The “Bombshell”: President Trump reached for steering wheel of limo and fought with Secret Service Agents.

The bitch that said it happen never saw it happen. She is lying.

However, if it is true then Trump had every right to be pissed, The Democrats had stolen an election from the American people and the goddamn cowardly Congress and The Swamp was going to let them get away with instead of doing the right thing and calling for an audit.

We Americans were also chickenshits. Our Founding Fathers warned us that tyrants were going to do despicable things and gave us the power to hold them accountable. Instead we did nothing and that is a shame. Shame on all of us.

Shame on this country!
First off when did ya ask to post links? Ya did not. Second off like I give to shits what you ask for. Get ready for what's coming Trump gave us a road map. No consequences for his actions we will use the road map. Enjoy it. I will.

Okay short bus of attention.
So she wasn't even there?
Isn't that hearsay?
The two SS men attacked by the president in the car, told her....they were there, but you are correct, she wasn't in the car.

It would take a DOJ investigation to subpoena and get their direct testimony imo, cuz I doubt they would for the committee, claiming executive privilege.....?
The two SS men attacked by the president in the car, told her....they were there, but you are correct, she wasn't in the car.

It would take a DOJ investigation to subpoena and get their direct testimony imo, cuz I doubt they would for the committee, claiming executive privilege.....?

Shouldnt they be the ones testifying?
The two SS men attacked by the president in the car, told her....they were there, but you are correct, she wasn't in the car.

It would take a DOJ investigation to subpoena and get their direct testimony imo, cuz I doubt they would for the committee, claiming executive privilege.....?

Idle curiosity, let's say it's all true ( :D:D ), what would it prove? That Trump wanted to go to the capital? For all we know, he would've wanted to stop the riot.
First off when did ya ask to post links? Ya did not. Second off like I give to shits what you ask for. Get ready for what's coming Trump gave us a road map. No consequences for his actions we will use the road map. Enjoy it. I will.

Uh....right after you posted your bullshit.
LOL, how can anyone take this sham shit show seriously?

You better start doing so because the testimony was about more than that. It showed trumps state of mind and he could have problems.

A person goes to jail for attacking federal security.
LOL, how can anyone take this sham shit show seriously?

1. He knew there were armed people in the crowd.

2. He psyched the crowd up to match on the capital and "fight"

3. He wanted to join the and lost his shit when he couldn't.

I am sure DOJ are looking at this now.
I'm sure the committee tried or will try..... This is something new...

Imo, they likely have been told by the former president to exert executive privilege, and wont....but we'll see....

Did ya ever think they might be pulling shit out of their ass like they always do?
1. He knew there were armed people in the crowd.

2. He psyched the crowd up to match on the capital and "fight"

3. He wanted to join the and lost his shit when he couldn't.

I am sure DOJ are looking at this now.

I swear, people always gloss over the " march peacefully and patriotically" part... I mean, wtf?!

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