The Children Are Our Future

Human beings and especially White people have been the cause of all the problems on this planet. Whites have the greatest number of "evil genes". We should just eliminate all human beings, starting with Whites and go down the list of races, one by one. Then, convert all the animals on this planet into socialists, and everything will be fine. Problem solved.

Put that into the Democratic Party platform for 2018 and 2020.

The left is always screaming RACISTS!!! ...while constantly squawking about race
LOL! You just squawked and screamed race.
no, Sassy does not INITIATE...Sassy is responding--as I do
the blacks are obsessed with race to the point their minds are warped
EVERYTHING is racial to them
a bee
fruit loops
"the blacks are obsessed with race to the point their minds are warped." Your comment. I would say that is an apt description of you. Think about it.
Human beings and especially White people have been the cause of all the problems on this planet. Whites have the greatest number of "evil genes". We should just eliminate all human beings, starting with Whites and go down the list of races, one by one. Then, convert all the animals on this planet into socialists, and everything will be fine. Problem solved.

Put that into the Democratic Party platform for 2018 and 2020.

The left is always screaming RACISTS!!! ...while constantly squawking about race
LOL! You just squawked and screamed race.
no, Sassy does not INITIATE...Sassy is responding--as I do
the blacks are obsessed with race to the point their minds are warped
EVERYTHING is racial to them
a bee
fruit loops
"the blacks are obsessed with race to the point their minds are warped." Your comment. I would say that is an apt description of you. Think about it.
it's in the MSM EVERYDAY all day
I am responding to the LIES/myths/etc
so pointing out the truth is obsession??
  1. preoccupy or fill the mind of (someone) continually, intrusively, and to a troubling extent.
Human beings and especially White people have been the cause of all the problems on this planet. Whites have the greatest number of "evil genes". We should just eliminate all human beings, starting with Whites and go down the list of races, one by one. Then, convert all the animals on this planet into socialists, and everything will be fine. Problem solved.

Put that into the Democratic Party platform for 2018 and 2020.

The left is always screaming RACISTS!!! ...while constantly squawking about race
LOL! You just squawked and screamed race.
no, Sassy does not INITIATE...Sassy is responding--as I do
the blacks are obsessed with race to the point their minds are warped
EVERYTHING is racial to them
a bee
fruit loops
"the blacks are obsessed with race to the point their minds are warped." Your comment. I would say that is an apt description of you. Think about it.

Why don't you go bother someone who cares?

Really dude. You're a nobody and cant distinquish an observation. The left is obsessed with divide whether it be race, class or whatever.

Now shut up
In her paper, How to Write as Felt: Touching Transmaterialities and More-Than-Human Intimacies, University of Toronto scholar Stephanie Springgay suggests that felt, a “dense material of permanently interlocking fibres,” can be linked to racism and capitalism.

It’s those “cis-heteronormative White supremacist settler colonial logics,” you see. And the “queer self-touching,” obviously.

Professor links felt - yes, the material - to white supremacy - The College Fix

'K as a teacher, I apologize for this abject mess. All I can say is: this is Canada, but I fear the US is not far behind.

Some professors of ed are just failed teachers. This would seem to be one. Because this is garbage, straight up. Best thing her students could do is GET OUT of her classroom and get into some real classrooms, because this felt garbage is not going to equal a warm puddle of spit once actual K-12 students are waiting to be impressed. High school students would snicker right in the face of this, God bless them.

How ridiculous.
Don't worry, there are plenty of retards like this and worse posing as teachers and professors right here in the US.

Oh believe me, as far as K-12 goes, fewer all the time. Fewer going into it, fewer staying. And I don't blame them not one bit. Because if you think teachers are "retards" (I don't like that name but whatever), you should see some of the adults we deal with as parents. And lots of lots of teachers are just saying I don't get paid enough to put up with this, especially in the very low-paying states. And as a teacher with over two-decades experience, I don't blame them one bit.

Don't get me wrong, there are bad teachers out there. But as society devolves, everything is getting worse, including kids' behavior and, worst of all, the behavior of adults. Wait 'til you see what's in the classroom in about ten years. You will WISH you had the teachers back we have now.

Homeschooling and private school is on the rise. Our children's school enrollment is up sharply this year

Parents see what's going on.

As I said in another thread, homeschooling stats and success rates are going to go down, if they haven't already. Homeschooling used to be the bastion of highly involved parents, and that was part of its great success rate. But no more. Now, if your child is old enough to stay home alone and fairly tech-savvy (and what child isn't), you can be a negligent parent and "homeschool" with the advent of free online schools just about everywhere.

I'd like to see homeschooling communities address this more but, typically, they just act defensive--VERY defensive. That, and the rising incidents of people hiding abuse by "homeschooling" their kids. The incidents of this are very small, but it does happen. But again homeschoolers tend to be very defensive. It's this tendency in fact that stopped me from being a vocal advocate of homeschooling. I just got burnt too many times, and judged too many times, INSIDE the church.

The Babylon Bee has roasted homeschoolers for this, so you might think they would climb down a little bit but it is what it is.

(By the way I'm not saying YOU have done any of this. I don't know you. But I have been interacting with homeschooling parents for years and years, going out of the schools, coming into the schools, in church and online. But i don't know you so this is not a personal accusation)
Human beings and especially White people have been the cause of all the problems on this planet. Whites have the greatest number of "evil genes". We should just eliminate all human beings, starting with Whites and go down the list of races, one by one. Then, convert all the animals on this planet into socialists, and everything will be fine. Problem solved.

Put that into the Democratic Party platform for 2018 and 2020.

Jews have nothing to do with it, however?
The Joooos! The Joooos!

Jews contribute 50% of Democrat campaign funding, dominate Hollywood, and dominate the media, they've also had a disproportionate role behind Liberal groups like SPLC, ACLU, ADL, Wiesenthal Center, the NAACP among other activist groups for Liberalism.

But, I'm so glad that you think that Jews have nothing to do with it.

It IS DA JOOOS! :eek:
Human beings and especially White people have been the cause of all the problems on this planet. Whites have the greatest number of "evil genes". We should just eliminate all human beings, starting with Whites and go down the list of races, one by one. Then, convert all the animals on this planet into socialists, and everything will be fine. Problem solved.

Put that into the Democratic Party platform for 2018 and 2020.

The left is always screaming RACISTS!!! ...while constantly squawking about race
LOL! You just squawked and screamed race.
no, Sassy does not INITIATE...Sassy is responding--as I do
the blacks are obsessed with race to the point their minds are warped
EVERYTHING is racial to them
a bee
fruit loops
"the blacks are obsessed with race to the point their minds are warped." Your comment. I would say that is an apt description of you. Think about it.
I respond to the racist haters on USMB
I am responding to the racist blacks/etc on USMB--I am not initiating
Human beings and especially White people have been the cause of all the problems on this planet. Whites have the greatest number of "evil genes". We should just eliminate all human beings, starting with Whites and go down the list of races, one by one. Then, convert all the animals on this planet into socialists, and everything will be fine. Problem solved.

Put that into the Democratic Party platform for 2018 and 2020.

Jews have nothing to do with it, however?
The Joooos! The Joooos!

Jews contribute 50% of Democrat campaign funding, dominate Hollywood, and dominate the media, they've also had a disproportionate role behind Liberal groups like SPLC, ACLU, ADL, Wiesenthal Center, the NAACP among other activist groups for Liberalism.

But, I'm so glad that you think that Jews have nothing to do with it.

It IS DA JOOOS! :eek:

In her paper, How to Write as Felt: Touching Transmaterialities and More-Than-Human Intimacies, University of Toronto scholar Stephanie Springgay suggests that felt, a “dense material of permanently interlocking fibres,” can be linked to racism and capitalism.

It’s those “cis-heteronormative White supremacist settler colonial logics,” you see. And the “queer self-touching,” obviously.

Professor links felt - yes, the material - to white supremacy - The College Fix

'K as a teacher, I apologize for this abject mess. All I can say is: this is Canada, but I fear the US is not far behind.

Some professors of ed are just failed teachers. This would seem to be one. Because this is garbage, straight up. Best thing her students could do is GET OUT of her classroom and get into some real classrooms, because this felt garbage is not going to equal a warm puddle of spit once actual K-12 students are waiting to be impressed. High school students would snicker right in the face of this, God bless them.

How ridiculous.
Don't worry, there are plenty of retards like this and worse posing as teachers and professors right here in the US.

Oh believe me, as far as K-12 goes, fewer all the time. Fewer going into it, fewer staying. And I don't blame them not one bit. Because if you think teachers are "retards" (I don't like that name but whatever), you should see some of the adults we deal with as parents. And lots of lots of teachers are just saying I don't get paid enough to put up with this, especially in the very low-paying states. And as a teacher with over two-decades experience, I don't blame them one bit.

Don't get me wrong, there are bad teachers out there. But as society devolves, everything is getting worse, including kids' behavior and, worst of all, the behavior of adults. Wait 'til you see what's in the classroom in about ten years. You will WISH you had the teachers back we have now.

Homeschooling and private school is on the rise. Our children's school enrollment is up sharply this year

Parents see what's going on.

As I said in another thread, homeschooling stats and success rates are going to go down, if they haven't already. Homeschooling used to be the bastion of highly involved parents, and that was part of its great success rate. But no more. Now, if your child is old enough to stay home alone and fairly tech-savvy (and what child isn't), you can be a negligent parent and "homeschool" with the advent of free online schools just about everywhere.

I'd like to see homeschooling communities address this more but, typically, they just act defensive--VERY defensive. That, and the rising incidents of people hiding abuse by "homeschooling" their kids. The incidents of this are very small, but it does happen. But again homeschoolers tend to be very defensive. It's this tendency in fact that stopped me from being a vocal advocate of homeschooling. I just got burnt too many times, and judged too many times, INSIDE the church.

The Babylon Bee has roasted homeschoolers for this, so you might think they would climb down a little bit but it is what it is.

(By the way I'm not saying YOU have done any of this. I don't know you. But I have been interacting with homeschooling parents for years and years, going out of the schools, coming into the schools, in church and online. But i don't know you so this is not a personal accusation)

Our children attend private schools...out of the grasp of the left.

I know many homeschooled children and their parents. Upstanding and outstanding students. With that said all things can be abused.
Human beings and especially White people have been the cause of all the problems on this planet. Whites have the greatest number of "evil genes". We should just eliminate all human beings, starting with Whites and go down the list of races, one by one. Then, convert all the animals on this planet into socialists, and everything will be fine. Problem solved.

Put that into the Democratic Party platform for 2018 and 2020.

Jews have nothing to do with it, however?
The Joooos! The Joooos!

Jews contribute 50% of Democrat campaign funding, dominate Hollywood, and dominate the media, they've also had a disproportionate role behind Liberal groups like SPLC, ACLU, ADL, Wiesenthal Center, the NAACP among other activist groups for Liberalism.

But, I'm so glad that you think that Jews have nothing to do with it.

It IS DA JOOOS! :eek:


You know I'm kidding, right? :rolleyes:

It's "DA JOOOOS!" in his mind and a few others.
Human beings and especially White people have been the cause of all the problems on this planet. Whites have the greatest number of "evil genes". We should just eliminate all human beings, starting with Whites and go down the list of races, one by one. Then, convert all the animals on this planet into socialists, and everything will be fine. Problem solved.

Put that into the Democratic Party platform for 2018 and 2020.

The left is always screaming RACISTS!!! ...while constantly squawking about race
LOL! You just squawked and screamed race.
no, Sassy does not INITIATE...Sassy is responding--as I do
the blacks are obsessed with race to the point their minds are warped
EVERYTHING is racial to them
a bee
fruit loops
"the blacks are obsessed with race to the point their minds are warped." Your comment. I would say that is an apt description of you. Think about it.
it's in the MSM EVERYDAY all day
I am responding to the LIES/myths/etc
so pointing out the truth is obsession??
  1. preoccupy or fill the mind of (someone) continually, intrusively, and to a troubling extent.
In her paper, How to Write as Felt: Touching Transmaterialities and More-Than-Human Intimacies, University of Toronto scholar Stephanie Springgay suggests that felt, a “dense material of permanently interlocking fibres,” can be linked to racism and capitalism.

It’s those “cis-heteronormative White supremacist settler colonial logics,” you see. And the “queer self-touching,” obviously.

Professor links felt - yes, the material - to white supremacy - The College Fix

'K as a teacher, I apologize for this abject mess. All I can say is: this is Canada, but I fear the US is not far behind.

Some professors of ed are just failed teachers. This would seem to be one. Because this is garbage, straight up. Best thing her students could do is GET OUT of her classroom and get into some real classrooms, because this felt garbage is not going to equal a warm puddle of spit once actual K-12 students are waiting to be impressed. High school students would snicker right in the face of this, God bless them.

How ridiculous.
Don't worry, there are plenty of retards like this and worse, posing as teachers and professors right here in the US.

My parents are retired teachers, and while they're more to the Right than many teachers, they don't really like collectively speaking Muslims, Jews, Latinos, or ghetto Blacks.

Not much different than my beliefs, just I tend to think Blacks aren't much better out of the ghetto.
Jus sayin'
In her paper, How to Write as Felt: Touching Transmaterialities and More-Than-Human Intimacies, University of Toronto scholar Stephanie Springgay suggests that felt, a “dense material of permanently interlocking fibres,” can be linked to racism and capitalism.

It’s those “cis-heteronormative White supremacist settler colonial logics,” you see. And the “queer self-touching,” obviously.

Professor links felt - yes, the material - to white supremacy - The College Fix

'K as a teacher, I apologize for this abject mess. All I can say is: this is Canada, but I fear the US is not far behind.

Some professors of ed are just failed teachers. This would seem to be one. Because this is garbage, straight up. Best thing her students could do is GET OUT of her classroom and get into some real classrooms, because this felt garbage is not going to equal a warm puddle of spit once actual K-12 students are waiting to be impressed. High school students would snicker right in the face of this, God bless them.

How ridiculous.
Don't worry, there are plenty of retards like this and worse posing as teachers and professors right here in the US.

Oh believe me, as far as K-12 goes, fewer all the time. Fewer going into it, fewer staying. And I don't blame them not one bit. Because if you think teachers are "retards" (I don't like that name but whatever), you should see some of the adults we deal with as parents. And lots of lots of teachers are just saying I don't get paid enough to put up with this, especially in the very low-paying states. And as a teacher with over two-decades experience, I don't blame them one bit.

Don't get me wrong, there are bad teachers out there. But as society devolves, everything is getting worse, including kids' behavior and, worst of all, the behavior of adults. Wait 'til you see what's in the classroom in about ten years. You will WISH you had the teachers back we have now.

Homeschooling and private school is on the rise. Our children's school enrollment is up sharply this year

Parents see what's going on.

Also, I am an advocate for vouchers, even though I am a public school teacher and a Christian conservative. However, fair is absolutely fair. If you are going to take public dollars, you absolutely cannot discriminate based on kids abilities or behaviors. You must then take all kids, even if they have behavior problems or special needs.

I don't think the private school parents will be too thrilled about that. So I think people ought to really ruminate on whether they want vouchers.
The left is always screaming RACISTS!!! ...while constantly squawking about race
LOL! You just squawked and screamed race.
no, Sassy does not INITIATE...Sassy is responding--as I do
the blacks are obsessed with race to the point their minds are warped
EVERYTHING is racial to them
a bee
fruit loops
"the blacks are obsessed with race to the point their minds are warped." Your comment. I would say that is an apt description of you. Think about it.
it's in the MSM EVERYDAY all day
I am responding to the LIES/myths/etc
so pointing out the truth is obsession??
  1. preoccupy or fill the mind of (someone) continually, intrusively, and to a troubling extent.
I guess you let evil/injustice/wrongs/lies go without fighting back
that's fine if you want to let evil win
In her paper, How to Write as Felt: Touching Transmaterialities and More-Than-Human Intimacies, University of Toronto scholar Stephanie Springgay suggests that felt, a “dense material of permanently interlocking fibres,” can be linked to racism and capitalism.

It’s those “cis-heteronormative White supremacist settler colonial logics,” you see. And the “queer self-touching,” obviously.

Professor links felt - yes, the material - to white supremacy - The College Fix

'K as a teacher, I apologize for this abject mess. All I can say is: this is Canada, but I fear the US is not far behind.

Some professors of ed are just failed teachers. This would seem to be one. Because this is garbage, straight up. Best thing her students could do is GET OUT of her classroom and get into some real classrooms, because this felt garbage is not going to equal a warm puddle of spit once actual K-12 students are waiting to be impressed. High school students would snicker right in the face of this, God bless them.

How ridiculous.
Don't worry, there are plenty of retards like this and worse posing as teachers and professors right here in the US.

Oh believe me, as far as K-12 goes, fewer all the time. Fewer going into it, fewer staying. And I don't blame them not one bit. Because if you think teachers are "retards" (I don't like that name but whatever), you should see some of the adults we deal with as parents. And lots of lots of teachers are just saying I don't get paid enough to put up with this, especially in the very low-paying states. And as a teacher with over two-decades experience, I don't blame them one bit.

Don't get me wrong, there are bad teachers out there. But as society devolves, everything is getting worse, including kids' behavior and, worst of all, the behavior of adults. Wait 'til you see what's in the classroom in about ten years. You will WISH you had the teachers back we have now.

Homeschooling and private school is on the rise. Our children's school enrollment is up sharply this year

Parents see what's going on.

Also, I am an advocate for vouchers, even though I am a public school teacher and a Christian conservative. However, fair is absolutely fair. If you are going to take public dollars, you absolutely cannot discriminate based on kids abilities or behaviors. You must then take all kids, even if they have behavior problems or special needs.

I don't think the private school parents will be too thrilled about that. So I think people ought to really ruminate on whether they want vouchers.

Our children's school takes no public money so vouchers are no concern of mine. It's the school's house and their rules. Exactly the way we parents want it
In her paper, How to Write as Felt: Touching Transmaterialities and More-Than-Human Intimacies, University of Toronto scholar Stephanie Springgay suggests that felt, a “dense material of permanently interlocking fibres,” can be linked to racism and capitalism.

It’s those “cis-heteronormative White supremacist settler colonial logics,” you see. And the “queer self-touching,” obviously.

Professor links felt - yes, the material - to white supremacy - The College Fix

'K as a teacher, I apologize for this abject mess. All I can say is: this is Canada, but I fear the US is not far behind.

Some professors of ed are just failed teachers. This would seem to be one. Because this is garbage, straight up. Best thing her students could do is GET OUT of her classroom and get into some real classrooms, because this felt garbage is not going to equal a warm puddle of spit once actual K-12 students are waiting to be impressed. High school students would snicker right in the face of this, God bless them.

How ridiculous.
Don't worry, there are plenty of retards like this and worse, posing as teachers and professors right here in the US.

My parents are teachers, and while they're more to the Right than many teachers, they don't really like collectively speaking Muslims, Jews, Latinos, or ghetto Blacks.

Not much different than my beliefs, just I tend to think Blacks aren't much better out of the ghetto.
Jus sayin'

I don't know if this poster is speaking accurately for his parents.

I will tell you this. I'm a pretty tough teacher in some respects. I LOVE my job. I LOVE teaching and I love my students but I have high expectations. I don't care what color or race or religion you are. You can and will learn. We also laugh and have fun a lot.

Also I don't have classes of students I don't "like". I don't like if my students are mean to others, manipulative, sneaky or say nasty things.
Human beings and especially White people have been the cause of all the problems on this planet. Whites have the greatest number of "evil genes". We should just eliminate all human beings, starting with Whites and go down the list of races, one by one. Then, convert all the animals on this planet into socialists, and everything will be fine. Problem solved.

Put that into the Democratic Party platform for 2018 and 2020.

The left is always screaming RACISTS!!! ...while constantly squawking about race
LOL! You just squawked and screamed race.
no, Sassy does not INITIATE...Sassy is responding--as I do
the blacks are obsessed with race to the point their minds are warped
EVERYTHING is racial to them
a bee
fruit loops
"the blacks are obsessed with race to the point their minds are warped." Your comment. I would say that is an apt description of you. Think about it.

Why don't you go bother someone who cares?

Really dude. You're a nobody and cant distinquish an observation. The left is obsessed with divide whether it be race, class or whatever.

Now shut up
This is an open forum. I will not shut up.
'K as a teacher, I apologize for this abject mess. All I can say is: this is Canada, but I fear the US is not far behind.

Some professors of ed are just failed teachers. This would seem to be one. Because this is garbage, straight up. Best thing her students could do is GET OUT of her classroom and get into some real classrooms, because this felt garbage is not going to equal a warm puddle of spit once actual K-12 students are waiting to be impressed. High school students would snicker right in the face of this, God bless them.

How ridiculous.
Don't worry, there are plenty of retards like this and worse posing as teachers and professors right here in the US.

Oh believe me, as far as K-12 goes, fewer all the time. Fewer going into it, fewer staying. And I don't blame them not one bit. Because if you think teachers are "retards" (I don't like that name but whatever), you should see some of the adults we deal with as parents. And lots of lots of teachers are just saying I don't get paid enough to put up with this, especially in the very low-paying states. And as a teacher with over two-decades experience, I don't blame them one bit.

Don't get me wrong, there are bad teachers out there. But as society devolves, everything is getting worse, including kids' behavior and, worst of all, the behavior of adults. Wait 'til you see what's in the classroom in about ten years. You will WISH you had the teachers back we have now.

Homeschooling and private school is on the rise. Our children's school enrollment is up sharply this year

Parents see what's going on.

Also, I am an advocate for vouchers, even though I am a public school teacher and a Christian conservative. However, fair is absolutely fair. If you are going to take public dollars, you absolutely cannot discriminate based on kids abilities or behaviors. You must then take all kids, even if they have behavior problems or special needs.

I don't think the private school parents will be too thrilled about that. So I think people ought to really ruminate on whether they want vouchers.

Our children's school takes no public money so vouchers are no concern of mine. It's the school's house and their rules. Exactly the way we parents want it

That's fine and perfectly within your right. However many private schools and their parents want vouchers. Again, I'm not sure they realize everything that would come with vouchers. You'd have a hard legal row to hoe if you want to take public money but also discriminate based on ability.
In her paper, How to Write as Felt: Touching Transmaterialities and More-Than-Human Intimacies, University of Toronto scholar Stephanie Springgay suggests that felt, a “dense material of permanently interlocking fibres,” can be linked to racism and capitalism.

It’s those “cis-heteronormative White supremacist settler colonial logics,” you see. And the “queer self-touching,” obviously.

Professor links felt - yes, the material - to white supremacy - The College Fix

'K as a teacher, I apologize for this abject mess. All I can say is: this is Canada, but I fear the US is not far behind.

Some professors of ed are just failed teachers. This would seem to be one. Because this is garbage, straight up. Best thing her students could do is GET OUT of her classroom and get into some real classrooms, because this felt garbage is not going to equal a warm puddle of spit once actual K-12 students are waiting to be impressed. High school students would snicker right in the face of this, God bless them.

How ridiculous.
Don't worry, there are plenty of retards like this and worse, posing as teachers and professors right here in the US.

My parents are teachers, and while they're more to the Right than many teachers, they don't really like collectively speaking Muslims, Jews, Latinos, or ghetto Blacks.

Not much different than my beliefs, just I tend to think Blacks aren't much better out of the ghetto.
Jus sayin'

I don't know if this poster is speaking accurately for his parents.

I will tell you this. I'm a pretty tough teacher in some respects. I LOVE my job. I LOVE teaching and I love my students but I have high expectations. I don't care what color or race or religion you are. You can and will learn. We also laugh and have fun a lot.

Also I don't have classes of students I don't "like". I don't like if my students are mean to others, manipulative, sneaky or say nasty things.

Do all races achieve the same standards in school?

My father taught in prison, and admitted that illiterate Chinese born overseas who became gangsters did in fact learn quicker than others, while Blacks, well you know they're Blacks.

None the less my father did teach prisoner Blacks to read.
The left is always screaming RACISTS!!! ...while constantly squawking about race
LOL! You just squawked and screamed race.
no, Sassy does not INITIATE...Sassy is responding--as I do
the blacks are obsessed with race to the point their minds are warped
EVERYTHING is racial to them
a bee
fruit loops
"the blacks are obsessed with race to the point their minds are warped." Your comment. I would say that is an apt description of you. Think about it.

Why don't you go bother someone who cares?

Really dude. You're a nobody and cant distinquish an observation. The left is obsessed with divide whether it be race, class or whatever.

Now shut up
This is an open forum. I will not shut up.

It has a very nice ignore feature...bye
The left is always screaming RACISTS!!! ...while constantly squawking about race
LOL! You just squawked and screamed race.
no, Sassy does not INITIATE...Sassy is responding--as I do
the blacks are obsessed with race to the point their minds are warped
EVERYTHING is racial to them
a bee
fruit loops
"the blacks are obsessed with race to the point their minds are warped." Your comment. I would say that is an apt description of you. Think about it.

Why don't you go bother someone who cares?

Really dude. You're a nobody and cant distinquish an observation. The left is obsessed with divide whether it be race, class or whatever.

Now shut up
This is an open forum. I will not shut up.
so you are ok with lies/falsehoods/myths/etc that ruin the community ?

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