The boomers really did try to leave us a better America

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
  • They were the last generation of American kids to grow up in happy, two married parent homes as a rule. They made damn sure of that.
  • Many spent their entire youth working to provide science with a large and enduring pool of STD victims to study.
  • They helped us understand exactly how stressed and unsustainable Social Security really is.
  • Their adamant support for hostile Communist nations created a boom for the military-industrial sector and allowed the military and intelligence organizations to greatly expand their budgets and capabilities.
  • Their adamant support for abortion allowed themselves to abort many of our aunts and uncles and our parents to abort a substantial number of our brothers and sisters, greatly reducing the number of peers in our classrooms, coworkers at our jobs, and neighbors in our communities, which makes the survivors even more special and important.
  • They introduced and refined many new and exciting types of addictive drugs, which greatly helped both pharmacology and law enforcement learn to deal with them and allowed law enforcement agencies to have much more funding and leeway in combating the cartels.
  • They rejected the values (such as hard work, thrift, and sacrifice) which their Greatest Generation parents tried to instill in them and refused to pass them on to their own children, allowing society to break out of its post-WWII mentality and adapt to a quickly changing world.
  • Shitting on and ignoring their kids in their quest to maintain their own eternal childhood allowed many great thinkers and artists to acquire the defining nihilism and various personality disorders that marked a generation.

What are some other ways they contributed to American society in their own distinctive way?
Let me guess..You don't have to respond how close I am..
You are a disgruntled youth that has no trade, no education beyond high school, and you have no job or, a low paying job.
You are disgruntled cause you lack what you want and need to retire early to play more viddy games...have no girlfriend or even a sex life..
Can't go out drinking cause you already have a DWI and lost your license and now you can't drive....
So you blame your problems and lack of knowledge of existence upon the older generation whilst you beat up the younger generation...
Let me guess..You don't have to respond how close I am..
You are a disgruntled youth that has no trade, no education beyond high school, and you have no job or, a low paying job.
You are disgruntled cause you lack what you want and need to retire early to play more viddy games...have no girlfriend or even a sex life..
Can't go out drinking cause you already have a DWI and lost your license and now you can't drive....
So you blame your problems and lack of knowledge of existence upon the older generation whilst you beat up the younger generation...

let me guess; you are a mindless left-wing moron; hypocritically painting with the same broad brush and stereotyping people that you and your ilk can usually be found ranting about when others do it?
there is nothing, zero, zilch nada, in this person's post that could possibly lead one to your moronic conclusion or estimation. So let me guess; you're butthurt because the poster, in his own way, sends the message for more conservative-type values, and that is something you cant stand.
in typical left-wing fashion you addressed not one of his points, just made an ad hominem attack on his person. My guess is that you are one of the sanctimonious losers on the Left here; running around desperately trying to defend the failed left-wing agenda. Your personal attack on him reveals YOU believe that that generation is largely responsible for the problems he mentions; though i doubt you realize how obvious it is you feel this way. At any case you see it as a personal attack; and it's kind of laughable too; because there dont seem to be many right-leaning youth these days in the first place. Also his knowledge of the issues and historical context make it pretty much obvious he isnt in the age bracket you seem to think he is.
Let me guess..You don't have to respond how close I am..
You are a disgruntled youth that has no trade, no education beyond high school, and you have no job or, a low paying job.
You are disgruntled cause you lack what you want and need to retire early to play more viddy games...have no girlfriend or even a sex life..
Can't go out drinking cause you already have a DWI and lost your license and now you can't drive....
So you blame your problems and lack of knowledge of existence upon the older generation whilst you beat up the younger generation...

let me guess; you are a mindless left-wing moron; hypocritically painting with the same broad brush and stereotyping people that you and your ilk can usually be found ranting about when others do it?
there is nothing, zero, zilch nada, in this person's post that could possibly lead one to your moronic conclusion or estimation. So let me guess; you're butthurt because the poster, in his own way, sends the message for more conservative-type values, and that is something you cant stand.
in typical left-wing fashion you addressed not one of his points, just made an ad hominem attack on his person. My guess is that you are one of the sanctimonious losers on the Left here; running around desperately trying to defend the failed left-wing agenda. Your personal attack on him reveals YOU believe that that generation is largely responsible for the problems he mentions; though i doubt you realize how obvious it is you feel this way. At any case you see it as a personal attack; and it's kind of laughable too; because there dont seem to be many right-leaning youth these days in the first place. Also his knowledge of the issues and historical context make it pretty much obvious he isnt in the age bracket you seem to think he is.
I don't have an agenda, so you are as usual wrong on all accounts....But thanks for playing....
  • They were the last generation of American kids to grow up in happy, two married parent homes as a rule. They made damn sure of that.
  • Many spent their entire youth working to provide science with a large and enduring pool of STD victims to study.
  • They helped us understand exactly how stressed and unsustainable Social Security really is.
  • Their adamant support for hostile Communist nations created a boom for the military-industrial sector and allowed the military and intelligence organizations to greatly expand their budgets and capabilities.
  • Their adamant support for abortion allowed themselves to abort many of our aunts and uncles and our parents to abort a substantial number of our brothers and sisters, greatly reducing the number of peers in our classrooms, coworkers at our jobs, and neighbors in our communities, which makes the survivors even more special and important.
  • They introduced and refined many new and exciting types of addictive drugs, which greatly helped both pharmacology and law enforcement learn to deal with them and allowed law enforcement agencies to have much more funding and leeway in combating the cartels.
  • They rejected the values (such as hard work, thrift, and sacrifice) which their Greatest Generation parents tried to instill in them and refused to pass them on to their own children, allowing society to break out of its post-WWII mentality and adapt to a quickly changing world.
  • Shitting on and ignoring their kids in their quest to maintain their own eternal childhood allowed many great thinkers and artists to acquire the defining nihilism and various personality disorders that marked a generation.
What are some other ways they contributed to American society in their own distinctive way?
Would you like some cheese with that whine?
  • They were the last generation of American kids to grow up in happy, two married parent homes as a rule. They made damn sure of that.
  • Many spent their entire youth working to provide science with a large and enduring pool of STD victims to study.
  • They helped us understand exactly how stressed and unsustainable Social Security really is.
  • Their adamant support for hostile Communist nations created a boom for the military-industrial sector and allowed the military and intelligence organizations to greatly expand their budgets and capabilities.
  • Their adamant support for abortion allowed themselves to abort many of our aunts and uncles and our parents to abort a substantial number of our brothers and sisters, greatly reducing the number of peers in our classrooms, coworkers at our jobs, and neighbors in our communities, which makes the survivors even more special and important.
  • They introduced and refined many new and exciting types of addictive drugs, which greatly helped both pharmacology and law enforcement learn to deal with them and allowed law enforcement agencies to have much more funding and leeway in combating the cartels.
  • They rejected the values (such as hard work, thrift, and sacrifice) which their Greatest Generation parents tried to instill in them and refused to pass them on to their own children, allowing society to break out of its post-WWII mentality and adapt to a quickly changing world.
  • Shitting on and ignoring their kids in their quest to maintain their own eternal childhood allowed many great thinkers and artists to acquire the defining nihilism and various personality disorders that marked a generation.
What are some other ways they contributed to American society in their own distinctive way?
Would you like some cheese with that whine?

sure leftard, check with michelle obama first though to see if its on the approved list. you can find her stuffing her face with lobster in butter sauce
Let me guess..You don't have to respond how close I am..
You are a disgruntled youth that has no trade, no education beyond high school, and you have no job or, a low paying job.
You are disgruntled cause you lack what you want and need to retire early to play more viddy games...have no girlfriend or even a sex life..
Can't go out drinking cause you already have a DWI and lost your license and now you can't drive....
So you blame your problems and lack of knowledge of existence upon the older generation whilst you beat up the younger generation...

let me guess; you are a mindless left-wing moron; hypocritically painting with the same broad brush and stereotyping people that you and your ilk can usually be found ranting about when others do it?
there is nothing, zero, zilch nada, in this person's post that could possibly lead one to your moronic conclusion or estimation. So let me guess; you're butthurt because the poster, in his own way, sends the message for more conservative-type values, and that is something you cant stand.
in typical left-wing fashion you addressed not one of his points, just made an ad hominem attack on his person. My guess is that you are one of the sanctimonious losers on the Left here; running around desperately trying to defend the failed left-wing agenda. Your personal attack on him reveals YOU believe that that generation is largely responsible for the problems he mentions; though i doubt you realize how obvious it is you feel this way. At any case you see it as a personal attack; and it's kind of laughable too; because there dont seem to be many right-leaning youth these days in the first place. Also his knowledge of the issues and historical context make it pretty much obvious he isnt in the age bracket you seem to think he is.
I don't have an agenda, so you are as usual wrong on all accounts....But thanks for playing....

YAWN, whatever
Boomers brought you ATMs and debit cards and the ability to live entirely cashless if you wish.

Boomers brought you cell phones.

Boomers brought you cleaner air and water.

Boomers brought you a longer life expectancy.

Boomers brought you the personal computer/laptop/tablet you are reading this on. That plastic screen you can't tear you eyeballs away from EVEN WHEN YOU ARE EATING? Boomers gave you that.

Boomers have brought you so much food you've gotten fat! Boomers bring you tomatoes in January.

Boomers have brought you instant communication to every corner of the planet.

Boomers have made paper maps obsolete. Thanks to boomers, you can know where you are on Earth, down to the square foot, instantly. Boomers have made even women able to find their way from Point A to Point B without having to stop at a gas station to ask for directions.

How many years has it been since you used a pay phone? Thank a boomer.

Boomers have made paper books obsolete. You can now carry the Library of Congress on your person, thanks to boomers.

Boomers brought you closeups of Pluto.

You're welcome, you ungrateful whiners.
  • They were the last generation of American kids to grow up in happy, two married parent homes as a rule. They made damn sure of that.
  • Many spent their entire youth working to provide science with a large and enduring pool of STD victims to study.
  • They helped us understand exactly how stressed and unsustainable Social Security really is.
  • Their adamant support for hostile Communist nations created a boom for the military-industrial sector and allowed the military and intelligence organizations to greatly expand their budgets and capabilities.
  • Their adamant support for abortion allowed themselves to abort many of our aunts and uncles and our parents to abort a substantial number of our brothers and sisters, greatly reducing the number of peers in our classrooms, coworkers at our jobs, and neighbors in our communities, which makes the survivors even more special and important.
  • They introduced and refined many new and exciting types of addictive drugs, which greatly helped both pharmacology and law enforcement learn to deal with them and allowed law enforcement agencies to have much more funding and leeway in combating the cartels.
  • They rejected the values (such as hard work, thrift, and sacrifice) which their Greatest Generation parents tried to instill in them and refused to pass them on to their own children, allowing society to break out of its post-WWII mentality and adapt to a quickly changing world.
  • Shitting on and ignoring their kids in their quest to maintain their own eternal childhood allowed many great thinkers and artists to acquire the defining nihilism and various personality disorders that marked a generation.
What are some other ways they contributed to American society in their own distinctive way?
Would you like some cheese with that whine?

sure leftard, check with michelle obama first though to see if its on the approved list. you can find her stuffing her face with lobster in butter sauce

"Leftard?" ... HA HA HA HA HA HAAAAAAAA... what planet have you been on for the past TEN YEARS, IDIOT?


Maaaaaaaaan... when you insert foot in mouth, you get the WHOLE THING in there don't you... what a moron.

You were even too STUPID to GET A CLUE from my SIG LINE.

(Unless of course you're responding to Pedro, and then the confusion is your fault since you quoted me.)
  • They were the last generation of American kids to grow up in happy, two married parent homes as a rule. They made damn sure of that.
  • Many spent their entire youth working to provide science with a large and enduring pool of STD victims to study.
  • They helped us understand exactly how stressed and unsustainable Social Security really is.
  • Their adamant support for hostile Communist nations created a boom for the military-industrial sector and allowed the military and intelligence organizations to greatly expand their budgets and capabilities.
  • Their adamant support for abortion allowed themselves to abort many of our aunts and uncles and our parents to abort a substantial number of our brothers and sisters, greatly reducing the number of peers in our classrooms, coworkers at our jobs, and neighbors in our communities, which makes the survivors even more special and important.
  • They introduced and refined many new and exciting types of addictive drugs, which greatly helped both pharmacology and law enforcement learn to deal with them and allowed law enforcement agencies to have much more funding and leeway in combating the cartels.
  • They rejected the values (such as hard work, thrift, and sacrifice) which their Greatest Generation parents tried to instill in them and refused to pass them on to their own children, allowing society to break out of its post-WWII mentality and adapt to a quickly changing world.
  • Shitting on and ignoring their kids in their quest to maintain their own eternal childhood allowed many great thinkers and artists to acquire the defining nihilism and various personality disorders that marked a generation.
What are some other ways they contributed to American society in their own distinctive way?
Would you like some cheese with that whine?

sure leftard, check with michelle obama first though to see if its on the approved list. you can find her stuffing her face with lobster in butter sauce

"Leftard?" ... HA HA HA HA HA HAAAAAAAA... what planet have you been on for the past TEN YEARS, IDIOT?


Maaaaaaaaan... when you insert foot in mouth, you get the WHOLE THING in there don't you... what a moron.

You were even too STUPID to GET A CLUE from my SIG LINE.

(Unless of course you're responding to Pedro, and then the confusion is your fault since you quoted me.)
You are so far right you make sure you tape your penis hanging to the right...
You are a disgruntled youth that has no trade,
I have a profession.

no education beyond high school,
Sort of true. My tech school involved college credits.

and you have no job or, a low paying job.
I make $2,122.80 per month (this is easily found publicly available information) without deducting taxes or adding any of our (fairly generous) benefits. It would be a lot more if you add that our medical and education are paid for.

You are disgruntled cause you lack what you want and need to retire early to play more viddy games...
I have the option of retiring at 40.

have no girlfriend or even a sex life..
Eh. That's complicated.

Can't go out drinking cause you already have a DWI and lost your license and now you can't drive....
I drink to deal with the bullshit. My criminal record is completely clean. I can drive.

So you blame your problems and lack of knowledge of existence upon the older generation whilst you beat up the younger generation...
I'm pretty sure I framed all of these as positive things. I've been in maybe five fights in my life. Never started one. My last one was like seven years ago.
Boomers brought you ATMs and debit cards and the ability to live entirely cashless if you wish.
While fucking up our economic system.

Boomers brought you cell phones.
Martin Cooper was born in 1928.

Boomers brought you cleaner air and water.
Smog, acid rain, and literal islands of trash floating in the ocean immediately come to mind.

Boomers brought you a longer life expectancy.
I'll give you that.

Boomers brought you the personal computer/laptop/tablet you are reading this on. That plastic screen you can't tear you eyeballs away from EVEN WHEN YOU ARE EATING? Boomers gave you that.
Computers were going to happen after Charles Babbage. Pretty sure that generation doesn't include 1791. John Mauchly was born in 1907. John Eckert, Jr was born in 1919. They jointly invented the UNIVAC.

Boomers have brought you so much food you've gotten fat! Boomers bring you tomatoes in January.
I eat one or two meals a day if anything.

Boomers have brought you instant communication to every corner of the planet.
Allen Turing was born in 1912. Larry Roberts in 1937

Boomers have made paper maps obsolete. Thanks to boomers, you can know where you are on Earth, down to the square foot, instantly. Boomers have made even women able to find their way from Point A to Point B without having to stop at a gas station to ask for directions.
NAVSAT was launched in 1959 and tested the next year.

How many years has it been since you used a pay phone? Thank a boomer.
See the second claim.

Boomers have made paper books obsolete. You can now carry the Library of Congress on your person, thanks to boomers.
The title of the inventor of the first e-book is disputed. The first claim seems to have been an index of the works of Thomas Aquinas created by Roberto Busa, who was born in 1913 and began work on the project in 1949.

Boomers brought you closeups of Pluto.
The only member of the project staff I can find is Dr. Alan Stern, who was born in 1957. I can tentatively concede this point.

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