The Caravan people are definitely being paid by someone.....This makes them mercenaries


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013

You can point t pictures of crying children all you want...that changes nothing. That's what Hamas, Al Queda, the PLO and others do when the strap bombs onto five year old children and send them into the open arms of their would be rescuers....or when they force a family with kids to sleep next to a rocket launcher to protect the hardware from return fire...this is no different.

I don't see these people coming here with hat in hand....they seem to be coming with middle finger extended and sending a warning ahead of themselves that there will be violence if anyone tries to stop them. They are definitely being supported by someone or a group of someones....looks like Beto-boy has been funneling some of his campaign funds that way.....Investigation anyone?

So that being the notwithstanding...what we really have here is a column of mercenaries and they should be treated that enemy the children will have to be moved aside and kept safe first....and yes the left will throw itself into a hissy fit and do more lying about kids in cages and that kind of's what they do. But remember that when they point to the children that they are no better than the suicide bomber culture that has no problem using kids for human shields.

Hey lefty....why don't you try getting your votes the honest way?

please don't tell me you actually consider that site as a news site....

it's amazing how much right wing propaganda you actually are spouting and regurgitating in your post.... :p
please don't tell me you actually consider that site as a news site....

it's amazing how much right wing propaganda you actually are spouting and regurgitating in your post.... :p

Doesn't's common sense and there's no way they can come without huge financial support...
There are plenty of news sites mentioned in the link even CNN who admits that there has to be money, organization and support or this entire thing would be impossible.


You can point t pictures of crying children all you want...that changes nothing. That's what Hamas, Al Queda, the PLO and others do when the strap bombs onto five year old children and send them into the open arms of their would be rescuers....or when they force a family with kids to sleep next to a rocket launcher to protect the hardware from return fire...this is no different.

I don't see these people coming here with hat in hand....they seem to be coming with middle finger extended and sending a warning ahead of themselves that there will be violence if anyone tries to stop them. They are definitely being supported by someone or a group of someones....looks like Beto-boy has been funneling some of his campaign funds that way.....Investigation anyone?

So that being the notwithstanding...what we really have here is a column of mercenaries and they should be treated that enemy the children will have to be moved aside and kept safe first....and yes the left will throw itself into a hissy fit and do more lying about kids in cages and that kind of's what they do. But remember that when they point to the children that they are no better than the suicide bomber culture that has no problem using kids for human shields.

Hey lefty....why don't you try getting your votes the honest way?

Anyone have a petty cash fund to make money on a new housing colonia, south of our border?
What could not be more clear at this point is that the left is desperately hoping (perhaps planning) to mass a group at or while crossing the border where they will pray for, instigate, or initiate an incident they can then sell as a new Wounded Knee. If that means planting a shooter among the Soros staff to get the ball rolling, so be it. A bunch of entry-level recent liberal arts grads are no doubt at work right now making breathless headlines, catchy slogans, colorful computer graphics and all other facets of yellow journalism to celebrate this hoped-for event by the scruple-less left.
Oh my gosh, another conspiracy theory post in the wrong thread. Soros did it!
Oh my gosh, another conspiracy theory post in the wrong thread. Soros did it!

It's not theory that they are being supported.
The question as to who...well that's another matter.

Pretending that This gargantuan human catapillar can meander thousands of miles without enormous logistical support is total nonsense .... THINK.

The shit and piss alone is a flowing biohazard of immense proprtions.

I don't they are getting paid at all. But someone is paying to get them to our border.

These assholes left Honduras, some of them had to have had jobs, and headed for the US.

They sure didn't come up with that idea themselves.

Someone is paying for the busses and trucks they are using and the food and water.

I'd sure like to know who.
Gas, shelter, food and water. These people are supported by some global entity or very rich leftie or both. My guess is that the CIA has it's claws in the mess and so does George Soros.

You can point t pictures of crying children all you want...that changes nothing. That's what Hamas, Al Queda, the PLO and others do when the strap bombs onto five year old children and send them into the open arms of their would be rescuers....or when they force a family with kids to sleep next to a rocket launcher to protect the hardware from return fire...this is no different.

I don't see these people coming here with hat in hand....they seem to be coming with middle finger extended and sending a warning ahead of themselves that there will be violence if anyone tries to stop them. They are definitely being supported by someone or a group of someones....looks like Beto-boy has been funneling some of his campaign funds that way.....Investigation anyone?

So that being the notwithstanding...what we really have here is a column of mercenaries and they should be treated that enemy the children will have to be moved aside and kept safe first....and yes the left will throw itself into a hissy fit and do more lying about kids in cages and that kind of's what they do. But remember that when they point to the children that they are no better than the suicide bomber culture that has no problem using kids for human shields.

Hey lefty....why don't you try getting your votes the honest way?

So...when are you going to the border with your guns to protect us?
I don't they are getting paid at all. But someone is paying to get them to our border.

These assholes left Honduras, some of them had to have had jobs, and headed for the US.

They sure didn't come up with that idea themselves.

Someone is paying for the busses and trucks they are using and the food and water.

I'd sure like to know who.

They're not going to make it by tomorrow..
They're coming up with middle finger extended and the other middle finger wagging a warning. You know they should at least should show up hat in hand and respectful but no instead they think they're coming to take what is rightfully theirs.

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You can point t pictures of crying children all you want...that changes nothing. That's what Hamas, Al Queda, the PLO and others do when the strap bombs onto five year old children and send them into the open arms of their would be rescuers....or when they force a family with kids to sleep next to a rocket launcher to protect the hardware from return fire...this is no different.

I don't see these people coming here with hat in hand....they seem to be coming with middle finger extended and sending a warning ahead of themselves that there will be violence if anyone tries to stop them. They are definitely being supported by someone or a group of someones....looks like Beto-boy has been funneling some of his campaign funds that way.....Investigation anyone?

So that being the notwithstanding...what we really have here is a column of mercenaries and they should be treated that enemy the children will have to be moved aside and kept safe first....and yes the left will throw itself into a hissy fit and do more lying about kids in cages and that kind of's what they do. But remember that when they point to the children that they are no better than the suicide bomber culture that has no problem using kids for human shields.

Hey lefty....why don't you try getting your votes the honest way?

So...when are you going to the border with your guns to protect us?

Got it covered dude.


You can point t pictures of crying children all you want...that changes nothing. That's what Hamas, Al Queda, the PLO and others do when the strap bombs onto five year old children and send them into the open arms of their would be rescuers....or when they force a family with kids to sleep next to a rocket launcher to protect the hardware from return fire...this is no different.

I don't see these people coming here with hat in hand....they seem to be coming with middle finger extended and sending a warning ahead of themselves that there will be violence if anyone tries to stop them. They are definitely being supported by someone or a group of someones....looks like Beto-boy has been funneling some of his campaign funds that way.....Investigation anyone?

So that being the notwithstanding...what we really have here is a column of mercenaries and they should be treated that enemy the children will have to be moved aside and kept safe first....and yes the left will throw itself into a hissy fit and do more lying about kids in cages and that kind of's what they do. But remember that when they point to the children that they are no better than the suicide bomber culture that has no problem using kids for human shields.

Hey lefty....why don't you try getting your votes the honest way?

George Soros just loves to meddle in American politics - especially if it's in support of liberal causes.

Soros's Open Society Foundation proudly claimed to have given $100 million dollars to "immigrant rights" projects in the United States. Of the $16.7 million of this money that BMI identified, at least $5,300,755, nearly a third, went to organizations that also supported other liberal causes, including abortion, gay marriage and Obamacare.

With $38.9 million in revenue in 2010 alone, the National Council on La Raza ($2,410,000 in Soros funding) calls itself "the largest national Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States." It's also one of the most blatantly liberal. La Raza focused heavily on promoting the Affordable Care Act, as well supporting same-sex marriage. It has also been outspoken critic of the Tea Party.
Got any hints yet...Soros is just one of the Foundations who funded the march, it should be noted They needs the proper shoes for the trip.

You can point t pictures of crying children all you want...that changes nothing. That's what Hamas, Al Queda, the PLO and others do when the strap bombs onto five year old children and send them into the open arms of their would be rescuers....or when they force a family with kids to sleep next to a rocket launcher to protect the hardware from return fire...this is no different.

I don't see these people coming here with hat in hand....they seem to be coming with middle finger extended and sending a warning ahead of themselves that there will be violence if anyone tries to stop them. They are definitely being supported by someone or a group of someones....looks like Beto-boy has been funneling some of his campaign funds that way.....Investigation anyone?

So that being the notwithstanding...what we really have here is a column of mercenaries and they should be treated that enemy the children will have to be moved aside and kept safe first....and yes the left will throw itself into a hissy fit and do more lying about kids in cages and that kind of's what they do. But remember that when they point to the children that they are no better than the suicide bomber culture that has no problem using kids for human shields.

Hey lefty....why don't you try getting your votes the honest way?


Holy shit dude you should apply to join Trump’s staff. Painting it as a ruthless caravan of mercenaries?! If he heard you say that, you could be the one replacing John Kelly! :lmao:

You can point t pictures of crying children all you want...that changes nothing. That's what Hamas, Al Queda, the PLO and others do when the strap bombs onto five year old children and send them into the open arms of their would be rescuers....or when they force a family with kids to sleep next to a rocket launcher to protect the hardware from return fire...this is no different.

I don't see these people coming here with hat in hand....they seem to be coming with middle finger extended and sending a warning ahead of themselves that there will be violence if anyone tries to stop them. They are definitely being supported by someone or a group of someones....looks like Beto-boy has been funneling some of his campaign funds that way.....Investigation anyone?

So that being the notwithstanding...what we really have here is a column of mercenaries and they should be treated that enemy the children will have to be moved aside and kept safe first....and yes the left will throw itself into a hissy fit and do more lying about kids in cages and that kind of's what they do. But remember that when they point to the children that they are no better than the suicide bomber culture that has no problem using kids for human shields.

Hey lefty....why don't you try getting your votes the honest way?

The only thing definite is how dishonest and desperate you and others on the ridiculous, reprehensible right are.

You can point t pictures of crying children all you want...that changes nothing. That's what Hamas, Al Queda, the PLO and others do when the strap bombs onto five year old children and send them into the open arms of their would be rescuers....or when they force a family with kids to sleep next to a rocket launcher to protect the hardware from return fire...this is no different.

I don't see these people coming here with hat in hand....they seem to be coming with middle finger extended and sending a warning ahead of themselves that there will be violence if anyone tries to stop them. They are definitely being supported by someone or a group of someones....looks like Beto-boy has been funneling some of his campaign funds that way.....Investigation anyone?

So that being the notwithstanding...what we really have here is a column of mercenaries and they should be treated that enemy the children will have to be moved aside and kept safe first....and yes the left will throw itself into a hissy fit and do more lying about kids in cages and that kind of's what they do. But remember that when they point to the children that they are no better than the suicide bomber culture that has no problem using kids for human shields.

Hey lefty....why don't you try getting your votes the honest way?


Holy shit dude you should apply to join Trump’s staff. Painting it as a ruthless caravan of mercenaries?! If he heard you say that, you could be the one replacing John Kelly! :lmao:

Never used the word ruthless...
But to reacap:

A caravan composed 70% of military aged men. Carrying the national flag proudly ahead of them as they Rampage North creating Helen Havoc along the way.
They have already shown willingness to clash with the police.... Why Mexico doesn't give their cops the go-ahead is beyond me they should. The overwhelming attitude in the group is not one of supplication. Instead it's a middle finger first march with plenty of hard feelings towards the United States even as they trek Northwood expecting to be fed clothed and sheltered by the same. These people are delusional. I am sure there are a number of Innocents mixed in with them but for the most part these people fit the description of a mercenary Army.


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