The Cappucino Corral

Q : Why doesn't anyone starve in the desert
A: because of the "sand which" is there ..

Good morning, I Cappuccinisti della Terra and a happy Hammer Day of Thor to you!

Yesterday, in one of the rooms where I work with clients, the protective shade to a slanted window right behind me, after maybe 15 years of being there, literally snapped, ripped in half and part of the bottom of it smacked me in the head. LOL.

So, I went to a company that deals in these kids of windows, called VELUX, and ordered a new shade, called a "Rollo" in German. Damn, they are expensive!!! This is because the window itself is at least 30 years old and only the older type of "Rollos" are available. I wrote down the window number and type and for good measure :D took measurements and when I showed them to the guy, he said to me, "Ach, ein Dinosaurier!" (I bet I don't even have to translate that one).

Without a good rollo on the window, that room gets hot really, really fast. Ugh.

But I thought this would be a good opportunity to share with you that most German homes do no use curtains (Vorhänge) like we Americans do. The "Krauts" :D use Rollos and Jalousien and Markisen (good words to look up!), which means lots less dust to have to deal with. And you will have to look long and hard to find a German window with screens. They don't believe in screens.

Anyhow, if another heat wave hits before the new rollo comes (5 work days), I may just have to buy a huge ice block and plop it down in the center of the room... lol...


Ice-blockily yours,


So, as a follow-up to that from above, this happened today:

Don't worry, it's a silent vid, there is nothing wrong with your computer.

As always, the "Anleitung" (Instructions) for the "Einbauen" (Installation) of stuff like this looks a lot easier than it is. Took about 40 minutes because the screws are so friggin' small, even with a magnetic screwdriver, the fly all over the place. AAAAAAAGH! Apparently, Velux knows this already because in the tools package, it includes 6 extra screws - LOL. So, after practicing my best swear-words (Schimpfwörter) in German, like these:

I got the damned Rollo up!!!!

Zännk U und häf a veri naice dai!!!


Get to practicing those words, now!!!



(pronounced chimpenfurter or shrimpweiner)


I hear the stuff all the time in the streetcars and trains, especially among the "Jugendliche" (youth). They speak a kind of weirded out texting-German and then throw an American cuss-word-phrase (or 10) in there and I kind of get a jolt, like:

"Jo, die Tussi gestern war so dermaßen geil, äääh, sie hat alles mitgemacht, die kleine Schlampe, und dann hörte die blöde Schnäfpe mitten im blasen einfach auf - im BLASEN!!!, jo, ich ich, so äääh waaat the fuck, ääääh, das ist not cool äääh, ehhh fuck you, Schlampe...."


:lol: I think texting is changing American English too!
This place has turned into the food porn thread :lol:


Herr TyroneSlothrop has been hereby appointed the Cappuccino Corral Minister of Food-Lust!!!

Now, Monsieur Slothroppy, place your hand on the bag of frozen shrimp and repeat after me....

"I, Tyrone Slothroppy, of the Slothroppy Index of Slothroppiness, do solemnly swear to uphold the carbohy... uh, the prot.... uh, bag it, I swear to keep food looking hot, so help me Julia Child!"

ha ha. That must have been frightening!!! Glad you are ok

Oh, I'm cool with it, it was more irritating than anything. And the guy at the shop was very, very helpful; he knew his stuff, to be sure. He noticed the light US-American accent in my German and asked me where I came from. Apparently, he is crazy about the USA, especially the Rocky Mountains, Mesa Verdi, Grand Canyon and such. That was pretty cool, because not all Germans are so open. After 10 minutes of intensive conversation about great places to go mountain climbing in the USA - after the new rollo was ordered, I mean - he also told me I was the first foreigner he experienced who can carry on a very long, involved conversation in perfect German, without even a single mistake. That was kind of neat, I thought.
German was offered in my HS but I took Spanish. Kinda wish I took German. Where/when did you start learning it/

Well, Spanish is a lot easier.....:)

Except for me..... boo hooo...
ha ha. That must have been frightening!!! Glad you are ok

Oh, I'm cool with it, it was more irritating than anything. And the guy at the shop was very, very helpful; he knew his stuff, to be sure. He noticed the light US-American accent in my German and asked me where I came from. Apparently, he is crazy about the USA, especially the Rocky Mountains, Mesa Verdi, Grand Canyon and such. That was pretty cool, because not all Germans are so open. After 10 minutes of intensive conversation about great places to go mountain climbing in the USA - after the new rollo was ordered, I mean - he also told me I was the first foreigner he experienced who can carry on a very long, involved conversation in perfect German, without even a single mistake. That was kind of neat, I thought.
German was offered in my HS but I took Spanish. Kinda wish I took German. Where/when did you start learning it/

Well, Spanish is a lot easier.....:)

Except for me..... boo hooo...

If you can learn German, Spanish should be a piece of verdad!
drifter Debra K

Finally they get Audrey on the block. I was beginning to think that Shelli wouldn't do it....but I'm glad she did. I've never seen anyone lie as much as Audrey. It was pretty frustrating for Clay to have her deny that she said what she did....people that do that annoy the hell out of me, too. I like Johnny Mac, Jason and Liz (Julia) Street Boys .....they are so lame but funny.
Mertex Debra K
I hope the get rid of Austin this week, he's a creep. I would like To see Jason win. I also like Julia with John. Julia and Liz are playing different games. It will be interesting to see which twin goes further in the game if they make it through next week.

With Vanessa getting HOH ... and the queen floater HOH too ... it should be another easy week for Sixth Sense alliance. I think Vanessa might be able to control the other HOH and talk her into doing what the alliance wants. I was glad to see Audrey go home. She seems to have a very nice family ... I sensed that they have probably experienced her "manipulations" a time or two.

I'm not so sure that Jackie will allow Vanessa to manipulate her. She's been put up on the block by the Sixth Sense and seems to have gravitated to the side of James, Meg, and Jason....but Vanessa is pretty pushy, so we'll see how Jackie handles it.

Audrey's family did seem nice....must have been hard for them to watch her melt down on national TV. After she was evicted, she seemed pretty cool again....I didn't like her behavior when she was all wrapped up like a mummy and acting victimized.


drifter Debra K

How did you all like that little stab in the back by Vanessa? I am really pissed at her for flat out betrayal of the other side.......telling them that she was going to backdoor Austin and then naming Jason to replace Clay.......damn.....I was wondering if the light bulb would finally light up for them...but I think it did. Sorry to see Jason go, I liked him, but I liked Becky, too. I hope one of the underdogs wins HOH, although the way they've been playing I wouldn't be surprised if Shelli, Clay or Austin wins HOH.....argh..........

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