Why not? Aren’t corporations people too?
Corporations are made up of people. But a person is not a “corporation” 🤦‍♂️

You shouldn’t need this explained to you. So either you’re unimaginably stupid, or you’re being immature and disingenuous. Which is it?
Corporations are made up of people. But a person is not a “corporation” 🤦‍♂️

You shouldn’t need this explained to you. So either you’re unimaginably stupid, or you’re being immature and disingenuous. Which is it?
I think he is referring to the Citzens United SCOTUS decision and it is sarcasm--I could be wrong.
If the left has only two options, they will choose the wrong one every time. Only the left can have 100% failure rate on 50/50 shots 🤦‍♂️
Isn't disturbing how the left is so infatuated with China and communism?
Obamacare was an unmitigated disaster from day one (there’s a reason Congress exempted themselves from that crap sandwich). It was never designed to “help” anyone. It was always about more centralized power at the federal level.

But even the most left-wing extremists in Washington now admit their unconstitutional centralized planning was a spectacular failure.
We all have to suffer every time the Democrats are in power...

Screen Shot 2023-12-30 at 12.23.42 PM.png
This is what liberalism looks like. Ain’t “progress” grand??

The hertiage fuckup foundation.
Do you deny that our military is weak?

Instead of wringing your hands in anguish and railing against the author, point out with your source and link, some of the errors in the article.
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The world is as peaceful as it has ever been.

As for the Mid East . We no longer have a parade of dead US soildiers coming back every week. And GASP ! Mid East soldiers are now fighting isis . Who'd a thunk it!

But you want us to go back to the meathead conservative thinking of never ending war in the Mid East . How's that been working ?
And as far as Reagan

He got a bloody nose and ran like hell out of Lebanon

What a crock

Of course he invaded Grenada to show how tough he was after that

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