The chart that shows the republicans ideas are historically failed ideas

You're a closed minded angry old bitch... Calvin Coolidge INCREASED revenues.

Oh & guess what.... he was a Republican!
Go do your homework dummy.

its blather until you prove it

You're an ignorant ass... Go look it up.

I'm right, you're wrong....

LOL Haven't you figured it out yet??

Hell. Her facts are correct and anyone elses are lies spewed by biased idiots. She puts great store in what the CBO says. Wonder what she thinks of the CBO score on Obamacare?? Won't hear her agreeing with that little nugget. All of a sudden the CBO will be spewing biased lies.

She's right and everyone else is a liar.

Don't waste your time trying to debate a biased moron. That is unless you want a good laugh.

The flamming idiot is good for that at least.
Btw, most of the Republican presidents were not fiscal conservatives, they were Democrat-lite. Even Reagan lost Ron Paul's endorsement after the Presidency for not being a fiscal purist, and they were friends.

Bush, not a fiscal conservative. Father Bush, also not fiscally responsible, he raised taxes. Nixon was the opposite of Barry Goldwater.



you hire people to do your bidding than when they do your bidding and it shows your biddings are failed ideas you then blame the person you hired and retain the failed ideas?

dude your not too bright

You can't face the truth... Those "Republicans" were NOT conservatives... And besides, are we as Conservatives supposed to sit the elections out bc our guy is not conservative enough?

Screw you... That's how we got the BIG SPENDER Obama...

You're not too bright are ya?

so you are telling me republicans are a pack of liars and its my fault they are?

dude your just a classic idiot
its blather until you prove it

You're an ignorant ass... Go look it up.

I'm right, you're wrong....

LOL Haven't you figured it out yet??

Hell. Her facts are correct and anyone elses are lies spewed by biased idiots. She puts great store in what the CBO says. Wonder what she thinks of the CBO score on Obamacare?? Won't hear her agreeing with that little nugget. All of a sudden the CBO will be spewing biased lies.

She's right and everyone else is a liar.

Don't waste your time trying to debate a biased moron. That is unless you want a good laugh.

The flamming idiot is good for that at least.

THE CBO is not a partisan unlike the links given by your side
You are unAmnerican.

taxes are not theft just because you say so.

Can you read?


can you stop lying about taxes being illegal

Can you stop lying about my position? I didn't say all taxes are illegal. Some taxes aren't, some are.

You are confusing the issue by not acknowledging the difference between varying forms of taxation.

Again, you fail to address the core of my argument that revenue is not the measurement of good economic policy. A balanced budget is.

coolidge allowed the Great depression to commense under his watch after being given the gift of a post war boom.

of course you will not allow him to be given any blame for his mess.

Just like you protect Bush from his mess
Can you read?


can you stop lying about taxes being illegal

Can you stop lying about my position? I didn't say all taxes are illegal. Some taxes aren't, some are.

You are confusing the issue by not acknowledging the difference between varying forms of taxation.

Again, you fail to address the core of my argument that revenue is not the measurement of good economic policy. A balanced budget is.


how do you feel about Clinton?

Now FACE that the subject of this thread is that your tax cuts did NOT give us revenue like you claimed,

It tanked the revenue
The tax cuts under Coolidge did not cuase the increased revenue you people claim it did.

It was the post war boom that did inspite of the tax cuts
Now you are tasked with showing how the post war boom after WWI did not cause the increases in revenue.

Yeah the roaring twenties had nothing to do with a post war boom.
[ame=]1920s Post-War America: Cultural and Economic Boom Years - YouTube[/ame]
see how badly your historically failed ideas do when you read history
Explain how the "great depression" was a Coolidge's fault... & AGAIN, you also ignored my question.


How much taxes are YOU willing to pay?
Where does TM draw a line in sand...? 15% .... 30%.....70%..??

How much....?

I have no problem paying my FAIR SHARE.... Lets say TM is Lord of the world.....What should that "fair share" be?
Being the good Dem that she is I'm sure she'd be happy to give all of her income to Govt.

As for the income tax? Tell me. What did Govt do before the income tax? How did the Govt run before they decided to stick their greedy hands in everyones pocket??
how do you feel about Clinton?

Now FACE that the subject of this thread is that your tax cuts did NOT give us revenue like you claimed,

It tanked the revenue

1. I don't care about revenue.

2. Bush wasted money on an unnecessary, expensive war. That's where the revenue went.

3. Clinton had bad economic policy. The free market thrived in spite of Clinton. The rise of technology created prosperity in the country.


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