The Cappucino Corral

I have this paper and project due Friday with two other people. Me and this one girl got our parts done but the other person is not answering our texts or emails and has not uploaded anything to contribute to google docs. Now we have to scramble at the last minute to write their part and do their power point. I am so mad about it.
I have this paper and project due Friday with two other people. Me and this one girl got our parts done but the other person is not answering our texts or emails and has not uploaded anything to contribute to google docs. Now we have to scramble at the last minute to write their part and do their power point. I am so mad about it.

Yikes. Short of a dire emergency type situation, I'd be ticked, too. Will this person still get credit for this, even though you and your other partner are doing the work?
I have this paper and project due Friday with two other people. Me and this one girl got our parts done but the other person is not answering our texts or emails and has not uploaded anything to contribute to google docs. Now we have to scramble at the last minute to write their part and do their power point. I am so mad about it.

That is not good at all.

Make sure that your tutor is aware of this and ask to have the other person excluded from whatever grade you receive.
I have this paper and project due Friday with two other people. Me and this one girl got our parts done but the other person is not answering our texts or emails and has not uploaded anything to contribute to google docs. Now we have to scramble at the last minute to write their part and do their power point. I am so mad about it.

Yikes. Short of a dire emergency type situation, I'd be ticked, too. Will this person still get credit for this, even though you and your other partner are doing the work?

Yes, but I really want to take their name off the paper :lol: Why should they get any credit when we did the work?
I have this paper and project due Friday with two other people. Me and this one girl got our parts done but the other person is not answering our texts or emails and has not uploaded anything to contribute to google docs. Now we have to scramble at the last minute to write their part and do their power point. I am so mad about it.

That is not good at all.

Make sure that your tutor is aware of this and ask to have the other person excluded from whatever grade you receive.

I want to, I just have to ask the other person who did do work with me if they are cool with us doing that?
Hi guys, Yesterday was my daughter's 6 year b-day. She is growing up so fast it's kind of scary for a mom. But she is the best kid ever. Always wants to give mommy a hug and tell me she loves me and just really knows how to make me smile. Love her so much!!

Absolutely nothing in the world can beat that. Nothing.

And a belated happy birthday to your daughter!
So, my daughter was with me last weekend and it was a great weekend. We went swimming yesterday, but Friday I insisted that she clean her bedroom and prepare to put a lot of older toys in storage. We lightened her room up by four very large moving crates full of totally good toys, but not really right for a kid turning 9.

So, I took her back to her mom and then I've had a number of important business appointments today. Just finally had a chance to go into my own bedroom and what do I see on the one pillow?

20150810_194357 (Mittel).jpg

The little green alien's name is SPLORK.

I have this paper and project due Friday with two other people. Me and this one girl got our parts done but the other person is not answering our texts or emails and has not uploaded anything to contribute to google docs. Now we have to scramble at the last minute to write their part and do their power point. I am so mad about it.

Yikes. Short of a dire emergency type situation, I'd be ticked, too. Will this person still get credit for this, even though you and your other partner are doing the work?

It's over we did presentation to day, it was kinda awful oh well.
I have this paper and project due Friday with two other people. Me and this one girl got our parts done but the other person is not answering our texts or emails and has not uploaded anything to contribute to google docs. Now we have to scramble at the last minute to write their part and do their power point. I am so mad about it.

Yikes. Short of a dire emergency type situation, I'd be ticked, too. Will this person still get credit for this, even though you and your other partner are doing the work?

It's over we did presentation to day, it was kinda awful oh well.

I'm glad it's over for you, anyway. Did you ever hear anything from the no-show partner?
I have this paper and project due Friday with two other people. Me and this one girl got our parts done but the other person is not answering our texts or emails and has not uploaded anything to contribute to google docs. Now we have to scramble at the last minute to write their part and do their power point. I am so mad about it.

Yikes. Short of a dire emergency type situation, I'd be ticked, too. Will this person still get credit for this, even though you and your other partner are doing the work?

It's over we did presentation to day, it was kinda awful oh well.

I'm glad it's over for you, anyway. Did you ever hear anything from the no-show partner?

Yeah she added a whole 2 slides an hour before class :lol:
I have this paper and project due Friday with two other people. Me and this one girl got our parts done but the other person is not answering our texts or emails and has not uploaded anything to contribute to google docs. Now we have to scramble at the last minute to write their part and do their power point. I am so mad about it.

Yikes. Short of a dire emergency type situation, I'd be ticked, too. Will this person still get credit for this, even though you and your other partner are doing the work?

It's over we did presentation to day, it was kinda awful oh well.

I'm glad it's over for you, anyway. Did you ever hear anything from the no-show partner?

Yeah she added a whole 2 slides an hour before class :lol:

She was a heaping help!:rolleyes-41:
Big Brother tonight! Shelli and Vanessa are on the block ... one of them will be going home. Which one do you want to see go?

I think Vanessa should go. It was her dumb game move to put Jason on the block rather than follow through on the plan to backdoor Austin that placed everyone in her alliance in the line of fire. Prior to doing that, she was sitting very good.

Edited to add: Double Eviction Night. Should be exciting! :)
I was shocked to see Shelli evicted instead of Vanessa. Becky's plan failed. I guess I will have to go read some live feed updates to try and figure out what happened in the house.

When Steve won HoH for the "double eviction" show, I thought for sure Becky would be his target. I was shocked that he put Meg and Jackie on the block. Again, I'll have to read live feed updates to figure that one out....

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