The Boy That Cried Wolf


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
Zimmerman should never have been charged. The exculpatory evidence was overwhelming. Had it not been for attention whore politicians and media personalities intervening and brushing aside what was a thorough local police investigation that had also found Zimmerman not guilty, this circus would never have happened.

Of course we know that the president and the left in general will never miss an opportunity to divide Americans along racial and economic lines, in order to reap the benefits.

And now they are cheapening the memory of famed civil rights leaders like Dr Martin Luther King Jr by invoking their names in a case that had absolutely nothing to do about race.

Someone should remind them of the children's story about a boy that cried wolf.

[ame=]Aesop's Fable: The Boy Who Cried Wolf - YouTube[/ame]
To me, Travon was an unruly kid with a history of fighting and being a trouble maker, that made the wrong decision by jumping and assaulting George Zimmerman, and paid the ultimate price. For the same reason I don't get into a physical confrontation with strangers in a country where 300 million guns get sold LEGALLY. Unless you're a 17 year old who wants to play "tough guy".

Zimmerman had every reason to follow Travon because 1- He was trying to protect his neighborhood that had been robbed FIVE TIMES IN A PERIOD OF ONE MONTH. and 2- Travons profile fit the description of the recent criminals. Lets not be stupid about this.

Had Travon not decided to "kick Zimmerman's ass" by jumping him, the altercation would not have led to him being shot.

I find it astonishing the the media and those who are protesting this verdict keep making it look like "all poor Travon was doing was walking home with a bag of skittles", ya sure... that was before he assaulted Zimmerman as clearly proven by the evidence.

Those who constantly make this case about "race" are disgusting idiots.
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