The Cappucino Corral

I'm so bummed......they voted Joe off. I knew it was going to happen as soon as he didn't win immunity......they could all tell he had winner written all over him. Now there's nothing but losers left......I really don't care who wins...I liked Jenn, but she's given up!

That was funny......that he made an immunity necklace out of scraps...he's so clever, and Mike couldn't really tell that it was not real....but Mike wasn't going to let Joe not go home no matter if the immunity idol had been a real one, in which case stupid Mike should have realized that Joe would have used it on was funny.
Serious about your espresso?

Francis Francis

Sells for more than $600.


Actually, my little daughter, who knows that Papa-Stat loves him some espresso-coffee (I've been cooking ground espresso beans as "normal" coffee now ever since my BIL died in November) asked Papa about a week ago what he wants for his 52nd birthday and I told her I want an Espresso/Cappuccino machine. She just got a brand new bike from Papa over the Easter/Passover holidays and I made it clear to the little one how expensive this gift was and how important it is to take care of the things we buy (we washed her bike down after her last ride last weekend, then sprayed a sort of wax on her bike and then wiped it off after 15 minutes, part of the "bike stays new" program... :D ).

So, while shopping in the two-weeks where she was with me for like 9 of 10 days, we stopped at a large store with electronics and appliances. She looked at the price tags for the Espresso/Cappu machines and I could literally see her calculating how many weeks of allowance she would have to save in order to buy me such a machine. Then she got a little teared-up and told me she didn't think she could buy it for me. I hugged her and told her if she does extra chores on Summer vacation with Papa, maybe it will be possible....

Taking the Stat-math program for sweet-little-Miss-Statalinas to a new level, I brought her attention to enormous stack of magazine she now has in her bedroom. If this continues, I will soon need to build a new bedroom, because for pretty much every weekend visit over 5 years now, she has gotten one magazine with stickers and all that cool girly-stuff, for a price on the average of €3 per mag.

25 x 3 x 5 = 350 Euros, just for sticker mags.

She realized how this all adds up and then said: Papa, no more mags, I wanna save up for something else!!


Oh well, at least we're not to the point of "Papa, Heinz and I are going on a date, can I have the car? Oh, and see you tomorrow morning".....
I'm so bummed......they voted Joe off. I knew it was going to happen as soon as he didn't win immunity......they could all tell he had winner written all over him. Now there's nothing but losers left......I really don't care who wins...I liked Jenn, but she's given up!

That was funny......that he made an immunity necklace out of scraps...he's so clever, and Mike couldn't really tell that it was not real....but Mike wasn't going to let Joe not go home no matter if the immunity idol had been a real one, in which case stupid Mike should have realized that Joe would have used it on was funny.

Mertex Yeah I didn't see that coming at all! I thought Joe was going to make it all the way to the end. I have no idea who is going to win now :lol:
Serious about your espresso?

Francis Francis

Sells for more than $600.


Actually, my little daughter, who knows that Papa-Stat loves him some espresso-coffee (I've been cooking ground espresso beans as "normal" coffee now ever since my BIL died in November) asked Papa about a week ago what he wants for his 52nd birthday and I told her I want an Espresso/Cappuccino machine. She just got a brand new bike from Papa over the Easter/Passover holidays and I made it clear to the little one how expensive this gift was and how important it is to take care of the things we buy (we washed her bike down after her last ride last weekend, then sprayed a sort of wax on her bike and then wiped it off after 15 minutes, part of the "bike stays new" program... :D ).

So, while shopping in the two-weeks where she was with me for like 9 of 10 days, we stopped at a large store with electronics and appliances. She looked at the price tags for the Espresso/Cappu machines and I could literally see her calculating how many weeks of allowance she would have to save in order to buy me such a machine. Then she got a little teared-up and told me she didn't think she could buy it for me. I hugged her and told her if she does extra chores on Summer vacation with Papa, maybe it will be possible....

Taking the Stat-math program for sweet-little-Miss-Statalinas to a new level, I brought her attention to enormous stack of magazine she now has in her bedroom. If this continues, I will soon need to build a new bedroom, because for pretty much every weekend visit over 5 years now, she has gotten one magazine with stickers and all that cool girly-stuff, for a price on the average of €3 per mag.

25 x 3 x 5 = 350 Euros, just for sticker mags.

She realized how this all adds up and then said: Papa, no more mags, I wanna save up for something else!!


Oh well, at least we're not to the point of "Papa, Heinz and I are going on a date, can I have the car? Oh, and see you tomorrow morning".....

That will come soon enough. For now, enjoy every minute you have with her....she is a sweet girl.
She realized how this all adds up and then said: Papa, no more mags, I wanna save up for something else!!

I'm sure that I'm saying nothing you don't already know, but you have a real prize in that little girl.

And I think she's pretty lucky, too, having a caring, attentive daddy.

She is Papa's little pride and joy, and what a blessing it is so see her beginning to think independently. That is a blessing that I cannot even begin to describe. She is going to grow up to be one smart, highly-motivated, beautiful woman and the man who is lucky enough to get to marry her (he must of course get past my shotgun first) will be one lucky dude.

Ahhh, life is good. Challenging, but good.

I worked almost 13 hours yesterday, only work 5 today, so I get to goof off some in USMB...
Morning Everyone! It's been Springtime here in NW Ohio for the past two days. Rain for today and tomorrow but I'm so grateful to see Winter go away.

Spent part of this pretty spring day sitting at my computer and engaging in "discussions" on a couple of the more noted topics of our day.

WTF was I thinking about?

I have had only one cup of coffee. Again: wtf was I thinking?

I am gonna have another then I may do some spring cleaning to surprise the spouse.
Spent part of this pretty spring day sitting at my computer and engaging in "discussions" on a couple of the more noted topics of our day.

WTF was I thinking about?

I have had only one cup of coffee. Again: wtf was I thinking?

I am gonna have another then I may do some spring cleaning to surprise the spouse.
I did some Spring cleaning last week, Wish I had the energy to wash windows... I'll get to it. :)

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