The Cappucino Corral

Prayer Request!

I'm going in for surgery next Monday. The Doc says I'll be under general anesthesia for about 6 hours or so. They're gonna' take most of the skin off the back of my head and replace it with some off my thigh. A nerve may also be sacrificed near my right shoulder so it looks like pushups and are a no-no for a while, maybe forever. Doc says I'll still have my Fine Motor Skills so I'll still be able to play Guitars and fly R/C Model Planes!

But, there's always the possibility you don't wake up from this sort of thing so if I don't then just remember: Soylent Green is People! :biggrin:

Mad Scientist

I will be saying mi sh'berach for you, dude!

And thanks for letting us know.
Prayer Request!

I'm going in for surgery next Monday. The Doc says I'll be under general anesthesia for about 6 hours or so. They're gonna' take most of the skin off the back of my head and replace it with some off my thigh. A nerve may also be sacrificed near my right shoulder so it looks like pushups and are a no-no for a while, maybe forever. Doc says I'll still have my Fine Motor Skills so I'll still be able to play Guitars and fly R/C Model Planes!

But, there's always the possibility you don't wake up from this sort of thing so if I don't then just remember: Soylent Green is People! :biggrin:

Mad Scientist

I will be saying mi sh'berach for you, dude!

And thanks for letting us know.

From me too. All the best.
Well, since summer is on it's way, time to dust off "The Wise Guys"!


"Jetzt ist sommer, egal ob man schwitzt oder friert:
Sommer ist was in Deinem Kopf passiert, es ist
Sommer! Ich habe das klar gemacht -
Sommer ist wenn man trotzdem lacht!"

"Now it's summer, regardless whether you sweat or freeze,
Summer is what's going on inside your head, it's
Summer! I made it clear -
Summer is when, in spite (of it all) you laugh!"


Yepp, Germans can rock, too!!!
Well, since summer is on it's way, time to dust off "The Wise Guys"!


"Jetzt ist sommer, egal ob man schwitzt oder friert:
Sommer ist was in Deinem Kopf passiert, es ist
Sommer! Ich habe das klar gemacht -
Sommer ist wenn man trotzdem lacht!"

"Now it's summer, regardless whether you sweat or freeze,
Summer is what's going on inside your head, it's
Summer! I made it clear -
Summer is when, in spite (of it all) you laugh!"


Yepp, Germans can rock, too!!!

I'm wearing flip flops. Actually, American fit flops.
Prayer Request!

I'm going in for surgery next Monday. The Doc says I'll be under general anesthesia for about 6 hours or so. They're gonna' take most of the skin off the back of my head and replace it with some off my thigh. A nerve may also be sacrificed near my right shoulder so it looks like pushups and are a no-no for a while, maybe forever. Doc says I'll still have my Fine Motor Skills so I'll still be able to play Guitars and fly R/C Model Planes!

But, there's always the possibility you don't wake up from this sort of thing so if I don't then just remember: Soylent Green is People! :biggrin:

May it all go smoothly for you!
Prayer Request!

I'm going in for surgery next Monday. The Doc says I'll be under general anesthesia for about 6 hours or so. They're gonna' take most of the skin off the back of my head and replace it with some off my thigh. A nerve may also be sacrificed near my right shoulder so it looks like pushups and are a no-no for a while, maybe forever. Doc says I'll still have my Fine Motor Skills so I'll still be able to play Guitars and fly R/C Model Planes!

But, there's always the possibility you don't wake up from this sort of thing so if I don't then just remember: Soylent Green is People! :biggrin:

I'll pray for you :)
Good Morning, Cappuccinistas and a TGIF to all of you!

The Tribonians are landing today for the intergalactic USMB-TGIF conference:


I thought I would make them a nice cuppa cappu, what after 2.5 million light-years travel:


Let's bid a hearty welcome from our friends, the Tribonians!! Their speaker, TyroneSlothrop , will be exiting the mothership soon to shake hands with the USMB delegation!! cereal_killer will be presenting the Tribonians with an emblem for their mothership:


Welcome, Tribonians!

Good Morning, Cappuccinistas and a TGIF to all of you!

The Tribonians are landing today for the intergalactic USMB-TGIF conference:


I thought I would make them a nice cuppa cappu, what after 2.5 million light-years travel:


Let's bid a hearty welcome from our friends, the Tribonians!! Their speaker, TyroneSlothrop , will be exiting the mothership soon to shake hands with the USMB delegation!! cereal_killer will be presenting the Tribonians with an emblem for their mothership:


Welcome, Tribonians!

So that's what he looks like.
Prayer Request!

I'm going in for surgery next Monday. The Doc says I'll be under general anesthesia for about 6 hours or so. They're gonna' take most of the skin off the back of my head and replace it with some off my thigh. A nerve may also be sacrificed near my right shoulder so it looks like pushups and are a no-no for a while, maybe forever. Doc says I'll still have my Fine Motor Skills so I'll still be able to play Guitars and fly R/C Model Planes!

But, there's always the possibility you don't wake up from this sort of thing so if I don't then just remember: Soylent Green is People! :biggrin:
May you have the protection and intervention of the highest power on Monday ...I ask this of the Universe ....
Good Morning, Cappuccinistas and a TGIF to all of you!

The Tribonians are landing today for the intergalactic USMB-TGIF conference:


I thought I would make them a nice cuppa cappu, what after 2.5 million light-years travel:


Let's bid a hearty welcome from our friends, the Tribonians!! Their speaker, TyroneSlothrop , will be exiting the mothership soon to shake hands with the USMB delegation!! cereal_killer will be presenting the Tribonians with an emblem for their mothership:


Welcome, Tribonians!

So that's what he looks like.

It's what you ALL look like, Liebchen!!!

Tribonian is as Tribonian does!
Good Morning, Cappuccinistas and a TGIF to all of you!

The Tribonians are landing today for the intergalactic USMB-TGIF conference:


I thought I would make them a nice cuppa cappu, what after 2.5 million light-years travel:


Let's bid a hearty welcome from our friends, the Tribonians!! Their speaker, TyroneSlothrop , will be exiting the mothership soon to shake hands with the USMB delegation!! cereal_killer will be presenting the Tribonians with an emblem for their mothership:


Welcome, Tribonians!


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