The Border Patrol should shoot to kill illegal aliens who try to cross into the U. S?

Eagle Scout

Jul 13, 2010
Shootings on the Mexican-American border are becoming more common. Some believe that if illegal aliens and their anchor babies could be shot and killed for trying to cross the border, illegal crossings could be cut sharply from 3,000-8,000 per day. The cost per year to the American Taxpayer for criminal illegal aliens and their anchor babies is $113,000,000,000 a year.

This post has been up for less than 24 hours, and I have had 3 people approve and give me rep, and 2 people take it away. All I have done is ask a question. Ignore the messenger, and think about the question. Be honest with your thoughts and emotions. I believe that an adult is not afraid to ask the tough questions. I have not even offered my opinion, but I will give it now. I really don't know what to think. Which by the way is why I created this thread. There could not be a better forum to deal with this issue than here. Please follow USMB rules. Thank you.

"The Border Patrol should shoot to kill illegal aliens who try to cross into the U. S?"
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Shootings on the Mexican-American border are becoming more common. Some believe that if illegal aliens and their anchor babies could be shot and killed for trying to cross the border, illegal crossings could be cut sharply from 3,000-8,000 per day. The cost per year to the American Taxpayer for criminal illegal aliens and their anchor babies is $113,000,000,000 a year.

The Border Patrol should shoot to kill illegal aliens who try to cross into the U. S?

Link for the $113 billion? And I hope you're not suggesting we should unarmed children and adults.
Shootings on the Mexican-American border are becoming more common. Some believe that if illegal aliens and their anchor babies could be shot and killed for trying to cross the border, illegal crossings could be cut sharply from 3,000-8,000 per day. The cost per year to the American Taxpayer for criminal illegal aliens and their anchor babies is $113,000,000,000 a year.

The Border Patrol should shoot to kill illegal aliens who try to cross into the U. S?
"Some believe that if illegal aliens and their anchor babies could be shot and killed for trying to cross the border.."

Should they only shoot the babies as they are being carried across the boarder or should they be shot anytime after they are carried across? Please answer. I think we would all like to know about this baby shooting.
Shootings on the Mexican-American border are becoming more common. Some believe that if illegal aliens and their anchor babies could be shot and killed for trying to cross the border, illegal crossings could be cut sharply from 3,000-8,000 per day. The cost per year to the American Taxpayer for criminal illegal aliens and their anchor babies is $113,000,000,000 a year.

The Border Patrol should shoot to kill illegal aliens who try to cross into the U. S?
"Some believe that if illegal aliens and their anchor babies could be shot and killed for trying to cross the border.."

Should they only shoot the babies as they are being carried across the boarder or should they be shot anytime after they are carried across? Please answer. I think we would all like to know about this baby shooting.
I bet the Black Panthers would gladly take up the job of killing non black babies along the border.
Shootings on the Mexican-American border are becoming more common. Some believe that if illegal aliens and their anchor babies could be shot and killed for trying to cross the border, illegal crossings could be cut sharply from 3,000-8,000 per day. The cost per year to the American Taxpayer for criminal illegal aliens and their anchor babies is $113,000,000,000 a year.

The Border Patrol should shoot to kill illegal aliens who try to cross into the U. S?
"Some believe that if illegal aliens and their anchor babies could be shot and killed for trying to cross the border.."

Should they only shoot the babies as they are being carried across the boarder or should they be shot anytime after they are carried across? Please answer. I think we would all like to know about this baby shooting.
I bet the Black Panthers would gladly take up the job of killing non black babies along the border.
Are you suggesting that the state hire the Black Panther for the baby killing?
Fact is we should post troops on the border with orders not to shoot anyone headed south.

One problem solved.
Bottom line, put the US Army along the border and advertise it. Illegal mexicans do not have the logisticts to know what the Army is up to or where they are at. The shear psychological effect would be sufficient enough to make them think twice before crossing the border. Sarah Palin has the right idea and she is the first person who has committed to say she would put how many troops it takes to stop this illegal invasion that Obama so wants.
Shootings on the Mexican-American border are becoming more common. Some believe that if illegal aliens and their anchor babies could be shot and killed for trying to cross the border, illegal crossings could be cut sharply from 3,000-8,000 per day. The cost per year to the American Taxpayer for criminal illegal aliens and their anchor babies is $113,000,000,000 a year.

The Border Patrol should shoot to kill illegal aliens who try to cross into the U. S?

Are you out of your mind??
Do you really expect American border patrol folks to shoot people for crossing the border? I don't think those people have the stomach for it.

The old Iron Curtain guards could do it but that was for people escaping totalitarianism not trying to come in. Yet people ran the risk and attempted to cross into freedom. Besides the numbers were very small compared to what's going down at our southern border.

The Hispanics trying to get into the USA, illegally or not, are trying to escape from grinding poverty into a life of some hope, and imaginary lines on a map mean nothing.

Shooting them will not deter them just make it more risky and bloodier.

I don't believe for a minute that mainstream America would stand for that anyway.

The fringe groups cited as capable of doing the job are criminals and would quickly deviate from the task and start accepting bribes.

I think the solution lies in improving conditions in Mexico. So let's invade Mexico, set up a colonial capitalist system. promote what Mexicans can do, small manufacturing, slap a 10,000% tariff on Chinese imports and shift our imports to Mexico.
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Bottom line, put the US Army along the border and advertise it. Illegal mexicans do not have the logisticts to know what the Army is up to or where they are at. The shear psychological effect would be sufficient enough to make them think twice before crossing the border. Sarah Palin has the right idea and she is the first person who has committed to say she would put how many troops it takes to stop this illegal invasion that Obama so wants.

I feel sorry for Sarah Palin because she was mentioned in the above post.
Shootings on the Mexican-American border are becoming more common. Some believe that if illegal aliens and their anchor babies could be shot and killed for trying to cross the border, illegal crossings could be cut sharply from 3,000-8,000 per day. The cost per year to the American Taxpayer for criminal illegal aliens and their anchor babies is $113,000,000,000 a year.

The Border Patrol should shoot to kill illegal aliens who try to cross into the U. S?

Link for the $113 billion? And I hope you're not suggesting we should unarmed children and adults.

Because I have made enough posts I am not allowed to post links until I hit 15 posts. So, here is a cut and paste of the article.

Illegal Immigration Costs Taxpayers $113 Billion Every Year: StudyBy Mary Elizabeth Dallas Washington : DC : USA | Jul 12, 2010

Illegal immigration currently costs federal and local taxpayers $113 billion each year, according to a new study released by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR). The $113 billion in outlays for services and benefits to illegal aliens and their families represents an average cost of $1,117 to the households of American citizens each year, the study concludes.
The FAIR report entitled, “The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on U.S. Taxpayers,” examines of the impact 13 million illegal aliens and their U.S.-born children have on education, health care, law enforcement, public assistance, and other government programs.
"The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on U.S. Taxpayers provides a definitive response to the question of whether illegal aliens are a net benefit or a net drain on government coffers," stated Dan Stein president of FAIR. "The report examines virtually every federal, state and local government program to determine the impact of illegal immigration on the bottom line. That bottom line – $113 billion a year, and growing – makes our nation's failure to control illegal immigration one of the largest preventable burdens borne by American taxpayers."
Federal spending on illegal aliens amounts to $29 billion, according to the FAIR report. The lion's share of the costs of illegal immigration is borne by state and local taxpayers – an estimated $84.2 billion. In fact, in 18 states, expenditures on illegal aliens exceeded the size of those states' budget deficits in fiscal year 2009.
Education for the children of illegal aliens represents the single largest public expenditure at an annual cost of $52 billion to primarily state and local governments, according to the FAIR report.
Although the federal government recoups about one-third of its share of the costs of illegal immigration in the form of taxes collected, states recoup only 5% of their expenditures from taxes paid by illegal aliens, FAIR notes.
Do you really expect American border patrol folks to shoot people for crossing the border? I don't think those people have the stomach for it.

The old Iron Curtain guards could do it but that was for people escaping totalitarianism not trying to come in. Yet people ran the risk and attempted to cross into freedom. Besides the numbers were very small compared to what's going down at our southern border.

The Hispanics trying to get into the USA, illegally, are trying to escape from grinding poverty into a life of some hope, and imaginary line means nothing.

Shooting them will not deter them just make it more risky and bloodier.

I don't believe for a minute that mainstream America would stand for that anyway.

The fringe groups cited as capable of doing the job are criminals and would quickly deviate from the task and start accepting bribes.

I think the solution lies in improving conditions in Mexico. So let's invade Mexico, set up a colonial capitalist system. promote what Mexicans can do, small manufacturing, slap a 10,000% tariff on Chinese imports and shift our imports to Mexico.

I looked up Mexico unemployment rate a few weeks ago. If I remember right it was like 5.6%.....

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