirt on trump since the day he walked down the escalator in trump tower

does anyone really believe they hated trump before he beat queen hillary?

Yes we've been looking for dirt and we actually found some. Republicans have been looking for dirt on Obama/Hillary and they've found nothing. Doesn't stop them from looking.

And even when it's a fact that the Biden's are innocent, you right wing cock suckers keep pushing the narrative that there is something there. That's because you don't care if there is actually something there. You just want to smear your opponent. I already see you doing to Biden what you did to Hillary.

Well you can't talk abut creepy Joe when you have pedophile Trump running your party. I bet Trump misses Jeff Epstein.
Its a lib lie accusing trump of being a pedophile

Libs are getting desperate
Impeached Trump was accused of pedophilia by Katie Johnson.
She can accuse all she wants

that does not make it so
Can we get a sample of his DNA?

E. Jean Carroll, Who Says Trump Raped Her, Seeks His DNA
Lawyers want to determine whether Trump’s genetic material is on a dress that the advice columnist says she wore during the encounter.

Lawyers for a woman who accuses President Donald Trump of raping her in the 1990s are asking for a DNA sample, seeking to determine whether his genetic material is on a dress she says she wore during the encounter.

Advice columnist E. Jean Carroll’s lawyers served notice to a Trump attorney Thursday for Trump to submit a sample on March 2 in Washington for “analysis and comparison against unidentified male DNA present on the dress.”

Remember Monica's dress?

E. Jean Carroll, Who Says Trump Raped Her, Seeks His DNA | HuffPost
At best all she can prove is that they may have had a sexual encounter

but that does not prove rape

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