The chaos theory...the Butterfly effect


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
The chaos theory is based on minor changes having dramatic effects in the environment. The theory goes that the flutter of a butterfly's wings in Africa can generate a minor wind velocity that can ultimately result in a guessed it. It's a long standing theory but the problem is that apparently nobody in the incredibly well financed environmental scientific world has ever estimated what can happen when a minor shift in the earth's axis actually happens. The gigantic 9.0 Fukashima earthquake moved the earth's axis a couple of centimeters and that means the sun's radiation is permanently changed. Is it possible that a couple of centimeters could change the jet stream and ultimately cause droughts and floods? NASA sez "don't worry, be happy" if you can't blame climate change on American decadence and make a buck off it why bother. .
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It's called "earth shifts".

The first shift in the earths axis that I noticed was back in the late 80's.
Where I live, you could literally set your clock by the weather outside. It was the exact same weather every year, in the same month, on the same day, at the same time.

Then in the early 90's, I noticed a slight change in the weather. Did a little research and come to find out that the earth had a half of a degree shift in the late 80's. Tah Dah! Riddle solved.

The earths axis only needs to shift oh so slightly for the earth to resonate changes. What all these fuktards and brainless bitches cannot comprehend, is that the earth is a HUGE FUCKING ROCK with multiple layers of different things in it. It takes YEARS, if not DECADES for these changes to gradually happen or take place all over the planet. Sometimes they are unintelligible, sometimes they are life changing. But the planet is ALWAYS changing in some way.

This is something that little Nazi c**t, Greta Thunberg, doesn't have the working brains to understand or comprehend!!

The tiniest change in the earths axis can result in a myriad of different things - earthquakes, tsunami, weather changes/shifts, volcanoes, etc....

It's all been going on since the earth cooled down after being formed. And it will only stop when the earth has exploded or been destroyed by giant meteors.

And yeah..............I learned ALL this when I was in school, in science class!!!
Back when schools still taught ACTUAL educational facts!
The chaos theory is based on minor changes having dramatic effects in the environment. The theory goes that the flutter of a butterfly's wings in Africa can generate a minor wind velocity that can ultimately result in a guessed it. It's a long standing theory but the problem is that apparently nobody in the incredibly well financed environmental scientific world has ever estimated what can happen when a minor shift in the earth's axis actually happens. The gigantic 9.0 Fukashima earthquake moved the earth's axis a couple of centimeters and that means the sun's radiation is permanently changed. Is it possible that a couple of centimeters could change the jet stream and ultimately cause droughts and floods? NASA sez "don't worry, be happy" if you can't blame climate change on American decadence and make a buck off it why bother. .
First off, if you are going to make a claim better get your facts straight...

Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster - Wikipedia

The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster was a 2011 nuclear accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Ōkuma, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan. The event was primarily caused by the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami. It was the most severe nuclear accident since the Chernobyl disaster in 1986. It was classified as Level 7 on the International Nuclear Event Scale (INES), after initially after initially being classified as Level 5.
It's called "earth shifts".

The first shift in the earths axis that I noticed was back in the late 80's.
Where I live, you could literally set your clock by the weather outside. It was the exact same weather every year, in the same month, on the same day, at the same time.

Then in the early 90's, I noticed a slight change in the weather. Did a little research and come to find out that the earth had a half of a degree shift in the late 80's. Tah Dah! Riddle solved.

The earths axis only needs to shift oh so slightly for the earth to resonate changes. What all these fuktards and brainless bitches cannot comprehend, is that the earth is a HUGE FUCKING ROCK with multiple layers of different things in it. It takes YEARS, if not DECADES for these changes to gradually happen or take place all over the planet. Sometimes they are unintelligible, sometimes they are life changing. But the planet is ALWAYS changing in some way.

This is something that little Nazi c**t, Greta Thunberg, doesn't have the working brains to understand or comprehend!!

The tiniest change in the earths axis can result in a myriad of different things - earthquakes, tsunami, weather changes/shifts, volcanoes, etc....

It's all been going on since the earth cooled down after being formed. And it will only stop when the earth has exploded or been destroyed by giant meteors.

And yeah..............I learned ALL this when I was in school, in science class!!!
Back when schools still taught ACTUAL educational facts!
What a crock of shit. I remember when i was 10, in May it snowed, so instead of continuing with our cook out, we went inside.
When i was 16, i remember being in Washington DC and it was so hot that when my father tried to move the car, it wouldnt budge. He thought the transmission had gone, but it was the asphalt that melted to the wheels...that hot. I have yet to see that happen since then.
When i was 19 we had the blizzard of 1977 where it snowed 4 feet, iced the next day and snowed for 2 more feet. They had to bring in a bulldozer to clear the streets and some cars were knocked into their yards because they were parked on the street before the snow event.

Progressive elites realize that Joe Biden Voters have a memory of an ant(i apologize to ants because they are smarter than Biden voters) and cant even remember what they ate for dinner the week before, so they can say or do anything they want to their voters, and within a month the voters just bend over and say "Thank you, may i have another".

I have a really good memory when it comes to events that happen to me. I never forget them.
The Fukashima earthquake moved the island of Japan about 8 feet. It moved the axis of the earth anywhere from 4 inches to 10 inches and increased the earth's rotation. How could it not have an effect on the jet stream and the environment? The problem is that there isn't any extortion money available in natural disasters.
The Fukashima earthquake moved the island of Japan about 8 feet. It moved the axis of the earth anywhere from 4 inches to 10 inches and increased the earth's rotation. How could it not have an effect on the jet stream and the environment? The problem is that there isn't any extortion money available in natural disasters.
No there isnt, but lets make it fair, every year there are quakes all over the planet , because the tectonic plates shift all the time.

Scientists have claimed that when the Dinosaurs were living there was one big continent called Pangea. If that was the case and all the land mass was on one side, what would the globe be doing with the imbalance of land? Just a question of some of these scientists.

No there isnt, but lets make it fair, every year there are quakes all over the planet , because the tectonic plates shift all the time.

Scientists have claimed that when the Dinosaurs were living there was one big continent called Pangea. If that was the case and all the land mass was on one side, what would the globe be doing with the imbalance of land? Just a question of some of these scientists.

View attachment 545851
Be fair? What? It's true that earthquakes come and go and they spew noxious gas every day and are ignored by the environmental "scientists". However there hasn't been a natural event that moved the earth on it's axis in recorded history.
The issue seems to be based on political bias. So-called "scientific" types want to ignore real data while relying on Al Gore's agenda for extorting America's resources.
The Fukashima earthquake moved the island of Japan about 8 feet. It moved the axis of the earth anywhere from 4 inches to 10 inches and increased the earth's rotation. How could it not have an effect on the jet stream and the environment? The problem is that there isn't any extortion money available in natural disasters.


Pelosi cannot point her dead, mummified, boney finger at Mother Nature and scream "IMPEACH HER"!!!
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The Fukashima earthquake moved the island of Japan about 8 feet. It moved the axis of the earth anywhere from 4 inches to 10 inches and increased the earth's rotation. How could it not have an effect on the jet stream and the environment? The problem is that there isn't any extortion money available in natural disasters.

8 feet? Why would that do anything to the jet stream?
It's called "earth shifts".

The first shift in the earths axis that I noticed was back in the late 80's.
Where I live, you could literally set your clock by the weather outside. It was the exact same weather every year, in the same month, on the same day, at the same time.

Then in the early 90's, I noticed a slight change in the weather. Did a little research and come to find out that the earth had a half of a degree shift in the late 80's. Tah Dah! Riddle solved.

The earths axis only needs to shift oh so slightly for the earth to resonate changes. What all these fuktards and brainless bitches cannot comprehend, is that the earth is a HUGE FUCKING ROCK with multiple layers of different things in it. It takes YEARS, if not DECADES for these changes to gradually happen or take place all over the planet. Sometimes they are unintelligible, sometimes they are life changing. But the planet is ALWAYS changing in some way.

This is something that little Nazi c**t, Greta Thunberg, doesn't have the working brains to understand or comprehend!!

The tiniest change in the earths axis can result in a myriad of different things - earthquakes, tsunami, weather changes/shifts, volcanoes, etc....

It's all been going on since the earth cooled down after being formed. And it will only stop when the earth has exploded or been destroyed by giant meteors.

And yeah..............I learned ALL this when I was in school, in science class!!!
Back when schools still taught ACTUAL educational facts!
Ah the Good ole days before woke indoctination
8 feet? Why would that do anything to the jet stream?
You only read half of the post. Moving Japan 8 feet indicated the force of the earthquake. The change in the earth's axis and the increased rotation of the earth has got to impact the jet stream and the the weather. The Fukashima earthquake was perhaps the most historically significant event ever in weather science but there is no extortion money available in the study.
You only read half of the post. Moving Japan 8 feet indicated the force of the earthquake. The change in the earth's axis and the increased rotation of the earth has got to impact the jet stream and the the weather. The Fukashima earthquake was perhaps the most historically significant event ever in weather science but there is no extortion money available in the study.

Moving Japan 8 feet indicated the force of the earthquake.

Earthquakes don't move the jet stream.

The change in the earth's axis and the increased rotation of the earth has got to impact the jet stream and the the weather.

It really doesn't have to.

The Fukashima earthquake was perhaps the most historically significant event ever in weather science but there is no extortion money available in the study.

No money doesn't mean it moved the jet stream.
Moving Japan 8 feet indicated the force of the earthquake.

Earthquakes don't move the jet stream.

The change in the earth's axis and the increased rotation of the earth has got to impact the jet stream and the the weather.

It really doesn't have to.

The Fukashima earthquake was perhaps the most historically significant event ever in weather science but there is no extortion money available in the study.

No money doesn't mean it moved the jet stream.
I would say the meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs was the most historically significant event ever in weather science...

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