The Cappucino Corral


Cassy......quit posting in invisible ink...........:D

Oops....I see now you posted a picture....but it isn't showing up for me.....:(

Oh wow....I spoke too soon......I see it now.....and it does look's got pecans. I love anything with pecans.
Prayer Request!

I'm going in for surgery next Monday. The Doc says I'll be under general anesthesia for about 6 hours or so. They're gonna' take most of the skin off the back of my head and replace it with some off my thigh. A nerve may also be sacrificed near my right shoulder so it looks like pushups and are a no-no for a while, maybe forever. Doc says I'll still have my Fine Motor Skills so I'll still be able to play Guitars and fly R/C Model Planes!

But, there's always the possibility you don't wake up from this sort of thing so if I don't then just remember: Soylent Green is People! :biggrin:

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