The books coming out on the Trump administration, and what has to happen now

So I guess there are three or four books coming out that outline some pretty disturbing stuff that allegedly took place in the White House between 2017 and 2021. More after that, no doubt.

Little I've heard about is surprising, given what we already know. But the details coming out about Trump's generals and their discussions on how to handle him if he went off the deep end are significant.

If this stuff is true, then this country REALLY needs these people to surrender their anonymity and speak out to confirm the reports. Yes, their lives will then be in danger, and those of their loved ones. But I hope they decide to speak on the record, and the same goes for the unnamed sources in the other books. Perhaps if enough of them speak out the danger will be reduced.

I know this is asking a lot, but the country needs you right now, folks.

Surrendering animosity unfortunately does nothing...

The Tumpsters call them disloyal and RINOs and condemn everything they say...

Look what Tucker said about the General when he spoke out... This is a guy who fought for the country ridiculed by that POS Carlson...

I stopped blaming Tucker or even Fox News... Blame the people who pay for this... I mean the whole of Fox News... The Advertisers...

If Tucker wants those views relegate him to AM radio and podcasts...
The alternate universe is now its own separate, fully closed-circuit, even pugilistic, informational ecosystem. I don't think the world has ever seen this.

So anyone who takes part in and/or supports that ecosystem is culpable.
If Fox want to make money from running informercials, let them...

Real Companies with the large ad spends should be wary of going near them.. Look at Unilever and there massive Ad Spend, if they say it then they are a huge hit...

Some poster earlier in the thread, I forget who (Nostromo?) complained of 'anonymous sources'.....well, they weren't all anonymous.
Willliam Barr for example, I used his quoted words in another nearby thread on these new books on the Trump presidency. Here it is again.

And then the quoted conversation that, in my narrow world, confirmed what I have heard from friends, neighbors, and acquaintances.
To wit:

"Barr counsels him that “I feel like you are going to lose the election… I feel like you are actually losing touch with your own base…

“I have yet to meet anybody who supports you who hasn’t said to me, ‘We love the president, but would you please tell him to turn it back a bit?’… You are going to lose because there’s going to be enough people who otherwise would vote for you who are just tired of the acrimony, the pettiness, the punching down and picking a fight at every moment, and the apparent chaos, and they’re just going to say, ‘We’re tired of this shit.’…

“I think that if you wanted to you could walk into a second term, COVID and all. You could go down in history as an amazing president, and it’s yours for the taking. But it’s about you, and you’re turning off enough people to lose the election.”

What William Barr is reported to have told Don Trump tracks closely with what Trump's own pollster, Tony Fabrizio, told him AFTER he had lost. To wit: people think you are untrustworthy, and incompetent.*
"Lies, Lies, its' all Lies" he'll say as he tosses volume after volume into the cleansing flames.

Yeah, that is a cinematic scene the poster envisions. It likely brings to mind Trump advisers telling him ......"But, Boss, you yourself said that stuff. On tape. To reporters." Well, in truth, that one is my fanciful envisioning.

We do know though, that his advisors were skeptical of Trump trooping reporters into Mar-A-Lago.
Here is what today's 'Politico' reported in their piece on this current wave of books:

"Eager to put his own positive spin on the books, Trump agreed to sit down with a parade of reporters at Mar-a-Lago. That included interviews with Bender, author Michael Wolff, ABC News’ Jonathan Karl, Pulitzer Prize winning Washington Post journalists Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker, The New York Times’ Maggie Haberman, and Jeremy Peters, among others."

And to drive that point home, Sean Spicer (remember him?)....was quoted saying this: (also in Politico)
“I understand the rationale, but it was a strategic mistake to sit down with these folks — you’re giving them credibility. It’s hard to say, ‘I sat down with them and they got it wrong.’ ..... said Sean Spicer, Trump’s former press secretary.........
Yeah, I can't imagine that anyone would be surprised by any of this. And, even if many sources did step up, the cult would attack them and say they're lying anyway.

Some people have already spoken out publicly, but we need more of this.

Barring health issues, Trump is going to run again.

In a healthy society, his record would be compared to Biden's record as the primary issue of the campaign.

The panic mongering smear campaign is an attempt to avoid that.

Why are you already taking steps to avoid discussing issues in the 2024 campaign? Are you that sure that Biden will be a failure?

You know on nearly every metric Trump failed...

He took a healthy Economy and left it in shit...
Immigration deportations were way down and Trump resorted to deporting mothers of US citizens

I got to here and I was done.

Trump inherited an aging economic expansion that was, under normal circumstances, about to end. He managed to nurse it along and even reinvigorate it, with reduced regulation, until the Chinese Virus hit.

Deporting the "mothers of US citizens" is deporting illegals. YOur excuses for NOT deporting them, is endless.
Trump economic model was to borrow to prop up an economy... He was preforming Macroeconmic suicide... Bush Jr did the same during the Iraq war, tax cuts in during a war, insane stuff...

US economy was going into a natural dip but Trump kept borrowing more to create a bubble... Clueless stuff...

As for deporting... Tell us how US citizens without a mother is better for the US economy (pluses and minuses)... Please don't ever describe GOP as a party which supports the familly...
The more we learn of the Trump Administration, the more we will learn what a shit show it truly was.

Trump was always mentally, morally and intellectually unfit for the office.

He tried to run the Country like those he admired most: Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un.

What saved this nation were the patriots in the executive branch, that stifled and fought against Trump’s authoritarian tendencies and actions.

They are all heroes.

We will live with malignancy that was Trump and the cancer of Trumpism for years to come.
I just hope we've learned something.

Early indications are not promising.
You worthless leftist traitors crack me up. Go jump in a puddle of fuck shit you stupid ass.
So I guess there are three or four books coming out that outline some pretty disturbing stuff that allegedly took place in the White House between 2017 and 2021. More after that, no doubt.

Little I've heard about is surprising, given what we already know. But the details coming out about Trump's generals and their discussions on how to handle him if he went off the deep end are significant.

If this stuff is true, then this country REALLY needs these people to surrender their anonymity and speak out to confirm the reports. Yes, their lives will then be in danger, and those of their loved ones. But I hope they decide to speak on the record, and the same goes for the unnamed sources in the other books. Perhaps if enough of them speak out the danger will be reduced.

I know this is asking a lot, but the country needs you right now, folks.

"If it's true"
Yesterday CNN/MSNBC categorically declared the "anonymous sources" were 100% accurate.
We all know what a bunch of sleazeball douchebags these bastards are.
Except you of course. You swallow every load of shit that comes out of their ample asses.
People have more on their minds than partisan gossip against Trump l. The criminal invasion of the country, communist indoctrination of children, medical tyranny, rampant inflation, the collapse of our energy industry, spiraling crime. If communist democrats think anyone but them will care about Trump gossip they are sadly mistaken.
Cry, cry, cry your life away as Biden fixes Trump's fuck ups.

The more you cry, the less you'll piss.
You mean he's fucking the country up. How can anyone call opening the flood gates to illegals a "fix?"
Wolff's book is instructive because of the argument at its heart -- that Trump was not a proto-dictator scheming to seize power, but a bumbling amateur incapable of organizing any serious threat to the nation.

Wolff rejects the portrait of Trump as someone engaged in "a corrupt, cynical, despotic effort to hold on to power and to subvert democracy." Instead, he suggests that what happened to Trump was "a far more complicated human and political tale of desperation and delusion," one in which Trump was an incompetent leader who haplessly wandered into an insurrection, only to be abandoned by his allies, like former Attorney General William Barr, and emerge in the end "a team of one."

He called for a protest to put political pressure on Congress. It got out of hand. There was a small, short riot, of a few hours.

Considering the HUNDREDS OF RIOTS from the left over the four years of the Trump presidency, one would expect that the ONE riot from the right, would not get much attention.

Unless of course, the libtards feel like using it to distract from their own far worse and far more numerous riots.
It was much bigger than a small riot, and it was incited by Trump and his cronnies with lies about election fraud that never happened.

It was one of the biggest disgraces in US history and you seem to forget they are fully investigating it and everything will be exposed.

Get ya popcorn ready !

ONe small riot, relatively little damage. In the context of widespread civil unrest from the Left.

It was nothing. A much bigger disgrace than a 4 hour delay in certification, is the violation of the rights of the righty rioters, who are being targeted far more aggressively than the lefty rioters, thus violating the equal protection clause.
Keep telling yourself that. Watch what happens when the evidence comes out.

The Trump insurrection was one of the most disgraceful events in US history.
The PIG-lousi paid criminals that started the insurrection was one of the most disgraceful events in US history.
This is the only way you can be a trumper.

You just create an alternate reality void of fact.
You people can't even admit trumpers rioted it is totally pathetic.
This is the only way you can be a scum demonRAT

You just create an alternate reality void of fact.
You people can't even admit PIG-lousis criminals rioted---- it is totally pathetic.

What "alternate reality" would that be Skippy??? The one where Donald Trump is a great President who won re-election in a landslide? The one where Donald Trump is admired and respect throughout the free world, and beloved by everyone?

You keep referring to Democrats as "demons" and "rats", yet you elected a criminal conman, who destroyed your economy. ...

Trump's economy was doing great, until the china virus.

To deny that, is to reveal yourself to be a liar. You are a liar.
Some poster earlier in the thread, I forget who (Nostromo?) complained of 'anonymous sources'.....well, they weren't all anonymous.
Willliam Barr for example, I used his quoted words in another nearby thread on these new books on the Trump presidency. Here it is again.

And then the quoted conversation that, in my narrow world, confirmed what I have heard from friends, neighbors, and acquaintances.
To wit:

"Barr counsels him that “I feel like you are going to lose the election… I feel like you are actually losing touch with your own base…

“I have yet to meet anybody who supports you who hasn’t said to me, ‘We love the president, but would you please tell him to turn it back a bit?’… You are going to lose because there’s going to be enough people who otherwise would vote for you who are just tired of the acrimony, the pettiness, the punching down and picking a fight at every moment, and the apparent chaos, and they’re just going to say, ‘We’re tired of this shit.’…

“I think that if you wanted to you could walk into a second term, COVID and all. You could go down in history as an amazing president, and it’s yours for the taking. But it’s about you, and you’re turning off enough people to lose the election.”

What William Barr is reported to have told Don Trump tracks closely with what Trump's own pollster, Tony Fabrizio, told him AFTER he had lost. To wit: people think you are untrustworthy, and incompetent.*
"Lies, Lies, its' all Lies" he'll say as he tosses volume after volume into the cleansing flames.

Yeah, that is a cinematic scene the poster envisions. It likely brings to mind Trump advisers telling him ......"But, Boss, you yourself said that stuff. On tape. To reporters." Well, in truth, that one is my fanciful envisioning.

We do know though, that his advisors were skeptical of Trump trooping reporters into Mar-A-Lago.
Here is what today's 'Politico' reported in their piece on this current wave of books:

"Eager to put his own positive spin on the books, Trump agreed to sit down with a parade of reporters at Mar-a-Lago. That included interviews with Bender, author Michael Wolff, ABC News’ Jonathan Karl, Pulitzer Prize winning Washington Post journalists Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker, The New York Times’ Maggie Haberman, and Jeremy Peters, among others."

And to drive that point home, Sean Spicer (remember him?)....was quoted saying this: (also in Politico)
“I understand the rationale, but it was a strategic mistake to sit down with these folks — you’re giving them credibility. It’s hard to say, ‘I sat down with them and they got it wrong.’ ..... said Sean Spicer, Trump’s former press secretary.........
Yeah, I can't imagine that anyone would be surprised by any of this. And, even if many sources did step up, the cult would attack them and say they're lying anyway.

Some people have already spoken out publicly, but we need more of this.

Barring health issues, Trump is going to run again.

In a healthy society, his record would be compared to Biden's record as the primary issue of the campaign.

The panic mongering smear campaign is an attempt to avoid that.

Why are you already taking steps to avoid discussing issues in the 2024 campaign? Are you that sure that Biden will be a failure?
That Trump was a failure as president is a fact settled, accepted, and beyond dispute.

He was utterly unfit to hold any public office – comprehensively incompetent, Trump had no understanding of the law, our democratic institutions, the Constitution and its case law, sound public policy or responsible governance.

Indeed, Trump had contempt for the law, our democratic institutions, the Constitution and its case law, sound public policy and responsible governance.

And Trump was appropriately voted out of office the consequence of his ignorance, stupidity, and being wrong on the issues.

Trump should have never been president to begin with – his four disastrous years in office caused great damage to the country, some of it irreparable damage.
Some poster earlier in the thread, I forget who (Nostromo?) complained of 'anonymous sources'.....well, they weren't all anonymous.
Willliam Barr for example, I used his quoted words in another nearby thread on these new books on the Trump presidency. Here it is again.

And then the quoted conversation that, in my narrow world, confirmed what I have heard from friends, neighbors, and acquaintances.
To wit:

"Barr counsels him that “I feel like you are going to lose the election… I feel like you are actually losing touch with your own base…

“I have yet to meet anybody who supports you who hasn’t said to me, ‘We love the president, but would you please tell him to turn it back a bit?’… You are going to lose because there’s going to be enough people who otherwise would vote for you who are just tired of the acrimony, the pettiness, the punching down and picking a fight at every moment, and the apparent chaos, and they’re just going to say, ‘We’re tired of this shit.’…

“I think that if you wanted to you could walk into a second term, COVID and all. You could go down in history as an amazing president, and it’s yours for the taking. But it’s about you, and you’re turning off enough people to lose the election.”

What William Barr is reported to have told Don Trump tracks closely with what Trump's own pollster, Tony Fabrizio, told him AFTER he had lost. To wit: people think you are untrustworthy, and incompetent.*
"Lies, Lies, its' all Lies" he'll say as he tosses volume after volume into the cleansing flames.

Yeah, that is a cinematic scene the poster envisions. It likely brings to mind Trump advisers telling him ......"But, Boss, you yourself said that stuff. On tape. To reporters." Well, in truth, that one is my fanciful envisioning.

We do know though, that his advisors were skeptical of Trump trooping reporters into Mar-A-Lago.
Here is what today's 'Politico' reported in their piece on this current wave of books:

"Eager to put his own positive spin on the books, Trump agreed to sit down with a parade of reporters at Mar-a-Lago. That included interviews with Bender, author Michael Wolff, ABC News’ Jonathan Karl, Pulitzer Prize winning Washington Post journalists Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker, The New York Times’ Maggie Haberman, and Jeremy Peters, among others."

And to drive that point home, Sean Spicer (remember him?)....was quoted saying this: (also in Politico)
“I understand the rationale, but it was a strategic mistake to sit down with these folks — you’re giving them credibility. It’s hard to say, ‘I sat down with them and they got it wrong.’ ..... said Sean Spicer, Trump’s former press secretary.........
Yeah, I can't imagine that anyone would be surprised by any of this. And, even if many sources did step up, the cult would attack them and say they're lying anyway.

Some people have already spoken out publicly, but we need more of this.

Barring health issues, Trump is going to run again.

In a healthy society, his record would be compared to Biden's record as the primary issue of the campaign.

The panic mongering smear campaign is an attempt to avoid that.

Why are you already taking steps to avoid discussing issues in the 2024 campaign? Are you that sure that Biden will be a failure?

You know on nearly every metric Trump failed...

He took a healthy Economy and left it in shit...
Immigration deportations were way down and Trump resorted to deporting mothers of US citizens

I got to here and I was done.

Trump inherited an aging economic expansion that was, under normal circumstances, about to end. He managed to nurse it along and even reinvigorate it, with reduced regulation, until the Chinese Virus hit.

Deporting the "mothers of US citizens" is deporting illegals. YOur excuses for NOT deporting them, is endless.
Trump economic model was to borrow to prop up an economy... He was preforming Macroeconmic suicide... Bush Jr did the same during the Iraq war, tax cuts in during a war, insane stuff...

US economy was going into a natural dip but Trump kept borrowing more to create a bubble... Clueless stuff...

As for deporting... Tell us how US citizens without a mother is better for the US economy (pluses and minuses)... Please don't ever describe GOP as a party which supports the familly...

So, which is it? Was the economy shit, or did he borrow a lot to keep it artificially up?

You've said both things. ONe of them is a lie.
Some poster earlier in the thread, I forget who (Nostromo?) complained of 'anonymous sources'.....well, they weren't all anonymous.
Willliam Barr for example, I used his quoted words in another nearby thread on these new books on the Trump presidency. Here it is again.

And then the quoted conversation that, in my narrow world, confirmed what I have heard from friends, neighbors, and acquaintances.
To wit:

"Barr counsels him that “I feel like you are going to lose the election… I feel like you are actually losing touch with your own base…

“I have yet to meet anybody who supports you who hasn’t said to me, ‘We love the president, but would you please tell him to turn it back a bit?’… You are going to lose because there’s going to be enough people who otherwise would vote for you who are just tired of the acrimony, the pettiness, the punching down and picking a fight at every moment, and the apparent chaos, and they’re just going to say, ‘We’re tired of this shit.’…

“I think that if you wanted to you could walk into a second term, COVID and all. You could go down in history as an amazing president, and it’s yours for the taking. But it’s about you, and you’re turning off enough people to lose the election.”

What William Barr is reported to have told Don Trump tracks closely with what Trump's own pollster, Tony Fabrizio, told him AFTER he had lost. To wit: people think you are untrustworthy, and incompetent.*
"Lies, Lies, its' all Lies" he'll say as he tosses volume after volume into the cleansing flames.

Yeah, that is a cinematic scene the poster envisions. It likely brings to mind Trump advisers telling him ......"But, Boss, you yourself said that stuff. On tape. To reporters." Well, in truth, that one is my fanciful envisioning.

We do know though, that his advisors were skeptical of Trump trooping reporters into Mar-A-Lago.
Here is what today's 'Politico' reported in their piece on this current wave of books:

"Eager to put his own positive spin on the books, Trump agreed to sit down with a parade of reporters at Mar-a-Lago. That included interviews with Bender, author Michael Wolff, ABC News’ Jonathan Karl, Pulitzer Prize winning Washington Post journalists Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker, The New York Times’ Maggie Haberman, and Jeremy Peters, among others."

And to drive that point home, Sean Spicer (remember him?)....was quoted saying this: (also in Politico)
“I understand the rationale, but it was a strategic mistake to sit down with these folks — you’re giving them credibility. It’s hard to say, ‘I sat down with them and they got it wrong.’ ..... said Sean Spicer, Trump’s former press secretary.........
Yeah, I can't imagine that anyone would be surprised by any of this. And, even if many sources did step up, the cult would attack them and say they're lying anyway.

Some people have already spoken out publicly, but we need more of this.

Barring health issues, Trump is going to run again.

In a healthy society, his record would be compared to Biden's record as the primary issue of the campaign.

The panic mongering smear campaign is an attempt to avoid that.

Why are you already taking steps to avoid discussing issues in the 2024 campaign? Are you that sure that Biden will be a failure?

You know on nearly every metric Trump failed...

He took a healthy Economy and left it in shit...
Immigration deportations were way down and Trump resorted to deporting mothers of US citizens

I got to here and I was done.

Trump inherited an aging economic expansion that was, under normal circumstances, about to end. He managed to nurse it along and even reinvigorate it, with reduced regulation, until the Chinese Virus hit.

Deporting the "mothers of US citizens" is deporting illegals. YOur excuses for NOT deporting them, is endless.

NO HE DID NOT. He took a solid and stable economy, and ran it straight into a tree with his tax cuts and prolifigate spending.

If your economic expansion is coming to an end, then you're going to need revenues to stimulate the economy through the coming recession. Trump's tax cuts had the opposite effect. They slashed revenues so that when the recession came, the government had no funds to effectively fight it.

While a recession might have been expected, Trump's tax cuts and deficit spending, combined with the sheer costs of testing and treating more than 30 million sick Americans, lead to an economic crash, rather than the recession.

As for deportation, Donald Trump didn't deport people. He had fewer deportations that either Obama or Clinton. Donald Trump imposed cruelty, and abused on immigrants. His policies were unconstitutional, violated both American law and international law. The "stolen" children will grow up and sue the USA and they will win millions.

You cheered the abuses and the cruelty. Both of which were unnecessary and have cost the USA dearly in terms of reputation and standing. When you treat refugees as criminals and sub-human, it reflects very badly on both your government and your people that they would tolerate such disgusting and abusive treatment.

Last but not least, you "English as second language" types who showed up here in 2015 with your broken English and lack of the most basic knowledge of life in North America, have relentlessly cheered every disgusting, illegal, and destructive thing that Trump did. Like you WANT to see the USA destroyed.

Trump could not have been more successful in destroying the country than if he had set out to destroy the nation.
Some poster earlier in the thread, I forget who (Nostromo?) complained of 'anonymous sources'.....well, they weren't all anonymous.
Willliam Barr for example, I used his quoted words in another nearby thread on these new books on the Trump presidency. Here it is again.

And then the quoted conversation that, in my narrow world, confirmed what I have heard from friends, neighbors, and acquaintances.
To wit:

"Barr counsels him that “I feel like you are going to lose the election… I feel like you are actually losing touch with your own base…

“I have yet to meet anybody who supports you who hasn’t said to me, ‘We love the president, but would you please tell him to turn it back a bit?’… You are going to lose because there’s going to be enough people who otherwise would vote for you who are just tired of the acrimony, the pettiness, the punching down and picking a fight at every moment, and the apparent chaos, and they’re just going to say, ‘We’re tired of this shit.’…

“I think that if you wanted to you could walk into a second term, COVID and all. You could go down in history as an amazing president, and it’s yours for the taking. But it’s about you, and you’re turning off enough people to lose the election.”

What William Barr is reported to have told Don Trump tracks closely with what Trump's own pollster, Tony Fabrizio, told him AFTER he had lost. To wit: people think you are untrustworthy, and incompetent.*
"Lies, Lies, its' all Lies" he'll say as he tosses volume after volume into the cleansing flames.

Yeah, that is a cinematic scene the poster envisions. It likely brings to mind Trump advisers telling him ......"But, Boss, you yourself said that stuff. On tape. To reporters." Well, in truth, that one is my fanciful envisioning.

We do know though, that his advisors were skeptical of Trump trooping reporters into Mar-A-Lago.
Here is what today's 'Politico' reported in their piece on this current wave of books:

"Eager to put his own positive spin on the books, Trump agreed to sit down with a parade of reporters at Mar-a-Lago. That included interviews with Bender, author Michael Wolff, ABC News’ Jonathan Karl, Pulitzer Prize winning Washington Post journalists Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker, The New York Times’ Maggie Haberman, and Jeremy Peters, among others."

And to drive that point home, Sean Spicer (remember him?)....was quoted saying this: (also in Politico)
“I understand the rationale, but it was a strategic mistake to sit down with these folks — you’re giving them credibility. It’s hard to say, ‘I sat down with them and they got it wrong.’ ..... said Sean Spicer, Trump’s former press secretary.........
Yeah, I can't imagine that anyone would be surprised by any of this. And, even if many sources did step up, the cult would attack them and say they're lying anyway.

Some people have already spoken out publicly, but we need more of this.

Barring health issues, Trump is going to run again.

In a healthy society, his record would be compared to Biden's record as the primary issue of the campaign.

The panic mongering smear campaign is an attempt to avoid that.

Why are you already taking steps to avoid discussing issues in the 2024 campaign? Are you that sure that Biden will be a failure?
That Trump was a failure as president is a fact settled, accepted, and beyond dispute.


This site is full of people that dispute that all day, every day. For you to say otherwise, all that did was reveal that anything you say, means jack fucking shit.

What in a normal person, we would call a "mouth" for someone like you, it is better to refer to it, as a "face anus", ie an anus oddly located in your face instead of, or in addition to the anus normally found on a person's ass.

THe rest of yours statements about Trump, mean jack fucking shit.

Trump got some of the best wage growth numbers, I have seen in my life time, ESPECIALLY in the lower end wages.

That, to me, was a very good and very strong indicator that his economic and trade policies, which did not have much time to have effect, were taking US in the right direction, until disrupted by the china virus.

Your hysteria is just you being a lying whore. Spewing shit from your face anus.

Question: When you spew shit from your face anus, can you taste it?
Some poster earlier in the thread, I forget who (Nostromo?) complained of 'anonymous sources'.....well, they weren't all anonymous.
Willliam Barr for example, I used his quoted words in another nearby thread on these new books on the Trump presidency. Here it is again.

And then the quoted conversation that, in my narrow world, confirmed what I have heard from friends, neighbors, and acquaintances.
To wit:

"Barr counsels him that “I feel like you are going to lose the election… I feel like you are actually losing touch with your own base…

“I have yet to meet anybody who supports you who hasn’t said to me, ‘We love the president, but would you please tell him to turn it back a bit?’… You are going to lose because there’s going to be enough people who otherwise would vote for you who are just tired of the acrimony, the pettiness, the punching down and picking a fight at every moment, and the apparent chaos, and they’re just going to say, ‘We’re tired of this shit.’…

“I think that if you wanted to you could walk into a second term, COVID and all. You could go down in history as an amazing president, and it’s yours for the taking. But it’s about you, and you’re turning off enough people to lose the election.”

What William Barr is reported to have told Don Trump tracks closely with what Trump's own pollster, Tony Fabrizio, told him AFTER he had lost. To wit: people think you are untrustworthy, and incompetent.*
"Lies, Lies, its' all Lies" he'll say as he tosses volume after volume into the cleansing flames.

Yeah, that is a cinematic scene the poster envisions. It likely brings to mind Trump advisers telling him ......"But, Boss, you yourself said that stuff. On tape. To reporters." Well, in truth, that one is my fanciful envisioning.

We do know though, that his advisors were skeptical of Trump trooping reporters into Mar-A-Lago.
Here is what today's 'Politico' reported in their piece on this current wave of books:

"Eager to put his own positive spin on the books, Trump agreed to sit down with a parade of reporters at Mar-a-Lago. That included interviews with Bender, author Michael Wolff, ABC News’ Jonathan Karl, Pulitzer Prize winning Washington Post journalists Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker, The New York Times’ Maggie Haberman, and Jeremy Peters, among others."

And to drive that point home, Sean Spicer (remember him?)....was quoted saying this: (also in Politico)
“I understand the rationale, but it was a strategic mistake to sit down with these folks — you’re giving them credibility. It’s hard to say, ‘I sat down with them and they got it wrong.’ ..... said Sean Spicer, Trump’s former press secretary.........
Yeah, I can't imagine that anyone would be surprised by any of this. And, even if many sources did step up, the cult would attack them and say they're lying anyway.

Some people have already spoken out publicly, but we need more of this.

Barring health issues, Trump is going to run again.

In a healthy society, his record would be compared to Biden's record as the primary issue of the campaign.

The panic mongering smear campaign is an attempt to avoid that.

Why are you already taking steps to avoid discussing issues in the 2024 campaign? Are you that sure that Biden will be a failure?

You know on nearly every metric Trump failed...

He took a healthy Economy and left it in shit...
Immigration deportations were way down and Trump resorted to deporting mothers of US citizens

I got to here and I was done.

Trump inherited an aging economic expansion that was, under normal circumstances, about to end. He managed to nurse it along and even reinvigorate it, with reduced regulation, until the Chinese Virus hit.

Deporting the "mothers of US citizens" is deporting illegals. YOur excuses for NOT deporting them, is endless.

NO HE DID NOT. He took a solid and stable economy, and ran it straight into a tree with his tax cuts and prolifigate spending.

If your economic expansion is coming to an end, then you're going to need revenues to stimulate the economy through the coming recession. Trump's tax cuts had the opposite effect. They slashed revenues so that when the recession came, the government had no funds to effectively fight it.

While a recession might have been expected, Trump's tax cuts and deficit spending, ....

if there had been a recession, would you have admitted that it was just part of the normal economic cycle and not Trump's fault?
Wolff's book is instructive because of the argument at its heart -- that Trump was not a proto-dictator scheming to seize power, but a bumbling amateur incapable of organizing any serious threat to the nation.

Wolff rejects the portrait of Trump as someone engaged in "a corrupt, cynical, despotic effort to hold on to power and to subvert democracy." Instead, he suggests that what happened to Trump was "a far more complicated human and political tale of desperation and delusion," one in which Trump was an incompetent leader who haplessly wandered into an insurrection, only to be abandoned by his allies, like former Attorney General William Barr, and emerge in the end "a team of one."

He called for a protest to put political pressure on Congress. It got out of hand. There was a small, short riot, of a few hours.

Considering the HUNDREDS OF RIOTS from the left over the four years of the Trump presidency, one would expect that the ONE riot from the right, would not get much attention.

Unless of course, the libtards feel like using it to distract from their own far worse and far more numerous riots.
It was much bigger than a small riot, and it was incited by Trump and his cronnies with lies about election fraud that never happened.

It was one of the biggest disgraces in US history and you seem to forget they are fully investigating it and everything will be exposed.

Get ya popcorn ready !

ONe small riot, relatively little damage. In the context of widespread civil unrest from the Left.

It was nothing. A much bigger disgrace than a 4 hour delay in certification, is the violation of the rights of the righty rioters, who are being targeted far more aggressively than the lefty rioters, thus violating the equal protection clause.
Keep telling yourself that. Watch what happens when the evidence comes out.

The Trump insurrection was one of the most disgraceful events in US history.
The PIG-lousi paid criminals that started the insurrection was one of the most disgraceful events in US history.
This is the only way you can be a trumper.

You just create an alternate reality void of fact.
You people can't even admit trumpers rioted it is totally pathetic.
This is the only way you can be a scum demonRAT

You just create an alternate reality void of fact.
You people can't even admit PIG-lousis criminals rioted---- it is totally pathetic.

What "alternate reality" would that be Skippy??? The one where Donald Trump is a great President who won re-election in a landslide? The one where Donald Trump is admired and respect throughout the free world, and beloved by everyone?

You keep referring to Democrats as "demons" and "rats", yet you elected a criminal conman, who destroyed your economy. Republicans have crashed your economy 3 times in the past 40 years, and you continue to vote for them.

As someone who doesn't live in the USA, it seems inconceivable to me that ANYONE but a complete fool, or someone who wants to see the USA completely destroyed, would re-elect Donald Trump.

Stop calling the people who have saved your ass from Republican incompetence time after time, "demons" and "rats". It makes you look really fucking stupid.
'You keep referring to Democrats as "demons" and "rats", yet you elected a criminal conman, who destroyed your economy.'

yes, you scum demonRATS did vote, steal, an election that put a career criminal, XIDEN, in a position to destroy AMERICA...and yes, you shit stains are demons and should open your fucking eyes and see TRUTH, but you are not allowed to....hows paying 300% more for lumber, or $1.50 more per gallon for gas, working out? food prices up should just keep your fucking mouth shut, because It makes you look really fucking stupid, to live in denial
Last edited:
That xiden is a failure as president is a fact settled, accepted, and beyond dispute.

He is utterly unfit to hold any public office – comprehensively incompetent, xiden has no understanding of the law, our democratic institutions, the Constitution and its case law, sound public policy or responsible governance.

Indeed, xiden, and the scum demonRATS have contempt for the law, our democratic institutions, the Constitution and its case law, sound public policy and responsible governance.

xiden should have never been president to begin with – his 6 months in office caused great damage to AMERICA
Some poster earlier in the thread, I forget who (Nostromo?) complained of 'anonymous sources'.....well, they weren't all anonymous.
Willliam Barr for example, I used his quoted words in another nearby thread on these new books on the Trump presidency. Here it is again.

And then the quoted conversation that, in my narrow world, confirmed what I have heard from friends, neighbors, and acquaintances.
To wit:

"Barr counsels him that “I feel like you are going to lose the election… I feel like you are actually losing touch with your own base…

“I have yet to meet anybody who supports you who hasn’t said to me, ‘We love the president, but would you please tell him to turn it back a bit?’… You are going to lose because there’s going to be enough people who otherwise would vote for you who are just tired of the acrimony, the pettiness, the punching down and picking a fight at every moment, and the apparent chaos, and they’re just going to say, ‘We’re tired of this shit.’…

“I think that if you wanted to you could walk into a second term, COVID and all. You could go down in history as an amazing president, and it’s yours for the taking. But it’s about you, and you’re turning off enough people to lose the election.”

What William Barr is reported to have told Don Trump tracks closely with what Trump's own pollster, Tony Fabrizio, told him AFTER he had lost. To wit: people think you are untrustworthy, and incompetent.*
"Lies, Lies, its' all Lies" he'll say as he tosses volume after volume into the cleansing flames.

Yeah, that is a cinematic scene the poster envisions. It likely brings to mind Trump advisers telling him ......"But, Boss, you yourself said that stuff. On tape. To reporters." Well, in truth, that one is my fanciful envisioning.

We do know though, that his advisors were skeptical of Trump trooping reporters into Mar-A-Lago.
Here is what today's 'Politico' reported in their piece on this current wave of books:

"Eager to put his own positive spin on the books, Trump agreed to sit down with a parade of reporters at Mar-a-Lago. That included interviews with Bender, author Michael Wolff, ABC News’ Jonathan Karl, Pulitzer Prize winning Washington Post journalists Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker, The New York Times’ Maggie Haberman, and Jeremy Peters, among others."

And to drive that point home, Sean Spicer (remember him?)....was quoted saying this: (also in Politico)
“I understand the rationale, but it was a strategic mistake to sit down with these folks — you’re giving them credibility. It’s hard to say, ‘I sat down with them and they got it wrong.’ ..... said Sean Spicer, Trump’s former press secretary.........
Yeah, I can't imagine that anyone would be surprised by any of this. And, even if many sources did step up, the cult would attack them and say they're lying anyway.

Some people have already spoken out publicly, but we need more of this.

Barring health issues, Trump is going to run again.

In a healthy society, his record would be compared to Biden's record as the primary issue of the campaign.

The panic mongering smear campaign is an attempt to avoid that.

Why are you already taking steps to avoid discussing issues in the 2024 campaign? Are you that sure that Biden will be a failure?

You know on nearly every metric Trump failed...

He took a healthy Economy and left it in shit...
Immigration deportations were way down and Trump resorted to deporting mothers of US citizens

I got to here and I was done.

Trump inherited an aging economic expansion that was, under normal circumstances, about to end. He managed to nurse it along and even reinvigorate it, with reduced regulation, until the Chinese Virus hit.

Deporting the "mothers of US citizens" is deporting illegals. YOur excuses for NOT deporting them, is endless.
Trump economic model was to borrow to prop up an economy... He was preforming Macroeconmic suicide... Bush Jr did the same during the Iraq war, tax cuts in during a war, insane stuff...

US economy was going into a natural dip but Trump kept borrowing more to create a bubble... Clueless stuff...

As for deporting... Tell us how US citizens without a mother is better for the US economy (pluses and minuses)... Please don't ever describe GOP as a party which supports the familly...
well, i suppose you should provide a link, but not from some publishing shit site
So I guess there are three or four books coming out that outline some pretty disturbing stuff that allegedly took place in the White House between 2017 and 2021. More after that, no doubt.

Little I've heard about is surprising, given what we already know. But the details coming out about Trump's generals and their discussions on how to handle him if he went off the deep end are significant.

If this stuff is true, then this country REALLY needs these people to surrender their anonymity and speak out to confirm the reports. Yes, their lives will then be in danger, and those of their loved ones. But I hope they decide to speak on the record, and the same goes for the unnamed sources in the other books. Perhaps if enough of them speak out the danger will be reduced.

I know this is asking a lot, but the country needs you right now, folks.

Surrendering animosity unfortunately does nothing...

The Tumpsters call them disloyal and RINOs and condemn everything they say...

Look what Tucker said about the General when he spoke out... This is a guy who fought for the country ridiculed by that POS Carlson...

I stopped blaming Tucker or even Fox News... Blame the people who pay for this... I mean the whole of Fox News... The Advertisers...

If Tucker wants those views relegate him to AM radio and podcasts...
The alternate universe is now its own separate, fully closed-circuit, even pugilistic, informational ecosystem. I don't think the world has ever seen this.

So anyone who takes part in and/or supports that ecosystem is culpable.
The books are more progressive bs using anonymous sourcing with no corroboration…IOW, made up.
Well, that is not what is being reported by----Business Insider, Politico, Axios.

Seems there was plenty of 'corroboration' on many many of the issues revealed in the books.

In fact, corroborated and described by none other than -----Don Trump

Here is what has been revealed:

"Former President Trump has given at least 22 interviews for 17 different books since leaving office, with authors lining up at Mar-a-Lago as he labors to shape a coming tsunami of Trump tomes, Axios has learned.

Why it matters: Trump advisers see the coming book glut as proof that interest in "POTUS 45," as they call him, has never been higher. These advisers know that most of the books will paint a mixed picture, at best. But Trump is working the refs with charm, spin and dish.
Trump spent an average of about 90 minutes with each of the authors.....
The interviews are mostly on the record, for use when the books publish.
So Trump, who has rarely been heard on non-Fox outlets since leaving office, will see himself quoted constantly over the next year."
Some poster earlier in the thread, I forget who (Nostromo?) complained of 'anonymous sources'.....well, they weren't all anonymous.
Willliam Barr for example, I used his quoted words in another nearby thread on these new books on the Trump presidency. Here it is again.

And then the quoted conversation that, in my narrow world, confirmed what I have heard from friends, neighbors, and acquaintances.
To wit:

"Barr counsels him that “I feel like you are going to lose the election… I feel like you are actually losing touch with your own base…

“I have yet to meet anybody who supports you who hasn’t said to me, ‘We love the president, but would you please tell him to turn it back a bit?’… You are going to lose because there’s going to be enough people who otherwise would vote for you who are just tired of the acrimony, the pettiness, the punching down and picking a fight at every moment, and the apparent chaos, and they’re just going to say, ‘We’re tired of this shit.’…

“I think that if you wanted to you could walk into a second term, COVID and all. You could go down in history as an amazing president, and it’s yours for the taking. But it’s about you, and you’re turning off enough people to lose the election.”

What William Barr is reported to have told Don Trump tracks closely with what Trump's own pollster, Tony Fabrizio, told him AFTER he had lost. To wit: people think you are untrustworthy, and incompetent.*
"Lies, Lies, its' all Lies" he'll say as he tosses volume after volume into the cleansing flames.

Yeah, that is a cinematic scene the poster envisions. It likely brings to mind Trump advisers telling him ......"But, Boss, you yourself said that stuff. On tape. To reporters." Well, in truth, that one is my fanciful envisioning.

We do know though, that his advisors were skeptical of Trump trooping reporters into Mar-A-Lago.
Here is what today's 'Politico' reported in their piece on this current wave of books:

"Eager to put his own positive spin on the books, Trump agreed to sit down with a parade of reporters at Mar-a-Lago. That included interviews with Bender, author Michael Wolff, ABC News’ Jonathan Karl, Pulitzer Prize winning Washington Post journalists Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker, The New York Times’ Maggie Haberman, and Jeremy Peters, among others."

And to drive that point home, Sean Spicer (remember him?)....was quoted saying this: (also in Politico)
“I understand the rationale, but it was a strategic mistake to sit down with these folks — you’re giving them credibility. It’s hard to say, ‘I sat down with them and they got it wrong.’ ..... said Sean Spicer, Trump’s former press secretary.........
Yeah, I can't imagine that anyone would be surprised by any of this. And, even if many sources did step up, the cult would attack them and say they're lying anyway.

Some people have already spoken out publicly, but we need more of this.

Barring health issues, Trump is going to run again.

In a healthy society, his record would be compared to Biden's record as the primary issue of the campaign.

The panic mongering smear campaign is an attempt to avoid that.

Why are you already taking steps to avoid discussing issues in the 2024 campaign? Are you that sure that Biden will be a failure?

You know on nearly every metric Trump failed...

He took a healthy Economy and left it in shit...
Immigration deportations were way down and Trump resorted to deporting mothers of US citizens

I got to here and I was done.

Trump inherited an aging economic expansion that was, under normal circumstances, about to end. He managed to nurse it along and even reinvigorate it, with reduced regulation, until the Chinese Virus hit.

Deporting the "mothers of US citizens" is deporting illegals. YOur excuses for NOT deporting them, is endless.
Trump economic model was to borrow to prop up an economy... He was preforming Macroeconmic suicide... Bush Jr did the same during the Iraq war, tax cuts in during a war, insane stuff...

US economy was going into a natural dip but Trump kept borrowing more to create a bubble... Clueless stuff...

As for deporting... Tell us how US citizens without a mother is better for the US economy (pluses and minuses)... Please don't ever describe GOP as a party which supports the familly...

So, which is it? Was the economy shit, or did he borrow a lot to keep it artificially up?

You've said both things. ONe of them is a lie.

Some poster earlier in the thread, I forget who (Nostromo?) complained of 'anonymous sources'.....well, they weren't all anonymous.
Willliam Barr for example, I used his quoted words in another nearby thread on these new books on the Trump presidency. Here it is again.

And then the quoted conversation that, in my narrow world, confirmed what I have heard from friends, neighbors, and acquaintances.
To wit:

"Barr counsels him that “I feel like you are going to lose the election… I feel like you are actually losing touch with your own base…

“I have yet to meet anybody who supports you who hasn’t said to me, ‘We love the president, but would you please tell him to turn it back a bit?’… You are going to lose because there’s going to be enough people who otherwise would vote for you who are just tired of the acrimony, the pettiness, the punching down and picking a fight at every moment, and the apparent chaos, and they’re just going to say, ‘We’re tired of this shit.’…

“I think that if you wanted to you could walk into a second term, COVID and all. You could go down in history as an amazing president, and it’s yours for the taking. But it’s about you, and you’re turning off enough people to lose the election.”

What William Barr is reported to have told Don Trump tracks closely with what Trump's own pollster, Tony Fabrizio, told him AFTER he had lost. To wit: people think you are untrustworthy, and incompetent.*
"Lies, Lies, its' all Lies" he'll say as he tosses volume after volume into the cleansing flames.

Yeah, that is a cinematic scene the poster envisions. It likely brings to mind Trump advisers telling him ......"But, Boss, you yourself said that stuff. On tape. To reporters." Well, in truth, that one is my fanciful envisioning.

We do know though, that his advisors were skeptical of Trump trooping reporters into Mar-A-Lago.
Here is what today's 'Politico' reported in their piece on this current wave of books:

"Eager to put his own positive spin on the books, Trump agreed to sit down with a parade of reporters at Mar-a-Lago. That included interviews with Bender, author Michael Wolff, ABC News’ Jonathan Karl, Pulitzer Prize winning Washington Post journalists Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker, The New York Times’ Maggie Haberman, and Jeremy Peters, among others."

And to drive that point home, Sean Spicer (remember him?)....was quoted saying this: (also in Politico)
“I understand the rationale, but it was a strategic mistake to sit down with these folks — you’re giving them credibility. It’s hard to say, ‘I sat down with them and they got it wrong.’ ..... said Sean Spicer, Trump’s former press secretary.........
Yeah, I can't imagine that anyone would be surprised by any of this. And, even if many sources did step up, the cult would attack them and say they're lying anyway.

Some people have already spoken out publicly, but we need more of this.

Barring health issues, Trump is going to run again.

In a healthy society, his record would be compared to Biden's record as the primary issue of the campaign.

The panic mongering smear campaign is an attempt to avoid that.

Why are you already taking steps to avoid discussing issues in the 2024 campaign? Are you that sure that Biden will be a failure?

If he does, he'll LOSE again. Trump really hasn't WON any election. He lost the popular vote in 2016 and 2020. In one term, he lost the House, the Senate and the White House. He only won the Republican nomination with 44% of the votes. 56% of Republicans voted for SOMEONE ELSE.

In a healthy administration, Trump would have run his re-election campaign on his record. Instead of spending the whole election campaign promoting lies and propaganda about the Biden Family, trying to smear Biden's reputation.


So, you didn't respect the 2016 election as a valid election because of the popular vote, even though you know that that is not our system?

So, the Constitution, doesn't mean anything to you?

Regardless, Trump spent a lot of time referencing his record during the 2020 campaign.

I agree that I hope he focuses on comparing records in 2024, instead of attacking Biden's family. Though the corruption of Biden is a valid issue.

What do you want the 2024 campaign to be about?

Republicans have only won the popular vote for the White House, once this Century, and yet they have held the White House for 12 of the past 20 years, by winning the EC. The EC has been used by Republicans to inflict TWO of the worst Presidents in American history on the country OVER the will of the people.

The Founders came up with the EC because they feared the people would get fooled by someone like Donald Trump, and the EC would block his election. Instead, it's the EC who elevated the incompetent and the criminal to the highest office in the land.

This is because the Republican Party is essentially corrupt and willing to do ANYTHING to retain power, despite having crashed the economy 3 times in the past 40 years.

So, stripped of your partisan spin, that was a yes? Correct?

You don't respect elections that you lose, by the rules of the Constitution.

Kind ofputs an interesting perspective on your guys panic mongering about TRump being "authoritarian".

BULLSHIT. The election of Donald Trump was respected. Clinton conceded and there was a peaceful transfer of power. But you can't force people to be happy about the EC inflicting a criminal conman into the White House.

You seem to think that the American people have to accept this lying buffoon and cheer every fart out of his ass.

But Trump's illegal and questionable behaviour with the Russian government was investigated, and it was found that Trump and his people were heavily involved with getting help from the Russian government in the election.

The Russian government and the GRU hacked the DNC and fed the stolen emails to WikiLeaks in a series of carefully coordinated releases of emails discussing strategies and discarded options. They ran a highly successful propaganda campaign in support of the Trump candidacy.

Mueller couldn't find sufficient evidence to convict anyone in the Trump campaign of conspiracy charges against the Trump Campaign. But he did find evidence of coordination between Trump staffers and the Russians, including Paul Manafort's delivery of the voter profiles of Republican voters to a known agent of the Russian government - to which Manafort plead guilty in court.

Did you think no one would notice the Russian involvement in his campaign? Did you think that there would be no investigation of the role of the Russian government in the election? Did you believe that there would be no oversight of Trump's actions as President.

Did Trump think that he could get himself elected with Russian propaganda and that there would be no consequences?
Some poster earlier in the thread, I forget who (Nostromo?) complained of 'anonymous sources'.....well, they weren't all anonymous.
Willliam Barr for example, I used his quoted words in another nearby thread on these new books on the Trump presidency. Here it is again.

And then the quoted conversation that, in my narrow world, confirmed what I have heard from friends, neighbors, and acquaintances.
To wit:

"Barr counsels him that “I feel like you are going to lose the election… I feel like you are actually losing touch with your own base…

“I have yet to meet anybody who supports you who hasn’t said to me, ‘We love the president, but would you please tell him to turn it back a bit?’… You are going to lose because there’s going to be enough people who otherwise would vote for you who are just tired of the acrimony, the pettiness, the punching down and picking a fight at every moment, and the apparent chaos, and they’re just going to say, ‘We’re tired of this shit.’…

“I think that if you wanted to you could walk into a second term, COVID and all. You could go down in history as an amazing president, and it’s yours for the taking. But it’s about you, and you’re turning off enough people to lose the election.”

What William Barr is reported to have told Don Trump tracks closely with what Trump's own pollster, Tony Fabrizio, told him AFTER he had lost. To wit: people think you are untrustworthy, and incompetent.*
"Lies, Lies, its' all Lies" he'll say as he tosses volume after volume into the cleansing flames.

Yeah, that is a cinematic scene the poster envisions. It likely brings to mind Trump advisers telling him ......"But, Boss, you yourself said that stuff. On tape. To reporters." Well, in truth, that one is my fanciful envisioning.

We do know though, that his advisors were skeptical of Trump trooping reporters into Mar-A-Lago.
Here is what today's 'Politico' reported in their piece on this current wave of books:

"Eager to put his own positive spin on the books, Trump agreed to sit down with a parade of reporters at Mar-a-Lago. That included interviews with Bender, author Michael Wolff, ABC News’ Jonathan Karl, Pulitzer Prize winning Washington Post journalists Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker, The New York Times’ Maggie Haberman, and Jeremy Peters, among others."

And to drive that point home, Sean Spicer (remember him?)....was quoted saying this: (also in Politico)
“I understand the rationale, but it was a strategic mistake to sit down with these folks — you’re giving them credibility. It’s hard to say, ‘I sat down with them and they got it wrong.’ ..... said Sean Spicer, Trump’s former press secretary.........
Yeah, I can't imagine that anyone would be surprised by any of this. And, even if many sources did step up, the cult would attack them and say they're lying anyway.

Some people have already spoken out publicly, but we need more of this.
Your fellow traveler Chillicothe is quoting unnamed sources also

You guys are so desperate you will believe any lie
Some poster earlier in the thread, I forget who (Nostromo?) complained of 'anonymous sources'.....well, they weren't all anonymous.
Willliam Barr for example, I used his quoted words in another nearby thread on these new books on the Trump presidency. Here it is again.

And then the quoted conversation that, in my narrow world, confirmed what I have heard from friends, neighbors, and acquaintances.
To wit:

"Barr counsels him that “I feel like you are going to lose the election… I feel like you are actually losing touch with your own base…

“I have yet to meet anybody who supports you who hasn’t said to me, ‘We love the president, but would you please tell him to turn it back a bit?’… You are going to lose because there’s going to be enough people who otherwise would vote for you who are just tired of the acrimony, the pettiness, the punching down and picking a fight at every moment, and the apparent chaos, and they’re just going to say, ‘We’re tired of this shit.’…

“I think that if you wanted to you could walk into a second term, COVID and all. You could go down in history as an amazing president, and it’s yours for the taking. But it’s about you, and you’re turning off enough people to lose the election.”

What William Barr is reported to have told Don Trump tracks closely with what Trump's own pollster, Tony Fabrizio, told him AFTER he had lost. To wit: people think you are untrustworthy, and incompetent.*
"Lies, Lies, its' all Lies" he'll say as he tosses volume after volume into the cleansing flames.

Yeah, that is a cinematic scene the poster envisions. It likely brings to mind Trump advisers telling him ......"But, Boss, you yourself said that stuff. On tape. To reporters." Well, in truth, that one is my fanciful envisioning.

We do know though, that his advisors were skeptical of Trump trooping reporters into Mar-A-Lago.
Here is what today's 'Politico' reported in their piece on this current wave of books:

"Eager to put his own positive spin on the books, Trump agreed to sit down with a parade of reporters at Mar-a-Lago. That included interviews with Bender, author Michael Wolff, ABC News’ Jonathan Karl, Pulitzer Prize winning Washington Post journalists Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker, The New York Times’ Maggie Haberman, and Jeremy Peters, among others."

And to drive that point home, Sean Spicer (remember him?)....was quoted saying this: (also in Politico)
“I understand the rationale, but it was a strategic mistake to sit down with these folks — you’re giving them credibility. It’s hard to say, ‘I sat down with them and they got it wrong.’ ..... said Sean Spicer, Trump’s former press secretary.........
Yeah, I can't imagine that anyone would be surprised by any of this. And, even if many sources did step up, the cult would attack them and say they're lying anyway.

Some people have already spoken out publicly, but we need more of this.

Barring health issues, Trump is going to run again.

In a healthy society, his record would be compared to Biden's record as the primary issue of the campaign.

The panic mongering smear campaign is an attempt to avoid that.

Why are you already taking steps to avoid discussing issues in the 2024 campaign? Are you that sure that Biden will be a failure?

You know on nearly every metric Trump failed...

He took a healthy Economy and left it in shit...
Immigration deportations were way down and Trump resorted to deporting mothers of US citizens

I got to here and I was done.

Trump inherited an aging economic expansion that was, under normal circumstances, about to end. He managed to nurse it along and even reinvigorate it, with reduced regulation, until the Chinese Virus hit.

Deporting the "mothers of US citizens" is deporting illegals. YOur excuses for NOT deporting them, is endless.
Trump economic model was to borrow to prop up an economy... He was preforming Macroeconmic suicide... Bush Jr did the same during the Iraq war, tax cuts in during a war, insane stuff...

US economy was going into a natural dip but Trump kept borrowing more to create a bubble... Clueless stuff...

As for deporting... Tell us how US citizens without a mother is better for the US economy (pluses and minuses)... Please don't ever describe GOP as a party which supports the familly...

So, which is it? Was the economy shit, or did he borrow a lot to keep it artificially up?

You've said both things. ONe of them is a lie.

Some poster earlier in the thread, I forget who (Nostromo?) complained of 'anonymous sources'.....well, they weren't all anonymous.
Willliam Barr for example, I used his quoted words in another nearby thread on these new books on the Trump presidency. Here it is again.

And then the quoted conversation that, in my narrow world, confirmed what I have heard from friends, neighbors, and acquaintances.
To wit:

"Barr counsels him that “I feel like you are going to lose the election… I feel like you are actually losing touch with your own base…

“I have yet to meet anybody who supports you who hasn’t said to me, ‘We love the president, but would you please tell him to turn it back a bit?’… You are going to lose because there’s going to be enough people who otherwise would vote for you who are just tired of the acrimony, the pettiness, the punching down and picking a fight at every moment, and the apparent chaos, and they’re just going to say, ‘We’re tired of this shit.’…

“I think that if you wanted to you could walk into a second term, COVID and all. You could go down in history as an amazing president, and it’s yours for the taking. But it’s about you, and you’re turning off enough people to lose the election.”

What William Barr is reported to have told Don Trump tracks closely with what Trump's own pollster, Tony Fabrizio, told him AFTER he had lost. To wit: people think you are untrustworthy, and incompetent.*
"Lies, Lies, its' all Lies" he'll say as he tosses volume after volume into the cleansing flames.

Yeah, that is a cinematic scene the poster envisions. It likely brings to mind Trump advisers telling him ......"But, Boss, you yourself said that stuff. On tape. To reporters." Well, in truth, that one is my fanciful envisioning.

We do know though, that his advisors were skeptical of Trump trooping reporters into Mar-A-Lago.
Here is what today's 'Politico' reported in their piece on this current wave of books:

"Eager to put his own positive spin on the books, Trump agreed to sit down with a parade of reporters at Mar-a-Lago. That included interviews with Bender, author Michael Wolff, ABC News’ Jonathan Karl, Pulitzer Prize winning Washington Post journalists Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker, The New York Times’ Maggie Haberman, and Jeremy Peters, among others."

And to drive that point home, Sean Spicer (remember him?)....was quoted saying this: (also in Politico)
“I understand the rationale, but it was a strategic mistake to sit down with these folks — you’re giving them credibility. It’s hard to say, ‘I sat down with them and they got it wrong.’ ..... said Sean Spicer, Trump’s former press secretary.........
Yeah, I can't imagine that anyone would be surprised by any of this. And, even if many sources did step up, the cult would attack them and say they're lying anyway.

Some people have already spoken out publicly, but we need more of this.

Barring health issues, Trump is going to run again.

In a healthy society, his record would be compared to Biden's record as the primary issue of the campaign.

The panic mongering smear campaign is an attempt to avoid that.

Why are you already taking steps to avoid discussing issues in the 2024 campaign? Are you that sure that Biden will be a failure?

If he does, he'll LOSE again. Trump really hasn't WON any election. He lost the popular vote in 2016 and 2020. In one term, he lost the House, the Senate and the White House. He only won the Republican nomination with 44% of the votes. 56% of Republicans voted for SOMEONE ELSE.

In a healthy administration, Trump would have run his re-election campaign on his record. Instead of spending the whole election campaign promoting lies and propaganda about the Biden Family, trying to smear Biden's reputation.


So, you didn't respect the 2016 election as a valid election because of the popular vote, even though you know that that is not our system?

So, the Constitution, doesn't mean anything to you?

Regardless, Trump spent a lot of time referencing his record during the 2020 campaign.

I agree that I hope he focuses on comparing records in 2024, instead of attacking Biden's family. Though the corruption of Biden is a valid issue.

What do you want the 2024 campaign to be about?

Republicans have only won the popular vote for the White House, once this Century, and yet they have held the White House for 12 of the past 20 years, by winning the EC. The EC has been used by Republicans to inflict TWO of the worst Presidents in American history on the country OVER the will of the people.

The Founders came up with the EC because they feared the people would get fooled by someone like Donald Trump, and the EC would block his election. Instead, it's the EC who elevated the incompetent and the criminal to the highest office in the land.

This is because the Republican Party is essentially corrupt and willing to do ANYTHING to retain power, despite having crashed the economy 3 times in the past 40 years.

So, stripped of your partisan spin, that was a yes? Correct?

You don't respect elections that you lose, by the rules of the Constitution.

Kind ofputs an interesting perspective on your guys panic mongering about TRump being "authoritarian".

BULLSHIT. The election of Donald Trump was respected. ....

Your words, from just above.

"Trump really hasn't WON any election. He lost the popular vote in 2016 and 2020."

You know the rules. We don't operate by direct election. That is hte rules as set up in the Constitution. Which you people sometimes claim to care about.

Yet, you strongly stated that he did NOT, "really win".

ANd it shows in your side's actions, with the calls to RESIST, the talk of a coup against him, the discussion in fbi offices about "doing something" about it, and then the DOING of something about it, the lying to the courts, the impeachment based on lies, the constant rioting, the mayors siding with the rioters, the Cancel culture, censorship by big tech, arresting people for defending themselves, ect. ect. ect.
So I guess there are three or four books coming out that outline some pretty disturbing stuff that allegedly took place in the White House between 2017 and 2021. More after that, no doubt.

Little I've heard about is surprising, given what we already know. But the details coming out about Trump's generals and their discussions on how to handle him if he went off the deep end are significant.

If this stuff is true, then this country REALLY needs these people to surrender their anonymity and speak out to confirm the reports. Yes, their lives will then be in danger, and those of their loved ones. But I hope they decide to speak on the record, and the same goes for the unnamed sources in the other books. Perhaps if enough of them speak out the danger will be reduced.

I know this is asking a lot, but the country needs you right now, folks.


You guys are terrified that he is going to run in 2024, after biden and President harris wreck the U.S. for the next 4 years.....and now you have your puppets writing joke books to smear shitheads will do anything to keep that man from running again......

The fear stink coming off you guys is just amazing...

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