The Cappucino Corral

drifter Debra K

What was that all about........Meg sobbing all over Clay? Was that for real....she has a secret crush on him?

I think she was drunk and made a pass at him. But it looked like he would have kissed her if nobody was watching. John was grossed out by the whole thing :lol: Another reason I just give up on this season.

Tonight, after Clay got booted, Julie asked him about it and he laughed it off....then made a comment that sounded like "Meg has had a shomance with everyone in the house" - hmmmm, I might have known that if I watched the feeds....:)
drifter Debra K

What was that all about........Meg sobbing all over Clay? Was that for real....she has a secret crush on him?

That was a funny segment. Big Brother editing made it appear as though "jealous" Meg wants Shelli's man. LOL

Well, it appeared like Meg really wanted Clay....when they were hugging, after they were nominated, she made a comment which sounded like she thought that they had both clicked with each other from the start.....but Clay didn't respond to that.

Clay wouldn't admit to Julie that he loved Shelli. He said that was a "strong" word.....we'll have to wait and see...:)

Dang, my post sounds like a "soap-opera".....:eek:
drifter Debra K

What was that all about........Meg sobbing all over Clay? Was that for real....she has a secret crush on him?

That was a funny segment. Big Brother editing made it appear as though "jealous" Meg wants Shelli's man. LOL

Well, it appeared like Meg really wanted Clay....when they were hugging, after they were nominated, she made a comment which sounded like she thought that they had both clicked with each other from the start.....but Clay didn't respond to that.

Clay wouldn't admit to Julie that he loved Shelli. He said that was a "strong" word.....we'll have to wait and see...:)

Dang, my post sounds like a "soap-opera".....:eek:

The whole thing was weird. I have no idea how all this will play out. But cut my feeds off soon.
drifter Debra K

What was that all about........Meg sobbing all over Clay? Was that for real....she has a secret crush on him?

That was a funny segment. Big Brother editing made it appear as though "jealous" Meg wants Shelli's man. LOL

Well, it appeared like Meg really wanted Clay....when they were hugging, after they were nominated, she made a comment which sounded like she thought that they had both clicked with each other from the start.....but Clay didn't respond to that.

Clay wouldn't admit to Julie that he loved Shelli. He said that was a "strong" word.....we'll have to wait and see...:)

Dang, my post sounds like a "soap-opera".....:eek:

The whole thing was weird. I have no idea how all this will play out. But cut my feeds off soon.

Well, it's obvious that Clay doesn't feel the same way about Meg......he thought "she's cute" - but I wonder how Shelli is going to feel when she sees the video of them hugging and him telling her not to mention it to anyone.....

I feel like James got the shaft when everyone voted for Clay to get evicted. I thought he wanted them to oust Shelli (which was my wish, too) - so it will be interesting to find out if whoever wins goes after him.
drifter Debra K

What was that all about........Meg sobbing all over Clay? Was that for real....she has a secret crush on him?

That was a funny segment. Big Brother editing made it appear as though "jealous" Meg wants Shelli's man. LOL

Well, it appeared like Meg really wanted Clay....when they were hugging, after they were nominated, she made a comment which sounded like she thought that they had both clicked with each other from the start.....but Clay didn't respond to that.

Clay wouldn't admit to Julie that he loved Shelli. He said that was a "strong" word.....we'll have to wait and see...:)

Dang, my post sounds like a "soap-opera".....:eek:

The whole thing was weird. I have no idea how all this will play out. But cut my feeds off soon.

Well, it's obvious that Clay doesn't feel the same way about Meg......he thought "she's cute" - but I wonder how Shelli is going to feel when she sees the video of them hugging and him telling her not to mention it to anyone.....

I feel like James got the shaft when everyone voted for Clay to get evicted. I thought he wanted them to oust Shelli (which was my wish, too) - so it will be interesting to find out if whoever wins goes after him.

James didn't care as much as Jackie and Meg did. Meg has not fooled around with a bunch of guys, she snuggled with Jeff, and Jason and kissed Steve I think. Clay made it sound like Meg made the rounds with all the men.

Anyway I've been busy will project offline and when I go online to relax those feeds just frustrate me.

The tv show edits are usually far from the truth of what's really going on. Enjoy :)
drifter Debra K

What was that all about........Meg sobbing all over Clay? Was that for real....she has a secret crush on him?

That was a funny segment. Big Brother editing made it appear as though "jealous" Meg wants Shelli's man. LOL

Well, it appeared like Meg really wanted Clay....when they were hugging, after they were nominated, she made a comment which sounded like she thought that they had both clicked with each other from the start.....but Clay didn't respond to that.

Clay wouldn't admit to Julie that he loved Shelli. He said that was a "strong" word.....we'll have to wait and see...:)

Dang, my post sounds like a "soap-opera".....:eek:

The whole thing was weird. I have no idea how all this will play out. But cut my feeds off soon.

Well, it's obvious that Clay doesn't feel the same way about Meg......he thought "she's cute" - but I wonder how Shelli is going to feel when she sees the video of them hugging and him telling her not to mention it to anyone.....

I feel like James got the shaft when everyone voted for Clay to get evicted. I thought he wanted them to oust Shelli (which was my wish, too) - so it will be interesting to find out if whoever wins goes after him.

James didn't care as much as Jackie and Meg did. Meg has not fooled around with a bunch of guys, she snuggled with Jeff, and Jason and kissed Steve I think. Clay made it sound like Meg made the rounds with all the men.
But Meg didn't want to vote for Clay? Anyway.....I've about given up on the underdogs....they don't seem to try hard enough to win HOH so they can secure their spots.....they'll be picked on one by one....especially with this last HOH.

Anyway I've been busy will project offline and when I go online to relax those feeds just frustrate me.
I don't think I could stand to watch more than what comes on TV every week.....that's frustrating enough.

The tv show edits are usually far from the truth of what's really going on. Enjoy :)
Yeah, I figured that out way back......but usually you can tell who likes who and who is looking out for who.....this time it's like they are so detached...the only ones that seem to have it together, even if they have stepped all over each other, is the Sixth Sense......arghhhhhh.
"As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives."
Walking (Henry David Thoreau)
I can't even watch it, I don't know why they kept Austin. :dunno:

I know....he's really disgusting....can't even lie without looking stupid.

I've quit watching it. Jason was my fav, I just can't with the rest of them.

Awww, that's too bad. I really don't care who wins now, but I wouldn't be disappointed if Johnny Mac ended up wining it....he's by far the most entertaining and certainly knows how to play so he is not even considered a competitor. I totally don't care about Meg, she's such a lame player and Jackie talks big but doesn't deliver. Vanessa will probably be the one taking them all for a ride.
I can't even watch it, I don't know why they kept Austin. :dunno:

I know....he's really disgusting....can't even lie without looking stupid.

I've quit watching it. Jason was my fav, I just can't with the rest of them.

Awww, that's too bad. I really don't care who wins now, but I wouldn't be disappointed if Johnny Mac ended up wining it....he's by far the most entertaining and certainly knows how to play so he is not even considered a competitor. I totally don't care about Meg, she's such a lame player and Jackie talks big but doesn't deliver. Vanessa will probably be the one taking them all for a ride.

I don't hate any of them, don't get me wrong but none of them have grabbed me in either, Jason was funny at least.

I think I am just bored with it :lol:

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