The books coming out on the Trump administration, and what has to happen now

The hard-core numbers are dwindling.....for various reasons: 1) some of them are dying off from age and Covid, 2) some are actually waking up to the con-man's cons, 3) due to their double digit IQs, they are getting bored and can't retain interest
This is the downside of Bidens American Rescue Plan. It puts money into the pockets of people who would rather send it to Trump, than use it on their family.
Trump's 4 years brought peace and prosperity.

Only if you think Recession is prosperous and Jan.6th attack on the Congress of United States was peaceful.
That's the Dim/Fauci recession, you fucking NAZI.
I don't give a shit what you think about it, a recession is a recession, so you rw morons talking about the supposed prosperity during Trump's presidency need to SOMEHOW aknowledge the reality that YES, WE WERE IN A RECESSION and still grappling with a historic pandemic by the time Trump got ejected out of the White House.

Hahahahaha the Trump economy was on fire and it kills you leftists so much you have to make shit up.
Entertaining as hell. Leftists deluding themselves is my favorite!
That's why they were so frantic to defeat Trump. They needed a major catastrophe to do it.

Yup, the major catastrophe was tRump himself!!!!
That's why they were so frantic to defeat Trump. They needed a major catastrophe to do it.
Yup, the major catastrophe was tRump himself!!!!
9-11 was a major catastrophe, the coronavirus was a major catastrophe. The difference is that George W. Bush did something about his catastrophe, while Trump ignored his.

Which is why Bush got re-elected by 3 million votes, and Trump got thrown out of office by 7 million votes..
That's why they were so frantic to defeat Trump. They needed a major catastrophe to do it.
Yup, the major catastrophe was tRump himself!!!!
9-11 was a major catastrophe, the coronavirus was a major catastrophe. The difference is that George W. Bush did something about his catastrophe, while Trump ignored his.

Which is why Bush got re-elected by 3 million votes, and Trump got thrown out of office by 7 million votes..
Trump did not create COVID, moron. Trump did do something. He created the vaccine that Reich Fuhrer Biden is always trying to take credit for.
9-11 was a major catastrophe, the coronavirus was a major catastrophe. The difference is that George W. Bush did something about his catastrophe, while Trump ignored his.

Which is why Bush got re-elected by 3 million votes, and Trump got thrown out of office by 7 million votes..
Trump did not create COVID, moron.
Bush didn't create 9-11.

Think for once.
That's why they were so frantic to defeat Trump. They needed a major catastrophe to do it.
Yup, the major catastrophe was tRump himself!!!!
9-11 was a major catastrophe, the coronavirus was a major catastrophe. The difference is that George W. Bush did something about his catastrophe, while Trump ignored his.

Which is why Bush got re-elected by 3 million votes, and Trump got thrown out of office by 7 million votes..
Trump did not create COVID, moron. Trump did do something. He created the vaccine that Reich Fuhrer Biden is always trying to take credit for.

These stupid Moon Bats don't know that it Joe Dufus's Chicom buddies that released the virus, do they? Did CNN tell them that the virus was caused by Trump? I wouldn't doubt it.
So I guess there are three or four books coming out that outline some pretty disturbing stuff that allegedly took place in the White House between 2017 and 2021. More after that, no doubt.

Little I've heard about is surprising, given what we already know. But the details coming out about Trump's generals and their discussions on how to handle him if he went off the deep end are significant.

If this stuff is true, then this country REALLY needs these people to surrender their anonymity and speak out to confirm the reports. Yes, their lives will then be in danger, and those of their loved ones. But I hope they decide to speak on the record, and the same goes for the unnamed sources in the other books. Perhaps if enough of them speak out the danger will be reduced.

I know this is asking a lot, but the country needs you right now, folks.

I understand the dems need keep Trump's insurrection foremost if only to satisfy their own voters, and there are voters not in the Red Bernie and Squad ilk that do not approve of Trump's ties to authoritarianism - namely the Hillary voters who never got over 16. And I understand you aren't anymore a died (-: in the wool D than I am.

But really the dems fortunes lie in A. not being tied to the BLM defund the police who think Castro was somehow ok because he championed a biracial, classless society ... where all individuals matter for nothing except the perpetuation of the communist state and B economic growth that actually benefits the families raising two or more kids on 90K a year or less.
Agreed. I think that on a broader scale, The GQP votes are mostly baked in, and they'll get huge turnout because of their misguided paranoia.

For the Dems, the challenges are the economy & inflation, crime, how many people have had enough of all the various "woke" crap, and turnout.
Absolutely. Imo it's all but certain the dems get swamped by turnout in 20 .... and covid vaccinations have a bearing because the Trumpidiots think getting is some deep state conspiracy. Given BLM and the Squad and Cuba, I don't see how the dems can convince voters they aren't nuts..... because they are.
Our military leadership changed from being respected and feared to being the joke of the world.

China is laughing their yellow asses off.

It really paid off to put their man in the White House.

It really did. Trump's idiocy enabled China to become the largest, most dominant economy in the world. His trade war enabled China to cancel all of their contracts for American rice and soy beans and move those markets to Mexico and South America expanding China's economic influence into those markets.

China is now using the same strategy that the USA used with their trade surpluses: building infrastructure in Third World countries to win allies, and have them beholding to you. Building their alliances and power throughout the world.

Last but not least, Trump refused to call out China on its human rights abuses, and actually encourage Xi to build internment camps and persecute the Muslims in China. He refused to defend democratic protestors in Hong Kong, or to promote democracy or human rights abroad.

Trump sold out to the Chinese really cheaply. A handful of personal trade marks for Ivanka, a $500 million loan for Junior, which was never used, and a $15 million payment to Trump's "super secret" Chinese bank account,.

"Your fellow traveler quoting unnamed sources also"
Shux, my bad.
I thought by naming William Barr as the speaker and then putting his words within quotation marks, that would suffice to demonstrate that it wasn't an anonymous or unnamed source. Here, lemme try once again. Please note the text inside the quotation marks.

Wm. Barr: “I feel like you are going to lose the election… I feel like you are actually losing touch with your own base…

“I have yet to meet anybody who supports you who hasn’t said to me, ‘We love the president, but would you please tell him to turn it back a bit?’… You are going to lose because there’s going to be enough people who otherwise would vote for you who are just tired of the acrimony, the pettiness, the punching down and picking a fight at every moment, and the apparent chaos, and they’re just going to say, ‘We’re tired of this shit.’…

“I think that if you wanted to you could walk into a second term, COVID and all. You could go down in history as an amazing president, and it’s yours for the taking. But it’s about you, and you’re turning off enough people to lose the election.”

What William Barr is reported to have told Don Trump tracks closely with what Trump's own pollster, Tony Fabrizio, told him AFTER he had lost. To wit: people think you are untrustworthy, and incompetent.

[* that last sentence referencing Tony Fabrizio, is NOT from Barr. That is from my avatar. It was added because it added context to what Barr DID say. In short, the people around Trump, people who were connected and informed, and, in Fabrizio's case....actually paid by Trump for his insights were telling him. They were telling he's gonna lose. And why he lost.]

Trump is a coward and turns on everyone. His statement is pathetic.
That statement against General Milley is revolting.
Recall Don Trump boasting that he would hire only "the best people"......and then he turns on so many of them. Savages their reputations.
Most all who enter that orbit have come out of it by being trashed by the boss. Don Trump damages all that come close.
As Barr said...Trump "punches down". There is no grace there. There is no gravitas with Don Trump.
In my humble opinion.

"Just because they reprint excerpts from these books doesn't make them any less bs."
Umm, poster 'j-mac'......Don Trump said it. In interviews. On tape. Didn't you see the media references that described that he sat down ---in Mar-A-Lago ---- with dozens of reporters writing more than a dozen books, and answered their question?

So, if you feel it is "bs".....well, partner, you need look only at the source.


"Those books are too late for the party now. Unlike books that came out when Trump was the POTUS, those books will not sell well. WTF, will buy them,"

Well, I cannot opine on whether they will sell or not. Nor who will buy 'em. Whadahell do I know about the book publishing and marketing business?

But.....more important than whether there is a dollar to be made is that these books will become embedded in the historical record.
I'm mildly sure you know that intuitively. People describing their close interaction with Don Trump is to be expected. Folks go into White House service with a keen sense of history. Witness, all of the personal diaries, journals, and on-the-spot notes that so many such folks maintain and offer up...eventualyl.....for the historical record. Think Nicholas Hay who served Lincoln. I would conjecture all....or damn near all.....keep notes.

And, in fact, we know that sense of history is on Don Trump's mind. That is why he agreed to sit down with so many reporters ---in Mar-A-Lago--- all of them writing an 'end of Presidency' book. He was trying to work the refs, to shine his apple, so that history wouldn't depreciate his time in office and/or his personal character.

These books are value-added to the public's knowledge, and the public's discourse on those people who govern us. Without these books ....well, who is gonna tell us how it all came down? I don't have a pipeline into the White House or the top level of Agencies. So, if someone doesn't describe it to me.....I could never know. So, in the end, these books add context, nuance, insight, and transparency to our governance.

Good for us.
Trump inherited an aging economic expansion that was, under normal circumstances, about to end.
Baloney. The economy was set to continue it's steady expansion. The mismanagement of the response to the new virus is all on Dr. Trumpenstein.
Wolff's book is instructive because of the argument at its heart -- that Trump was not a proto-dictator scheming to seize power, but a bumbling amateur incapable of organizing any serious threat to the nation.

Wolff rejects the portrait of Trump as someone engaged in "a corrupt, cynical, despotic effort to hold on to power and to subvert democracy." Instead, he suggests that what happened to Trump was "a far more complicated human and political tale of desperation and delusion," one in which Trump was an incompetent leader who haplessly wandered into an insurrection, only to be abandoned by his allies, like former Attorney General William Barr, and emerge in the end "a team of one."

He called for a protest to put political pressure on Congress. It got out of hand. There was a small, short riot, of a few hours.

Considering the HUNDREDS OF RIOTS from the left over the four years of the Trump presidency, one would expect that the ONE riot from the right, would not get much attention.

Unless of course, the libtards feel like using it to distract from their own far worse and far more numerous riots.
It was much bigger than a small riot, and it was incited by Trump and his cronnies with lies about election fraud that never happened.

It was one of the biggest disgraces in US history and you seem to forget they are fully investigating it and everything will be exposed.

Get ya popcorn ready !

ONe small riot, relatively little damage. In the context of widespread civil unrest from the Left.

It was nothing. A much bigger disgrace than a 4 hour delay in certification, is the violation of the rights of the righty rioters, who are being targeted far more aggressively than the lefty rioters, thus violating the equal protection clause.
I heard they arrested an old woman who was let into the capitol by the capitol police.
When are you going to give up on this lie?
“Was let into the Capitol by the Capitol Police”

This didn’t happen
They were under manned when the line was broken and they gave up their ground as they were overtaken
Wolff's book is instructive because of the argument at its heart -- that Trump was not a proto-dictator scheming to seize power, but a bumbling amateur incapable of organizing any serious threat to the nation.

Wolff rejects the portrait of Trump as someone engaged in "a corrupt, cynical, despotic effort to hold on to power and to subvert democracy." Instead, he suggests that what happened to Trump was "a far more complicated human and political tale of desperation and delusion," one in which Trump was an incompetent leader who haplessly wandered into an insurrection, only to be abandoned by his allies, like former Attorney General William Barr, and emerge in the end "a team of one."

He called for a protest to put political pressure on Congress. It got out of hand. There was a small, short riot, of a few hours.

Considering the HUNDREDS OF RIOTS from the left over the four years of the Trump presidency, one would expect that the ONE riot from the right, would not get much attention.

Unless of course, the libtards feel like using it to distract from their own far worse and far more numerous riots.
It was much bigger than a small riot, and it was incited by Trump and his cronnies with lies about election fraud that never happened.

It was one of the biggest disgraces in US history and you seem to forget they are fully investigating it and everything will be exposed.

Get ya popcorn ready !

ONe small riot, relatively little damage. In the context of widespread civil unrest from the Left.

It was nothing. A much bigger disgrace than a 4 hour delay in certification, is the violation of the rights of the righty rioters, who are being targeted far more aggressively than the lefty rioters, thus violating the equal protection clause.
I heard they arrested an old woman who was let into the capitol by the capitol police.
When are you going to give up on this lie?
“Was let into the Capitol by the Capitol Police”

This didn’t happen
They were under manned when the line was broken and they gave up their ground as they were overtaken

The Trumpies are thrashing around trying to blame everyone except Trump. They blame the FBI, CIA, Pence, Antifa.. even the Capitol Police, but never Trump. How insane.
Trump inherited an aging economic expansion that was, under normal circumstances, about to end.
Baloney. The economy was set to continue it's steady expansion. The mismanagement of the response to the new virus is all on Dr. Trumpenstein.
I can remember the argument when the Obama rescue plan came out. They complained about no "shovel ready" projects, and said that the bulk of the spending was years in the future.

So it stimulated the economy over the span of years. Instead of a one time shot and done, it was a slow but continuous push.
When are you going to give up on this lie?
“Was let into the Capitol by the Capitol Police”

This didn’t happen
They were under manned when the line was broken and they gave up their ground as they were overtaken
The capitol police when told that reinforcements weren't available, and when they reported their lines being broken, were told to retreat and regroup.
Wolff's book is instructive because of the argument at its heart -- that Trump was not a proto-dictator scheming to seize power, but a bumbling amateur incapable of organizing any serious threat to the nation.

Wolff rejects the portrait of Trump as someone engaged in "a corrupt, cynical, despotic effort to hold on to power and to subvert democracy." Instead, he suggests that what happened to Trump was "a far more complicated human and political tale of desperation and delusion," one in which Trump was an incompetent leader who haplessly wandered into an insurrection, only to be abandoned by his allies, like former Attorney General William Barr, and emerge in the end "a team of one."

He called for a protest to put political pressure on Congress. It got out of hand. There was a small, short riot, of a few hours.

Considering the HUNDREDS OF RIOTS from the left over the four years of the Trump presidency, one would expect that the ONE riot from the right, would not get much attention.

Unless of course, the libtards feel like using it to distract from their own far worse and far more numerous riots.
It was much bigger than a small riot, and it was incited by Trump and his cronnies with lies about election fraud that never happened.

It was one of the biggest disgraces in US history and you seem to forget they are fully investigating it and everything will be exposed.

Get ya popcorn ready !

ONe small riot, relatively little damage. In the context of widespread civil unrest from the Left.

It was nothing. A much bigger disgrace than a 4 hour delay in certification, is the violation of the rights of the righty rioters, who are being targeted far more aggressively than the lefty rioters, thus violating the equal protection clause.
I heard they arrested an old woman who was let into the capitol by the capitol police.
When are you going to give up on this lie?
“Was let into the Capitol by the Capitol Police”

This didn’t happen
They were under manned when the line was broken and they gave up their ground as they were overtaken
Newly Surfaced Video Reveals Police Allowed Protesters to Enter Capitol | KPRC AM 950 | Walton And Johnson
I just wanted to let folks know that my own book is at the publishers and should be out soon.

It's called "obsession - it's not just a perfume any more"

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