The chart that shows the republicans ideas are historically failed ideas

Didn't up revenue huh??

Guess the only facts you want are the ones you agree with.

Thomas Sowell: Revenue was up under Bush tax cuts | The Columbus Dispatch the guy is a partisan liar

White House Data Debunk Myth Bush Tax Cuts Exploded The Deficit -

Of course these "facts" don't jibe with yours so they are lies. Right.

Your a fucking moron

How does a partisan idiot spweing lies change the facts I provided you?

Oh so anyones facts, other than the ones you want to believe, are lies??

Good to know that your the only person out there with the real facts.

No wonder everyone thinks your a biased, partisan, hack. If the "facts" don't fit your view of the "facts" then they are lies or are spewed by partisan idiots.

I wonder why anyone, including me, wastes any time at all on your biased, partisan threads.

Don't think I'll waste anymore of my time on your partisan ass.
there are ONLY facts

not yours and my facts.

that is what has happened to the republican party.

they have been snorting the speed they have been selling to everyone and now they cant kick the lies
Your party is LYING

tax cuts do not increase revenue.

The CBO is not partisan
The amateur analysis of the chart is based on what? Dates? Is an indication of one thing. The left operates on emotion rather than logic.

I'm sure that dumbass TM has never studied the last real conservative we had in office sans Ronaldus Magnus...

That would be Calvin Coolidge.

Oh well... Truth really doesn't Matter around here.
The Bush tax cuts did NOT produce increased revenues as the republicans claimed.

Your ideas are historically failed ideas.

Why do you refuse facts?
You're a closed minded angry old bitch... Calvin Coolidge INCREASED revenues.

Oh & guess what.... he was a Republican!
Go do your homework dummy.
[ame=]Cheney Says Bush Tax Cuts Increased Deficit - YouTube[/ame]
The Bush tax cuts did NOT produce increased revenues as the republicans claimed.

Your ideas are historically failed ideas.

Why do you refuse facts?

Bush was almost as big of a spender as your messiah... He was no conservative.
He was a HUGE DISAPPOINTMENT to folks like me.... HUGE!
[ame=]Thom Hartmann: Republicans ran up the debt & now they don't want to pay the bill - YouTube[/ame]
Revenues WENT DOWN not up when your precious Bush lowered taxes.

explain why your theories FAILED

First of all, revenue is not a measure of how good the Federal government is. More revenue is bad because that's more money stolen from the tax payer and transferred to the government. The only time increased revenue is necessary is when there's a debt or deficit.

What actually matters is a balanced budget.

Also, Clinton's administration had the advantage of riding the wave of the technological revolution because the free market was supercharged by new technological products with high demand, high consumption and the economy was great and the Federal government gained revenue for a balanced budget.

[ame=]Starve The Beast: Republican Deficit Crisis By Design - YouTube[/ame]

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