The Christian Tithe ripoff.

First, prove to us that there is an actual invisible guy that we stand in front of to be judged when we die. Because I have to tell you, it sounds kinda made up.

I hold no interest in conversing with you ; one moment you tear and rip at people ,the next moment you are insulting them , then the next moment you try to sound reasonable ; in my view that is a sign of instable mouth. Anything could throw up out of it.
I wasn't talking to you, you fucking noob.

This language is an example of the human rip off of the English language. Its the same thing Christians have done with the bible ; they took tithing from the Old Testament , and forced it into the New covenant.

Its like taking perverted words and forcing them into an honest pure language. Now the language is not pure. And we teach our children a perverted language and religion.
God made everything in the universe, including all the words. Didn't he?

Your are a predator ; a conversation predator. Your a conversation vampire , looking and searching everyday which conversation you can suck the life out of.
Says the one with the vampire teeth in your avatar. :lol:
You know, I'm thinking that because of the way religion has bastardized the teachings of Jesus, just about ANYTHING that comes from a church is a rip off.

Well in my view a good percentage of it all is..

You know what I view as the biggest ripoff? The one the Christians do to God by telling everyone that they alone know what He wants for us (btw.....NOBODY can possibly know the Mind of God), and that if we do as they say, we go to Heaven, but if we don't, we are consigned to an eternity of suffering.

What gives Christians the right to speak for God? What gives them the right to hand out tickets to Heaven? I thought only God determined who got in, not those men (and women) who claim to speak for Him.
Christians don't determine who lives with God for eternity, and they're not trying to. All they're doing is pointing out what Scripture says about sin. And what is your prescription then for when you stand before God and He judges you?
First, prove to us that there is an actual invisible guy that we stand in front of to be judged when we die. Because I have to tell you, it sounds kinda made up.
Just like being in the cave, you have to be willing to walk outside. Simply standing inside and insisting that somebody prove the sun exists while refusing to do something as simple as walking outside is kind of pointless.
You know, I'm thinking that because of the way religion has bastardized the teachings of Jesus, just about ANYTHING that comes from a church is a rip off.

Well in my view a good percentage of it all is..

You know what I view as the biggest ripoff? The one the Christians do to God by telling everyone that they alone know what He wants for us (btw.....NOBODY can possibly know the Mind of God), and that if we do as they say, we go to Heaven, but if we don't, we are consigned to an eternity of suffering.

What gives Christians the right to speak for God? What gives them the right to hand out tickets to Heaven? I thought only God determined who got in, not those men (and women) who claim to speak for Him.
Christians don't determine who lives with God for eternity, and they're not trying to. All they're doing is pointing out what Scripture says about sin. And what is your prescription then for when you stand before God and He judges you?

If Christians don't determine who gets into Heaven, then why is it most of them sound like they do? I've been told that I'm going to hell for many things, all the way from drinking, to having sex outside of marriage, to reading dirty magazines, to cussing, etc. A lot of them have told me that unless I change my life and repent of my sins, I'm going to hell (and some of them are pretty freaking judgemental when they say it).

What is my prescription for standing before God when I'm judged? Simple......admit where I went wrong, and then tell Him what I've done to correct my behavior since. In Jewish theology (the daddy of Christianity), they say that a person who has sinned and repented is held higher in Heaven than someone who has never sinned. Why? Because God doesn't want drones, and He wants us to use our free will to find out about this world. If we screw up and then repent and change our behavior, God likes that better, because then He is able to forgive.

I only think things that are "sins" are those things that are outlined in the 10 Commandments, or the 7 Noahide Commandments (both say basically the same thing). Anything else? Pretty much fair game, even if it is a vice, but you have to watch out when you play with vices, because that is where the temptation to sin hides. No average person is looking for ways to murder, steal and lie, because they know those things are bad, but if you follow a vice (such as drinking and you drink too much) you can eventually fall into sin. Drinking in and of itself isn't a sin, but if you lose your senses and become drunk, you might do something that is sinful.

Besides..........................Christians aren't the only ones with a lock on "Heaven". Many other belief systems have some version of Paradise as well, and that means to me that God is too big to be contained in just one religion, dogma, or belief system.

And..................didn't Jesus Himself say that there were many rooms in His Father's mansion?
You know, I'm thinking that because of the way religion has bastardized the teachings of Jesus, just about ANYTHING that comes from a church is a rip off.

Well in my view a good percentage of it all is..

You know what I view as the biggest ripoff? The one the Christians do to God by telling everyone that they alone know what He wants for us (btw.....NOBODY can possibly know the Mind of God), and that if we do as they say, we go to Heaven, but if we don't, we are consigned to an eternity of suffering.

What gives Christians the right to speak for God? What gives them the right to hand out tickets to Heaven? I thought only God determined who got in, not those men (and women) who claim to speak for Him.
Christians don't determine who lives with God for eternity, and they're not trying to. All they're doing is pointing out what Scripture says about sin. And what is your prescription then for when you stand before God and He judges you?

If Christians don't determine who gets into Heaven, then why is it most of them sound like they do? I've been told that I'm going to hell for many things, all the way from drinking, to having sex outside of marriage, to reading dirty magazines, to cussing, etc. A lot of them have told me that unless I change my life and repent of my sins, I'm going to hell (and some of them are pretty freaking judgemental when they say it).

What is my prescription for standing before God when I'm judged? Simple......admit where I went wrong, and then tell Him what I've done to correct my behavior since. In Jewish theology (the daddy of Christianity), they say that a person who has sinned and repented is held higher in Heaven than someone who has never sinned. Why? Because God doesn't want drones, and He wants us to use our free will to find out about this world. If we screw up and then repent and change our behavior, God likes that better, because then He is able to forgive.

I only think things that are "sins" are those things that are outlined in the 10 Commandments, or the 7 Noahide Commandments (both say basically the same thing). Anything else? Pretty much fair game, even if it is a vice, but you have to watch out when you play with vices, because that is where the temptation to sin hides. No average person is looking for ways to murder, steal and lie, because they know those things are bad, but if you follow a vice (such as drinking and you drink too much) you can eventually fall into sin. Drinking in and of itself isn't a sin, but if you lose your senses and become drunk, you might do something that is sinful.

Besides..........................Christians aren't the only ones with a lock on "Heaven". Many other belief systems have some version of Paradise as well, and that means to me that God is too big to be contained in just one religion, dogma, or belief system.

And..................didn't Jesus Himself say that there were many rooms in His Father's mansion?
1. Individual actions don't condemn a person to a Godless eternity. Sin itself does, so those who say you're going to hell because you got drunk are incorrect. You're going to hell because you're a sinful person. We all are, but those who will be saved will be because of Jesus.
2. You are held accountable to what you know. If you never heard the name of Jesus, for example, but lived under the law of Moses, you will be held accountable to the law of Moses. Here's a touch of reality. Trying to convince God you're "good enough" is like everyone lining up on the beach in California and swimming to Hawaii. Sure, some will make it further than the others, but none of them will make it Hawaii. Don't ignore Jesus in the cruise ship inviting you to get on board and enjoy the trip.
3. There are indeed many rooms in the Father's mansion, and they will be full of many people. They will be there because of the name of Jesus.

The only way to live in heaven forever is through the blood of Christ. How that is applied to a person, however, is up to God.
You know, I'm thinking that because of the way religion has bastardized the teachings of Jesus, just about ANYTHING that comes from a church is a rip off.

Well in my view a good percentage of it all is..

You know what I view as the biggest ripoff? The one the Christians do to God by telling everyone that they alone know what He wants for us (btw.....NOBODY can possibly know the Mind of God), and that if we do as they say, we go to Heaven, but if we don't, we are consigned to an eternity of suffering.

What gives Christians the right to speak for God? What gives them the right to hand out tickets to Heaven? I thought only God determined who got in, not those men (and women) who claim to speak for Him.
Christians don't determine who lives with God for eternity, and they're not trying to. All they're doing is pointing out what Scripture says about sin. And what is your prescription then for when you stand before God and He judges you?

If Christians don't determine who gets into Heaven, then why is it most of them sound like they do? I've been told that I'm going to hell for many things, all the way from drinking, to having sex outside of marriage, to reading dirty magazines, to cussing, etc. A lot of them have told me that unless I change my life and repent of my sins, I'm going to hell (and some of them are pretty freaking judgemental when they say it).

What is my prescription for standing before God when I'm judged? Simple......admit where I went wrong, and then tell Him what I've done to correct my behavior since. In Jewish theology (the daddy of Christianity), they say that a person who has sinned and repented is held higher in Heaven than someone who has never sinned. Why? Because God doesn't want drones, and He wants us to use our free will to find out about this world. If we screw up and then repent and change our behavior, God likes that better, because then He is able to forgive.

I only think things that are "sins" are those things that are outlined in the 10 Commandments, or the 7 Noahide Commandments (both say basically the same thing). Anything else? Pretty much fair game, even if it is a vice, but you have to watch out when you play with vices, because that is where the temptation to sin hides. No average person is looking for ways to murder, steal and lie, because they know those things are bad, but if you follow a vice (such as drinking and you drink too much) you can eventually fall into sin. Drinking in and of itself isn't a sin, but if you lose your senses and become drunk, you might do something that is sinful.

Besides..........................Christians aren't the only ones with a lock on "Heaven". Many other belief systems have some version of Paradise as well, and that means to me that God is too big to be contained in just one religion, dogma, or belief system.

And..................didn't Jesus Himself say that there were many rooms in His Father's mansion?
1. Individual actions don't condemn a person to a Godless eternity. Sin itself does, so those who say you're going to hell because you got drunk are incorrect. You're going to hell because you're a sinful person. We all are, but those who will be saved will be because of Jesus.
2. You are held accountable to what you know. If you never heard the name of Jesus, for example, but lived under the law of Moses, you will be held accountable to the law of Moses. Here's a touch of reality. Trying to convince God you're "good enough" is like everyone lining up on the beach in California and swimming to Hawaii. Sure, some will make it further than the others, but none of them will make it Hawaii. Don't ignore Jesus in the cruise ship inviting you to get on board and enjoy the trip.
3. There are indeed many rooms in the Father's mansion, and they will be full of many people. They will be there because of the name of Jesus.

The only way to live in heaven forever is through the blood of Christ. How that is applied to a person, however, is up to God.

I guess you don't know what the original sin was. The original sin that got Adam and Eve kicked out of the Garden wasn't so much that they ate the apple, but rather that they wouldn't take responsibility for eating it. Me? Ever since I grew up and started acting like an adult (took me to 30, so I feel okay about it), I've been taking responsibility for all my actions, the good as well as the bad, and when I mess up, I recognize where I went wrong and modify my behavior.

Matter of fact, I haven't broken a single one of the 10 Commandments for a very long time now.

But, that doesn't matter much to me. Like I said, God is too big to be contained in just one religion, dogma, or belief system. When my time comes, I'm hoping to be sent either to Nirvana (Heaven for Buddhists and Taoists), or Fiddler's Green, the Heaven that sailors are sent to. It has marijuana and rum!
You know, I'm thinking that because of the way religion has bastardized the teachings of Jesus, just about ANYTHING that comes from a church is a rip off.

Well in my view a good percentage of it all is..

You know what I view as the biggest ripoff? The one the Christians do to God by telling everyone that they alone know what He wants for us (btw.....NOBODY can possibly know the Mind of God), and that if we do as they say, we go to Heaven, but if we don't, we are consigned to an eternity of suffering.

What gives Christians the right to speak for God? What gives them the right to hand out tickets to Heaven? I thought only God determined who got in, not those men (and women) who claim to speak for Him.
Christians don't determine who lives with God for eternity, and they're not trying to. All they're doing is pointing out what Scripture says about sin. And what is your prescription then for when you stand before God and He judges you?

If Christians don't determine who gets into Heaven, then why is it most of them sound like they do? I've been told that I'm going to hell for many things, all the way from drinking, to having sex outside of marriage, to reading dirty magazines, to cussing, etc. A lot of them have told me that unless I change my life and repent of my sins, I'm going to hell (and some of them are pretty freaking judgemental when they say it).

What is my prescription for standing before God when I'm judged? Simple......admit where I went wrong, and then tell Him what I've done to correct my behavior since. In Jewish theology (the daddy of Christianity), they say that a person who has sinned and repented is held higher in Heaven than someone who has never sinned. Why? Because God doesn't want drones, and He wants us to use our free will to find out about this world. If we screw up and then repent and change our behavior, God likes that better, because then He is able to forgive.

I only think things that are "sins" are those things that are outlined in the 10 Commandments, or the 7 Noahide Commandments (both say basically the same thing). Anything else? Pretty much fair game, even if it is a vice, but you have to watch out when you play with vices, because that is where the temptation to sin hides. No average person is looking for ways to murder, steal and lie, because they know those things are bad, but if you follow a vice (such as drinking and you drink too much) you can eventually fall into sin. Drinking in and of itself isn't a sin, but if you lose your senses and become drunk, you might do something that is sinful.

Besides..........................Christians aren't the only ones with a lock on "Heaven". Many other belief systems have some version of Paradise as well, and that means to me that God is too big to be contained in just one religion, dogma, or belief system.

And..................didn't Jesus Himself say that there were many rooms in His Father's mansion?
1. Individual actions don't condemn a person to a Godless eternity. Sin itself does, so those who say you're going to hell because you got drunk are incorrect. You're going to hell because you're a sinful person. We all are, but those who will be saved will be because of Jesus.
2. You are held accountable to what you know. If you never heard the name of Jesus, for example, but lived under the law of Moses, you will be held accountable to the law of Moses. Here's a touch of reality. Trying to convince God you're "good enough" is like everyone lining up on the beach in California and swimming to Hawaii. Sure, some will make it further than the others, but none of them will make it Hawaii. Don't ignore Jesus in the cruise ship inviting you to get on board and enjoy the trip.
3. There are indeed many rooms in the Father's mansion, and they will be full of many people. They will be there because of the name of Jesus.

The only way to live in heaven forever is through the blood of Christ. How that is applied to a person, however, is up to God.

Explain to us why Jesus cannot save those who you claim are going to the Christian hell. Does he have to save them from sin , or just from believers like you? Why can't the name of Jesus save those Christianity is writing off?
Well in my view a good percentage of it all is..

You know what I view as the biggest ripoff? The one the Christians do to God by telling everyone that they alone know what He wants for us (btw.....NOBODY can possibly know the Mind of God), and that if we do as they say, we go to Heaven, but if we don't, we are consigned to an eternity of suffering.

What gives Christians the right to speak for God? What gives them the right to hand out tickets to Heaven? I thought only God determined who got in, not those men (and women) who claim to speak for Him.
Christians don't determine who lives with God for eternity, and they're not trying to. All they're doing is pointing out what Scripture says about sin. And what is your prescription then for when you stand before God and He judges you?

If Christians don't determine who gets into Heaven, then why is it most of them sound like they do? I've been told that I'm going to hell for many things, all the way from drinking, to having sex outside of marriage, to reading dirty magazines, to cussing, etc. A lot of them have told me that unless I change my life and repent of my sins, I'm going to hell (and some of them are pretty freaking judgemental when they say it).

What is my prescription for standing before God when I'm judged? Simple......admit where I went wrong, and then tell Him what I've done to correct my behavior since. In Jewish theology (the daddy of Christianity), they say that a person who has sinned and repented is held higher in Heaven than someone who has never sinned. Why? Because God doesn't want drones, and He wants us to use our free will to find out about this world. If we screw up and then repent and change our behavior, God likes that better, because then He is able to forgive.

I only think things that are "sins" are those things that are outlined in the 10 Commandments, or the 7 Noahide Commandments (both say basically the same thing). Anything else? Pretty much fair game, even if it is a vice, but you have to watch out when you play with vices, because that is where the temptation to sin hides. No average person is looking for ways to murder, steal and lie, because they know those things are bad, but if you follow a vice (such as drinking and you drink too much) you can eventually fall into sin. Drinking in and of itself isn't a sin, but if you lose your senses and become drunk, you might do something that is sinful.

Besides..........................Christians aren't the only ones with a lock on "Heaven". Many other belief systems have some version of Paradise as well, and that means to me that God is too big to be contained in just one religion, dogma, or belief system.

And..................didn't Jesus Himself say that there were many rooms in His Father's mansion?
1. Individual actions don't condemn a person to a Godless eternity. Sin itself does, so those who say you're going to hell because you got drunk are incorrect. You're going to hell because you're a sinful person. We all are, but those who will be saved will be because of Jesus.
2. You are held accountable to what you know. If you never heard the name of Jesus, for example, but lived under the law of Moses, you will be held accountable to the law of Moses. Here's a touch of reality. Trying to convince God you're "good enough" is like everyone lining up on the beach in California and swimming to Hawaii. Sure, some will make it further than the others, but none of them will make it Hawaii. Don't ignore Jesus in the cruise ship inviting you to get on board and enjoy the trip.
3. There are indeed many rooms in the Father's mansion, and they will be full of many people. They will be there because of the name of Jesus.

The only way to live in heaven forever is through the blood of Christ. How that is applied to a person, however, is up to God.

Explain to us why Jesus cannot save those who you claim are going to the Christian hell. Does he have to save them from sin , or just from believers like you? Why can't the name of Jesus save those Christianity is writing off?
I do not know every detail of how Jesus will deal with those who do not know His name, but I do know that to know the Gospel of Jesus and to reject it is fatal.
You know what I view as the biggest ripoff? The one the Christians do to God by telling everyone that they alone know what He wants for us (btw.....NOBODY can possibly know the Mind of God), and that if we do as they say, we go to Heaven, but if we don't, we are consigned to an eternity of suffering.

What gives Christians the right to speak for God? What gives them the right to hand out tickets to Heaven? I thought only God determined who got in, not those men (and women) who claim to speak for Him.
Christians don't determine who lives with God for eternity, and they're not trying to. All they're doing is pointing out what Scripture says about sin. And what is your prescription then for when you stand before God and He judges you?

If Christians don't determine who gets into Heaven, then why is it most of them sound like they do? I've been told that I'm going to hell for many things, all the way from drinking, to having sex outside of marriage, to reading dirty magazines, to cussing, etc. A lot of them have told me that unless I change my life and repent of my sins, I'm going to hell (and some of them are pretty freaking judgemental when they say it).

What is my prescription for standing before God when I'm judged? Simple......admit where I went wrong, and then tell Him what I've done to correct my behavior since. In Jewish theology (the daddy of Christianity), they say that a person who has sinned and repented is held higher in Heaven than someone who has never sinned. Why? Because God doesn't want drones, and He wants us to use our free will to find out about this world. If we screw up and then repent and change our behavior, God likes that better, because then He is able to forgive.

I only think things that are "sins" are those things that are outlined in the 10 Commandments, or the 7 Noahide Commandments (both say basically the same thing). Anything else? Pretty much fair game, even if it is a vice, but you have to watch out when you play with vices, because that is where the temptation to sin hides. No average person is looking for ways to murder, steal and lie, because they know those things are bad, but if you follow a vice (such as drinking and you drink too much) you can eventually fall into sin. Drinking in and of itself isn't a sin, but if you lose your senses and become drunk, you might do something that is sinful.

Besides..........................Christians aren't the only ones with a lock on "Heaven". Many other belief systems have some version of Paradise as well, and that means to me that God is too big to be contained in just one religion, dogma, or belief system.

And..................didn't Jesus Himself say that there were many rooms in His Father's mansion?
1. Individual actions don't condemn a person to a Godless eternity. Sin itself does, so those who say you're going to hell because you got drunk are incorrect. You're going to hell because you're a sinful person. We all are, but those who will be saved will be because of Jesus.
2. You are held accountable to what you know. If you never heard the name of Jesus, for example, but lived under the law of Moses, you will be held accountable to the law of Moses. Here's a touch of reality. Trying to convince God you're "good enough" is like everyone lining up on the beach in California and swimming to Hawaii. Sure, some will make it further than the others, but none of them will make it Hawaii. Don't ignore Jesus in the cruise ship inviting you to get on board and enjoy the trip.
3. There are indeed many rooms in the Father's mansion, and they will be full of many people. They will be there because of the name of Jesus.

The only way to live in heaven forever is through the blood of Christ. How that is applied to a person, however, is up to God.

Explain to us why Jesus cannot save those who you claim are going to the Christian hell. Does he have to save them from sin , or just from believers like you? Why can't the name of Jesus save those Christianity is writing off?
I do not know every detail of how Jesus will deal with those who do not know His name, but I do know that to know the Gospel of Jesus and to reject it is fatal.

Well you can start with this detail , although I already know that your consciousness will not be able to understand what I am about to show ; so its not for you ; Jesus reveals in detail how he will deal with unbelievers ; John 12:47 , " And if ANY man hears my words and does not believe them , I judge him NOT! for I came NOT to judge the world ,but to SAVE THE WORLD!" Christianity cannot see this verse . There is a gulf fixed in their heads that blocks this GREAT Salvation from them.

Jesus came to save all the unbelievers on earth. That is why the Father sent him. 1 John 4:14 , " And we have seen and do testify that the Father SENT the Son to BE the SAVIOUR of THE WORLD!" Not the Savior of just believers , not the Saviour of just Christians , not the Saviour of a particular group ; Jesus was sent here to save a WORLD! ALL those people who do not know him.

And I gladly testify to that.
Christians don't determine who lives with God for eternity, and they're not trying to. All they're doing is pointing out what Scripture says about sin. And what is your prescription then for when you stand before God and He judges you?

If Christians don't determine who gets into Heaven, then why is it most of them sound like they do? I've been told that I'm going to hell for many things, all the way from drinking, to having sex outside of marriage, to reading dirty magazines, to cussing, etc. A lot of them have told me that unless I change my life and repent of my sins, I'm going to hell (and some of them are pretty freaking judgemental when they say it).

What is my prescription for standing before God when I'm judged? Simple......admit where I went wrong, and then tell Him what I've done to correct my behavior since. In Jewish theology (the daddy of Christianity), they say that a person who has sinned and repented is held higher in Heaven than someone who has never sinned. Why? Because God doesn't want drones, and He wants us to use our free will to find out about this world. If we screw up and then repent and change our behavior, God likes that better, because then He is able to forgive.

I only think things that are "sins" are those things that are outlined in the 10 Commandments, or the 7 Noahide Commandments (both say basically the same thing). Anything else? Pretty much fair game, even if it is a vice, but you have to watch out when you play with vices, because that is where the temptation to sin hides. No average person is looking for ways to murder, steal and lie, because they know those things are bad, but if you follow a vice (such as drinking and you drink too much) you can eventually fall into sin. Drinking in and of itself isn't a sin, but if you lose your senses and become drunk, you might do something that is sinful.

Besides..........................Christians aren't the only ones with a lock on "Heaven". Many other belief systems have some version of Paradise as well, and that means to me that God is too big to be contained in just one religion, dogma, or belief system.

And..................didn't Jesus Himself say that there were many rooms in His Father's mansion?
1. Individual actions don't condemn a person to a Godless eternity. Sin itself does, so those who say you're going to hell because you got drunk are incorrect. You're going to hell because you're a sinful person. We all are, but those who will be saved will be because of Jesus.
2. You are held accountable to what you know. If you never heard the name of Jesus, for example, but lived under the law of Moses, you will be held accountable to the law of Moses. Here's a touch of reality. Trying to convince God you're "good enough" is like everyone lining up on the beach in California and swimming to Hawaii. Sure, some will make it further than the others, but none of them will make it Hawaii. Don't ignore Jesus in the cruise ship inviting you to get on board and enjoy the trip.
3. There are indeed many rooms in the Father's mansion, and they will be full of many people. They will be there because of the name of Jesus.

The only way to live in heaven forever is through the blood of Christ. How that is applied to a person, however, is up to God.

Explain to us why Jesus cannot save those who you claim are going to the Christian hell. Does he have to save them from sin , or just from believers like you? Why can't the name of Jesus save those Christianity is writing off?
I do not know every detail of how Jesus will deal with those who do not know His name, but I do know that to know the Gospel of Jesus and to reject it is fatal.

Well you can start with this detail , although I already know that your consciousness will not be able to understand what I am about to show ; so its not for you ; Jesus reveals in detail how he will deal with unbelievers ; John 12:47 , " And if ANY man hears my words and does not believe them , I judge him NOT! for I came NOT to judge the world ,but to SAVE THE WORLD!" Christianity cannot see this verse . There is a gulf fixed in their heads that blocks this GREAT Salvation from them.

Jesus came to save all the unbelievers on earth. That is why the Father sent him. 1 John 4:14 , " And we have seen and do testify that the Father SENT the Son to BE the SAVIOUR of THE WORLD!" Not the Savior of just believers , not the Saviour of just Christians , not the Saviour of a particular group ; Jesus was sent here to save a WORLD! ALL those people who do not know him.

And I gladly testify to that.
Then you need to testify to the rest of what Jesus said. I have put the salient part in bold.

John 12
47 “If anyone hears my words but does not keep them, I do not judge that person. For I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world. 48 There is a judge for the one who rejects me and does not accept my words; the very words I have spoken will condemn them at the last day. 49 For I did not speak on my own, but the Father who sent me commanded me to say all that I have spoken. 50 I know that his command leads to eternal life. So whatever I say is just what the Father has told me to say.”

If you would be so kind, please deal with Jesus saying that there will be condemnation for those who reject Him.
If Christians don't determine who gets into Heaven, then why is it most of them sound like they do? I've been told that I'm going to hell for many things, all the way from drinking, to having sex outside of marriage, to reading dirty magazines, to cussing, etc. A lot of them have told me that unless I change my life and repent of my sins, I'm going to hell (and some of them are pretty freaking judgemental when they say it).

What is my prescription for standing before God when I'm judged? Simple......admit where I went wrong, and then tell Him what I've done to correct my behavior since. In Jewish theology (the daddy of Christianity), they say that a person who has sinned and repented is held higher in Heaven than someone who has never sinned. Why? Because God doesn't want drones, and He wants us to use our free will to find out about this world. If we screw up and then repent and change our behavior, God likes that better, because then He is able to forgive.

I only think things that are "sins" are those things that are outlined in the 10 Commandments, or the 7 Noahide Commandments (both say basically the same thing). Anything else? Pretty much fair game, even if it is a vice, but you have to watch out when you play with vices, because that is where the temptation to sin hides. No average person is looking for ways to murder, steal and lie, because they know those things are bad, but if you follow a vice (such as drinking and you drink too much) you can eventually fall into sin. Drinking in and of itself isn't a sin, but if you lose your senses and become drunk, you might do something that is sinful.

Besides..........................Christians aren't the only ones with a lock on "Heaven". Many other belief systems have some version of Paradise as well, and that means to me that God is too big to be contained in just one religion, dogma, or belief system.

And..................didn't Jesus Himself say that there were many rooms in His Father's mansion?
1. Individual actions don't condemn a person to a Godless eternity. Sin itself does, so those who say you're going to hell because you got drunk are incorrect. You're going to hell because you're a sinful person. We all are, but those who will be saved will be because of Jesus.
2. You are held accountable to what you know. If you never heard the name of Jesus, for example, but lived under the law of Moses, you will be held accountable to the law of Moses. Here's a touch of reality. Trying to convince God you're "good enough" is like everyone lining up on the beach in California and swimming to Hawaii. Sure, some will make it further than the others, but none of them will make it Hawaii. Don't ignore Jesus in the cruise ship inviting you to get on board and enjoy the trip.
3. There are indeed many rooms in the Father's mansion, and they will be full of many people. They will be there because of the name of Jesus.

The only way to live in heaven forever is through the blood of Christ. How that is applied to a person, however, is up to God.

Explain to us why Jesus cannot save those who you claim are going to the Christian hell. Does he have to save them from sin , or just from believers like you? Why can't the name of Jesus save those Christianity is writing off?
I do not know every detail of how Jesus will deal with those who do not know His name, but I do know that to know the Gospel of Jesus and to reject it is fatal.

Well you can start with this detail , although I already know that your consciousness will not be able to understand what I am about to show ; so its not for you ; Jesus reveals in detail how he will deal with unbelievers ; John 12:47 , " And if ANY man hears my words and does not believe them , I judge him NOT! for I came NOT to judge the world ,but to SAVE THE WORLD!" Christianity cannot see this verse . There is a gulf fixed in their heads that blocks this GREAT Salvation from them.

Jesus came to save all the unbelievers on earth. That is why the Father sent him. 1 John 4:14 , " And we have seen and do testify that the Father SENT the Son to BE the SAVIOUR of THE WORLD!" Not the Savior of just believers , not the Saviour of just Christians , not the Saviour of a particular group ; Jesus was sent here to save a WORLD! ALL those people who do not know him.

And I gladly testify to that.
Then you need to testify to the rest of what Jesus said. I have put the salient part in bold.

John 12
47 “If anyone hears my words but does not keep them, I do not judge that person. For I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world. 48 There is a judge for the one who rejects me and does not accept my words; the very words I have spoken will condemn them at the last day. 49 For I did not speak on my own, but the Father who sent me commanded me to say all that I have spoken. 50 I know that his command leads to eternal life. So whatever I say is just what the Father has told me to say.”

If you would be so kind, please deal with Jesus saying that there will be condemnation for those who reject Him.
What proof do you have that Jesus said these things? Anyone can write a book several generations after the facts were supposed to have happened.
If Christians don't determine who gets into Heaven, then why is it most of them sound like they do? I've been told that I'm going to hell for many things, all the way from drinking, to having sex outside of marriage, to reading dirty magazines, to cussing, etc. A lot of them have told me that unless I change my life and repent of my sins, I'm going to hell (and some of them are pretty freaking judgemental when they say it).

What is my prescription for standing before God when I'm judged? Simple......admit where I went wrong, and then tell Him what I've done to correct my behavior since. In Jewish theology (the daddy of Christianity), they say that a person who has sinned and repented is held higher in Heaven than someone who has never sinned. Why? Because God doesn't want drones, and He wants us to use our free will to find out about this world. If we screw up and then repent and change our behavior, God likes that better, because then He is able to forgive.

I only think things that are "sins" are those things that are outlined in the 10 Commandments, or the 7 Noahide Commandments (both say basically the same thing). Anything else? Pretty much fair game, even if it is a vice, but you have to watch out when you play with vices, because that is where the temptation to sin hides. No average person is looking for ways to murder, steal and lie, because they know those things are bad, but if you follow a vice (such as drinking and you drink too much) you can eventually fall into sin. Drinking in and of itself isn't a sin, but if you lose your senses and become drunk, you might do something that is sinful.

Besides..........................Christians aren't the only ones with a lock on "Heaven". Many other belief systems have some version of Paradise as well, and that means to me that God is too big to be contained in just one religion, dogma, or belief system.

And..................didn't Jesus Himself say that there were many rooms in His Father's mansion?
1. Individual actions don't condemn a person to a Godless eternity. Sin itself does, so those who say you're going to hell because you got drunk are incorrect. You're going to hell because you're a sinful person. We all are, but those who will be saved will be because of Jesus.
2. You are held accountable to what you know. If you never heard the name of Jesus, for example, but lived under the law of Moses, you will be held accountable to the law of Moses. Here's a touch of reality. Trying to convince God you're "good enough" is like everyone lining up on the beach in California and swimming to Hawaii. Sure, some will make it further than the others, but none of them will make it Hawaii. Don't ignore Jesus in the cruise ship inviting you to get on board and enjoy the trip.
3. There are indeed many rooms in the Father's mansion, and they will be full of many people. They will be there because of the name of Jesus.

The only way to live in heaven forever is through the blood of Christ. How that is applied to a person, however, is up to God.

Explain to us why Jesus cannot save those who you claim are going to the Christian hell. Does he have to save them from sin , or just from believers like you? Why can't the name of Jesus save those Christianity is writing off?
I do not know every detail of how Jesus will deal with those who do not know His name, but I do know that to know the Gospel of Jesus and to reject it is fatal.

Well you can start with this detail , although I already know that your consciousness will not be able to understand what I am about to show ; so its not for you ; Jesus reveals in detail how he will deal with unbelievers ; John 12:47 , " And if ANY man hears my words and does not believe them , I judge him NOT! for I came NOT to judge the world ,but to SAVE THE WORLD!" Christianity cannot see this verse . There is a gulf fixed in their heads that blocks this GREAT Salvation from them.

Jesus came to save all the unbelievers on earth. That is why the Father sent him. 1 John 4:14 , " And we have seen and do testify that the Father SENT the Son to BE the SAVIOUR of THE WORLD!" Not the Savior of just believers , not the Saviour of just Christians , not the Saviour of a particular group ; Jesus was sent here to save a WORLD! ALL those people who do not know him.

And I gladly testify to that.
Then you need to testify to the rest of what Jesus said. I have put the salient part in bold.

John 12
47 “If anyone hears my words but does not keep them, I do not judge that person. For I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world. 48 There is a judge for the one who rejects me and does not accept my words; the very words I have spoken will condemn them at the last day. 49 For I did not speak on my own, but the Father who sent me commanded me to say all that I have spoken. 50 I know that his command leads to eternal life. So whatever I say is just what the Father has told me to say.”

If you would be so kind, please deal with Jesus saying that there will be condemnation for those who reject Him.

Gladly, but again this is not for your consciousness, you are trained to only see condemnation for unbelievers. The word " Condemn " there simply means to "judge " them , they will be judged. And the judgment will be salvation. But your eyes , your mindset sees this word "Condemn", and something in you gets off on it and you don't see a chance at all for the persons salvation. And the translators of the bible thought just like you did , and they put "Condemn" in there when they should have put " Judge" there.

Christians have condemnation on the mind. They can't help it.
1. Individual actions don't condemn a person to a Godless eternity. Sin itself does, so those who say you're going to hell because you got drunk are incorrect. You're going to hell because you're a sinful person. We all are, but those who will be saved will be because of Jesus.
2. You are held accountable to what you know. If you never heard the name of Jesus, for example, but lived under the law of Moses, you will be held accountable to the law of Moses. Here's a touch of reality. Trying to convince God you're "good enough" is like everyone lining up on the beach in California and swimming to Hawaii. Sure, some will make it further than the others, but none of them will make it Hawaii. Don't ignore Jesus in the cruise ship inviting you to get on board and enjoy the trip.
3. There are indeed many rooms in the Father's mansion, and they will be full of many people. They will be there because of the name of Jesus.

The only way to live in heaven forever is through the blood of Christ. How that is applied to a person, however, is up to God.

Explain to us why Jesus cannot save those who you claim are going to the Christian hell. Does he have to save them from sin , or just from believers like you? Why can't the name of Jesus save those Christianity is writing off?
I do not know every detail of how Jesus will deal with those who do not know His name, but I do know that to know the Gospel of Jesus and to reject it is fatal.

Well you can start with this detail , although I already know that your consciousness will not be able to understand what I am about to show ; so its not for you ; Jesus reveals in detail how he will deal with unbelievers ; John 12:47 , " And if ANY man hears my words and does not believe them , I judge him NOT! for I came NOT to judge the world ,but to SAVE THE WORLD!" Christianity cannot see this verse . There is a gulf fixed in their heads that blocks this GREAT Salvation from them.

Jesus came to save all the unbelievers on earth. That is why the Father sent him. 1 John 4:14 , " And we have seen and do testify that the Father SENT the Son to BE the SAVIOUR of THE WORLD!" Not the Savior of just believers , not the Saviour of just Christians , not the Saviour of a particular group ; Jesus was sent here to save a WORLD! ALL those people who do not know him.

And I gladly testify to that.
Then you need to testify to the rest of what Jesus said. I have put the salient part in bold.

John 12
47 “If anyone hears my words but does not keep them, I do not judge that person. For I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world. 48 There is a judge for the one who rejects me and does not accept my words; the very words I have spoken will condemn them at the last day. 49 For I did not speak on my own, but the Father who sent me commanded me to say all that I have spoken. 50 I know that his command leads to eternal life. So whatever I say is just what the Father has told me to say.”

If you would be so kind, please deal with Jesus saying that there will be condemnation for those who reject Him.
What proof do you have that Jesus said these things? Anyone can write a book several generations after the facts were supposed to have happened.
That is not the point. The argument was that Jesus intended to save the entire world, but the source used actually contradicts that assertion.
1. Individual actions don't condemn a person to a Godless eternity. Sin itself does, so those who say you're going to hell because you got drunk are incorrect. You're going to hell because you're a sinful person. We all are, but those who will be saved will be because of Jesus.
2. You are held accountable to what you know. If you never heard the name of Jesus, for example, but lived under the law of Moses, you will be held accountable to the law of Moses. Here's a touch of reality. Trying to convince God you're "good enough" is like everyone lining up on the beach in California and swimming to Hawaii. Sure, some will make it further than the others, but none of them will make it Hawaii. Don't ignore Jesus in the cruise ship inviting you to get on board and enjoy the trip.
3. There are indeed many rooms in the Father's mansion, and they will be full of many people. They will be there because of the name of Jesus.

The only way to live in heaven forever is through the blood of Christ. How that is applied to a person, however, is up to God.

Explain to us why Jesus cannot save those who you claim are going to the Christian hell. Does he have to save them from sin , or just from believers like you? Why can't the name of Jesus save those Christianity is writing off?
I do not know every detail of how Jesus will deal with those who do not know His name, but I do know that to know the Gospel of Jesus and to reject it is fatal.

Well you can start with this detail , although I already know that your consciousness will not be able to understand what I am about to show ; so its not for you ; Jesus reveals in detail how he will deal with unbelievers ; John 12:47 , " And if ANY man hears my words and does not believe them , I judge him NOT! for I came NOT to judge the world ,but to SAVE THE WORLD!" Christianity cannot see this verse . There is a gulf fixed in their heads that blocks this GREAT Salvation from them.

Jesus came to save all the unbelievers on earth. That is why the Father sent him. 1 John 4:14 , " And we have seen and do testify that the Father SENT the Son to BE the SAVIOUR of THE WORLD!" Not the Savior of just believers , not the Saviour of just Christians , not the Saviour of a particular group ; Jesus was sent here to save a WORLD! ALL those people who do not know him.

And I gladly testify to that.
Then you need to testify to the rest of what Jesus said. I have put the salient part in bold.

John 12
47 “If anyone hears my words but does not keep them, I do not judge that person. For I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world. 48 There is a judge for the one who rejects me and does not accept my words; the very words I have spoken will condemn them at the last day. 49 For I did not speak on my own, but the Father who sent me commanded me to say all that I have spoken. 50 I know that his command leads to eternal life. So whatever I say is just what the Father has told me to say.”

If you would be so kind, please deal with Jesus saying that there will be condemnation for those who reject Him.

Gladly, but again this is not for your consciousness, you are trained to only see condemnation for unbelievers. The word " Condemn " there simply means to "judge " them , they will be judged. And the judgment will be salvation. But your eyes , your mindset sees this word "Condemn", and something in you gets off on it and you don't see a chance at all for the persons salvation. And the translators of the bible thought just like you did , and they put "Condemn" in there when they should have put " Judge" there.

Christians have condemnation on the mind. They can't help it.
Condemn does not mean judge. Out of judgement can come condemnation, but can also come vindication. Vindication cannot come out of condemnation. You're just reaching at this point, changing the words to mean something completely different.
Explain to us why Jesus cannot save those who you claim are going to the Christian hell. Does he have to save them from sin , or just from believers like you? Why can't the name of Jesus save those Christianity is writing off?
I do not know every detail of how Jesus will deal with those who do not know His name, but I do know that to know the Gospel of Jesus and to reject it is fatal.

Well you can start with this detail , although I already know that your consciousness will not be able to understand what I am about to show ; so its not for you ; Jesus reveals in detail how he will deal with unbelievers ; John 12:47 , " And if ANY man hears my words and does not believe them , I judge him NOT! for I came NOT to judge the world ,but to SAVE THE WORLD!" Christianity cannot see this verse . There is a gulf fixed in their heads that blocks this GREAT Salvation from them.

Jesus came to save all the unbelievers on earth. That is why the Father sent him. 1 John 4:14 , " And we have seen and do testify that the Father SENT the Son to BE the SAVIOUR of THE WORLD!" Not the Savior of just believers , not the Saviour of just Christians , not the Saviour of a particular group ; Jesus was sent here to save a WORLD! ALL those people who do not know him.

And I gladly testify to that.
Then you need to testify to the rest of what Jesus said. I have put the salient part in bold.

John 12
47 “If anyone hears my words but does not keep them, I do not judge that person. For I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world. 48 There is a judge for the one who rejects me and does not accept my words; the very words I have spoken will condemn them at the last day. 49 For I did not speak on my own, but the Father who sent me commanded me to say all that I have spoken. 50 I know that his command leads to eternal life. So whatever I say is just what the Father has told me to say.”

If you would be so kind, please deal with Jesus saying that there will be condemnation for those who reject Him.
What proof do you have that Jesus said these things? Anyone can write a book several generations after the facts were supposed to have happened.
That is not the point. The argument was that Jesus intended to save the entire world, but the source used actually contradicts that assertion.
But it's like arguing over whether Batman actually was going to save Gothem city but another comic book contradicts that.

And it all comes down to proof, how can you folks believe in something so important with absolutely no proof? It boggles the mind.
Explain to us why Jesus cannot save those who you claim are going to the Christian hell. Does he have to save them from sin , or just from believers like you? Why can't the name of Jesus save those Christianity is writing off?
I do not know every detail of how Jesus will deal with those who do not know His name, but I do know that to know the Gospel of Jesus and to reject it is fatal.

Well you can start with this detail , although I already know that your consciousness will not be able to understand what I am about to show ; so its not for you ; Jesus reveals in detail how he will deal with unbelievers ; John 12:47 , " And if ANY man hears my words and does not believe them , I judge him NOT! for I came NOT to judge the world ,but to SAVE THE WORLD!" Christianity cannot see this verse . There is a gulf fixed in their heads that blocks this GREAT Salvation from them.

Jesus came to save all the unbelievers on earth. That is why the Father sent him. 1 John 4:14 , " And we have seen and do testify that the Father SENT the Son to BE the SAVIOUR of THE WORLD!" Not the Savior of just believers , not the Saviour of just Christians , not the Saviour of a particular group ; Jesus was sent here to save a WORLD! ALL those people who do not know him.

And I gladly testify to that.
Then you need to testify to the rest of what Jesus said. I have put the salient part in bold.

John 12
47 “If anyone hears my words but does not keep them, I do not judge that person. For I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world. 48 There is a judge for the one who rejects me and does not accept my words; the very words I have spoken will condemn them at the last day. 49 For I did not speak on my own, but the Father who sent me commanded me to say all that I have spoken. 50 I know that his command leads to eternal life. So whatever I say is just what the Father has told me to say.”

If you would be so kind, please deal with Jesus saying that there will be condemnation for those who reject Him.

Gladly, but again this is not for your consciousness, you are trained to only see condemnation for unbelievers. The word " Condemn " there simply means to "judge " them , they will be judged. And the judgment will be salvation. But your eyes , your mindset sees this word "Condemn", and something in you gets off on it and you don't see a chance at all for the persons salvation. And the translators of the bible thought just like you did , and they put "Condemn" in there when they should have put " Judge" there.

Christians have condemnation on the mind. They can't help it.
Condemn does not mean judge. Out of judgement can come condemnation, but can also come vindication. Vindication cannot come out of condemnation. You're just reaching at this point, changing the words to mean something completely different.

Show me any dictionary that does not use " Judge" in its definition of condemnation;

the definition of condemn
I do not know every detail of how Jesus will deal with those who do not know His name, but I do know that to know the Gospel of Jesus and to reject it is fatal.

Well you can start with this detail , although I already know that your consciousness will not be able to understand what I am about to show ; so its not for you ; Jesus reveals in detail how he will deal with unbelievers ; John 12:47 , " And if ANY man hears my words and does not believe them , I judge him NOT! for I came NOT to judge the world ,but to SAVE THE WORLD!" Christianity cannot see this verse . There is a gulf fixed in their heads that blocks this GREAT Salvation from them.

Jesus came to save all the unbelievers on earth. That is why the Father sent him. 1 John 4:14 , " And we have seen and do testify that the Father SENT the Son to BE the SAVIOUR of THE WORLD!" Not the Savior of just believers , not the Saviour of just Christians , not the Saviour of a particular group ; Jesus was sent here to save a WORLD! ALL those people who do not know him.

And I gladly testify to that.
Then you need to testify to the rest of what Jesus said. I have put the salient part in bold.

John 12
47 “If anyone hears my words but does not keep them, I do not judge that person. For I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world. 48 There is a judge for the one who rejects me and does not accept my words; the very words I have spoken will condemn them at the last day. 49 For I did not speak on my own, but the Father who sent me commanded me to say all that I have spoken. 50 I know that his command leads to eternal life. So whatever I say is just what the Father has told me to say.”

If you would be so kind, please deal with Jesus saying that there will be condemnation for those who reject Him.
What proof do you have that Jesus said these things? Anyone can write a book several generations after the facts were supposed to have happened.
That is not the point. The argument was that Jesus intended to save the entire world, but the source used actually contradicts that assertion.
But it's like arguing over whether Batman actually was going to save Gothem city but another comic book contradicts that.

And it all comes down to proof, how can you folks believe in something so important with absolutely no proof? It boggles the mind.
As you said, you grant credibility to UFO abductions because of the stories. You are a walking example of taking something on faith.
I do not know every detail of how Jesus will deal with those who do not know His name, but I do know that to know the Gospel of Jesus and to reject it is fatal.

Well you can start with this detail , although I already know that your consciousness will not be able to understand what I am about to show ; so its not for you ; Jesus reveals in detail how he will deal with unbelievers ; John 12:47 , " And if ANY man hears my words and does not believe them , I judge him NOT! for I came NOT to judge the world ,but to SAVE THE WORLD!" Christianity cannot see this verse . There is a gulf fixed in their heads that blocks this GREAT Salvation from them.

Jesus came to save all the unbelievers on earth. That is why the Father sent him. 1 John 4:14 , " And we have seen and do testify that the Father SENT the Son to BE the SAVIOUR of THE WORLD!" Not the Savior of just believers , not the Saviour of just Christians , not the Saviour of a particular group ; Jesus was sent here to save a WORLD! ALL those people who do not know him.

And I gladly testify to that.
Then you need to testify to the rest of what Jesus said. I have put the salient part in bold.

John 12
47 “If anyone hears my words but does not keep them, I do not judge that person. For I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world. 48 There is a judge for the one who rejects me and does not accept my words; the very words I have spoken will condemn them at the last day. 49 For I did not speak on my own, but the Father who sent me commanded me to say all that I have spoken. 50 I know that his command leads to eternal life. So whatever I say is just what the Father has told me to say.”

If you would be so kind, please deal with Jesus saying that there will be condemnation for those who reject Him.

Gladly, but again this is not for your consciousness, you are trained to only see condemnation for unbelievers. The word " Condemn " there simply means to "judge " them , they will be judged. And the judgment will be salvation. But your eyes , your mindset sees this word "Condemn", and something in you gets off on it and you don't see a chance at all for the persons salvation. And the translators of the bible thought just like you did , and they put "Condemn" in there when they should have put " Judge" there.

Christians have condemnation on the mind. They can't help it.
Condemn does not mean judge. Out of judgement can come condemnation, but can also come vindication. Vindication cannot come out of condemnation. You're just reaching at this point, changing the words to mean something completely different.

Show me any dictionary that does not use " Judge" in its definition of condemnation;

the definition of condemn
First thing that popped up on google with no mention of the word judge, you lose again:

  1. 1.
    the expression of very strong disapproval; censure.
    "there was strong international condemnation of the attack"
    synonyms: censure, criticism, strictures, denunciation, vilification;
    reproof, disapproval;
    informalflak, (a) bad press;
    "a comment that provoked widespread condemnation"
  2. 2.
    the action of condemning someone to a punishment; sentencing.
I do not know every detail of how Jesus will deal with those who do not know His name, but I do know that to know the Gospel of Jesus and to reject it is fatal.

Well you can start with this detail , although I already know that your consciousness will not be able to understand what I am about to show ; so its not for you ; Jesus reveals in detail how he will deal with unbelievers ; John 12:47 , " And if ANY man hears my words and does not believe them , I judge him NOT! for I came NOT to judge the world ,but to SAVE THE WORLD!" Christianity cannot see this verse . There is a gulf fixed in their heads that blocks this GREAT Salvation from them.

Jesus came to save all the unbelievers on earth. That is why the Father sent him. 1 John 4:14 , " And we have seen and do testify that the Father SENT the Son to BE the SAVIOUR of THE WORLD!" Not the Savior of just believers , not the Saviour of just Christians , not the Saviour of a particular group ; Jesus was sent here to save a WORLD! ALL those people who do not know him.

And I gladly testify to that.
Then you need to testify to the rest of what Jesus said. I have put the salient part in bold.

John 12
47 “If anyone hears my words but does not keep them, I do not judge that person. For I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world. 48 There is a judge for the one who rejects me and does not accept my words; the very words I have spoken will condemn them at the last day. 49 For I did not speak on my own, but the Father who sent me commanded me to say all that I have spoken. 50 I know that his command leads to eternal life. So whatever I say is just what the Father has told me to say.”

If you would be so kind, please deal with Jesus saying that there will be condemnation for those who reject Him.

Gladly, but again this is not for your consciousness, you are trained to only see condemnation for unbelievers. The word " Condemn " there simply means to "judge " them , they will be judged. And the judgment will be salvation. But your eyes , your mindset sees this word "Condemn", and something in you gets off on it and you don't see a chance at all for the persons salvation. And the translators of the bible thought just like you did , and they put "Condemn" in there when they should have put " Judge" there.

Christians have condemnation on the mind. They can't help it.
Condemn does not mean judge. Out of judgement can come condemnation, but can also come vindication. Vindication cannot come out of condemnation. You're just reaching at this point, changing the words to mean something completely different.

Show me any dictionary that does not use " Judge" in its definition of condemnation;

the definition of condemn
Look at the definition of judge. You can be condemned as a result of being judged. They are not the same because you can also be vindicated as a result of of being judged.

Have you ever considered a criminal trial? The defendant is judged in every trial, but he is not condemned in every trial. Do you see where you are wrong?
Well you can start with this detail , although I already know that your consciousness will not be able to understand what I am about to show ; so its not for you ; Jesus reveals in detail how he will deal with unbelievers ; John 12:47 , " And if ANY man hears my words and does not believe them , I judge him NOT! for I came NOT to judge the world ,but to SAVE THE WORLD!" Christianity cannot see this verse . There is a gulf fixed in their heads that blocks this GREAT Salvation from them.

Jesus came to save all the unbelievers on earth. That is why the Father sent him. 1 John 4:14 , " And we have seen and do testify that the Father SENT the Son to BE the SAVIOUR of THE WORLD!" Not the Savior of just believers , not the Saviour of just Christians , not the Saviour of a particular group ; Jesus was sent here to save a WORLD! ALL those people who do not know him.

And I gladly testify to that.
Then you need to testify to the rest of what Jesus said. I have put the salient part in bold.

John 12
47 “If anyone hears my words but does not keep them, I do not judge that person. For I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world. 48 There is a judge for the one who rejects me and does not accept my words; the very words I have spoken will condemn them at the last day. 49 For I did not speak on my own, but the Father who sent me commanded me to say all that I have spoken. 50 I know that his command leads to eternal life. So whatever I say is just what the Father has told me to say.”

If you would be so kind, please deal with Jesus saying that there will be condemnation for those who reject Him.

Gladly, but again this is not for your consciousness, you are trained to only see condemnation for unbelievers. The word " Condemn " there simply means to "judge " them , they will be judged. And the judgment will be salvation. But your eyes , your mindset sees this word "Condemn", and something in you gets off on it and you don't see a chance at all for the persons salvation. And the translators of the bible thought just like you did , and they put "Condemn" in there when they should have put " Judge" there.

Christians have condemnation on the mind. They can't help it.
Condemn does not mean judge. Out of judgement can come condemnation, but can also come vindication. Vindication cannot come out of condemnation. You're just reaching at this point, changing the words to mean something completely different.

Show me any dictionary that does not use " Judge" in its definition of condemnation;

the definition of condemn
Look at the definition of judge. You can be condemned as a result of being judged. They are not the same because you can also be vindicated as a result of of being judged.

Have you ever considered a criminal trial? The defendant is judged in every trial, but he is not condemned in every trial. Do you see where you are wrong?
The bible wouldn't pass the sniff test as real evidence in an actual trial.
Then you need to testify to the rest of what Jesus said. I have put the salient part in bold.

John 12
If you would be so kind, please deal with Jesus saying that there will be condemnation for those who reject Him.

Gladly, but again this is not for your consciousness, you are trained to only see condemnation for unbelievers. The word " Condemn " there simply means to "judge " them , they will be judged. And the judgment will be salvation. But your eyes , your mindset sees this word "Condemn", and something in you gets off on it and you don't see a chance at all for the persons salvation. And the translators of the bible thought just like you did , and they put "Condemn" in there when they should have put " Judge" there.

Christians have condemnation on the mind. They can't help it.
Condemn does not mean judge. Out of judgement can come condemnation, but can also come vindication. Vindication cannot come out of condemnation. You're just reaching at this point, changing the words to mean something completely different.

Show me any dictionary that does not use " Judge" in its definition of condemnation;

the definition of condemn
Look at the definition of judge. You can be condemned as a result of being judged. They are not the same because you can also be vindicated as a result of of being judged.

Have you ever considered a criminal trial? The defendant is judged in every trial, but he is not condemned in every trial. Do you see where you are wrong?
The bible wouldn't pass the sniff test as real evidence in an actual trial.
Read some Lee Strobel, specifically "The Case for Christ"..

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