The Business of Government is to Promote Happiness or Business?

"The Business of Government is to Promote Happiness or Business?"

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

liberals believe that "promote the general welfare" means take care of everyone from birth to death, except unborn children that is.

No they don't

They believe in helping people who need help

Everyone believes in helping people who need help. Able bodied people on generational welfare do not need our tax dollars to maintain their drug and booze habits.

Countries like Pakistan also do not need our tax dollars.

We waste billions based on dem/lib feeeeeeeeeeeelings and emoooooooooooootion.

The only ones Republicans are concerned about helping is the one percent

Now, this is the point where you get to point out any GOP legislation from Republicans that is not targeted to the one percent

"Now, this is the point where you get to point out any GOP legislation from Republicans that is not targeted to the one percent"

the :bsflag: in this post is so wide and deep i doubt a battleship could plow and blast it's way thru it, everything i read from the liberfool and demoscums is so much fucking :bsflag: it makes me cringe with fear that they want America to fail or become just another third world shithole country, their logic is on par with a group of preschoolers wanting to play outside during the recent blizzard. :up:
We waste billions based on dem/lib feeeeeeeeeeeelings and emoooooooooooootion.

The only ones Republicans are concerned about helping is the one percent

Now, this is the point where you get to point out any GOP legislation from Republicans that is not targeted to the one percent

Since the 1% earn 20% of the income and pay 40% of taxes, we are the ones who need help. And we also create the jobs, a fact which doesn't bother you since you prefer government dependency anyway and don't think things through.

"Since the 1% earn 20% of the income and pay 40% of taxes"


Total U.S. taxes are barely progressive, as shown in this table and chart from Citizens for Tax Justice. The bottom 99 percent pays a 27.5 percent total tax rate on average, while the top 1 percent pays an average 29 percent tax rate, according to 2011 data from Citizens for Tax Justice.

Poor Americans Pay Double The State Local Tax Rates Of Top One Percent

9 Things The Rich Don't Want You To Know About Taxes

1. Poor Americans do pay taxes.

2. The wealthiest Americans don’t carry the burden.

3. In fact, the wealthy are paying less taxes.

4. Many of the very richest pay no current income taxes at all.

5. And (surprise!) since Reagan, only the wealthy have gained significant income.

6. When it comes to corporations, the story is much the same—less taxes.

7. Some corporate tax breaks destroy jobs.

the :bsflag: in this post is so wide and deep i doubt a battleship could plow and blast it's way thru it, everything i read from the liberfool and demoscums is so much fucking :bsflag: it makes me cringe with fear that they want America to fail or become just another third world shithole country, their logic is on par with a group of preschoolers wanting to play outside during the recent blizzard. :up:

1%er Warns Fellow Plutocrats Neoliberalism Will Lead to Violent Class Revolution

Though Charles and David Koch may be grabbing the headlines promoting a 1% neo-feudal agenda, not everyone in the upper echelons of the American plutocracy is on board. Nick Hanauer, a super rich venture capitalist, recently wrote a piece condemning neoliberalism – often called “trickle-down economics” – saying the current economic system is not only unfair and causing resentment but counter-productive to a thriving middle class saying “These idiotic trickle-down policies are destroying my customer base.”

1 er Warns Fellow Plutocrats Neoliberalism Will Lead To Violent Class Revolution FDL News Desk
The role of government is to allow the PURSUIT of happiness, not to guarantee that everyone will find it.

The role of government is to get out of the way of business and let the free market, supply and demand, and individual hard work drive success (or failure).

"just get the hell out of my way" John Galt to the government in Atlas Shrugged.

Prior to FDR the presumption of government was to produce the conditions for the "pursuit of happiness." FDR said, "why stop there, the federal government can produce happiness" ( understood as material well-being ) thus the New Deal, road to socialism and ruination of the principles the Founders spent much time on, in their famous U.S. Constitution, that is now almost up in flames. Obammy is fast closing it out, completely. We poor hard-working sucking taxpayers.

Dumbass, using quotes generally implies those are words of someone YOU are speaking of!

Leave it to commentator George Will, who declares, “Prior to Franklin Roosevelt, the assumption was that the federal government existed to produce the conditions for the pursuit of happiness.

“Frank Roosevelt said, ‘Why stop there?’ ”

Reaching several steps further, Franklin wanted government to do nothing less than “deliver happiness,” says Will, “in the form of material wealth.”

Ken Burns turns gaze toward the Roosevelt family

THANKS TO PROGRESSIVE POLICIES LIKE SS, LABOR LAWS, UNION RIGHTS, MIN WAGE, ETC THE US IS NO ,LONGER A 3RD WORLD NATION AND CREATED THE WORLDS LARGEST MIDDLE CLASS. Thanks to 40+ years of right wing think tanks war on the progressive policies, the US is looking more and more like the 3rd world nation FDR pulled US out of!

"The only orthodox object of the institution of government is to secure the greatest degree of happiness possible to the general mass of those associated under it."

Thomas Jefferson
omg, now I'm going to barf.

I don't need or WANT anyone to PROMOTE anything for me and my life.
I think we are all "Capable" of doing that all on OUR OWN.
Then tax breaks for business should end?

Taxes for businesses should end, it's double taxation. The owners of the business already pay taxes on their earnings.

Weird, don't they get some special consideration for being a Corp?

Using your 'logic', why should my gardener pay taxes on money's I pay him, I've already paid taxes on it? lol
You mean socialism can't bring them into the first world?

Democracy teamed with Socialist Ideals can.

They don't have that in Venezuela?

Venezuela is a third world country. Ever been there? I have. It's third world.

I lived there for 6 years, numskull. Venezuela should be wealthy. Why isn't it?

3rd world nation, like Somalia? lol
There's nothing right about Obamacare. I'm fine with paying my own way. I'm not fine with paying the way for a bunch of deadbeats, freeloaders and illegal aliens.

You already were, at a higher price than ACA.

Wrong, my premiums were $800 for medical and dental before Obamacare. I also only had a $2000 deductible. What good is insurance with a $13,000 deductible? It's almost useless.
this title is pure Socialist/communist propaganda folks.

GOVERNEMT was for one thing and that was to PROTECT us. Not become your fikken cheerleader, nanny, mommy and daddy.

You want to REMAIN free and live in a free country?

We HAVE to gut this government down to size or continue having them RUN US OVER

You mean socialism can't bring them into the first world?

Democracy teamed with Socialist Ideals can.

They don't have that in Venezuela?

Venezuela is anti-innovation and anti-production. A social democracy has a private sector and public that promote both of those!

What you're talking about is the welfare state. Socialism is where government runs industry.
I've met both types in both parties, there is no perfect party, The GOP through the past has never once destroyed any parts of the welfare state..the Dems have not destroyed capitalism.....I went to college, both secular and religious, both sides will discuss a philosophy or an idea, but it does not force one to choose or become subjugated to an idea...

See, this is the last refuge of the dimocrap scumbag who has been defeated in debate -- "They're Both The Same"

See it all the time.

They ARE NOT the same.

One party is filled with dishonest, lying scum with dishonest lying scumbags that care only about themselves making up the bulk of their voting block, and the other Party is made up of Patriots who care about the Country.

Run away little liar.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth. There is NEVER a reason to vote for one. They are ALL the same.

Might as well vote for a National Socialist

The thread is based on a false premiss of liberal misunderstanding about the US government in the first place. The happiness clause in the the DoI, not Constitution. The Declaration outlines values not law. The Constitution is the legal foundation we live under. What libs typically get wrong is they think it grants powers onto us and as such how much the government can do for us to get what we want.

The Constitution enables the government to secure safety and an environment that limits government so we can enjoy our freedoms. Government is not responsible to promote "happiness" or business but the ability to do either or both. Why is it mutually exclusive anyway? What a wrong headed assumption.
It's amazing how much better the forum looks when you filter out that dad2three guy. What a spambot!
Venezuela is a third world country. Ever been there? I have. It's third world.

Thank you for finally making the point I and every other conservative here has been trying to get through your denseness. Venezuela has the world's largest oil reserves yet can't get it out of the ground fast enough to keep up with expenditures. Oil accounts for 96% of their export revenue, meaning it is virtually all they produce. That's what happens when you put the gov't in charge of productivity (socialism).
Old Soviet joke: "We pretend to work and the gov't pretends to pay us."
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You already were, at a higher price than ACA.

BS. I pay the same and have the same coverage except my deductibles went up a few thousand per year. I am now responsible for the first $6000/yr in costs (3x$2000) as opposed to the first $1500/yr (3x$500).
I did, however, get to keep my doctors.

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