The Cappucino Corral

Where's everybody?
Are you all on the internet battle field? Or docking of the hot weather like me. Here's a cold drink for hot summer weather.

Called Hibiscus Moctini.
Where's everybody?
Are you all on the internet battle field? Or docking of the hot weather like me. Here's a cold drink for hot summer weather.

Called Hibiscus Moctini.

That looks refreshing......I should have one soon. I had a Margarita this was like 94 degrees, and after going in the pool a Margarita seemed to be what I needed most.
Where's everybody?
Are you all on the internet battle field? Or docking of the hot weather like me. Here's a cold drink for hot summer weather.

Called Hibiscus Moctini.

I worked my ass off all day today. And then this evening, I relaxed with a lovely lady friend of mine...

I hope you weren't too tired to entertain your lady friend the proper way...........:rolleyes:
I had a good coupon for $1.50 off of a bag of decent coffee. I get home and daughter points out that it's whole bean.

So I Google "grinding bean coffee in food processor".

The results weren't encouraging.

So we went back and swapped it out.
Where's everybody?
Are you all on the internet battle field? Or docking of the hot weather like me. Here's a cold drink for hot summer weather.

Called Hibiscus Moctini.

I worked my ass off all day today. And then this evening, I relaxed with a lovely lady friend of mine...

I hope you weren't too tired to entertain your lady friend the proper way...........:rolleyes:
Oh, the evening was full of energy...

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On Monday I had bloodwork done and today I had a follow up with the doctor. BP is 126/74 and HR is 59.

Looks like I might still be around for another day or so! ;)
Let's see: according to the Andromedan Mothership calculations, that's 1,069 / 448, times the preparation time for "nipples of Venus" in Venedig. Hmmmm... Hmmmm ..... hmmmmm...

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Good morning, Cappuccinistis.

In and out a lot today, tons of work.

Just checking in to say HI.



Man....I got up with the biggest sinus headache ever. I didn't want to take an Alka-Seltzer Plus (which usually kicks it right out) because the last time I took one (last week), I was so groggy afterwards all I wanted to do was curl up somewhere and sleep. So, I haven't been here because for some reason reading and responding seems to aggravate the headache even more. It finally went away, on it's own.....must be something in the air I'm allergic to. I usually get these sinus headaches in April and September, so they're a little early this year....:(
Good morning, Cappuccinistis.

In and out a lot today, tons of work.

Just checking in to say HI.



Man....I got up with the biggest sinus headache ever. I didn't want to take an Alka-Seltzer Plus (which usually kicks it right out) because the last time I took one (last week), I was so groggy afterwards all I wanted to do was curl up somewhere and sleep. So, I haven't been here because for some reason reading and responding seems to aggravate the headache even more. It finally went away, on it's own.....must be something in the air I'm allergic to. I usually get these sinus headaches in April and September, so they're a little early this year....:(
Glad you are now feeling better. Strange, my headache went away late last evening...

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Good morning, Cappuccinistis.

In and out a lot today, tons of work.

Just checking in to say HI.



Man....I got up with the biggest sinus headache ever. I didn't want to take an Alka-Seltzer Plus (which usually kicks it right out) because the last time I took one (last week), I was so groggy afterwards all I wanted to do was curl up somewhere and sleep. So, I haven't been here because for some reason reading and responding seems to aggravate the headache even more. It finally went away, on it's own.....must be something in the air I'm allergic to. I usually get these sinus headaches in April and September, so they're a little early this year....:(

Allergy season is kicking in early. :(

I am sneezing and my sinuses are getting clogged up!

Probably a good idea to go and take a hot shower.
Good morning, Cappuccinistis of the world.

Yesterday, I was too busy to hump. I really missed those happy humpings.

So, today we swing Thor's hammer and drink our Cappuccino and shoot much shit in USMB!!!

Or, maybe I'll go a couple of rounds of boxing today...


Yepp, she's a knock-out!!!

Good Morning, and thank Friday it's G-d, Cappuccinistis of the world. I was feeling a little unearthly this morning.


I'm off in about 30 minutes to pick up Princess Statalina for the weekend. Nothing big planned, lots of chill time. Oh, and swimming, of course. Lots and lots and LOTS of swimming!!

Little Miss Statalina never ceases to amaze. After 2 hours of rollerskating today, while I was preparing our afternoon meal and we both were sweating like hyenas (it's hot out there, folks!), she asked if it would be ok for me to bring her 2 birds into the elementary school for "show and tell" (Schulreferat) this coming week and I said YES, so she got down to drawing a schematic of the one bird (his name is 'Karlos') and in 8 minutes flat, she did this:

20150829_150443 (Large).jpg

Not bad for an 8 year old, not bad at all!

"Der Wellensittich" = "The Parakeet"
She then lists the major external body-parts of the parakeet.

Notice the word "Love" on the left. :)

All the stuff listed on the right, after "wellensittche fressen" is what parakeets like to eat.

She did the pasting and placement of white on orange all on her own as well.

That's my girl. I am proud of her.

Right now, she is practicing her viola (20 minutes), then piano (15 minutes) and then we jam together piano/viola for about 15 and then we are going to play games like monopoly, cuz "that's what papas are supposed to do", she said. She is practicing some difficult finger placement (for naturals on the D and A strings) for half-tone stuff. Sounds a little like Schönberg right now, but I can live with it. Amazing how energetically a kid will practice upon threat of lack of Scooby Doos episodes in the evening.

Carrot and stick. Carrot and stick. Carrot and stick....

Tomorrow is the usual Sunday swimming jaunt. Her best friend now has pink mermaid flippers. Guess what Miss Statalina wants for the holidays? Come on, just guess!!!


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