The Bush legacy

Unnecessary invasion of Iraq
Destroyed the world economy
Collapse of his post 9-11 approval rating
Abused his global support after 9-11

The so-called "unnecessary invasion of Iraq" was approved and supported by Congress.

Torture was never practiced by President Bush's approval, though since it happened under his watch, he was man enough to take the blame.

Nobody in history ever had such a trifecta of economic destruction as the peanut farmer and mental ENGINEER OF THE WORST helicopter rescue effort, Jimmy Carter.

Presidential approval ratings come and go.

One one hand (like here) you claim that GWB had global support, then on the next breath you blame him to be unilateral.

You seem to be unaware of the facts regarding Katrina. You choose to put no bale on the Democratic mayor of New Orleans and the also Democratic Governor of Louisiana. You ignore the fact that hundreds of school buses sat idle, because racist "Chocolate City" mayor decided to throw his fellow blacks under the bus, rather than use those buses to rescue people.

In time, may be, you and your miserable ilk will realize that Obama's only claim to fame is that he is half black, and his contribution to the welfare of the country is, at best, a big fat zero.

Gloat while you may. If you think that 2010 was an unpleasant surprise for Democrats, - just like 2012 was for Republicans - wait till you see election day results in November, 2014.

As much as Republicans try to blame Democrats for the Invasion of Iraq....EVERY Republican voted for it and Bush alone pulled the trigger. Massive blunder by Bush. History will hold him accountable

Bush officially authorized torture and human rights violations. History will hold him accountable

Like Hoover, Bush stood by waiting for the economy to self correct. The result was a near depression. History will hold him accountable

Bush's non-reaction to Katrina and attempts to blame local officials for a disaster well beyond their capabilities to handle is a non-starter. History will hold him accountable

Wrong...not EVERY Republican voted for it, and it was about split with the Dems. You should look this over, before making statement you don't know are true. The majority in the House and Senate voted FOR the invasion.

War With Iraq
GWB did not kill ay of thoise kids, nor did mame the rest
with out terror these events never occur
you might want to blame those who actually did the harm

Yes, the Commander in Chief who first put them in harm's way.

If they were not there in the first place, would they be dead/maimed?

Not expecting a straight answer.

Along with the rest of the Republicans and the majority of democrats....and the OK from Congress. I just love how ALL the blame is put on Bush when you know that's not true. But yet all the crap going on in the Obama Admin is not Obama's fault at all, it's STILL Bush's.

The decision to invade was made entirely by Bush

Congress only authorized him to make that decision
Charles Krauthammer: The Bush legacy - The Washington Post
A great opinion wrote by CK of the post

Let me add not only was both wars a success, his tax rates created millions of jobs until the wealth boom caused by greed and not policy crashed in 08
To me GWB biggest failures were
Immigration reform
Not funding Medicare D
And no child left behind
in 2007 this country stood at the door step of a balanced budget, the last GOP budget
BHO and the dems added 700 billion to that base-line by 2009 and along with the press gave blame to W

A truly great president during 8 very difficult years

Bush the GOP used reconcilliation three times. Twice for the deficit creating Bush Tax cuts and once for the ecnormously expensive Medicare D. How were Republicans able to use reconcilliation three times with a Democratic congress. Short answer, they weren't. ONLY the majority party can use reconcilliation. Greed was blocked by policies the GOP ended. Talk about living in a cloud.
Charles Krauthammer: The Bush legacy - The Washington Post
A great opinion wrote by CK of the post

Let me add not only was both wars a success, his tax rates created millions of jobs until the wealth boom caused by greed and not policy crashed in 08
To me GWB biggest failures were
Immigration reform
Not funding Medicare D
And no child left behind
in 2007 this country stood at the door step of a balanced budget, the last GOP budget
BHO and the dems added 700 billion to that base-line by 2009 and along with the press gave blame to W

A truly great president during 8 very difficult years

A truly terrible president who crashed the economy and wrongfully waged preventive war against Iraq.

Those who support the war criminal are accessories to crimes against humanity.

Which means about half the Dems in the House and Senate should be also. 9/11 crashed the economy. But Bush started bring things back....until the Dems took over Congress in 2007. :)
Clare Boothe Luce liked to say that “a great man is one sentence.” Presidents, in particular. The most common “one sentence” for George W. Bush is: “He kept us safe.”

Using this sentence to describe the President during 9-11 is insulting

what is it that is insulting?

Gosh, the families of 5,000 dead young American soldiers and multiple thousands more young maimed American soldiers may think something's missing from that list.


Her's something else missing - Death toll in A-Stan under Obama has more than doubled since GW Bush departed office.

Gosh, the families of 5,000 dead young American soldiers and multiple thousands more young maimed American soldiers may think something's missing from that list.


Her's something else missing - Death toll in A-Stan under Obama has more than doubled since GW Bush departed office.

No question about it

After seven years in Afghanistan, Obama still had to clean up the mess left by Bush. If only Bush had done the job right and not abandoned Afghanistan to engage in his blunder in Iraq all those American soldiers could have been saved
Charles Krauthammer: The Bush legacy - The Washington Post
A great opinion wrote by CK of the post

Let me add not only was both wars a success, his tax rates created millions of jobs until the wealth boom caused by greed and not policy crashed in 08
To me GWB biggest failures were
Immigration reform
Not funding Medicare D
And no child left behind
in 2007 this country stood at the door step of a balanced budget, the last GOP budget
BHO and the dems added 700 billion to that base-line by 2009 and along with the press gave blame to W

A truly great president during 8 very difficult years


Your take on the Bush years is funny. Almost as funny as when I imagine Krauthammer chasing kiddies in Vulgaria.
Charles Krauthammer: The Bush legacy - The Washington Post
A great opinion wrote by CK of the post

Let me add not only was both wars a success, his tax rates created millions of jobs until the wealth boom caused by greed and not policy crashed in 08
To me GWB biggest failures were
Immigration reform
Not funding Medicare D
And no child left behind
in 2007 this country stood at the door step of a balanced budget, the last GOP budget
BHO and the dems added 700 billion to that base-line by 2009 and along with the press gave blame to W

A truly great president during 8 very difficult years

A truly terrible president who crashed the economy and wrongfully waged preventive war against Iraq.

Those who support the war criminal are accessories to crimes against humanity.

Which means about half the Dems in the House and Senate should be also. 9/11 crashed the economy. But Bush started bring things back....until the Dems took over Congress in 2007. :)

Oh, so that's what happened. Then the Bush tax cuts, the two unpaid for wars, the drugs for votes bill, the tens of thousands maimed in Iraq, the cost of the military, the cost of rebuilding Iraq, the deregulation, none of these had any effect. Got it!
Clare Boothe Luce liked to say that “a great man is one sentence.” Presidents, in particular. The most common “one sentence” for George W. Bush is: “He kept us safe.”

Using this sentence to describe the President during 9-11 is insulting

what is it that is insulting?

The decision to invade was made entirely by Bush

You are one dumb shitforbrained idiot...

YEAs — 77 (This would be who voted FOR the Iraq War, dumbfuck).

Bayh (D-IN)
Biden (D-DE)
Breaux (D-LA)
Cantwell (D-WA)
Carnahan (D-MO)
Carper (D-DE)
Cleland (D-GA)
Clinton (D-NY)
Daschle (D-SD)
Dodd (D-CT)
Dorgan (D-ND)
Edwards (D-NC)
Feinstein (D-CA)
Harkin (D-IA) Hollings (D-SC)
Johnson (D-SD)
Kerry (D-MA)
Kohl (D-WI)
Landrieu (D-LA)
Lieberman (D-CT)
Lincoln (D-AR)
Miller (D-GA)
Nelson (D-FL)
Nelson (D-NE)
Reid (D-NV)
Rockefeller (D-WV)
Schumer (D-NY)
Torricelli (D-NJ)
Charles Krauthammer: The Bush legacy - The Washington Post
A great opinion wrote by CK of the post

Let me add not only was both wars a success, his tax rates created millions of jobs until the wealth boom caused by greed and not policy crashed in 08
To me GWB biggest failures were
Immigration reform
Not funding Medicare D
And no child left behind
in 2007 this country stood at the door step of a balanced budget, the last GOP budget
BHO and the dems added 700 billion to that base-line by 2009 and along with the press gave blame to W

A truly great president during 8 very difficult years

Bush the GOP used reconcilliation three times. Twice for the deficit creating Bush Tax cuts and once for the ecnormously expensive Medicare D. How were Republicans able to use reconcilliation three times with a Democratic congress. Short answer, they weren't. ONLY the majority party can use reconcilliation. Greed was blocked by policies the GOP ended. Talk about living in a cloud.

GWB tax cuts did not create nothing but jobs and income into the federal govt
Why America Is Going To Miss The Bush Tax Cuts - Forbes
This will take care of your false info on tax cuts
These Bush tax cuts did not explode the deficit, as Obama and his echo chamber have alleged. By 2007, the deficit was down to $160 billion, less than 15% of Obama’s deficits today. Total federal revenues soared from $793.7 billion in 2003, when the last of the Bush tax cuts were enacted, to $1.16 trillion in 2007, a 47% increase. Capital gains revenues had doubled by 2005, despite the 25% capital gains rate cut adopted in 2003. Federal revenues rose to 18.5% of GDP by 2007, above the long term, postwar, historical average over the prior 60 years. CBO was projecting surpluses to return indefinitely in 2012 through the end of its projection period in 2018.
Bush did increase federal spending as a percent of GDP by one-seventh, erasing the federal spending cuts enacted by the Republican Congressional majorities in the 1990s. But even with that, deficits during the Bush years averaged just 2% of GDP, one-third less than the average over the prior 50 years. President Obama’s deficits have averaged 5 times as much, at 9.1% of GDP.

Gosh, the families of 5,000 dead young American soldiers and multiple thousands more young maimed American soldiers may think something's missing from that list.


Her's something else missing - Death toll in A-Stan under Obama has more than doubled since GW Bush departed office.

No question about it

After seven years in Afghanistan, Obama still had to clean up the mess left by Bush. If only Bush had done the job right and not abandoned Afghanistan to engage in his blunder in Iraq all those American soldiers could have been saved

What mess?
What Blunder
you want to accuse, be specific so the truth can shut you up

Yes, the Commander in Chief who first put them in harm's way.

If they were not there in the first place, would they be dead/maimed?

Not expecting a straight answer.

Along with the rest of the Republicans and the majority of democrats....and the OK from Congress. I just love how ALL the blame is put on Bush when you know that's not true. But yet all the crap going on in the Obama Admin is not Obama's fault at all, it's STILL Bush's.

The decision to invade was made entirely by Bush

Congress only authorized him to make that decision

And why would they do that if they didn't think it was the right thing to do??
Unnecessary invasion of Iraq
Destroyed the world economy
Collapse of his post 9-11 approval rating
Abused his global support after 9-11

You see people how everything is Booooooooooooooooosh fault, but everything under Obama is still Booooooooooooooooooooooosh fault..

bush is so powerful he destroyed the whole world economy...
and bush saved hundred of lives sending the military during Katrina but does he get credit for he still gets dumped on as if he caused Katrina and they had NO GOVERNMENT of their own

you are so full of shit..
The decision to invade was made entirely by Bush

You are one dumb shitforbrained idiot...

YEAs — 77 (This would be who voted FOR the Iraq War, dumbfuck).

Bayh (D-IN)
Biden (D-DE)
Breaux (D-LA)
Cantwell (D-WA)
Carnahan (D-MO)
Carper (D-DE)
Cleland (D-GA)
Clinton (D-NY)
Daschle (D-SD)
Dodd (D-CT)
Dorgan (D-ND)
Edwards (D-NC)
Feinstein (D-CA)
Harkin (D-IA) Hollings (D-SC)
Johnson (D-SD)
Kerry (D-MA)
Kohl (D-WI)
Landrieu (D-LA)
Lieberman (D-CT)
Lincoln (D-AR)
Miller (D-GA)
Nelson (D-FL)
Nelson (D-NE)
Reid (D-NV)
Rockefeller (D-WV)
Schumer (D-NY)
Torricelli (D-NJ)

And with good reason
The UN had stated for the record as late as 1/27/2003 that Saddam still was not doing as he stated he would
to this day there are still 6000 munitions with chemical war heads missing
500 were found after the invasion,d.cGE,d.cGE

The media ignored this and still do today
My biggest dis respect for the left are these lies that surrond these events just so they could get power back
100% lies
The decision to invade was made entirely by Bush

You are one dumb shitforbrained idiot...

YEAs — 77 (This would be who voted FOR the Iraq War, dumbfuck).

Bayh (D-IN)
Biden (D-DE)
Breaux (D-LA)
Cantwell (D-WA)
Carnahan (D-MO)
Carper (D-DE)
Cleland (D-GA)
Clinton (D-NY)
Daschle (D-SD)
Dodd (D-CT)
Dorgan (D-ND)
Edwards (D-NC)
Feinstein (D-CA)
Harkin (D-IA) Hollings (D-SC)
Johnson (D-SD)
Kerry (D-MA)
Kohl (D-WI)
Landrieu (D-LA)
Lieberman (D-CT)
Lincoln (D-AR)
Miller (D-GA)
Nelson (D-FL)
Nelson (D-NE)
Reid (D-NV)
Rockefeller (D-WV)
Schumer (D-NY)
Torricelli (D-NJ)

Read the bill

It authorizes the President to invade if he believes it is warranted
The decision to invade was entirely Bush's. It is his legacy


(a) Authorization.--The President is authorized to use the Armed
Forces of the United States as he determines to be necessary and
in order to--
(1) defend the national security of the United States
against the continuing threat posed by Iraq; and
(2) enforce all relevant United Nations Security Council
resolutions regarding Iraq.
Last edited:
OK, Bush and Congress waged unlawful war against Iraq.

And, yes, Bush's budget policies and refusal to rein in business led to an economic melt down.

Sure....keep up with THAT lie!! Bush tried to warn everyone, Bwanny Fwank said everythings A-OK!! Lol!

[ame=]Democrats were WARNED of Financial crisis and did NOTHING - YouTube[/ame]

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