The books coming out on the Trump administration, and what has to happen now

Wolff's book is instructive because of the argument at its heart -- that Trump was not a proto-dictator scheming to seize power, but a bumbling amateur incapable of organizing any serious threat to the nation.

Wolff rejects the portrait of Trump as someone engaged in "a corrupt, cynical, despotic effort to hold on to power and to subvert democracy." Instead, he suggests that what happened to Trump was "a far more complicated human and political tale of desperation and delusion," one in which Trump was an incompetent leader who haplessly wandered into an insurrection, only to be abandoned by his allies, like former Attorney General William Barr, and emerge in the end "a team of one."

He called for a protest to put political pressure on Congress. It got out of hand. There was a small, short riot, of a few hours.

Considering the HUNDREDS OF RIOTS from the left over the four years of the Trump presidency, one would expect that the ONE riot from the right, would not get much attention.

Unless of course, the libtards feel like using it to distract from their own far worse and far more numerous riots.
It was much bigger than a small riot, and it was incited by Trump and his cronnies with lies about election fraud that never happened.

It was one of the biggest disgraces in US history and you seem to forget they are fully investigating it and everything will be exposed.

Get ya popcorn ready !

ONe small riot, relatively little damage. In the context of widespread civil unrest from the Left.

It was nothing. A much bigger disgrace than a 4 hour delay in certification, is the violation of the rights of the righty rioters, who are being targeted far more aggressively than the lefty rioters, thus violating the equal protection clause.
Keep telling yourself that. Watch what happens when the evidence comes out.

The Trump insurrection was one of the most disgraceful events in US history.
Hardly. It doesn't even come close to the fraudulent election of Joe Biden.
The trifecta

Biden is senile
Biden is a pedo
Biden Stole the election

Your trifecta has ZERO evidence and ZERO credibility.
We laugh at you. LLOOLOOLLLOL

Sometimes in life it is just easier to live a lie, or 3, or 10,000,000

We're rounding the curve !
That explains all you Democrat Reich minions, I suppose.
Crybaby Bri
Your avatar is just missing a few more tears

lil bitch gets destroyed in EVERY post lil bitch makes.
Wolff's book is instructive because of the argument at its heart -- that Trump was not a proto-dictator scheming to seize power, but a bumbling amateur incapable of organizing any serious threat to the nation.

Wolff rejects the portrait of Trump as someone engaged in "a corrupt, cynical, despotic effort to hold on to power and to subvert democracy." Instead, he suggests that what happened to Trump was "a far more complicated human and political tale of desperation and delusion," one in which Trump was an incompetent leader who haplessly wandered into an insurrection, only to be abandoned by his allies, like former Attorney General William Barr, and emerge in the end "a team of one."

He called for a protest to put political pressure on Congress. It got out of hand. There was a small, short riot, of a few hours.

Considering the HUNDREDS OF RIOTS from the left over the four years of the Trump presidency, one would expect that the ONE riot from the right, would not get much attention.

Unless of course, the libtards feel like using it to distract from their own far worse and far more numerous riots.
It was much bigger than a small riot, and it was incited by Trump and his cronnies with lies about election fraud that never happened.

It was one of the biggest disgraces in US history and you seem to forget they are fully investigating it and everything will be exposed.

Get ya popcorn ready !

ONe small riot, relatively little damage. In the context of widespread civil unrest from the Left.

It was nothing. A much bigger disgrace than a 4 hour delay in certification, is the violation of the rights of the righty rioters, who are being targeted far more aggressively than the lefty rioters, thus violating the equal protection clause.
Keep telling yourself that. Watch what happens when the evidence comes out.

The Trump insurrection was one of the most disgraceful events in US history.
Hardly. It doesn't even come close to the fraudulent election of Joe Biden.
The trifecta

Biden is senile
Biden is a pedo
Biden Stole the election

Your trifecta has ZERO evidence and ZERO credibility.
We laugh at you. LLOOLOOLLLOL

Sometimes in life it is just easier to live a lie, or 3, or 10,000,000

We're rounding the curve !
That explains all you Democrat Reich minions, I suppose.
Crybaby Bri
Your avatar is just missing a few more tears

lil bitch gets destroyed in EVERY post lil bitch makes.
That must be your go-to insult when you have no comeback.
Wolff's book is instructive because of the argument at its heart -- that Trump was not a proto-dictator scheming to seize power, but a bumbling amateur incapable of organizing any serious threat to the nation.

Wolff rejects the portrait of Trump as someone engaged in "a corrupt, cynical, despotic effort to hold on to power and to subvert democracy." Instead, he suggests that what happened to Trump was "a far more complicated human and political tale of desperation and delusion," one in which Trump was an incompetent leader who haplessly wandered into an insurrection, only to be abandoned by his allies, like former Attorney General William Barr, and emerge in the end "a team of one."

He called for a protest to put political pressure on Congress. It got out of hand. There was a small, short riot, of a few hours.

Considering the HUNDREDS OF RIOTS from the left over the four years of the Trump presidency, one would expect that the ONE riot from the right, would not get much attention.

Unless of course, the libtards feel like using it to distract from their own far worse and far more numerous riots.
It was much bigger than a small riot, and it was incited by Trump and his cronnies with lies about election fraud that never happened.

It was one of the biggest disgraces in US history and you seem to forget they are fully investigating it and everything will be exposed.

Get ya popcorn ready !

ONe small riot, relatively little damage. In the context of widespread civil unrest from the Left.

It was nothing. A much bigger disgrace than a 4 hour delay in certification, is the violation of the rights of the righty rioters, who are being targeted far more aggressively than the lefty rioters, thus violating the equal protection clause.
Keep telling yourself that. Watch what happens when the evidence comes out.

The Trump insurrection was one of the most disgraceful events in US history.
Hardly. It doesn't even come close to the fraudulent election of Joe Biden.
The trifecta

Biden is senile
Biden is a pedo
Biden Stole the election

Your trifecta has ZERO evidence and ZERO credibility.
We laugh at you. LLOOLOOLLLOL

Sometimes in life it is just easier to live a lie, or 3, or 10,000,000

We're rounding the curve !
That explains all you Democrat Reich minions, I suppose.
Crybaby Bri
Your avatar is just missing a few more tears

lil bitch gets destroyed in EVERY post lil bitch makes.
That must be your go-to insult when you have no comeback.
You’re a SLOW learner

You can’t define something by using that something in your retort.

lil bitch bripat9643 constantly insults.
That’s all you got lil bitch.
Wolff's book is instructive because of the argument at its heart -- that Trump was not a proto-dictator scheming to seize power, but a bumbling amateur incapable of organizing any serious threat to the nation.

Wolff rejects the portrait of Trump as someone engaged in "a corrupt, cynical, despotic effort to hold on to power and to subvert democracy." Instead, he suggests that what happened to Trump was "a far more complicated human and political tale of desperation and delusion," one in which Trump was an incompetent leader who haplessly wandered into an insurrection, only to be abandoned by his allies, like former Attorney General William Barr, and emerge in the end "a team of one."

He called for a protest to put political pressure on Congress. It got out of hand. There was a small, short riot, of a few hours.

Considering the HUNDREDS OF RIOTS from the left over the four years of the Trump presidency, one would expect that the ONE riot from the right, would not get much attention.

Unless of course, the libtards feel like using it to distract from their own far worse and far more numerous riots.
It was much bigger than a small riot, and it was incited by Trump and his cronnies with lies about election fraud that never happened.

It was one of the biggest disgraces in US history and you seem to forget they are fully investigating it and everything will be exposed.

Get ya popcorn ready !

ONe small riot, relatively little damage. In the context of widespread civil unrest from the Left.

It was nothing. A much bigger disgrace than a 4 hour delay in certification, is the violation of the rights of the righty rioters, who are being targeted far more aggressively than the lefty rioters, thus violating the equal protection clause.
Keep telling yourself that. Watch what happens when the evidence comes out.

The Trump insurrection was one of the most disgraceful events in US history.
Hardly. It doesn't even come close to the fraudulent election of Joe Biden.
The trifecta

Biden is senile
Biden is a pedo
Biden Stole the election

Your trifecta has ZERO evidence and ZERO credibility.
We laugh at you. LLOOLOOLLLOL

Sometimes in life it is just easier to live a lie, or 3, or 10,000,000

We're rounding the curve !
That explains all you Democrat Reich minions, I suppose.
Excedrin headache #577 & counting for the Trump mob- Dems are all Nazis! Oh Dear!

Another reason to cry, throw tantrums & launch into orbit by actual adult men & women.
So I guess there are three or four books coming out that outline some pretty disturbing stuff that allegedly took place in the White House between 2017 and 2021. More after that, no doubt.

Little I've heard about is surprising, given what we already know. But the details coming out about Trump's generals and their discussions on how to handle him if he went off the deep end are significant.

If this stuff is true, then this country REALLY needs these people to surrender their anonymity and speak out to confirm the reports. Yes, their lives will then be in danger, and those of their loved ones. But I hope they decide to speak on the record, and the same goes for the unnamed sources in the other books. Perhaps if enough of them speak out the danger will be reduced.

I know this is asking a lot, but the country needs you right now, folks.

TDS of the highest order right here folks ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Trump's 4 years brought peace and prosperity.

Only if you think Recession is prosperous and Jan.6th attack on the Congress of United States was peaceful.
That's the Dim/Fauci recession, you fucking NAZI.
I don't give a shit what you think about it, a recession is a recession, so you rw morons talking about the supposed prosperity during Trump's presidency need to SOMEHOW aknowledge the reality that YES, WE WERE IN A RECESSION and still grappling with a historic pandemic by the time Trump got ejected out of the White House.

Hahahahaha the Trump economy was on fire and it kills you leftists so much you have to make shit up.
Entertaining as hell. Leftists deluding themselves is my favorite!



Some poster earlier in the thread, I forget who (Nostromo?) complained of 'anonymous sources'.....well, they weren't all anonymous.
Willliam Barr for example, I used his quoted words in another nearby thread on these new books on the Trump presidency. Here it is again.

And then the quoted conversation that, in my narrow world, confirmed what I have heard from friends, neighbors, and acquaintances.
To wit:

"Barr counsels him that “I feel like you are going to lose the election… I feel like you are actually losing touch with your own base…

“I have yet to meet anybody who supports you who hasn’t said to me, ‘We love the president, but would you please tell him to turn it back a bit?’… You are going to lose because there’s going to be enough people who otherwise would vote for you who are just tired of the acrimony, the pettiness, the punching down and picking a fight at every moment, and the apparent chaos, and they’re just going to say, ‘We’re tired of this shit.’…

“I think that if you wanted to you could walk into a second term, COVID and all. You could go down in history as an amazing president, and it’s yours for the taking. But it’s about you, and you’re turning off enough people to lose the election.”

What William Barr is reported to have told Don Trump tracks closely with what Trump's own pollster, Tony Fabrizio, told him AFTER he had lost. To wit: people think you are untrustworthy, and incompetent.*
"Lies, Lies, its' all Lies" he'll say as he tosses volume after volume into the cleansing flames.

Yeah, that is a cinematic scene the poster envisions. It likely brings to mind Trump advisers telling him ......"But, Boss, you yourself said that stuff. On tape. To reporters." Well, in truth, that one is my fanciful envisioning.

We do know though, that his advisors were skeptical of Trump trooping reporters into Mar-A-Lago.
Here is what today's 'Politico' reported in their piece on this current wave of books:

"Eager to put his own positive spin on the books, Trump agreed to sit down with a parade of reporters at Mar-a-Lago. That included interviews with Bender, author Michael Wolff, ABC News’ Jonathan Karl, Pulitzer Prize winning Washington Post journalists Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker, The New York Times’ Maggie Haberman, and Jeremy Peters, among others."

And to drive that point home, Sean Spicer (remember him?)....was quoted saying this: (also in Politico)
“I understand the rationale, but it was a strategic mistake to sit down with these folks — you’re giving them credibility. It’s hard to say, ‘I sat down with them and they got it wrong.’ ..... said Sean Spicer, Trump’s former press secretary.........
Wolff's book is instructive because of the argument at its heart -- that Trump was not a proto-dictator scheming to seize power, but a bumbling amateur incapable of organizing any serious threat to the nation.

Wolff rejects the portrait of Trump as someone engaged in "a corrupt, cynical, despotic effort to hold on to power and to subvert democracy." Instead, he suggests that what happened to Trump was "a far more complicated human and political tale of desperation and delusion," one in which Trump was an incompetent leader who haplessly wandered into an insurrection, only to be abandoned by his allies, like former Attorney General William Barr, and emerge in the end "a team of one."

He called for a protest to put political pressure on Congress. It got out of hand. There was a small, short riot, of a few hours.

Considering the HUNDREDS OF RIOTS from the left over the four years of the Trump presidency, one would expect that the ONE riot from the right, would not get much attention.

Unless of course, the libtards feel like using it to distract from their own far worse and far more numerous riots.
It was much bigger than a small riot, and it was incited by Trump and his cronnies with lies about election fraud that never happened.

It was one of the biggest disgraces in US history and you seem to forget they are fully investigating it and everything will be exposed.

Get ya popcorn ready !

ONe small riot, relatively little damage. In the context of widespread civil unrest from the Left.

It was nothing. A much bigger disgrace than a 4 hour delay in certification, is the violation of the rights of the righty rioters, who are being targeted far more aggressively than the lefty rioters, thus violating the equal protection clause.
Keep telling yourself that. Watch what happens when the evidence comes out.

The Trump insurrection was one of the most disgraceful events in US history.
Hardly. It doesn't even come close to the fraudulent election of Joe Biden.
The trifecta

Biden is senile
Biden is a pedo
Biden Stole the election

Your trifecta has ZERO evidence and ZERO credibility.
We laugh at you. LLOOLOOLLLOL

Sometimes in life it is just easier to live a lie, or 3, or 10,000,000

We're rounding the curve !
That explains all you Democrat Reich minions, I suppose.
Crybaby Bri
Your avatar is just missing a few more tears

lil bitch gets destroyed in EVERY post lil bitch makes.
That must be your go-to insult when you have no comeback.
You’re a SLOW learner

You can’t define something by using that something in your retort.

lil bitch bripat9643 constantly insults.
That’s all you got lil bitch.
What was a trying to define, shit stain?

I dish out my insults accompanied by facts and logic. All you can do is insult.

You're a brainless SJW moron who only knows how to spew talking points and personal attacks.
Trump's 4 years brought peace and prosperity.

Only if you think Recession is prosperous and Jan.6th attack on the Congress of United States was peaceful.
That's the Dim/Fauci recession, you fucking NAZI.
I don't give a shit what you think about it, a recession is a recession, so you rw morons talking about the supposed prosperity during Trump's presidency need to SOMEHOW aknowledge the reality that YES, WE WERE IN A RECESSION and still grappling with a historic pandemic by the time Trump got ejected out of the White House.

Hahahahaha the Trump economy was on fire and it kills you leftists so much you have to make shit up.
Entertaining as hell. Leftists deluding themselves is my favorite!



What's your point, moron, that the Dims shutdown the economy?
Trump's 4 years brought peace and prosperity.

Only if you think Recession is prosperous and Jan.6th attack on the Congress of United States was peaceful.
That's the Dim/Fauci recession, you fucking NAZI.
I don't give a shit what you think about it, a recession is a recession, so you rw morons talking about the supposed prosperity during Trump's presidency need to SOMEHOW aknowledge the reality that YES, WE WERE IN A RECESSION and still grappling with a historic pandemic by the time Trump got ejected out of the White House.

Hahahahaha the Trump economy was on fire and it kills you leftists so much you have to make shit up.
Entertaining as hell. Leftists deluding themselves is my favorite!



What's your point, moron, that the Dims shutdown the economy?

Numbnuts, the point is that "Trump gave us prosperity" claim is pure reality denying bullshit.

We ended up with a huge recession and all record smashing deficits. At the conclusion of Trump's presidency NO ONE was tired of winning in America except maybe Bezos. Duh?
Last edited:
So I guess there are three or four books coming out that outline some pretty disturbing stuff that allegedly took place in the White House between 2017 and 2021. More after that, no doubt.

Little I've heard about is surprising, given what we already know. But the details coming out about Trump's generals and their discussions on how to handle him if he went off the deep end are significant.

If this stuff is true, then this country REALLY needs these people to surrender their anonymity and speak out to confirm the reports. Yes, their lives will then be in danger, and those of their loved ones. But I hope they decide to speak on the record, and the same goes for the unnamed sources in the other books. Perhaps if enough of them speak out the danger will be reduced.

I know this is asking a lot, but the country needs you right now, folks.

And if no one confirms the fairy tails your side is spinning?
Wolff's book is instructive because of the argument at its heart -- that Trump was not a proto-dictator scheming to seize power, but a bumbling amateur incapable of organizing any serious threat to the nation.

Wolff rejects the portrait of Trump as someone engaged in "a corrupt, cynical, despotic effort to hold on to power and to subvert democracy." Instead, he suggests that what happened to Trump was "a far more complicated human and political tale of desperation and delusion," one in which Trump was an incompetent leader who haplessly wandered into an insurrection, only to be abandoned by his allies, like former Attorney General William Barr, and emerge in the end "a team of one."

He called for a protest to put political pressure on Congress. It got out of hand. There was a small, short riot, of a few hours.

Considering the HUNDREDS OF RIOTS from the left over the four years of the Trump presidency, one would expect that the ONE riot from the right, would not get much attention.

Unless of course, the libtards feel like using it to distract from their own far worse and far more numerous riots.
It was much bigger than a small riot, and it was incited by Trump and his cronnies with lies about election fraud that never happened.

It was one of the biggest disgraces in US history and you seem to forget they are fully investigating it and everything will be exposed.

Get ya popcorn ready !

ONe small riot, relatively little damage. In the context of widespread civil unrest from the Left.

It was nothing. A much bigger disgrace than a 4 hour delay in certification, is the violation of the rights of the righty rioters, who are being targeted far more aggressively than the lefty rioters, thus violating the equal protection clause.
Keep telling yourself that. Watch what happens when the evidence comes out.

The Trump insurrection was one of the most disgraceful events in US history.

Evidence? Evidence of what? The riot? I didn't deny that the riot happened.

Plenty of people will be slammed, as much as you can, for the crimes they committed, while the lefty rioters, have the charges dropped by dem politicians.

I deny your pretend hysteria about one small riot, while you support hundreds of lefty riots over the last 4 years.
Wolff's book is instructive because of the argument at its heart -- that Trump was not a proto-dictator scheming to seize power, but a bumbling amateur incapable of organizing any serious threat to the nation.

Wolff rejects the portrait of Trump as someone engaged in "a corrupt, cynical, despotic effort to hold on to power and to subvert democracy." Instead, he suggests that what happened to Trump was "a far more complicated human and political tale of desperation and delusion," one in which Trump was an incompetent leader who haplessly wandered into an insurrection, only to be abandoned by his allies, like former Attorney General William Barr, and emerge in the end "a team of one."

He called for a protest to put political pressure on Congress. It got out of hand. There was a small, short riot, of a few hours.

Considering the HUNDREDS OF RIOTS from the left over the four years of the Trump presidency, one would expect that the ONE riot from the right, would not get much attention.

Unless of course, the libtards feel like using it to distract from their own far worse and far more numerous riots.
It was much bigger than a small riot, and it was incited by Trump and his cronnies with lies about election fraud that never happened.

It was one of the biggest disgraces in US history and you seem to forget they are fully investigating it and everything will be exposed.

Get ya popcorn ready !

ONe small riot, relatively little damage. In the context of widespread civil unrest from the Left.

It was nothing. A much bigger disgrace than a 4 hour delay in certification, is the violation of the rights of the righty rioters, who are being targeted far more aggressively than the lefty rioters, thus violating the equal protection clause.
Keep telling yourself that. Watch what happens when the evidence comes out.

The Trump insurrection was one of the most disgraceful events in US history.
The PIG-lousi paid criminals that started the insurrection was one of the most disgraceful events in US history.
This is the only way you can be a trumper.

You just create an alternate reality void of fact.
You people can't even admit trumpers rioted it is totally pathetic.

We know of at least ONE leftard that infiltrated and in on video agitating quite aggressively.

Dismissing the idea as though it is, absurd, when we have documented, and admitted proof, is the act of a lying whore.
Wolff's book is instructive because of the argument at its heart -- that Trump was not a proto-dictator scheming to seize power, but a bumbling amateur incapable of organizing any serious threat to the nation.

Wolff rejects the portrait of Trump as someone engaged in "a corrupt, cynical, despotic effort to hold on to power and to subvert democracy." Instead, he suggests that what happened to Trump was "a far more complicated human and political tale of desperation and delusion," one in which Trump was an incompetent leader who haplessly wandered into an insurrection, only to be abandoned by his allies, like former Attorney General William Barr, and emerge in the end "a team of one."

He called for a protest to put political pressure on Congress. It got out of hand. There was a small, short riot, of a few hours.

Considering the HUNDREDS OF RIOTS from the left over the four years of the Trump presidency, one would expect that the ONE riot from the right, would not get much attention.

Unless of course, the libtards feel like using it to distract from their own far worse and far more numerous riots.
It was much bigger than a small riot, and it was incited by Trump and his cronnies with lies about election fraud that never happened.

It was one of the biggest disgraces in US history and you seem to forget they are fully investigating it and everything will be exposed.

Get ya popcorn ready !

ONe small riot, relatively little damage. In the context of widespread civil unrest from the Left.

It was nothing. A much bigger disgrace than a 4 hour delay in certification, is the violation of the rights of the righty rioters, who are being targeted far more aggressively than the lefty rioters, thus violating the equal protection clause.
I heard they arrested an old woman who was let into the capitol by the capitol police.

Yeah, I heard that too. With pictures.
Wolff's book is instructive because of the argument at its heart -- that Trump was not a proto-dictator scheming to seize power, but a bumbling amateur incapable of organizing any serious threat to the nation.

Wolff rejects the portrait of Trump as someone engaged in "a corrupt, cynical, despotic effort to hold on to power and to subvert democracy." Instead, he suggests that what happened to Trump was "a far more complicated human and political tale of desperation and delusion," one in which Trump was an incompetent leader who haplessly wandered into an insurrection, only to be abandoned by his allies, like former Attorney General William Barr, and emerge in the end "a team of one."

He called for a protest to put political pressure on Congress. It got out of hand. There was a small, short riot, of a few hours.

Considering the HUNDREDS OF RIOTS from the left over the four years of the Trump presidency, one would expect that the ONE riot from the right, would not get much attention.

Unless of course, the libtards feel like using it to distract from their own far worse and far more numerous riots.
It was much bigger than a small riot, and it was incited by Trump and his cronnies with lies about election fraud that never happened.

It was one of the biggest disgraces in US history and you seem to forget they are fully investigating it and everything will be exposed.

Get ya popcorn ready !

ONe small riot, relatively little damage. In the context of widespread civil unrest from the Left.

It was nothing. A much bigger disgrace than a 4 hour delay in certification, is the violation of the rights of the righty rioters, who are being targeted far more aggressively than the lefty rioters, thus violating the equal protection clause.
I heard they arrested an old woman who was let into the capitol by the capitol police.
you hear lies and you believe them like a total sheep.
you gullible fools will believe anything they tell you

Said the libtard sheep.

The books are more progressive bs using anonymous sourcing with no corroboration…IOW, made up.
Trump is without a doubt not fit to be president. He has no chance at winning as enough people in America would never vote for him.
Oh, I don't know about that.

He'll get out the vote, 100%. These people are on a jihad.

Will the Dems?

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