The “Bombshell”: President Trump reached for steering wheel of limo and fought with Secret Service Agents.

Lol, OK shortbus. It's all over TV. Trumps own people saying that's exactly what he did. Trumps own words say>no pence did not have the balls. Oh believe he gets away with it the dems will do it only better.

Any chance these people saying these things might have a book or opportunity on landing a cushy job in news?

ie, personal gain for turning on him...
Any chance these people saying these things might have a book or opportunity on landing a cushy job in news?

ie, personal gain for turning on him...
Lol, what ever dumb fuck. We have the texts. It's OK though. Either they are held responsible or we do the same thing. You take your pick. The bus has already left the building. That's how shit works.
So the crux seems to be that Trump thought he could accomplish something by going there himself. Secret Service did not want him to and Trump tried to turn the wheel in the direction he wanted.
Somewhere in that is the elusive illegality that should hound him for all time and prevent him from ever being President again.
Im missing the argument here. She is actually defending Trump here. Does no one else understand that?
LOL, how can anyone take this sham shit show seriously?

I've been in a few "limos" over the years and I'm not quite sure how you could reach for the steering wheel of one when you're sitting in the back seat. Especially when you're as fat as Donald Trump is. Just saying...
Jan 6th dumb fuck. If Trump gets any with trying to overthrow an election with fake electors and having the Vp throw out the election why would we not do exactly that only better. Pence did not know he would not go to jail. If Trump and Eastman as well as others do t go to jail our people will know they can avoid jail only do the whole scheme and stay in power. No consequences why the he'll not. Yall are providing a road map as we speak. No jail for the conspiracy we will do it and do it better. Why the hell not.
what are you talking about? the “evidence” today showed that trump was riding shotgun in the front of the presidential limo and grabbing the wheel to try and get to the capitol to stop the riots

he was heroic
Special guest star "mystery witness" randomly comes out AFTER they were done for the month lead by the Neo-Con Cheney and after Roe vs Wade decision. Huh.

I wonder if she will get a special "gofundme" for security concerns or if someone will go oldschool and just leave a suitcase full of cash for her

Kind of reminds me of how towards the end of the 2008 campaign, Harry Reid desperately screeched out that Mitt Romney didn't pay taxes for 10 years. He had no evidence, no sources, and no corroboration. He just made it up on the spot, and blurted it out. That's what this feels like.
what are you talking about? the “evidence” today showed that trump was riding shotgun in the front of the presidential limo and grabbing the wheel to try and get to the capitol to stop the riots

he was heroic
Lol, OK shortbus. Gas light all ya want it ain't working. We know the deal and if Trump gets away with the shit we will do the same ploy only right. Get ready for it. No consequences no reason not to do it.
Lol, OK shortbus. Gas light all ya want it ain't working. We know the deal and if Trump gets away with the shit we will do the same ploy only right. Get ready for it. No consequences no reason not to do it.
what am i gaslighting? that was the bombshell testimony today

why do you think it’s gaslighting? why would liz allow that?
Lol, OK shortbus. Gas light all ya want it ain't working. We know the deal and if Trump gets away with the shit we will do the same ploy only right. Get ready for it. No consequences no reason not to do it.

"Shortbus, dumbfuck." You gotta come up with new material evenflow1969...

It plays like this, how would Trump even grab the wheel?

Jan 6th dumb fuck. If Trump gets any with trying to overthrow an election with fake electors and having the Vp throw out the election why would we not do exactly that only better. Pence did not know he would not go to jail. If Trump and Eastman as well as others do t go to jail our people will know they can avoid jail only do the whole scheme and stay in power. No consequences why the he'll not. Yall are providing a road map as we speak. No jail for the conspiracy we will do it and do it better. Why the hell not.
Progs already do these things. You steal elections across the nation. And you contest others until you win unless you screwed up.
Lol, OK shortbus. Gas light all ya want it ain't working. We know the deal and if Trump gets away with the shit we will do the same ploy only right. Get ready for it. No consequences no reason not to do it.

Hey shortbus!!
Why didnt you post links when I asked you to?
We know,it's because you have nothing.
Progs already do these things. You steal elections across the nation. And you contest others until you win unless you screwed up.
He gets away with it we have a road map. Enjoy what is coming. No consequences no reason we won't do it.

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