The chart that shows the republicans ideas are historically failed ideas

The revenues did NOT increase like the republicans always claim they will.

They fell off a cliff.

That proves you are lying to the Americna people about tax cuts

Something TDM should listen to rather than the left wing talking points she holds like scripture
that is why Bush let the housing mess continue to build.

without it revenues would have just continued tanking

Revenues tanked because the economy was in recessions, Dumbass. The tax cuts got the economy growing again.

Perhaps you expected Bush to wave a magic wand and end the housing boom? Or, perhaps he could have just directed it to end. Your ignorance knows no bounds.
that is why Bush let the housing mess continue to build.

without it revenues would have just continued tanking

Revenues tanked because the economy was in recessions, Dumbass. The tax cuts got the economy growing again.

Perhaps you expected Bush to wave a magic wand and end the housing boom? Or, perhaps he could have just directed it to end. Your ignorance knows no bounds.

hey liar,

the tax cuts did NOT create the revenue increase you people always claim they will.

Your lying to yourself and everyone else.

have a little integrity and face the real facts
these facts give your historically failed ideas no place to hide.

WHY cling to completely FALSE ideas?
Go get an example of where taxes were cut and revenues went up like the republicans say they will
The democrats have always caused economic uncertainty. This keeps the economy down and unemployment high. If you look back through history you will see this. The high taxes and regulations and over spending of the democrats will always keep business men from investing when they can't trust the administration. This is why the country needs the stability and fiscal responsiblity of business friendly conservative leaders. They know what business men need and are willing to serve them. This is what creates jobs and tax revenue. But liberals don't understand this. The only reason the economy did well under Clinton was the fact the Republicans had their contract with America that kept Clintons spending under control.
The democrats have always caused economic uncertainty. This keeps the economy down and unemployment high. If you look back through history you will see this. The high taxes and regulations and over spending of the democrats will always keep business men from investing when they can't trust the administration. This is why the country needs the stability and fiscal responsiblity of business friendly conservative leaders. They know what business men need and are willing to serve them. This is what creates jobs and tax revenue. But liberals don't understand this. The only reason the economy did well under Clinton was the fact the Republicans had their contract with America that kept Clintons spending under control.

YOU are dead wrong on the facts.

you talk about history but provide not one iota if proof of what you speak.

You are a mindless partisan who has NO independant thoughts of your own
Welfare leeches are killing all of us. Why is that so hard for liberals to understand?

No, whats killing us is a bloated DOD budget and wars we did not need to be involved in. But shoot, go ahead and keep blaming your fellow country men and women.
Welfare leeches are killing all of us. Why is that so hard for liberals to understand?

No, whats killing us is a bloated DOD budget and wars we did not need to be involved in. But shoot, go ahead and keep blaming your fellow country men and women.

that is a good part of it like Ike warned us.

The other thing is the lies of republicans that falsely claim we can cut taxes and wage wars at the same time.

Why anyone buys these lies in the face of the facts is beyond me
The democrats have always caused economic uncertainty. This keeps the economy down and unemployment high. If you look back through history you will see this. The high taxes and regulations and over spending of the democrats will always keep business men from investing when they can't trust the administration. This is why the country needs the stability and fiscal responsiblity of business friendly conservative leaders. They know what business men need and are willing to serve them. This is what creates jobs and tax revenue. But liberals don't understand this. The only reason the economy did well under Clinton was the fact the Republicans had their contract with America that kept Clintons spending under control.

The economy did well under Clinton because we had the lowest capital gains taxes in history. And, the economy could tolerate higher income taxes. Now we are limping along, which is just what democrats want. A rise in taxes would cripple us permanently. Which again, is just what the democrats want.

This isn't going to end until it winds down to the very bitter end. The democrat plan to totally collapse the nation might be delayed, but not stopped. They will simply promise more benefits to be paid by someone else. It will have to collapse completely. If republicans had an ounce of brains between them, they would manage the collapse to their benefit but let it happen.
all the while the GOP is selling these lies and disinformation a lot of right wingers truly HATE other Americans they have labeled liberals, or food stamp commies. This is disgusting. Truly a sign that hatred and lies fuel many Republicans.

Im a Democrat and I voted for Obama twice and ill prolly vote for a Democrat in 2016 however, if you think that proves I hate America or anything American stands for, you are the problem.
They will simply promise more benefits to be paid by someone else.

wtf are you talking about. I have paid into our system since I was knee high, sales tax, income tax, gas tax. the list is long. If I want to collect benefits from a system I paid into, I will. I paid for them and I might use them.

Secondly, I worked hard at a young age and scored a dream job with NASA. SO I am blessed with a well paying, steady job. So, my taxes goes to those who need it. The choice is are you such an asshole you dont like that? Seriously, are you that hard up and unhappy?

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