The books coming out on the Trump administration, and what has to happen now

The more we learn of the Trump Administration, the more we will learn what a shit show it truly was.

Trump was always mentally, morally and intellectually unfit for the office.

He tried to run the Country like those he admired most: Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un.

What saved this nation were the patriots in the executive branch that stifled and fought against Trump’s authoritarian tendencies and actions.

They are all heroes.

We will live with the malignancy that was Trump and the cancer of Trumpism for years to come.

Do your Chinese masters know you are taking time from shilling for them to comment on Trump, or is this part of your job too? I mean, you are full time trying to protect China from the consequences of their Chinese flu release and yet you have time to also go after Trump on fake stuff like this? Your Chinese handler must be proud of your work ethic....
Name me one Trump critic killed for voicing criticism of Trump.

'A white girl had to die for people to pay attention': Heather Heyer's mother on hate in the US

Trump is a coward and turns on everyone. His statement is pathetic.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The coward is that piece of shit Milley that didn't have the courage to stand up for the oath that he took to protect the Constitution from all enemies, domestic and foreign.

Instead the weak minded confused shithead sided with the traitorous assholes that stole an election and is working to make this once great country a Socialist shithole. Shame on him! He is helping the China's man in the White House destroy our military.

Pull your head out of your Libtard ass. You sound like a sicko TDS afflicted Moon Bat.
I don't think they're told about any of the, uh, unsavory stuff that happened on Jan 6.



You should really read the new thread I posted just minutes ago.

The DOJ just announced that the charges of Treason and Sedition against the participants in the 1/6 event have been dropped even from consideration because the actions of those involved do not rise to the level of the definition of those crimes. Instead, the DOJ has violated the Constitutional and Civil Rights of these people by denying them their right to a speedy trial, as people within the DOJ / those involved have said the DOJ has intentionally 'slow-walked' the judicial process.

The DOJ has kept US citizens in jail without bail for 6 months for 'trespassing', 'disturbing the peace', and vandalism'(which is what most of the 500 people are being charged with). Legal experts have confirmed the punishment for some of these crimes is a FINE, not incarceration without bail for 6 MONTHS!
- Funny, the DOJ could end up getting sued by the people they put and jail / mistreated, and end up having to pay.

The Moon Bat sonofabitches were scared shitless when American Patriots protested them stealing the election.

They were afraid they were going to get tarred and feathered. Just like our Founding Fathers suggested we do with treasonous tyrants.
Another dolt who doesn't know the meaning of treason.
The books are more progressive bs using anonymous sourcing with no corroboration…IOW, made up.
Well, that is not what is being reported by----Business Insider, Politico, Axios.

Seems there was plenty of 'corroboration' on many many of the issues revealed in the books.

In fact, corroborated and described by none other than -----Don Trump

Here is what has been revealed:

"Former President Trump has given at least 22 interviews for 17 different books since leaving office, with authors lining up at Mar-a-Lago as he labors to shape a coming tsunami of Trump tomes, Axios has learned.

Why it matters: Trump advisers see the coming book glut as proof that interest in "POTUS 45," as they call him, has never been higher. These advisers know that most of the books will paint a mixed picture, at best. But Trump is working the refs with charm, spin and dish.
Trump spent an average of about 90 minutes with each of the authors.....
The interviews are mostly on the record, for use when the books publish.
So Trump, who has rarely been heard on non-Fox outlets since leaving office, will see himself quoted constantly over the next year."
Just because they reprint excerpts from these books doesn't make them any less bs.
This is more about various people cashing in on a topic of division, I hate that both sides of the aisle don't see they are being played
If Trump had wanted to deal with the butt pirates that stole the election by force all he would have to do was issue a call for arms. A million Patriots would have answered the call and they would be armed. Probaly 2/3rds of the military would have joined them. There would have been a takeover of DC in short order.

Trump didn't do that so all this shit out of the filthy Joe Dufus administration is nothing more than hogwash to take the limelight off the fact the Democrats stole the election from the American people.

Only idiots fall for it.

Trump is a coward and turns on everyone. His statement is pathetic.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The coward is that piece of shit Milley that didn't have the courage to stand up for the oath that he took to protect the Constitution from all enemies, domestic and foreign.

Instead the weak minded confused shithead sided with the traitorous assholes that stole an election and is working to make this once great country a Socialist shithole. Shame on him! He is helping the China's man in the White House destroy our military.

Pull your head out of your Libtard ass. You sound like a sicko TDS afflicted Moon Bat.

Milley did protect the Constitution from Trump who refused a peaceful transition of power.
If this stuff is true, then this country REALLY needs these people to surrender their anonymity and speak out to confirm the reports. Yes, their lives will then be in danger, and those of their loved ones.
It really IS like a mental illness with you people, isn't it? You don't have enough self-awareness to grasp anything outside your anti-orange cult, do you? Do you actually believe that after 4 years of non-stop investigations, Impeachments, slash and burn books, and media-driven balls to the wall hysteria, that there might STILL be something you can dredge up to get rid of Trump? Pssst... he has been out of office for 6 months and counting.

Or could it be that in spite of all your grand insults and mockery about him being finished and that prison is in his future, you are actually scared SPITLESS that these audits will change enough minds that he will be back in that chair in 3 years? You people have driven yourselves insane and if he gets re-elected, I predict you, your party, and your media thugs will do everything in your power to set this country on fire while blaming Trump and his supporters for it.

Absolutely BARKING MAD...
If Trump had wanted to deal with the butt pirates that stole the election by force all he would have to do was issue a call for arms. A million Patriots would have answered the call and they would be armed. Probaly 2/3rds of the military would have joined them. There would have been a takeover of DC in short order.
Except the top military brass (like Gen Milley) already played that scenario. As you know the thing the military does best is plan for all possible future events. And Pelosi already spoke with Milley about keeping Trumps fingers off the nuclear button,

Trump is a coward and turns on everyone. His statement is pathetic.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The coward is that piece of shit Milley that didn't have the courage to stand up for the oath that he took to protect the Constitution from all enemies, domestic and foreign.

Instead the weak minded confused shithead sided with the traitorous assholes that stole an election and is working to make this once great country a Socialist shithole. Shame on him! He is helping the China's man in the White House destroy our military.

Pull your head out of your Libtard ass. You sound like a sicko TDS afflicted Moon Bat.

Milley did protect the Constitution from Trump who refused a peaceful transition of power.
Trump saw he was cheated. He's a fighter and he fought right up until he had to step aside. These audits are going to show WHY he fought. But when the time ran out and everyone, including SCOTUS refused to even LOOK AT THE EVIDENCE, he stepped aside. All of your bullshit lies and fantasies notwithstanding.

Milley is representative of most Pentagon, Flag-rank officers. They are political and they are disgusting because they will sell their souls for power. If Trump runs again and wins, you'd better hope these ass-hats in the funny-shaped building have enough loyal stooges to help them take the rest of us down. I don't believe they DO. I still believe that the great majority of our war-fighting troops are loyal to the Constitution and the flag and if that's correct, you people are going to find yourselves in need of a spine and some courage.
So I guess there are three or four books coming out that outline some pretty disturbing stuff that allegedly took place in the White House between 2017 and 2021. More after that, no doubt.

Little I've heard about is surprising, given what we already know. But the details coming out about Trump's generals and their discussions on how to handle him if he went off the deep end are significant.

If this stuff is true, then this country REALLY needs these people to surrender their anonymity and speak out to confirm the reports. Yes, their lives will then be in danger, and those of their loved ones. But I hope they decide to speak on the record, and the same goes for the unnamed sources in the other books. Perhaps if enough of them speak out the danger will be reduced.

I know this is asking a lot, but the country needs you right now, folks.

"If it's true"
Yesterday CNN/MSNBC categorically declared the "anonymous sources" were 100% accurate.
We all know what a bunch of sleazeball douchebags these bastards are.
Except you of course. You swallow every load of shit that comes out of their ample asses.

Do you have me confused with someone else?
If Trump had wanted to deal with the butt pirates that stole the election by force all he would have to do was issue a call for arms. A million Patriots would have answered the call and they would be armed. Probaly 2/3rds of the military would have joined them. There would have been a takeover of DC in short order.
Except the top military brass (like Gen Milley) already played that scenario. As you know the thing the military does best is plan for all possible future events. And Pelosi already spoke with Milley about keeping Trumps fingers off the nuclear button,
Yes, she did. That was illegal and tantamount to treason. The thing is, our Constitution was shredded by the DC establishment because they did not want an outsider crashing their little party. They literally ignored it and fought against a duly elected president and used government agencies to spy on him. And people like yourself cheered them along. I wonder if you'll cheer them pulling a real, military-backed coup against him if he runs and wins again? Would you?

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