The brain hardwired to believe in God.


Silver Member
May 19, 2016
I was just browsing recently and came across this interesting article I had never seen;

Why we are born to believe in God: It's wired into the brain, says psychologist | Daily Mail Online

I found it quite stimulating , it caused some thoughts. Did I believe in God, before I started believing in him? Was the perception of him just already there? The author made some interesting suggestions that seemed to match my personal experience in my life. I was aware of the other ways of influence of actually how one can " Learn about God", from parents, educational venues, peers and just naturally growing on in your life experiences with learning. But actually being born with belief patterns already there, I had not given much thought to it before.

The thought does cross a few biblical concepts, such as " Predestination" , and our destiny is a subject the bible certainly mentions. Its like " Presuppose", or to believe or suppose " In Advance." Interesting, almost like presuming before any evidence is involved. Its always better to go after evidence first, but between the ages of lets say 5 to 10 years old, who actually does that? I mean were just children, we don't know how to collect evidence just that well yet; and the evidence is not so clear on the topic to all any way.

We can then say the first humans who perceived there may be a God, that perception may have just already been " In them." And it just started coming out.

Being " Born that way", covers more than belief in God , there are many things we can accept that we were most likely born with. Its been proven some are born gay , or some with more emotional content in one area of their make up than another. Some seem born with much more talent in areas, or just something seems to have already been there.

I tell you, learning is just interesting.
Yes...we can reason and we have higher thought processes so that would lend to an ability to think beyond self. Yet, they show a picture of Shaolin, Buddhist monks? I guess it is a belief system as well.
Yes...we can reason and we have higher thought processes so that would lend to an ability to think beyond self. Yet, they show a picture of Shaolin, Buddhist monks? I guess it is a belief system as well.

It is a belief system , I think one of the oldest.

It seems to cover sub consciousness in more defined ways of being , and sub consciousness would tend to happen before consciousness ; it makes some sense.
I believe it is human nature to want answers to questions that cant be answered. Gods used to be their answers for everything they didnt understand. Which was most everything lol
We still do it today in other forms besides gods.
I didn't used to believe in God. Now I do. What's that all about then?

Upbringing. Socialization and a strong internal locus of control. I still have that internal locus of control but I know FAR better now that I experienced persecution from the power of socialist government.
I was just browsing recently and came across this interesting article I had never seen;

Why we are born to believe in God: It's wired into the brain, says psychologist | Daily Mail Online

I found it quite stimulating , it caused some thoughts. Did I believe in God, before I started believing in him? Was the perception of him just already there? The author made some interesting suggestions that seemed to match my personal experience in my life. I was aware of the other ways of influence of actually how one can " Learn about God", from parents, educational venues, peers and just naturally growing on in your life experiences with learning. But actually being born with belief patterns already there, I had not given much thought to it before.

The thought does cross a few biblical concepts, such as " Predestination" , and our destiny is a subject the bible certainly mentions. Its like " Presuppose", or to believe or suppose " In Advance." Interesting, almost like presuming before any evidence is involved. Its always better to go after evidence first, but between the ages of lets say 5 to 10 years old, who actually does that? I mean were just children, we don't know how to collect evidence just that well yet; and the evidence is not so clear on the topic to all any way.

We can then say the first humans who perceived there may be a God, that perception may have just already been " In them." And it just started coming out.

Being " Born that way", covers more than belief in God , there are many things we can accept that we were most likely born with. Its been proven some are born gay , or some with more emotional content in one area of their make up than another. Some seem born with much more talent in areas, or just something seems to have already been there.

I tell you, learning is just interesting.

To believe in a god. Not in God, which along with your post assumes it is about the Christian god. There are thousands of gods people believe in because humans want an explanation for all the things that kill them. From an explanation to a way of controlling this god. Offerings to the volcano, burning incense, prayer.
I believe it is human nature to want answers to questions that cant be answered. Gods used to be their answers for everything they didnt understand. Which was most everything lol
We still do it today in other forms besides gods.

Well yes. I recall how those old hardcore Bishops in the Catholic church used to try and dominate science, and the scientist got tired of it and broke away, and that created their great revolution toward independant thought on the topic of gods.
I was just browsing recently and came across this interesting article I had never seen;

Why we are born to believe in God: It's wired into the brain, says psychologist | Daily Mail Online

I found it quite stimulating , it caused some thoughts. Did I believe in God, before I started believing in him? Was the perception of him just already there? The author made some interesting suggestions that seemed to match my personal experience in my life. I was aware of the other ways of influence of actually how one can " Learn about God", from parents, educational venues, peers and just naturally growing on in your life experiences with learning. But actually being born with belief patterns already there, I had not given much thought to it before.

The thought does cross a few biblical concepts, such as " Predestination" , and our destiny is a subject the bible certainly mentions. Its like " Presuppose", or to believe or suppose " In Advance." Interesting, almost like presuming before any evidence is involved. Its always better to go after evidence first, but between the ages of lets say 5 to 10 years old, who actually does that? I mean were just children, we don't know how to collect evidence just that well yet; and the evidence is not so clear on the topic to all any way.

We can then say the first humans who perceived there may be a God, that perception may have just already been " In them." And it just started coming out.

Being " Born that way", covers more than belief in God , there are many things we can accept that we were most likely born with. Its been proven some are born gay , or some with more emotional content in one area of their make up than another. Some seem born with much more talent in areas, or just something seems to have already been there.

I tell you, learning is just interesting.

To believe in a god. Not in God, which along with your post assumes it is about the Christian god. There are thousands of gods people believe in because humans want an explanation for all the things that kill them. From an explanation to a way of controlling this god. Offerings to the volcano, burning incense, prayer.

I am not a Christian, and I disagree with many of their views on God.
I didn't used to believe in God. Now I do. What's that all about then?

Upbringing. Socialization and a strong internal locus of control. I still have that internal locus of control but I know FAR better now that I experienced persecution from the power of socialist government.

Persecution has a learning tool of its own.
I think all religions, from witch doctors in Africa through Egyptian Gods, and all the others since have been an attempt by mankind to get a handle on God, and those beliefs are always doomed to be inadequate because God's consciousness is infinitely great, and ours is finite.
We can see the folly of believing that thunder was Gods anger, and that there are no angry volcano Gods.
But we still fail to see all that is wrong with our own beliefs. However these days there is much more interest in psychic matters and we have new age religions. So our beliefs are evolving to keep pace with our understanding.

I think it is in humans to seek a higher power and gain comfort from that, but I feel it is because we have an immortal soul that shines in our hearts, rather than in the wiring of our brains. But I have had run ins with psychiatrists who don't believe such things so I don't know if the idea that our brains are hard wired to believe in God means that psychiatrists think that means there is a God or if they just humour people who believe.
I think all religions, from witch doctors in Africa through Egyptian Gods, and all the others since have been an attempt by mankind to get a handle on God, and those beliefs are always doomed to be inadequate because God's consciousness is infinitely great, and ours is finite.
We can see the folly of believing that thunder was Gods anger, and that there are no angry volcano Gods.
But we still fail to see all that is wrong with our own beliefs. However these days there is much more interest in psychic matters and we have new age religions. So our beliefs are evolving to keep pace with our understanding.

I think it is in humans to seek a higher power and gain comfort from that, but I feel it is because we have an immortal soul that shines in our hearts, rather than in the wiring of our brains. But I have had run ins with psychiatrists who don't believe such things so I don't know if the idea that our brains are hard wired to believe in God means that psychiatrists think that means there is a God or if they just humour people who believe.

I agree.

Really the expressions , " The Mind of man, the Heart of man", are just physical organs made of nothing but meat and skin; I am discussing " The consciousness of man" in my main meaning. When science says the brain is hardwired, I think they mean with the basics of the physical brain as being the seat of emotions and command center and stuff like that. There is no belief inside of meat and bones , only in the consciousness, which has no known location in the body, its just there. In man.
" The consciousness of man" in my main meaning. When science says the brain is hardwired, I think they mean with the basics of the physical brain as being the seat of emotions and command center and stuff like that. There is no belief inside of meat and bones , only in the consciousness, which has no known location in the body, its just there. In man.

- its just there. In man.


the receptors for the metaphysical exist in all beings, with or without a CNS (central nervous system). physiology is not a native characteristic of planet Earth, Earths location is a metaphysical convergence, axiom unto itself.
I believe it is human nature to want answers to questions that cant be answered. Gods used to be their answers for everything they didnt understand. Which was most everything lol
We still do it today in other forms besides gods.
Or it could be that we were made for more.
Yes I think most people believe the location of consciousness is in our heads, this is because when we introspect , we seem to look inward on an inner space somewhere behind our eyes. The simple biology already tells us that there is nothing inside our heads except physiological tissue of one sort or another, and bone. The fact that it is predominantly neurological tissue is irrelevant to being conscious.

I think consciousness is more of " A Spirit in man."
kids are brainwashed to believe in god...then their kids are taught the same
believing in a god and afterlife is just a feel good thing....
what is an ''immortal soul''? what is that??
do you believe in a god and an afterlife?
I believe it is human nature to want answers to questions that cant be answered. Gods used to be their answers for everything they didnt understand. Which was most everything lol
We still do it today in other forms besides gods.
Or it could be that we were made for more.
We were made to reproduce
That is a requirement for intelligence to emerge. You were made to create and be creative. That's when we are most happy. Unfortunately that knowledge has been lost along the way. And now you see creating as something you do to earn money; something you do to get to the weekend. You are so dead that you can't even see the higher nature within yourself.
If you forget everything you have ever been told about "god," and just think about your own personal world, the existence of "god" is obvious and undeniable.

To deny the existence of "god" is to suppose - and believe - that everything around you just happened, with no particular cause, design, or purpose. For example, the earth JUST HAPPENS to be traveling around a central star at a distance and velocity that ensures that the earth's temperature is compatible with life, and it will continue to travel at just the right speed and direction to remain so in perpetuity (for all practical purposes). Life JUST HAPPENED to occur many billions of years ago, and has evolved from single-cell simplicity to what we see now. Right. "Evolution" and similar natural explanations of the universe are so loaded with unsupportable suppositions that it takes YEARS of academic brainwashing before the Education Mafia can even begin to teach it to you. Without that brainwashing, you would literally laugh in your Science teacher's face. S\he is preaching nonsense.

The most knowledgeable and intelligent doctor in the history of the world has no idea what "life" is. Ask him why, when a "dead" heart is implanted into a live human and blood starts pumping through it, it becomes magically alive again. He will have no idea. Ask him why a dead seed will germinate when placed in soil and water and exposed to light. He has no idea. And on and on.

The idea that there is no "god" is utterly ridiculous, provably false, and only an idiot could seriously believe it.
If you forget everything you have ever been told about "god," and just think about your own personal world, the existence of "god" is obvious and undeniable.

To deny the existence of "god" is to suppose - and believe - that everything around you just happened, with no particular cause, design, or purpose. For example, the earth JUST HAPPENS to be traveling around a central star at a distance and velocity that ensures that the earth's temperature is compatible with life, and it will continue to travel at just the right speed and direction to remain so in perpetuity (for all practical purposes). Life JUST HAPPENED to occur many billions of years ago, and has evolved from single-cell simplicity to what we see now. Right. "Evolution" and similar natural explanations of the universe are so loaded with unsupportable suppositions that it takes YEARS of academic brainwashing before the Education Mafia can even begin to teach it to you. Without that brainwashing, you would literally laugh in your Science teacher's face. S\he is preaching nonsense.

The most knowledgeable and intelligent doctor in the history of the world has no idea what "life" is. Ask him why, when a "dead" heart is implanted into a live human and blood starts pumping through it, it becomes magically alive again. He will have no idea. Ask him why a dead seed will germinate when placed in soil and water and exposed to light. He has no idea. And on and on.

The idea that there is no "god" is utterly ridiculous, provably false, and only an idiot could seriously believe it.

Something cannot bring itself into existence , since it must exist to bring itself into existence. That is a simple way I now view it.
I was just browsing recently and came across this interesting article I had never seen;

Why we are born to believe in God: It's wired into the brain, says psychologist | Daily Mail Online

I found it quite stimulating , it caused some thoughts. Did I believe in God, before I started believing in him? Was the perception of him just already there? The author made some interesting suggestions that seemed to match my personal experience in my life. I was aware of the other ways of influence of actually how one can " Learn about God", from parents, educational venues, peers and just naturally growing on in your life experiences with learning. But actually being born with belief patterns already there, I had not given much thought to it before.

The thought does cross a few biblical concepts, such as " Predestination" , and our destiny is a subject the bible certainly mentions. Its like " Presuppose", or to believe or suppose " In Advance." Interesting, almost like presuming before any evidence is involved. Its always better to go after evidence first, but between the ages of lets say 5 to 10 years old, who actually does that? I mean were just children, we don't know how to collect evidence just that well yet; and the evidence is not so clear on the topic to all any way.

We can then say the first humans who perceived there may be a God, that perception may have just already been " In them." And it just started coming out.

Being " Born that way", covers more than belief in God , there are many things we can accept that we were most likely born with. Its been proven some are born gay , or some with more emotional content in one area of their make up than another. Some seem born with much more talent in areas, or just something seems to have already been there.

I tell you, learning is just interesting.
I can't disagree. I found this passage of particular interest:

'Our research shows children have a natural, intuitive way of reasoning that leads them to all kinds of supernatural beliefs about how the world works,' he said.

'As they grow up they overlay these beliefs with more rational approaches but the tendency to illogical supernatural beliefs remains as religion.' (The emphasis is mine)

So, even while acknowledging that belief in the supernatural is "hardwired", the researcher makes a point of observing that it is no less illogical, and even compares the illogical belief to religion.

You're right. Learning is interesting.

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