The Changing Paradigm Between Gays and Straights


VIP Member
Jun 9, 2014
It used to be that Straights did things only in one way or manner and that Gays did things in their own way also. But now, in today's ever-changing world, there seems to be a coming together of those ways, in fact, so much so that you can't always tell anymore if a person is Gay or Straight.

Check out the Excellent links below!

Gay or Straight? Hard to Tell

Everyone Thinks I'm Gay (But I'm Not) - The Bold Italic - San Francisco
It used to be that Straights did things only in one way or manner and that Gays did things in their own way also. But now, in today's ever-changing world, there seems to be a coming together of those ways, in fact, so much so that you can't always tell anymore if a person is Gay or Straight.

Check out the Excellent links below!

Gay or Straight? Hard to Tell

Everyone Thinks I'm Gay (But I'm Not) - The Bold Italic - San Francisco

There are stereotypes of gays that may account for some, but the reality is that homosexuality is not something that can always be determined by just seeing someone.
That reminds me, why in the world would a show called "Queer Eye For Straight Guys" would ever be popular, other than with faghags & other loopy liberals.

Why would a straight guy want to get dressed up by queers, if he were actually straight? If you look good to queers, you probably won't to straight women...which if you're straight should be the mission, right?

We live in the twilight zone.
That reminds me, why in the world would a show called "Queer Eye For Straight Guys" would ever be popular, other than with faghags & other loopy liberals.

Why would a straight guy want to get dressed up by queers, if he were actually straight? If you look good to queers, you probably won't to straight women...which if you're straight should be the mission, right?

We live in the twilight zone.

Considering that women are gay men in a females body, you want to only dress for lesbians in male bodies...
That reminds me, why in the world would a show called "Queer Eye For Straight Guys" would ever be popular, other than with faghags & other loopy liberals.

Why would a straight guy want to get dressed up by queers, if he were actually straight? If you look good to queers, you probably won't to straight women...which if you're straight should be the mission, right?

We live in the twilight zone.

Getting fashion advice is not a bad idea, if you have no idea about it. If you spend your entire life in jeans and t-shirts, have fun. But there are events and circumstances that call for a higher level of grooming or dress than that.
That reminds me, why in the world would a show called "Queer Eye For Straight Guys" would ever be popular, other than with faghags & other loopy liberals.

Why would a straight guy want to get dressed up by queers, if he were actually straight? If you look good to queers, you probably won't to straight women...which if you're straight should be the mission, right?

We live in the twilight zone.

Considering that women are gay men in a females body, you want to only dress for lesbians in male bodies...

Considering you're obviously retarded, you probably won't understand that women are women in women's bodies as men are men in their bodies.homos are sick and twisted perverts, that's all they are.
That reminds me, why in the world would a show called "Queer Eye For Straight Guys" would ever be popular, other than with faghags & other loopy liberals.

Why would a straight guy want to get dressed up by queers, if he were actually straight? If you look good to queers, you probably won't to straight women...which if you're straight should be the mission, right?

We live in the twilight zone.

Considering that women are gay men in a females body, you want to only dress for lesbians in male bodies...

Considering you're obviously retarded, you probably won't understand that women are women in women's bodies as men are men in their bodies.homos are sick and twisted perverts, that's all they are.

Hey locke had any good feces cakes lately?
That reminds me, why in the world would a show called "Queer Eye For Straight Guys" would ever be popular, other than with faghags & other loopy liberals.

Why would a straight guy want to get dressed up by queers, if he were actually straight? If you look good to queers, you probably won't to straight women...which if you're straight should be the mission, right?

We live in the twilight zone.

Considering that women are gay men in a females body, you want to only dress for lesbians in male bodies...

Considering you're obviously retarded, you probably won't understand that women are women in women's bodies as men are men in their bodies.homos are sick and twisted perverts, that's all they are.

The show was not about having sex with gays. It was about helping straight men with their appearance. Not sure why you have an issue with that.
I don't really have a problem with it, if someone wants to get dressed up like queers..that is their business. Don't understand the concept of the show, it's stupid gay propaganda as far as I am concerned.
Don't get me started on where the whole hip-hop fashion has gone either. They just can't shake the fag look. First they have their ass hanging out & dress like wannabe tough they wear tight "skinny jeans" & look like a bag of skittles walking down the street. No wonder some of the top rappers claim that hip hop is ran by homosexuals.
Considering that women are gay men in a females body, you want to only dress for lesbians in male bodies...

Considering you're obviously retarded, you probably won't understand that women are women in women's bodies as men are men in their bodies.homos are sick and twisted perverts, that's all they are.

The show was not about having sex with gays. It was about helping straight men with their appearance. Not sure why you have an issue with that.

It was specifically about gay men helping hetero men. There are plenty of straight people in the fashion world to help these men dress. The show highlighted gay men dominating straight men.
I don't really have a problem with it, if someone wants to get dressed up like queers..that is their business. Don't understand the concept of the show, it's stupid gay propaganda as far as I am concerned.

It is not "stupid gay propaganda". Many men are clueless concerning how to dress well or proper grooming. They simply have not paid attention to it. Many gay men have studied it. So their advice is handy if you want to look well dressed or well groomed.

Many situations require more than a mall stylist haircut and a suit off the rack from Walmart.
I am a big guy, so I have my suits tailored. I go to a local barber for haircuts, and know how to groom myself. It is gay propaganda, you're just as blind as you can get to how the media plays it's games. You'd probably be a pretty decent guy if you realized how dumbed down you have become & break the conditioning.

You know this stuff is wrong, you're just worried about how people will view you if you tell the truth. This is evident from the post you made on the other thread claiming gays are the equivelant of black folks(like myself, I am black), and how I will he viewed the same as white racists are. Guess what? I couldn't care less how people view me, I'm going to tell the truth & never sugarcoat shit, when it is just that...shit.

You worry about how people view you while us real men stand up against left wing cultural terrorism a.k.a political correctness.
I am a big guy, so I have my suits tailored. I go to a local barber for haircuts, and know how to groom myself. It is gay propaganda, you're just as blind as you can get to how the media plays it's games. You'd probably be a pretty decent guy if you realized how dumbed down you have become & break the conditioning.

You know this stuff is wrong, you're just worried about how people will view you if you tell the truth. This is evident from the post you made on the other thread claiming gays are the equivelant of black folks(like myself, I am black), and how I will he viewed the same as white racists are. Guess what? I couldn't care less how people view me, I'm going to tell the truth & never sugarcoat shit, when it is just that...shit.

You worry about how people view you while us real men stand up against left wing cultural terrorism a.k.a political correctness.

I am anything but politically correct. And I did not claim gays are the equivelent of blacks. I believe what I said was that the anti-gay people now will be viewed in the future in the same light we view the racists of the 60s now. I was commenting on the fact that society changes.

And no, I do not know this is wrong. I see good people harassed and belittled because of who they love. THAT is wrong.

As for caring what people think of me, you are absolutely wrong. I could give a rat's ass what the world thinks of me. There are a few people (mainly family and loved ones) who's opinion I value.

A real man stands up for what is right. That is exactly what I am doing. Whether someone loves someone of the same or the opposite gender is not relevant. Whether someone is discriminated against certainly is relevant.

As for being dumbed down, once again you are absolutely wrong. If anything, I am living a more intelligent and aware life. So spare us your pop-psychology. It is obvious that you think everyone should act and believe just like you or they are wrong. Luckily, the world is not working like that.
You might as well have said gays are the equivelant of black folks, likening normalizing a sexually deviant behavior to ANY of the struggles my people went through. Gays get belittled for being pushy whiny bitches, hardly anyone goes out of their way to be around them..let alone go out & find one to harrass, so give that BS a rest, Winter.

Good people, eh? You must think all fags are like that one from the movie "Slingblade"? No, go live in Los Angeles for a spell & come back here saying that crap. Lol

They invade churches, pee on people who disagree with their crap being propagated to children in schools, cause cultural unrest going into family owned businesses, start shit, & then here comes the media...portraying these filthy degenerates as victims.

There are some gays who act like normal people, however they seem to be in the minority from my experience being around them.

You're not smart, Winter. You're a tool.
You might as well have said gays are the equivelant of black folks, likening normalizing a sexually deviant behavior to ANY of the struggles my people went through. Gays get belittled for being pushy whiny bitches, hardly anyone goes out of their way to be around them..let alone go out & find one to harrass, so give that BS a rest, Winter.

Good people, eh? You must think all fags are like that one from the movie "Slingblade"? No, go live in Los Angeles for a spell & come back here saying that crap. Lol

They invade churches, pee on people who disagree with their crap being propagated to children in schools, cause cultural unrest going into family owned businesses, start shit, & then here comes the media...portraying these filthy degenerates as victims.

There are some gays who act like normal people, however they seem to be in the minority from my experience being around them.

You're not smart, Winter. You're a tool.

Jeez, do you live and die by the cliches? Yes, there are some outrageous behaviors from some gays. You want to judge them all based on that? lol Ok, so perhaps we should judge all blacks by the behaviors at Freaknik?

I am sorry you do not comprehend my statement. It was in no way comparing gays and blacks. It is comparing how society views the racists of the 60s to the way the anti-gays will be viewed in the future. In other words, the only people being compared are racists and anti-gays.

And I know very well what your people went through. My family was very active in the Civil Rights movement in the 60s. First in MS and then in AL. We have a longstanding history of helping to fight against wrongs.

You keep wanting this to be about me. While I am flattered, the discussion is about the changing paradigm between gays and straights. try and stick with that topic and the actual facts, ok?
The intent of this thread is to make people opposed to gay marriage feel like "old fashioned losers" for still being opposed. It is a trick the LGBT cult has used ad nauseum. They seek to associate "rejection of the gay cult" to "you're an outcast".

Social rejection has been one of the most powerful psychological tools used to whittle away at opposition and take a victory.

So I say to those out there thinking this is a real phenomenon "smoke and mirrors" and if you buy it, you're going to go down in history being one of the weak, herd-bound moral degenerates who promoted this:
Winter, I just said there are some that act like normal human beings, but that the majority I have been around are perverted freaks who act outrageous. So that's just being honest, something you should be with yourself.

No, I didn't misread anything, besides..that is the whole argument for gay marriage. For all intents and purposes, they claim they are a race. They can't claim they're a gender, they're homosexuals because they are attracted to the same gender. They don't come from another country, they're not claiming they're a religious group, they're not an age group, and they won't admit they're mentally handicapped.

So where under the constitution are their sick perverted ways a protected class? Since when did the constitution protect deviant behaviors?
That reminds me, why in the world would a show called "Queer Eye For Straight Guys" would ever be popular, other than with faghags & other loopy liberals.

Why would a straight guy want to get dressed up by queers, if he were actually straight? If you look good to queers, you probably won't to straight women...which if you're straight should be the mission, right?

We live in the twilight zone.

Considering that women are gay men in a females body, you want to only dress for lesbians in male bodies...

Considering you're obviously retarded, you probably won't understand that women are women in women's bodies as men are men in their bodies.homos are sick and twisted perverts, that's all they are.

Even the Log Cabin GOP members?

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