The Cappucino Corral

Beef Wellington...


Yum, I've never had it but Gordon Ramsey makes me want to try it all the time. Do you know howto make it?

He swears too much.

Scorpios are hot heads :lol:

Hey, I resemble that comment!! =?)/(&&$§%)/()=/(?&(%$%/§$&"§%$§$&$&"§%/$(($/$//%$!!!!!
So, chirrun, here is the saga of corn syrup in Germany.




= There is no such product here.
Well, fooey.​

And I got this really good huge plastic thing with four other plastic thingies for my daughter to blow HUGE bubbles outside, including an instruction manual as to how to make your own bubble soap:

-1 cup corn syrup
-6 cups of cold water
-2 cups of palmolive or something like that.

Since there is no such thing as corn syrup in Germany, I googled how to make it (how much do you wanna bet that google sends me corn syrup ads starting tomorrow?):

75 gram sugar
225 g water.
Boil, boil, toil corn syrup.

Ok, I'm a brute, but I can do this!

So, I made corn syrup ala Allemagne ( :lol: ) mixed the stuff together and out the door we went, me, my daugher and her BFF, who is slumber partying here (they are watching Scooby Doo even as I type this important missive!).

I put the homemade soap in the big plastic tray thingy, my daughter used one of the big, round, flat plastic forms, put it in the water, held it up, moved it ----

and out came the biggest friggin bubble I have ever seen in my life, about 3/4 the size of my daughter. The bubble raised a little and then popped, but instead of disappearing, it deflated like a balloon and I saw this sugary thing forming that looked like an alien life form dropping to the ground.

Happy over our mega huge friggin balloons, we then dropped syrupy aliens from the sky for about 90 minutes. The sidewalk now looks like the crime scene of a cotton candy orgy-massacre something-something.

Thank G-d storms are in the forecast for tomorrow.

And that, chirrun, was the saga of home-made corn syrup in Germany.

So, chirrun, here is the saga of corn syrup in Germany.




= There is no such product here.
Well, fooey.​

And I got this really good huge plastic thing with four other plastic thingies for my daughter to blow HUGE bubbles outside, including an instruction manual as to how to make your own bubble soap:

-1 cup corn syrup
-6 cups of cold water
-2 cups of palmolive or something like that.

Since there is no such thing as corn syrup in Germany, I googled how to make it (how much do you wanna bet that google sends me corn syrup ads starting tomorrow?):

75 gram sugar
225 g water.
Boil, boil, toil corn syrup.

Ok, I'm a brute, but I can do this!

So, I made corn syrup ala Allemagne ( :lol: ) mixed the stuff together and out the door we went, me, my daugher and her BFF, who is slumber partying here (they are watching Scooby Doo even as I type this important missive!).

I put the homemade soap in the big plastic tray thingy, my daughter used one of the big, round, flat plastic forms, put it in the water, held it up, moved it ----

and out came the biggest friggin bubble I have ever seen in my life, about 3/4 the size of my daughter. The bubble raised a little and then popped, but instead of disappearing, it deflated like a balloon and I saw this sugary thing forming that looked like an alien life form dropping to the ground.

Happy over our mega huge friggin balloons, we then dropped syrupy aliens from the sky for about 90 minutes. The sidewalk now looks like the crime scene of a cotton candy orgy-massacre something-something.

Thank G-d storms are in the forecast for tomorrow.

And that, chirrun, was the saga of home-made corn syrup in Germany.


You should have taken we're all wondering what that mess looked like........:cheeky-smiley-018:
So, chirrun, here is the saga of corn syrup in Germany.




= There is no such product here.
Well, fooey.​

And I got this really good huge plastic thing with four other plastic thingies for my daughter to blow HUGE bubbles outside, including an instruction manual as to how to make your own bubble soap:

-1 cup corn syrup
-6 cups of cold water
-2 cups of palmolive or something like that.

Since there is no such thing as corn syrup in Germany, I googled how to make it (how much do you wanna bet that google sends me corn syrup ads starting tomorrow?):

75 gram sugar
225 g water.
Boil, boil, toil corn syrup.

Ok, I'm a brute, but I can do this!

So, I made corn syrup ala Allemagne ( :lol: ) mixed the stuff together and out the door we went, me, my daugher and her BFF, who is slumber partying here (they are watching Scooby Doo even as I type this important missive!).

I put the homemade soap in the big plastic tray thingy, my daughter used one of the big, round, flat plastic forms, put it in the water, held it up, moved it ----

and out came the biggest friggin bubble I have ever seen in my life, about 3/4 the size of my daughter. The bubble raised a little and then popped, but instead of disappearing, it deflated like a balloon and I saw this sugary thing forming that looked like an alien life form dropping to the ground.

Happy over our mega huge friggin balloons, we then dropped syrupy aliens from the sky for about 90 minutes. The sidewalk now looks like the crime scene of a cotton candy orgy-massacre something-something.

Thank G-d storms are in the forecast for tomorrow.

And that, chirrun, was the saga of home-made corn syrup in Germany.


Great story, stats

This looked fun in the amazing race :) Which couple do you like and which couple gets on your nerves?

That was neat....I wonder if they were still cold?

I still like Laura and Tyler. They obviously didn't strike up a romance, which says a lot about them, they're not needy of a partner....yet they are working very nicely together. They're my favorite. I also like Mike and Rochelle, who I thought didn't have a chance in hell when the race started, they are so nice to each other, work well together, are really a neat couple and have done really well in the challenges.

I like Blair.....he's such a nice guy, but Hayley......she needs to shut up once in a while, she grinds on my nerves with her incessant talking and constant badgering of Blair, and her annoying voice. I don't care for Jelani, although she has quieted down some - she was another one that acted superior over her partner Jelani who I think is very nice. The other couple Matt/Ashley are probably going to go out next week....he took so long trying to match the wooden shoes, they ended up they have a speed bump to deal with next week....don't know if they will recover.

This looked fun in the amazing race :) Which couple do you like and which couple gets on your nerves?

That was neat....I wonder if they were still cold?

I still like Laura and Tyler. They obviously didn't strike up a romance, which says a lot about them, they're not needy of a partner....yet they are working very nicely together. They're my favorite. I also like Mike and Rochelle, who I thought didn't have a chance in hell when the race started, they are so nice to each other, work well together, are really a neat couple and have done really well in the challenges.

I like Blair.....he's such a nice guy, but Hayley......she needs to shut up once in a while, she grinds on my nerves with her incessant talking and constant badgering of Blair, and her annoying voice. I don't care for Jelani, although she has quieted down some - she was another one that acted superior over her partner Jelani who I think is very nice. The other couple Matt/Ashley are probably going to go out next week....he took so long trying to match the wooden shoes, they ended up they have a speed bump to deal with next week....don't know if they will recover.

I like the same two couples you like and Haley and Blair both get on my nerves. She gets on my nerves because she's whiny and talks too much, he gets on my nerves too , I think it's the way he acts like a victim of her , I mean she is nerve racking but he handles it weird. :dunno:

This looked fun in the amazing race :) Which couple do you like and which couple gets on your nerves?

That was neat....I wonder if they were still cold?

I still like Laura and Tyler. They obviously didn't strike up a romance, which says a lot about them, they're not needy of a partner....yet they are working very nicely together. They're my favorite. I also like Mike and Rochelle, who I thought didn't have a chance in hell when the race started, they are so nice to each other, work well together, are really a neat couple and have done really well in the challenges.

I like Blair.....he's such a nice guy, but Hayley......she needs to shut up once in a while, she grinds on my nerves with her incessant talking and constant badgering of Blair, and her annoying voice. I don't care for Jelani, although she has quieted down some - she was another one that acted superior over her partner Jelani who I think is very nice. The other couple Matt/Ashley are probably going to go out next week....he took so long trying to match the wooden shoes, they ended up they have a speed bump to deal with next week....don't know if they will recover.

I meant to say Jenny.....Jelani is actually nice.

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