The Buck DOES NOT stop here...

He would not have authorized the mission. Trump truly turned over missions to his Generals for crying out loud.

And cut the Putin crap. It's beyond old and now you just come off as pathetic with russia, russia, russia.

Here:Just google it. Especially the cnn article.

Trump gives Pentagon total authority over troop levels in Afghanistan ... › News › World › Americas
Jun 15, 2017 - Donald Trump has given the Pentagon complete authority to set troop ... giving our troops greater latitude to provide air power and other vital ...
Trump gives Pentagon power to determine U.S. troop levels in Iraq ...
Apr 27, 2017 - WASHINGTON -- The White House is giving the Pentagon greater ... The decision will give Defense Secretary Jim Mattis the authority to send more forces ... Trump's decision applies only to the two countries, and so far does ...
Trump Gives Mattis Authority to Send More Troops to Afghanistan ...
Trump Gives Mattis Authority to Send More Troops to Afghanistan
Jun 13, 2017 - Trump Gives Mattis Authority to Send More Troops to Afghanistan ... House to give the Pentagon and its military commanders more latitude to deploy .... the request as far too little to carry out the military buildup Mr. Trump has ...
How Trump is empowering the military -- and raising some eyebrows ...
Jun 26, 2017 - In Iraq and Syria, the President has also granted the Pentagon more ... has been empowered by Trump, regaining the authority to conduct ...... Going too far? ... to giving commanders more latitude, said he worried the Trump ...
Trying to micromanage our military was a mistake obama made. Trump said he wasn’t going to do that.
It took him weeks to even acknowledge the men were killed. The Comrade only takes credit for successes. Remember, "they lost Ryan."

I wonder if bone spurs are still on his small feet?
Obama bet his reelection on Osama, and he knew exactly what he was doing on Ferguson. I didn't like the guy's politics, but Trump ain't in his class.
Trump says he did not 'specifically' authorize Niger mission that killed four U.S. soldiers
What a POS, so called, president you and putin elected. Really, who believes a patented Liar?

This goes along with , "they lost Ryan." He only takes credit for victories, as few as there have been.
Simply Incredible Donald Trump is a Bum says " I had nothing to do with that " ...some fucking President LOL

Trump says he did not "specifically" authorize Niger mission
Source: CBS News

President Trump told reporters Wednesday he did not "specifically" authorize the mission in Niger that left four soldiers dead, as he gave a wide-ranging impromptu press conference outside the White House with reporters before departing for Dallas.

The Niger mission has come under increasing scrutiny, as questions linger about how four U.S. soldiers died in the ambush. Asked if he authorized that mission that has drawn an intense level, Mr. Trump said, "No I didn't. Not specifically. But I have generals that are great generals, great fighters, these are warriors." This week, Mr. Trump has continued to grapple with the fallout from his call to the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, one of the four soldiers who died.

Read more: Trump says he didn't "specifically" authorize Niger mission

John Harwood‏Verified account @JohnJHarwood

Trump says he did not authorize the mission in Niger that resulted in loss of 4 soldiers. generals did

10:20 AM - 25 Oct 2017

Scott Dworkin @funder
.@realDonaldTrump-You are to blame for everything that happens under your failed presidency. You knew what you signed up for. #ImpeachTrump …

4:24 PM - Oct 25, 2017
They knew what they were signing up for. grrrrr.

Look dumbass, those of us that enlisted KNEW what we were getting into.
Fuck you doc. You got what you deserve in Trump.

The problem you have is that I'm not a Trump guy AND that I am no a blind partisan piece of shit like you. WE who enlisted KNEW what we were enlisting for. Struck a nerve though, nice petulant response little boy ;)
And, the number of times the buck stopped at Obama was________________?

Never. Remember Obama's red line, he drew a red line, Syria crossed his red line, and Obama then claimed it wasn't his red line it was the worlds red line holy crap that guy was lame.
Obama may have actually believed that he was President of the World.


The Comrade is looking for something bigger.
Trump says he did not 'specifically' authorize Niger mission that killed four U.S. soldiers
What a POS, so called, president you and putin elected. Really, who believes a patented Liar?

This goes along with , "they lost Ryan." He only takes credit for victories, as few as there have been.
Simply Incredible Donald Trump is a Bum says " I had nothing to do with that " ...some fucking President LOL

Trump says he did not "specifically" authorize Niger mission
Source: CBS News

President Trump told reporters Wednesday he did not "specifically" authorize the mission in Niger that left four soldiers dead, as he gave a wide-ranging impromptu press conference outside the White House with reporters before departing for Dallas.

The Niger mission has come under increasing scrutiny, as questions linger about how four U.S. soldiers died in the ambush. Asked if he authorized that mission that has drawn an intense level, Mr. Trump said, "No I didn't. Not specifically. But I have generals that are great generals, great fighters, these are warriors." This week, Mr. Trump has continued to grapple with the fallout from his call to the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, one of the four soldiers who died.

Read more: Trump says he didn't "specifically" authorize Niger mission

John Harwood‏Verified account @JohnJHarwood

Trump says he did not authorize the mission in Niger that resulted in loss of 4 soldiers. generals did

10:20 AM - 25 Oct 2017

Scott Dworkin @funder
.@realDonaldTrump-You are to blame for everything that happens under your failed presidency. You knew what you signed up for. #ImpeachTrump …

4:24 PM - Oct 25, 2017

If a mission is a success, the Comrade says, "THAT WAS ME! THAT WAS MY IDEA!" If the goose is screwed and people die, "I didn't really approve it." This is typical of a sociopath.

The Comrade has his eye on something much bigger than the Presidency. He Tweeted this morning his congratulations to China's President Xi for his "elevation." Yup, folks you are looking at the possibility of this country's first "Royal Family." The Comrade will do his four or eight years and then Junior, as slow as he is, will step up and be next in line.

Remember, he has already said the Constitution in standing in his was.
Eight years of Obama passing the buck...Liberals defended him tooth and nail. Obama sends troops to Niger...and TRUMP is passing the buck?

Give me a effing break. :rolleyes:
The Comrade has his eye on something much bigger than the Presidency. He Tweeted this morning his congratulations to China's President Xi for his "elevation." Yup, folks you are looking at the possibility of this country's first "Royal Family." The Comrade will do his four or eight years and then Junior, as slow as he is, will step up and be next in line.

Remember, he has already said the Constitution in standing in his was.
Like Hillary rode on Bill's coattails to ignominious humiliating defeat?

She couldn't have won a dogcatcher election if she wasn't named Clinton.

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