The Chinese Communist Takeover of America Is Well Underway


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The Chinese Communist Takeover of America Is Well Underway
The Chinese Communist Takeover of America Is Well Underway by D.W. Wilber (
23 Feb 2021 ~~ By D.W. Wilber

If I told you that a Marxist infiltration of every aspect of American life has been taking place, and that it’s been underway for decades, would you believe me? If I was even more specific and said that the Chinese Communist Party was primarily behind it, would you believe that as well? If I told you that our educational institutions, our colleges and universities, high schools, and even elementary schools were targets for Marxist indoctrination, would you believe that?
Well to not believe it would be at your own peril. Having been involved in intelligence work for over 30 years, I’ve seen these efforts firsthand. The facts are that the Communist Chinese have been infiltrating our country for decades. Chinese intelligence agents are working overtime trying to steal our technology, our government and military secrets, but more importantly they have been and continue to operate as agents of influence.
The Communist Chinese have been subtlety indoctrinating young impressionable minds here on school campuses all across America with their Marxist ideology. An effort that’s been underway for years. And an effort that has had a great deal of success, considering the level of self-loathing about America that they have been able to instill in a great many of America’s youth for a couple of generations now.
If Republicans can gain back control of even part of the government they can implement some roadblocks into the Chinese achieving their goals. And believe me, the Chinese feel very close to completing their takeover of this country. They can almost taste it. They will not be letting up the pressure.
We certainly have our work cut out for us. But education is the key. The more Americans know and understand what’s going on the better our chances of fending off the assault on America. The Chinese have no intention of giving up, so we have to fight back.
This is America after all, an idea worth fighting for.

What is most shocking is the openness of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies dealing with and allowing CCP agents to openly operate in America under the Beijing Biden.
According to Joey Xi's appointee Melanie Hart theres no problem with CCP agdents being prebriefed to spread their influencw and positions supportive of Beijing.
Honestly, the only way out of it is secession by normal/salvageable states or someone steps up and cleans out the rats nest. I’d welcome either scenario since the current trajectory is communist hell.
That's right. We took Georgia. And now we're gonna take Delaware! And we're going down to Florida! And Washington! And Pennsylvania! And over to the White House!


The Chinese Communist Takeover of America Is Well Underway
The Chinese Communist Takeover of America Is Well Underway by D.W. Wilber (
23 Feb 2021 ~~ By D.W. Wilber

If I told you that a Marxist infiltration of every aspect of American life has been taking place, and that it’s been underway for decades, would you believe me? If I was even more specific and said that the Chinese Communist Party was primarily behind it, would you believe that as well? If I told you that our educational institutions, our colleges and universities, high schools, and even elementary schools were targets for Marxist indoctrination, would you believe that?
Well to not believe it would be at your own peril. Having been involved in intelligence work for over 30 years, I’ve seen these efforts firsthand. The facts are that the Communist Chinese have been infiltrating our country for decades. Chinese intelligence agents are working overtime trying to steal our technology, our government and military secrets, but more importantly they have been and continue to operate as agents of influence.
The Communist Chinese have been subtlety indoctrinating young impressionable minds here on school campuses all across America with their Marxist ideology. An effort that’s been underway for years. And an effort that has had a great deal of success, considering the level of self-loathing about America that they have been able to instill in a great many of America’s youth for a couple of generations now.
If Republicans can gain back control of even part of the government they can implement some roadblocks into the Chinese achieving their goals. And believe me, the Chinese feel very close to completing their takeover of this country. They can almost taste it. They will not be letting up the pressure.
We certainly have our work cut out for us. But education is the key. The more Americans know and understand what’s going on the better our chances of fending off the assault on America. The Chinese have no intention of giving up, so we have to fight back.
This is America after all, an idea worth fighting for.

What is most shocking is the openness of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies dealing with and allowing CCP agents to openly operate in America under the Beijing Biden.
According to Joey Xi's appointee Melanie Hart theres no problem with CCP agdents being prebriefed to spread their influencw and positions supportive of Beijing.
Honestly, the only way out of it is secession by normal/salvageable states or someone steps up and cleans out the rats nest. I’d welcome either scenario since the current trajectory is communist hell. is That is so much bullshit and you are stupid enough to believe it. We are not being taken over by the Chinese. The 50s are calling and they want their policies back.
The only reason the Chinese have any sway here at all is capitalism....

Without a profit motive no one would have any reason to give a fuck about the Chinese.

What you're seeing is capitalism at work. In the same way the world bends to us so they can enter our market. The world will have to bend to China

You think a bunch of hippies would give a fuck what the Chinese thought about anything?
It is not just the CCP. We have those fascist that are home grown Brown shirts too and their leaders that are all over DC throughout Wall Street claiming rights over and above those of the people and they are also in many state agencies.
The only reason the Chinese have any sway here at all is capitalism....

Without a profit motive no one would have any reason to give a fuck about the Chinese.

What you're seeing is capitalism at work. In the same way the world bends to us so they can enter our market. The world will have to bend to China

You think a bunch of hippies would give a fuck what the Chinese thought about anything?
close wal mart for a month and half of china starves to death
The only reason the Chinese have any sway here at all is capitalism....

Without a profit motive no one would have any reason to give a fuck about the Chinese.

What you're seeing is capitalism at work. In the same way the world bends to us so they can enter our market. The world will have to bend to China

You think a bunch of hippies would give a fuck what the Chinese thought about anything?
close wal mart for a month and half of china starves to death

Well that may be true no one is going to get richer doing that so it won't happen.
The Chinese Communist Takeover of America Is Well Underway
The Chinese Communist Takeover of America Is Well Underway by D.W. Wilber (
23 Feb 2021 ~~ By D.W. Wilber

If I told you that a Marxist infiltration of every aspect of American life has been taking place, and that it’s been underway for decades, would you believe me? If I was even more specific and said that the Chinese Communist Party was primarily behind it, would you believe that as well? If I told you that our educational institutions, our colleges and universities, high schools, and even elementary schools were targets for Marxist indoctrination, would you believe that?
Well to not believe it would be at your own peril. Having been involved in intelligence work for over 30 years, I’ve seen these efforts firsthand. The facts are that the Communist Chinese have been infiltrating our country for decades. Chinese intelligence agents are working overtime trying to steal our technology, our government and military secrets, but more importantly they have been and continue to operate as agents of influence.
The Communist Chinese have been subtlety indoctrinating young impressionable minds here on school campuses all across America with their Marxist ideology. An effort that’s been underway for years. And an effort that has had a great deal of success, considering the level of self-loathing about America that they have been able to instill in a great many of America’s youth for a couple of generations now.
If Republicans can gain back control of even part of the government they can implement some roadblocks into the Chinese achieving their goals. And believe me, the Chinese feel very close to completing their takeover of this country. They can almost taste it. They will not be letting up the pressure.
We certainly have our work cut out for us. But education is the key. The more Americans know and understand what’s going on the better our chances of fending off the assault on America. The Chinese have no intention of giving up, so we have to fight back.
This is America after all, an idea worth fighting for.

What is most shocking is the openness of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies dealing with and allowing CCP agents to openly operate in America under the Beijing Biden.
According to Joey Xi's appointee Melanie Hart theres no problem with CCP agdents being prebriefed to spread their influencw and positions supportive of Beijing.
Honestly, the only way out of it is secession by normal/salvageable states or someone steps up and cleans out the rats nest. I’d welcome either scenario since the current trajectory is communist hell.

I can see it clear as day that the Deep state is preparing to set up another false flag. They are warming up the stage with these assaults on the Asian community. They are trying to get all of Pres. Trump's supporters to speak badly about the Chinese people so that they can remove the 1st Amendment. That there have been many attacks on the Asian community. And that they are going to blame it all on Pres. Trump and his supporters. They are going to label them all as domestic terrorists so that they can take away their gun rights.


FBI and intelligence assessments that show some of the violence was motivated by racism and false narratives about the election.

I can see it clear as day that the Deep state is preparing to set up another false flag. They are warming up the stage with these assaults on the Asian community. They are trying to get all of Pres. Trump's supporters to speak badly about the Chinese people so that they can remove the 1st Amendment. That there have been many attacks on the Asian community. And that they are going to blame it all on Pres. Trump and his supporters. They are going to label them all as domestic terrorists so that they can take away their gun rights.

Deep delusions, just like their dear leader and insurrectionist.
Teabaggers have been claiming "they're a comin' fer my guns" for decades, gullible idiots fall for it every time.
Morons, don't even know how an amendment is ratified or repealed.
The Chinese Communist Takeover of America Is Well Underway
The Chinese Communist Takeover of America Is Well Underway by D.W. Wilber (
23 Feb 2021 ~~ By D.W. Wilber

If I told you that a Marxist infiltration of every aspect of American life has been taking place, and that it’s been underway for decades, would you believe me? If I was even more specific and said that the Chinese Communist Party was primarily behind it, would you believe that as well? If I told you that our educational institutions, our colleges and universities, high schools, and even elementary schools were targets for Marxist indoctrination, would you believe that?
Well to not believe it would be at your own peril. Having been involved in intelligence work for over 30 years, I’ve seen these efforts firsthand. The facts are that the Communist Chinese have been infiltrating our country for decades. Chinese intelligence agents are working overtime trying to steal our technology, our government and military secrets, but more importantly they have been and continue to operate as agents of influence.
The Communist Chinese have been subtlety indoctrinating young impressionable minds here on school campuses all across America with their Marxist ideology. An effort that’s been underway for years. And an effort that has had a great deal of success, considering the level of self-loathing about America that they have been able to instill in a great many of America’s youth for a couple of generations now.
If Republicans can gain back control of even part of the government they can implement some roadblocks into the Chinese achieving their goals. And believe me, the Chinese feel very close to completing their takeover of this country. They can almost taste it. They will not be letting up the pressure.
We certainly have our work cut out for us. But education is the key. The more Americans know and understand what’s going on the better our chances of fending off the assault on America. The Chinese have no intention of giving up, so we have to fight back.
This is America after all, an idea worth fighting for.

What is most shocking is the openness of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies dealing with and allowing CCP agents to openly operate in America under the Beijing Biden.
According to Joey Xi's appointee Melanie Hart theres no problem with CCP agdents being prebriefed to spread their influencw and positions supportive of Beijing.
Honestly, the only way out of it is secession by normal/salvageable states or someone steps up and cleans out the rats nest. I’d welcome either scenario since the current trajectory is communist hell.

View attachment 460997
The only president to praise China, wanted to be just like China is in in Palm Beach.

March 3 2018

U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.
“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.
Teabaggers, cheering communism?

Let alone all the times Dotard praised China praised Xi Jinping last year.
I can see it clear as day that the Deep state is preparing to set up another false flag. They are warming up the stage with these assaults on the Asian community. They are trying to get all of Pres. Trump's supporters to speak badly about the Chinese people so that they can remove the 1st Amendment. That there have been many attacks on the Asian community. And that they are going to blame it all on Pres. Trump and his supporters. They are going to label them all as domestic terrorists so that they can take away their gun rights.

Deep delusions, just like their dear leader and insurrectionist.
Teabaggers have been claiming "they're a comin' fer my guns" for decades, gullible idiots fall for it every time.
Morons, don't even know how an amendment is ratified or repealed.
The 2nd Amendment wasn't created for hunters to hunt for their foods. It was created to prevent a hostile takeover by alien forces and or a rogue government.
The constitution main purpose was to keep the public free from being under the control of the government. That the people makes the laws, but not the government.
The state representatives suppose to represent the district to speak on the behalf of those that lives in that district . Basically the representatives are the mediators for the people. But they are not allowed to make the decisions for the people. And so basically, they are the lawyers for the public.

The Chinese Communist Takeover of America Is Well Underway
The Chinese Communist Takeover of America Is Well Underway by D.W. Wilber (
23 Feb 2021 ~~ By D.W. Wilber

If I told you that a Marxist infiltration of every aspect of American life has been taking place, and that it’s been underway for decades, would you believe me? If I was even more specific and said that the Chinese Communist Party was primarily behind it, would you believe that as well? If I told you that our educational institutions, our colleges and universities, high schools, and even elementary schools were targets for Marxist indoctrination, would you believe that?
Well to not believe it would be at your own peril. Having been involved in intelligence work for over 30 years, I’ve seen these efforts firsthand. The facts are that the Communist Chinese have been infiltrating our country for decades. Chinese intelligence agents are working overtime trying to steal our technology, our government and military secrets, but more importantly they have been and continue to operate as agents of influence.
The Communist Chinese have been subtlety indoctrinating young impressionable minds here on school campuses all across America with their Marxist ideology. An effort that’s been underway for years. And an effort that has had a great deal of success, considering the level of self-loathing about America that they have been able to instill in a great many of America’s youth for a couple of generations now.
If Republicans can gain back control of even part of the government they can implement some roadblocks into the Chinese achieving their goals. And believe me, the Chinese feel very close to completing their takeover of this country. They can almost taste it. They will not be letting up the pressure.
We certainly have our work cut out for us. But education is the key. The more Americans know and understand what’s going on the better our chances of fending off the assault on America. The Chinese have no intention of giving up, so we have to fight back.
This is America after all, an idea worth fighting for.

What is most shocking is the openness of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies dealing with and allowing CCP agents to openly operate in America under the Beijing Biden.
According to Joey Xi's appointee Melanie Hart theres no problem with CCP agdents being prebriefed to spread their influencw and positions supportive of Beijing.
Honestly, the only way out of it is secession by normal/salvageable states or someone steps up and cleans out the rats nest. I’d welcome either scenario since the current trajectory is communist hell. is That is so much bullshit and you are stupid enough to believe it. We are not being taken over by the Chinese. The 50s are calling and they want their policies back.

Indoctrination is VERY hard to break. Many don’t even realize they have been compromised, especially when it starts from grade school. Yes, our country will fall from within from the Marxist ideologies that many lefties espouse. We can tell them they are on the wrong path until we are blue in the face and it won’t matter to the vast majority. Only those humble and wise enough to step back and do a thorough self-evaluation can change and unfortunately there are only a handful capable of that.
I can see it clear as day that the Deep state is preparing to set up another false flag. They are warming up the stage with these assaults on the Asian community. They are trying to get all of Pres. Trump's supporters to speak badly about the Chinese people so that they can remove the 1st Amendment. That there have been many attacks on the Asian community. And that they are going to blame it all on Pres. Trump and his supporters. They are going to label them all as domestic terrorists so that they can take away their gun rights.

Deep delusions, just like their dear leader and insurrectionist.
Teabaggers have been claiming "they're a comin' fer my guns" for decades, gullible idiots fall for it every time.
Morons, don't even know how an amendment is ratified or repealed.
The 2nd Amendment wasn't created for hunters to hunt for their foods. It was created to prevent a hostile takeover by alien forces and or a rogue government.

The constitution main purpose was to keep the public free from being under the control of the government. That the people makes the laws, but not the government.

No, it give people certain rights, it doesn't prevent people from being under the control of government, you obey traffic laws, right?
If you commit a crime, you go to jail or prison.

The state representatives suppose to represent the district to speak on the behalf of those that lives in that district . Basically the representatives are the mediators for the people. But they are not allowed to make the decisions for the people. And so basically, they are the lawyers for the public.

Representatives are the ones who make laws, not the people, people can suggest all they want, most don't listen.

Still doesn't tell me wants entailed in passing, amending or repealing an amendment.

The Chinese Communist Takeover of America Is Well Underway
The Chinese Communist Takeover of America Is Well Underway by D.W. Wilber (
23 Feb 2021 ~~ By D.W. Wilber

If I told you that a Marxist infiltration of every aspect of American life has been taking place, and that it’s been underway for decades, would you believe me? If I was even more specific and said that the Chinese Communist Party was primarily behind it, would you believe that as well? If I told you that our educational institutions, our colleges and universities, high schools, and even elementary schools were targets for Marxist indoctrination, would you believe that?
Well to not believe it would be at your own peril. Having been involved in intelligence work for over 30 years, I’ve seen these efforts firsthand. The facts are that the Communist Chinese have been infiltrating our country for decades. Chinese intelligence agents are working overtime trying to steal our technology, our government and military secrets, but more importantly they have been and continue to operate as agents of influence.
The Communist Chinese have been subtlety indoctrinating young impressionable minds here on school campuses all across America with their Marxist ideology. An effort that’s been underway for years. And an effort that has had a great deal of success, considering the level of self-loathing about America that they have been able to instill in a great many of America’s youth for a couple of generations now.
If Republicans can gain back control of even part of the government they can implement some roadblocks into the Chinese achieving their goals. And believe me, the Chinese feel very close to completing their takeover of this country. They can almost taste it. They will not be letting up the pressure.
We certainly have our work cut out for us. But education is the key. The more Americans know and understand what’s going on the better our chances of fending off the assault on America. The Chinese have no intention of giving up, so we have to fight back.
This is America after all, an idea worth fighting for.

What is most shocking is the openness of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies dealing with and allowing CCP agents to openly operate in America under the Beijing Biden.
According to Joey Xi's appointee Melanie Hart theres no problem with CCP agdents being prebriefed to spread their influencw and positions supportive of Beijing.
Honestly, the only way out of it is secession by normal/salvageable states or someone steps up and cleans out the rats nest. I’d welcome either scenario since the current trajectory is communist hell.
The thread premise is a lie.

China is not "taking over" America.

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