The Cappucino Corral

And now, time to motivate my butt for the day!

Kinda mesmerizing...

Hmmmm, mebbe that infamous Chocolate Fatwah is not such a bad idea, after all...

....and the way those luscious babes are gyrating their pelvic muscles, I do fear that those dudes may start to suffer from some muscles cramps, uh, somewhere...
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Every time I open this thread there's more food. :alcoholic:

Stat, I can't dunk an oreo in whiskey. Not because that would probably be extremely disgusting, but because the whiskey is the "cheat". I joke with my kid that I starve myself all day so I don't waste the daily caloric intake on food and can drink at night. Really though, I don't eat kale cause it tastes good, I eat kale because wine, vodka, and tequila taste good. ;)

Mertex, thanks.

Every time I open this thread there's more food. :alcoholic:

Stat, I can't dunk an oreo in whiskey. Not because that would probably be extremely disgusting, but because the whiskey is the "cheat". I joke with my kid that I starve myself all day so I don't waste the daily caloric intake on food and can drink at night. Really though, I don't eat kale cause it tastes good, I eat kale because wine, vodka, and tequila taste good. ;)

Mertex, thanks.

Vutt, U eeet Kail???


Every time I open this thread there's more food. :alcoholic:

Stat, I can't dunk an oreo in whiskey. Not because that would probably be extremely disgusting, but because the whiskey is the "cheat". I joke with my kid that I starve myself all day so I don't waste the daily caloric intake on food and can drink at night. Really though, I don't eat kale cause it tastes good, I eat kale because wine, vodka, and tequila taste good. ;)

Mertex, thanks.

Vutt, U eeet Kail???


Kale is good...........when you drown it in bananas, strawberries, pineapple and flaxseeds in a smoothie........:rolleyes:
BTW, MsnBama - I keep kind of a chocolate/gummi-bear account going with my 8-year old, so that she doesn't stuff the stuff all too much in herself...

Keep it that way, my not so little mini me and I are both working to get back in shape, it's so much easier when they're little. Luckily, she's tougher than I am so it isn't all that hard to stay on track. It would be easier without 50 million temptations. I came home yesterday to an early birthday box from a friend, opened it up to find a huge bag of jelly beans.

Kale is good...........when you drown it in bananas, strawberries, pineapple and flaxseeds in a smoothie........:rolleyes:

LOL!! We've put it in our morning smoothies before (soy milk, various protein powders, and ice) and it's tolerable, but she likes doing baked kale chips too. I've yet to find another way to eat it without wanting to chop my tongue off afterward.
BTW, MsnBama - I keep kind of a chocolate/gummi-bear account going with my 8-year old, so that she doesn't stuff the stuff all too much in herself...

Keep it that way, my not so little mini me and I are both working to get back in shape, it's so much easier when they're little. Luckily, she's tougher than I am so it isn't all that hard to stay on track. It would be easier without 50 million temptations. I came home yesterday to an early birthday box from a friend, opened it up to find a huge bag of jelly beans.

Kale is good...........when you drown it in bananas, strawberries, pineapple and flaxseeds in a smoothie........:rolleyes:

LOL!! We've put it in our morning smoothies before (soy milk, various protein powders, and ice) and it's tolerable, but she likes doing baked kale chips too. I've yet to find another way to eat it without wanting to chop my tongue off afterward.

I tried the Kale chips.......argh.......not doing that again.
BTW, MsnBama - I keep kind of a chocolate/gummi-bear account going with my 8-year old, so that she doesn't stuff the stuff all too much in herself...

Keep it that way, my not so little mini me and I are both working to get back in shape, it's so much easier when they're little. Luckily, she's tougher than I am so it isn't all that hard to stay on track. It would be easier without 50 million temptations. I came home yesterday to an early birthday box from a friend, opened it up to find a huge bag of jelly beans.

Kale is good...........when you drown it in bananas, strawberries, pineapple and flaxseeds in a smoothie........:rolleyes:

LOL!! We've put it in our morning smoothies before (soy milk, various protein powders, and ice) and it's tolerable, but she likes doing baked kale chips too. I've yet to find another way to eat it without wanting to chop my tongue off afterward.

I tried the Kale chips.......argh.......not doing that again.

She loves them, I'm just like, "where are the tostidos"
How did you all like that little stab in the back by Vanessa? I am really pissed at her for flat out betrayal of the other side.......telling them that she was going to backdoor Austin and then naming Jason to replace Clay.......damn.....I was wondering if the light bulb would finally light up for them...but I think it did. Sorry to see Jason go, I liked him, but I liked Becky, too. I hope one of the underdogs wins HOH, although the way they've been playing I wouldn't be surprised if Shelli, Clay or Austin wins HOH.....argh..........

I thought the Sixth Sense Alliance (Shelly, Clay, Vanessa, Austin, Liz, & Julia) were sitting very good in the house until three of them decided to target one of their own alliance members. I don't like Austin, but he was indeed a "number" for their alliance. Why would Shelly, Clay, and Vanessa think it was wise to target Austin at that point? They could just designate him low man on the totem pole and go after him later.

I don't understand why Shelly, Clay, and Vanessa thought it was wise to create a "final 8 alliance" with Jackie, Jason, Meg, and James. I guess they assumed that Liz would just fall in line with them once they revealed to her that Austin had "betrayed" the twins.

(I think wisdom was thrown out the window because they were all bored. They don't have much else to do except talk, talk, talk, and overthink their games.)

Austin's betrayal wasn't really that severe and when they finally told Liz about the plan to backdoor Austin, Liz was perplexed. Why? He's a number on our side!!!! He might be an idiot, but at least he's one that they can use.

I agree that a bulb finally lit up for the rest of the house when Vanessa put Jason on the block. It was a stunning blindside that caused the rest of them to put on their thinking caps, to start asking questions (through their tears), and to start putting the pieces of the puzzle together.

It was delightful to see Shelly and Clay squirm when asked if they knew about the plan in advance. Couldn't Shelly and Clay have anticipated those questions and brainstormed a script to follow instead of floundering like deer caught in the headlights?

And when Vanessa was put on the spot, she was adamant that she would not have made a decision like that on her own ... and she was miffed that Shelly and Clay wouldn't admit to the others that they knew about the plan in advance. I think the Sixth Sense Alliance might have shot themselves down with their "stupid" game play this last week.

I was sorry to see Jason go too, but at least the rest of the house now knows they have to rally together and actually start playing the game or get picked off one by one. This next HoH competition is critical because a line has definitely been drawn in the sand between the Sixth Sense Alliance (six houseguests) and everyone else (six houseguests).
How did you all like that little stab in the back by Vanessa? I am really pissed at her for flat out betrayal of the other side.......telling them that she was going to backdoor Austin and then naming Jason to replace Clay.......damn.....I was wondering if the light bulb would finally light up for them...but I think it did. Sorry to see Jason go, I liked him, but I liked Becky, too. I hope one of the underdogs wins HOH, although the way they've been playing I wouldn't be surprised if Shelli, Clay or Austin wins HOH.....argh..........

I thought the Sixth Sense Alliance (Shelly, Clay, Vanessa, Austin, Liz, & Julia) were sitting very good in the house until three of them decided to target one of their own alliance members. I don't like Austin, but he was indeed a "number" for their alliance. Why would Shelly, Clay, and Vanessa think it was wise to target Austin at that point? They could just designate him low man on the totem pole and go after him later.
The main reason they went after Austin was because of his loose lips. They were afraid that he was going to divulge more information that would jeopardize their alliance.....they knew he told Jason about "Julia" because the Sixth Sense members were the only ones that knew her name. Vanessa was mad at Austin for suggesting to Jason that it was okay to go after Julia (one of her alliances).

I don't understand why Shelly, Clay, and Vanessa thought it was wise to create a "final 8 alliance" with Jackie, Jason, Meg, and James. I guess they assumed that Liz would just fall in line with them once they revealed to her that Austin had "betrayed" the twins.
This was just a sham. Shelli, Clay and Vanessa have their own alliance with Austin and the twins.....they just wanted to make them feel comfortable and going along with their plans, but they had no plans to include them. Shelli is now miffed at Vanessa for suggesting that she was okay with Jason going on the block.

(I think wisdom was thrown out the window because they were all bored. They don't have much else to do except talk, talk, talk, and overthink their games.)

Austin's betrayal wasn't really that severe and when they finally told Liz about the plan to backdoor Austin, Liz was perplexed. Why? He's a number on our side!!!! He might be an idiot, but at least he's one that they can use.
Because Liz is not smart enough to realize that Austin admitting that Liz indeed is playing "twins" could actually cause them to be targeted....however, the underdogs are not that smart, either, and have not even thought about evicting one or the other.

I agree that a bulb finally lit up for the rest of the house when Vanessa put Jason on the block. It was a stunning blindside that caused the rest of them to put on their thinking caps, to start asking questions (through their tears), and to start putting the pieces of the puzzle together.
They must be some special kind of usually doesn't take players that long to figure out they are being played. Maybe they are just naive. Meg is so sweet, but it irks me that she is so trusting. She and the rest of them haven't even tried to come up with a plan to get rid of the twosome (Shelli/Clay), who can be a powerful duo over time.

It was delightful to see Shelly and Clay squirm when asked if they knew about the plan in advance. Couldn't Shelly and Clay have anticipated those questions and brainstormed a script to follow instead of floundering like deer caught in the headlights?
Because they think they are so was so obvious they were lying.

And when Vanessa was put on the spot, she was adamant that she would not have made a decision like that on her own ... and she was miffed that Shelly and Clay wouldn't admit to the others that they knew about the plan in advance. I think the Sixth Sense Alliance might have shot themselves down with their "stupid" game play this last week.
I hope so....Vanessa is a smart cookie.....she isn't about to take the blame for something the alliance decided. I bet she's going to jump ship and try to get rid of Shelli and Clay.....they are probably not useful to her anymore. If one of the underdogs doesn't win HOH.....they are going to be plucked one by one. Things change from one day to the next in Big Brother.....something's going to give soon.

I was sorry to see Jason go too, but at least the rest of the house now knows they have to rally together and actually start playing the game or get picked off one by one. This next HoH competition is critical because a line has definitely been drawn in the sand between the Sixth Sense Alliance (six houseguests) and everyone else (six houseguests).

Definitely. If one of the underdogs wins HOH, they will have the advantage if they put two of the Sixth Sense on the block.....they will have more votes, unless one of the SS wins POV. I just don't see Johnny Mac and Steve going along.....they seem to be playing their own solo game, but maybe they'll be able to see the advantage to doing so.
How did you all like that little stab in the back by Vanessa? I am really pissed at her for flat out betrayal of the other side.......telling them that she was going to backdoor Austin and then naming Jason to replace Clay.......damn.....I was wondering if the light bulb would finally light up for them...but I think it did. Sorry to see Jason go, I liked him, but I liked Becky, too. I hope one of the underdogs wins HOH, although the way they've been playing I wouldn't be surprised if Shelli, Clay or Austin wins HOH.....argh..........

I thought the Sixth Sense Alliance (Shelly, Clay, Vanessa, Austin, Liz, & Julia) were sitting very good in the house until three of them decided to target one of their own alliance members. I don't like Austin, but he was indeed a "number" for their alliance. Why would Shelly, Clay, and Vanessa think it was wise to target Austin at that point? They could just designate him low man on the totem pole and go after him later.
The main reason they went after Austin was because of his loose lips. They were afraid that he was going to divulge more information that would jeopardize their alliance.....they knew he told Jason about "Julia" because the Sixth Sense members were the only ones that knew her name. Vanessa was mad at Austin for suggesting to Jason that it was okay to go after Julia (one of her alliances).

I don't understand why Shelly, Clay, and Vanessa thought it was wise to create a "final 8 alliance" with Jackie, Jason, Meg, and James. I guess they assumed that Liz would just fall in line with them once they revealed to her that Austin had "betrayed" the twins.
This was just a sham. Shelli, Clay and Vanessa have their own alliance with Austin and the twins.....they just wanted to make them feel comfortable and going along with their plans, but they had no plans to include them. Shelli is now miffed at Vanessa for suggesting that she was okay with Jason going on the block.

(I think wisdom was thrown out the window because they were all bored. They don't have much else to do except talk, talk, talk, and overthink their games.)

Austin's betrayal wasn't really that severe and when they finally told Liz about the plan to backdoor Austin, Liz was perplexed. Why? He's a number on our side!!!! He might be an idiot, but at least he's one that they can use.
Because Liz is not smart enough to realize that Austin admitting that Liz indeed is playing "twins" could actually cause them to be targeted....however, the underdogs are not that smart, either, and have not even thought about evicting one or the other.

I agree that a bulb finally lit up for the rest of the house when Vanessa put Jason on the block. It was a stunning blindside that caused the rest of them to put on their thinking caps, to start asking questions (through their tears), and to start putting the pieces of the puzzle together.
They must be some special kind of usually doesn't take players that long to figure out they are being played. Maybe they are just naive. Meg is so sweet, but it irks me that she is so trusting. She and the rest of them haven't even tried to come up with a plan to get rid of the twosome (Shelli/Clay), who can be a powerful duo over time.

It was delightful to see Shelly and Clay squirm when asked if they knew about the plan in advance. Couldn't Shelly and Clay have anticipated those questions and brainstormed a script to follow instead of floundering like deer caught in the headlights?
Because they think they are so was so obvious they were lying.

And when Vanessa was put on the spot, she was adamant that she would not have made a decision like that on her own ... and she was miffed that Shelly and Clay wouldn't admit to the others that they knew about the plan in advance. I think the Sixth Sense Alliance might have shot themselves down with their "stupid" game play this last week.
I hope so....Vanessa is a smart cookie.....she isn't about to take the blame for something the alliance decided. I bet she's going to jump ship and try to get rid of Shelli and Clay.....they are probably not useful to her anymore. If one of the underdogs doesn't win HOH.....they are going to be plucked one by one. Things change from one day to the next in Big Brother.....something's going to give soon.

I was sorry to see Jason go too, but at least the rest of the house now knows they have to rally together and actually start playing the game or get picked off one by one. This next HoH competition is critical because a line has definitely been drawn in the sand between the Sixth Sense Alliance (six houseguests) and everyone else (six houseguests).

Definitely. If one of the underdogs wins HOH, they will have the advantage if they put two of the Sixth Sense on the block.....they will have more votes, unless one of the SS wins POV. I just don't see Johnny Mac and Steve going along.....they seem to be playing their own solo game, but maybe they'll be able to see the advantage to doing so.

This season reminds me somewhat of Season 6 with the "Sovereign Six" vs. the "Nerd Herd" (a/k/a "The Friendship") alliances. Now we have the "Sixth Sense" vs. the underdogs. I hope one of the underdogs wins HoH and puts both Shelly and Clay on the block to increase the odds that one of them goes home.
Wife and I with several of our neighbors will be joining a vigil for these 2 missing kids from Freeport, Fl. It's only 95 mile from my house ( Key Biscayne ). This will take most of our weekend.
Praying and hoping for a miracle that these 2 teens are still alive. All prayers will be helpful.

Bless you for that, and bless the two boys and their loved ones. Positive thoughts.
Evening folks! I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend. I am camping with kin all weekend. I went on a nice hike and hit up some white water rafting. It was my second time and I was pretty terrified for the most part. lol

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