The books coming out on the Trump administration, and what has to happen now

Ironically, the bit where you pretend that your cut and paste are catching him in lies? You are serious in your attempt to deceive, making you the liar, not Trump.
I quoted Trump. Do you have a problem with that? How can I be the liar when I quoted Trump word for word? Your statement makes no sense.

You said, "he [Trump] explicitly states that his use of hyperbole is meant to be "innocent" and "truthful"

Did you say that with a straight face?

Review the definition of Truthful Hyperbole before responding.

Review his lies in the post, too, before responding. I don't want you to make a fool of yourself.

And, no, I am not about to get involved in the issues of the Trump administration. I have no intention of writing a book.
So I guess there are three or four books coming out that outline some pretty disturbing stuff that allegedly took place in the White House between 2017 and 2021. More after that, no doubt.

Little I've heard about is surprising, given what we already know. But the details coming out about Trump's generals and their discussions on how to handle him if he went off the deep end are significant.

If this stuff is true, then this country REALLY needs these people to surrender their anonymity and speak out to confirm the reports. Yes, their lives will then be in danger, and those of their loved ones. But I hope they decide to speak on the record, and the same goes for the unnamed sources in the other books. Perhaps if enough of them speak out the danger will be reduced.

I know this is asking a lot, but the country needs you right now, folks.


Trump is without a doubt not fit to be president. He has no chance at winning as enough people in America would never vote for him.
Ironically, the bit where you pretend that your cut and paste are catching him in lies? You are serious in your attempt to deceive, making you the liar, not Trump.
I quoted Trump. Do you have a problem with that? How can I be the liar when I quoted Trump word for word? Your statement makes no sense.
I explained that all, in the portion of my post you cut.

So, cutting the answers and then asking the question?

That is you admitting you've got nothing.
Wolff's book is instructive because of the argument at its heart -- that Trump was not a proto-dictator scheming to seize power, but a bumbling amateur incapable of organizing any serious threat to the nation.

Wolff rejects the portrait of Trump as someone engaged in "a corrupt, cynical, despotic effort to hold on to power and to subvert democracy." Instead, he suggests that what happened to Trump was "a far more complicated human and political tale of desperation and delusion," one in which Trump was an incompetent leader who haplessly wandered into an insurrection, only to be abandoned by his allies, like former Attorney General William Barr, and emerge in the end "a team of one."

He called for a protest to put political pressure on Congress. It got out of hand. There was a small, short riot, of a few hours.

Considering the HUNDREDS OF RIOTS from the left over the four years of the Trump presidency, one would expect that the ONE riot from the right, would not get much attention.

Unless of course, the libtards feel like using it to distract from their own far worse and far more numerous riots.
It was much bigger than a small riot, and it was incited by Trump and his cronnies with lies about election fraud that never happened.

It was one of the biggest disgraces in US history and you seem to forget they are fully investigating it and everything will be exposed.

Get ya popcorn ready !
The more we learn of the Trump Administration, the more we will learn what a shit show it truly was.

Trump was always mentally, morally and intellectually unfit for the office.

He tried to run the Country like those he admired most: Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un.

What saved this nation were the patriots in the executive branch, that stifled and fought against Trump’s authoritarian tendencies and actions.

They are all heroes.

We will live with malignancy that was Trump and the cancer of Trumpism for years to come.
I just hope we've learned something.

Early indications are not promising.
Ain’t that the truth.
You are not believed anymore. We are in a race to elect our Hitler's. It has to happen because there will be a time that this will be seen as being so tiresome.
Here is some additional reading

The Corruption Chronicles : Obama's Big Secrecy, Big Corruption, and Big Government, ,by Tom Fitton

Culture of Corruption : Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and Cronies, by Michelle Malkin

Lawless : The Obama Administration's Unprecedented Assault on David E. Bernstein​

The Brief Against Obama - Audiobook, By Hugh Hewitt

The Scandalous Presidency of Barack Obama, by Matt Margolis​

Crimes Against Liberty: An Indictment of President Barack Obama, by David Limbaugh

The Manchurian President: Barack Obama's Ties to Communists, Socialists and Other Anti-American Extremists, by Aron Kline

Obama Zombies: How the Liberal Machine Brainwashed My Generation, by Jason Mattera​

Wolff's book is instructive because of the argument at its heart -- that Trump was not a proto-dictator scheming to seize power, but a bumbling amateur incapable of organizing any serious threat to the nation.

Wolff rejects the portrait of Trump as someone engaged in "a corrupt, cynical, despotic effort to hold on to power and to subvert democracy." Instead, he suggests that what happened to Trump was "a far more complicated human and political tale of desperation and delusion," one in which Trump was an incompetent leader who haplessly wandered into an insurrection, only to be abandoned by his allies, like former Attorney General William Barr, and emerge in the end "a team of one."

He called for a protest to put political pressure on Congress. It got out of hand. There was a small, short riot, of a few hours.

Considering the HUNDREDS OF RIOTS from the left over the four years of the Trump presidency, one would expect that the ONE riot from the right, would not get much attention.

Unless of course, the libtards feel like using it to distract from their own far worse and far more numerous riots.
It was much bigger than a small riot, and it was incited by Trump and his cronnies with lies about election fraud that never happened.

It was one of the biggest disgraces in US history and you seem to forget they are fully investigating it and everything will be exposed.

Get ya popcorn ready !

ONe small riot, relatively little damage. In the context of widespread civil unrest from the Left.

It was nothing. A much bigger disgrace than a 4 hour delay in certification, is the violation of the rights of the righty rioters, who are being targeted far more aggressively than the lefty rioters, thus violating the equal protection clause.
Wolff's book is instructive because of the argument at its heart -- that Trump was not a proto-dictator scheming to seize power, but a bumbling amateur incapable of organizing any serious threat to the nation.

Wolff rejects the portrait of Trump as someone engaged in "a corrupt, cynical, despotic effort to hold on to power and to subvert democracy." Instead, he suggests that what happened to Trump was "a far more complicated human and political tale of desperation and delusion," one in which Trump was an incompetent leader who haplessly wandered into an insurrection, only to be abandoned by his allies, like former Attorney General William Barr, and emerge in the end "a team of one."

He called for a protest to put political pressure on Congress. It got out of hand. There was a small, short riot, of a few hours.

Considering the HUNDREDS OF RIOTS from the left over the four years of the Trump presidency, one would expect that the ONE riot from the right, would not get much attention.

Unless of course, the libtards feel like using it to distract from their own far worse and far more numerous riots.
It was much bigger than a small riot, and it was incited by Trump and his cronnies with lies about election fraud that never happened.

It was one of the biggest disgraces in US history and you seem to forget they are fully investigating it and everything will be exposed.

Get ya popcorn ready !

ONe small riot, relatively little damage. In the context of widespread civil unrest from the Left.

It was nothing. A much bigger disgrace than a 4 hour delay in certification, is the violation of the rights of the righty rioters, who are being targeted far more aggressively than the lefty rioters, thus violating the equal protection clause.
Keep telling yourself that. Watch what happens when the evidence comes out.

The Trump insurrection was one of the most disgraceful events in US history.
The parasites in government, they are livid at the fact that a huge portion of the country despises them all so much that we would rather vote in a reality TV star than one of their despicable ilk. And then, adding injury to that insult, he actually did a far better job than any of them could, lol.
To understand Trump, one has to understand that he considers lying a legitimate tactic in politics. It is particularly useful in the case of gullible followers, who also feel lying is a useful tool.

He calls his lying Truthful Hyperbole and he defines it in the book, The Art of the Deal.

“The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.”

At CPAC his loyal, gullible followers enjoyed and absorbed these whoppers from the leader of their party.

“No evidence? There’s so much evidence,” Trump insisted, although in eight months he has not provided evidence. Lying about evidence is not evidence.

Trump vowed that once Republicans take back Congress in the 2022 midterms, “We will take back that glorious White House that sits so majestically in our nation’s capital.”

“Look at all those fake news people back there,” he said, peering at the bank of TV cameras. To Trump, every responsible news source is "fake news" because they record Trump's comments for the record.

Following his speech that touched off the Jan. 6 insurrection -- or lovefest Trump prefers to call it -- he was banned from social media for instigating violence against our government. “We are taking Mark Zuckerbucks ... and the other Silicon Valley billionaires to court ... until we have restored the sacred right of freedom of speech for every American,” Trump told the crowd. “I was banned by sleazebags.”

There is so much more, but the reader gets the point.

Republicans, this is your leader.
Yes, I know that he is superior to anyone any of you idiots and parasites support..... I thought I made that clear.
Our military leadership changed from being respected and feared to being the joke of the world.

China is laughing their yellow asses off.

It really paid off to put their man in the White House.
"Hey, let train our troops in CRT instead of combat, what could possibly go wrong?"
Wolff's book is instructive because of the argument at its heart -- that Trump was not a proto-dictator scheming to seize power, but a bumbling amateur incapable of organizing any serious threat to the nation.

Wolff rejects the portrait of Trump as someone engaged in "a corrupt, cynical, despotic effort to hold on to power and to subvert democracy." Instead, he suggests that what happened to Trump was "a far more complicated human and political tale of desperation and delusion," one in which Trump was an incompetent leader who haplessly wandered into an insurrection, only to be abandoned by his allies, like former Attorney General William Barr, and emerge in the end "a team of one."

cut and paste does not make it a comment....thats the scum demonRATS ploy
Wolff's book is instructive because of the argument at its heart -- that Trump was not a proto-dictator scheming to seize power, but a bumbling amateur incapable of organizing any serious threat to the nation.

Wolff rejects the portrait of Trump as someone engaged in "a corrupt, cynical, despotic effort to hold on to power and to subvert democracy." Instead, he suggests that what happened to Trump was "a far more complicated human and political tale of desperation and delusion," one in which Trump was an incompetent leader who haplessly wandered into an insurrection, only to be abandoned by his allies, like former Attorney General William Barr, and emerge in the end "a team of one."

He called for a protest to put political pressure on Congress. It got out of hand. There was a small, short riot, of a few hours.

Considering the HUNDREDS OF RIOTS from the left over the four years of the Trump presidency, one would expect that the ONE riot from the right, would not get much attention.

Unless of course, the libtards feel like using it to distract from their own far worse and far more numerous riots.
It was much bigger than a small riot, and it was incited by Trump and his cronnies with lies about election fraud that never happened.

It was one of the biggest disgraces in US history and you seem to forget they are fully investigating it and everything will be exposed.

Get ya popcorn ready !

ONe small riot, relatively little damage. In the context of widespread civil unrest from the Left.

It was nothing. A much bigger disgrace than a 4 hour delay in certification, is the violation of the rights of the righty rioters, who are being targeted far more aggressively than the lefty rioters, thus violating the equal protection clause.
Keep telling yourself that. Watch what happens when the evidence comes out.

The Trump insurrection was one of the most disgraceful events in US history.
The PIG-lousi paid criminals that started the insurrection was one of the most disgraceful events in US history.
Generals envision and plan for scenarios.

Gee, never knew.

Weak chickenshit pussy ass kissing Military leaders that survived Obama's purges make up shit to further the TDS narrative that their masters want.
So I guess there are three or four books coming out that outline some pretty disturbing stuff that allegedly took place in the White House between 2017 and 2021. More after that, no doubt.

Little I've heard about is surprising, given what we already know. But the details coming out about Trump's generals and their discussions on how to handle him if he went off the deep end are significant.

If this stuff is true, then this country REALLY needs these people to surrender their anonymity and speak out to confirm the reports. Yes, their lives will then be in danger, and those of their loved ones. But I hope they decide to speak on the record, and the same goes for the unnamed sources in the other books. Perhaps if enough of them speak out the danger will be reduced.

I know this is asking a lot, but the country needs you right now, folks.

I think the guy's name is Penn Gillette (the guy from Penn and Teller). He said something analogous to "Whatever you think is disturbing about Trump, you're only seeing the tip of the ice berg." This is a guy who worked with the blob repeatedly on TV and at his casino.

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