The Christian Tithe ripoff.

Gladly, but again this is not for your consciousness, you are trained to only see condemnation for unbelievers. The word " Condemn " there simply means to "judge " them , they will be judged. And the judgment will be salvation. But your eyes , your mindset sees this word "Condemn", and something in you gets off on it and you don't see a chance at all for the persons salvation. And the translators of the bible thought just like you did , and they put "Condemn" in there when they should have put " Judge" there.

Christians have condemnation on the mind. They can't help it.
Condemn does not mean judge. Out of judgement can come condemnation, but can also come vindication. Vindication cannot come out of condemnation. You're just reaching at this point, changing the words to mean something completely different.

Show me any dictionary that does not use " Judge" in its definition of condemnation;

the definition of condemn
Look at the definition of judge. You can be condemned as a result of being judged. They are not the same because you can also be vindicated as a result of of being judged.

Have you ever considered a criminal trial? The defendant is judged in every trial, but he is not condemned in every trial. Do you see where you are wrong?
The bible wouldn't pass the sniff test as real evidence in an actual trial.
Read some Lee Strobel, specifically "The Case for Christ"..
What's his best evidence?
Well you can start with this detail , although I already know that your consciousness will not be able to understand what I am about to show ; so its not for you ; Jesus reveals in detail how he will deal with unbelievers ; John 12:47 , " And if ANY man hears my words and does not believe them , I judge him NOT! for I came NOT to judge the world ,but to SAVE THE WORLD!" Christianity cannot see this verse . There is a gulf fixed in their heads that blocks this GREAT Salvation from them.

Jesus came to save all the unbelievers on earth. That is why the Father sent him. 1 John 4:14 , " And we have seen and do testify that the Father SENT the Son to BE the SAVIOUR of THE WORLD!" Not the Savior of just believers , not the Saviour of just Christians , not the Saviour of a particular group ; Jesus was sent here to save a WORLD! ALL those people who do not know him.

And I gladly testify to that.
Then you need to testify to the rest of what Jesus said. I have put the salient part in bold.

John 12
47 “If anyone hears my words but does not keep them, I do not judge that person. For I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world. 48 There is a judge for the one who rejects me and does not accept my words; the very words I have spoken will condemn them at the last day. 49 For I did not speak on my own, but the Father who sent me commanded me to say all that I have spoken. 50 I know that his command leads to eternal life. So whatever I say is just what the Father has told me to say.”

If you would be so kind, please deal with Jesus saying that there will be condemnation for those who reject Him.
What proof do you have that Jesus said these things? Anyone can write a book several generations after the facts were supposed to have happened.
That is not the point. The argument was that Jesus intended to save the entire world, but the source used actually contradicts that assertion.
But it's like arguing over whether Batman actually was going to save Gothem city but another comic book contradicts that.

And it all comes down to proof, how can you folks believe in something so important with absolutely no proof? It boggles the mind.
As you said, you grant credibility to UFO abductions because of the stories. You are a walking example of taking something on faith.
So you're saying that nobody's ever been abducted by aliens? They aren't stories, real people have really been abducted. But nobody's actually seen your invisible Big Guy.
Well you can start with this detail , although I already know that your consciousness will not be able to understand what I am about to show ; so its not for you ; Jesus reveals in detail how he will deal with unbelievers ; John 12:47 , " And if ANY man hears my words and does not believe them , I judge him NOT! for I came NOT to judge the world ,but to SAVE THE WORLD!" Christianity cannot see this verse . There is a gulf fixed in their heads that blocks this GREAT Salvation from them.

Jesus came to save all the unbelievers on earth. That is why the Father sent him. 1 John 4:14 , " And we have seen and do testify that the Father SENT the Son to BE the SAVIOUR of THE WORLD!" Not the Savior of just believers , not the Saviour of just Christians , not the Saviour of a particular group ; Jesus was sent here to save a WORLD! ALL those people who do not know him.

And I gladly testify to that.
Then you need to testify to the rest of what Jesus said. I have put the salient part in bold.

John 12
47 “If anyone hears my words but does not keep them, I do not judge that person. For I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world. 48 There is a judge for the one who rejects me and does not accept my words; the very words I have spoken will condemn them at the last day. 49 For I did not speak on my own, but the Father who sent me commanded me to say all that I have spoken. 50 I know that his command leads to eternal life. So whatever I say is just what the Father has told me to say.”

If you would be so kind, please deal with Jesus saying that there will be condemnation for those who reject Him.

Gladly, but again this is not for your consciousness, you are trained to only see condemnation for unbelievers. The word " Condemn " there simply means to "judge " them , they will be judged. And the judgment will be salvation. But your eyes , your mindset sees this word "Condemn", and something in you gets off on it and you don't see a chance at all for the persons salvation. And the translators of the bible thought just like you did , and they put "Condemn" in there when they should have put " Judge" there.

Christians have condemnation on the mind. They can't help it.
Condemn does not mean judge. Out of judgement can come condemnation, but can also come vindication. Vindication cannot come out of condemnation. You're just reaching at this point, changing the words to mean something completely different.

Show me any dictionary that does not use " Judge" in its definition of condemnation;

the definition of condemn
Look at the definition of judge. You can be condemned as a result of being judged. They are not the same because you can also be vindicated as a result of of being judged.

Have you ever considered a criminal trial? The defendant is judged in every trial, but he is not condemned in every trial. Do you see where you are wrong?

You stand for the condemnation of unbelievers,. I stand for their complete forgiveness and salvation. I see salvation in the scriptures and I search the scriptures for it. There is now no condemnation for the world ; Jesus has overcome the world and satan ;Jesus has died to keep sinners out of the hands of satan and Christians ; and anyone who condemns humans. The devil and Christians cannot stop the salvation of sinners.
Then you need to testify to the rest of what Jesus said. I have put the salient part in bold.

John 12
If you would be so kind, please deal with Jesus saying that there will be condemnation for those who reject Him.

Gladly, but again this is not for your consciousness, you are trained to only see condemnation for unbelievers. The word " Condemn " there simply means to "judge " them , they will be judged. And the judgment will be salvation. But your eyes , your mindset sees this word "Condemn", and something in you gets off on it and you don't see a chance at all for the persons salvation. And the translators of the bible thought just like you did , and they put "Condemn" in there when they should have put " Judge" there.

Christians have condemnation on the mind. They can't help it.
Condemn does not mean judge. Out of judgement can come condemnation, but can also come vindication. Vindication cannot come out of condemnation. You're just reaching at this point, changing the words to mean something completely different.

Show me any dictionary that does not use " Judge" in its definition of condemnation;

the definition of condemn
Look at the definition of judge. You can be condemned as a result of being judged. They are not the same because you can also be vindicated as a result of of being judged.

Have you ever considered a criminal trial? The defendant is judged in every trial, but he is not condemned in every trial. Do you see where you are wrong?

You stand for the condemnation of unbelievers,. I stand for their complete forgiveness and salvation. I see salvation in the scriptures and I search the scriptures for it. There is now no condemnation for the world ; Jesus has overcome the world and satan ;Jesus has died to keep sinners out of the hands of satan and Christians ; and anyone who condemns humans. The devil and Christians cannot stop the salvation of sinners.
You see salvation in comic books? Figures.
Then you need to testify to the rest of what Jesus said. I have put the salient part in bold.

John 12
If you would be so kind, please deal with Jesus saying that there will be condemnation for those who reject Him.

Gladly, but again this is not for your consciousness, you are trained to only see condemnation for unbelievers. The word " Condemn " there simply means to "judge " them , they will be judged. And the judgment will be salvation. But your eyes , your mindset sees this word "Condemn", and something in you gets off on it and you don't see a chance at all for the persons salvation. And the translators of the bible thought just like you did , and they put "Condemn" in there when they should have put " Judge" there.

Christians have condemnation on the mind. They can't help it.
Condemn does not mean judge. Out of judgement can come condemnation, but can also come vindication. Vindication cannot come out of condemnation. You're just reaching at this point, changing the words to mean something completely different.

Show me any dictionary that does not use " Judge" in its definition of condemnation;

the definition of condemn
Look at the definition of judge. You can be condemned as a result of being judged. They are not the same because you can also be vindicated as a result of of being judged.

Have you ever considered a criminal trial? The defendant is judged in every trial, but he is not condemned in every trial. Do you see where you are wrong?

You stand for the condemnation of unbelievers,. I stand for their complete forgiveness and salvation. I see salvation in the scriptures and I search the scriptures for it. There is now no condemnation for the world ; Jesus has overcome the world and satan ;Jesus has died to keep sinners out of the hands of satan and Christians ; and anyone who condemns humans. The devil and Christians cannot stop the salvation of sinners.
And yet Jesus Himself says multiple times in Scripture that people will be condemned. Your problem isn't with me, it's with Him.
Then you need to testify to the rest of what Jesus said. I have put the salient part in bold.

John 12
If you would be so kind, please deal with Jesus saying that there will be condemnation for those who reject Him.
What proof do you have that Jesus said these things? Anyone can write a book several generations after the facts were supposed to have happened.
That is not the point. The argument was that Jesus intended to save the entire world, but the source used actually contradicts that assertion.
But it's like arguing over whether Batman actually was going to save Gothem city but another comic book contradicts that.

And it all comes down to proof, how can you folks believe in something so important with absolutely no proof? It boggles the mind.
As you said, you grant credibility to UFO abductions because of the stories. You are a walking example of taking something on faith.
So you're saying that nobody's ever been abducted by aliens? They aren't stories, real people have really been abducted. But nobody's actually seen your invisible Big Guy.
You accept their stories on faith. You were not there, you did not see, hear, touch, or smell the aliens or their craft, you were not present when the examinations were done, none of that. You are taking their word on their experiences by faith, to the point that you have now moved from a position of cautious possibility to absolute statements of fact. Face it, you are believing by faith.

Using that same standard, people have actually seen God work, have actually heard His voice, have actually had direct experience with Him, for thousands of years.
Gladly, but again this is not for your consciousness, you are trained to only see condemnation for unbelievers. The word " Condemn " there simply means to "judge " them , they will be judged. And the judgment will be salvation. But your eyes , your mindset sees this word "Condemn", and something in you gets off on it and you don't see a chance at all for the persons salvation. And the translators of the bible thought just like you did , and they put "Condemn" in there when they should have put " Judge" there.

Christians have condemnation on the mind. They can't help it.
Condemn does not mean judge. Out of judgement can come condemnation, but can also come vindication. Vindication cannot come out of condemnation. You're just reaching at this point, changing the words to mean something completely different.

Show me any dictionary that does not use " Judge" in its definition of condemnation;

the definition of condemn
Look at the definition of judge. You can be condemned as a result of being judged. They are not the same because you can also be vindicated as a result of of being judged.

Have you ever considered a criminal trial? The defendant is judged in every trial, but he is not condemned in every trial. Do you see where you are wrong?

You stand for the condemnation of unbelievers,. I stand for their complete forgiveness and salvation. I see salvation in the scriptures and I search the scriptures for it. There is now no condemnation for the world ; Jesus has overcome the world and satan ;Jesus has died to keep sinners out of the hands of satan and Christians ; and anyone who condemns humans. The devil and Christians cannot stop the salvation of sinners.
And yet Jesus Himself says multiple times in Scripture that people will be condemned. Your problem isn't with me, it's with Him.

Your dead wrong , my problem is with Christianity and their lust for condemnation. I know posting scriptures is a useless cause for those who think like you , but for others , here's 150 reasons why I have no problem with Jesus , and unbelievers have no problem with him either;

150 Reasons For Believing In The Final Salvation Of All Mankind
What proof do you have that Jesus said these things? Anyone can write a book several generations after the facts were supposed to have happened.
That is not the point. The argument was that Jesus intended to save the entire world, but the source used actually contradicts that assertion.
But it's like arguing over whether Batman actually was going to save Gothem city but another comic book contradicts that.

And it all comes down to proof, how can you folks believe in something so important with absolutely no proof? It boggles the mind.
As you said, you grant credibility to UFO abductions because of the stories. You are a walking example of taking something on faith.
So you're saying that nobody's ever been abducted by aliens? They aren't stories, real people have really been abducted. But nobody's actually seen your invisible Big Guy.
You accept their stories on faith. You were not there, you did not see, hear, touch, or smell the aliens or their craft, you were not present when the examinations were done, none of that. You are taking their word on their experiences by faith, to the point that you have now moved from a position of cautious possibility to absolute statements of fact. Face it, you are believing by faith.

Using that same standard, people have actually seen God work, have actually heard His voice, have actually had direct experience with Him, for thousands of years.
No, not absolute statement of fact. But the facts are pretty overwhelming, what with all the abductions, sightings... So I'm just missing... an alien, lol.
As for god, he's completely invisible and no real proof has ever come forward. I just go with what's there, if god were provable and real, I'd have no problem with that. But logically, if a god wants me to obey him, he just has to ask, I shouldn't need to have to read a book that sounds like a con man's handbook, and then suspend reality to do so.
This whole Tithing and hell debacle is frightening proof that religion and Christianity has great power over people. When people will give a percentage of their money every week , that is Power! Christianity has convinced them that it is their " Duty", to give money , then , and only then , God will bless them. They have money pouring in like rain. And real biblical principles are being abused!

But because the people are so reluctant to read the bible for themselves ; and even if they do read , their consciousness is already "Seared" and they would not see the truth any way. Their milking people like cows!
This whole Tithing and hell debacle is frightening proof that religion and Christianity has great power over people. When people will give a percentage of their money every week , that is Power! Christianity has convinced them that it is their " Duty", to give money , then , and only then , God will bless them. They have money pouring in like rain. And real biblical principles are being abused!

But because the people are so reluctant to read the bible for themselves ; and even if they do read , their consciousness is already "Seared" and they would not see the truth any way. Their milking people like cows!
The bible was written a minimum of several generations after the facts. There's no proof that, for example, the book of Luke was actually written by Luke. And what they say Jesus said, is purely hearsay.
The Christian tithe is an old covenant ritual of giving food to the Priest. The modern church got hold of that and perverted it.

They turned giving food to a Priest into giving a percentage of money to a church.
Condemn does not mean judge. Out of judgement can come condemnation, but can also come vindication. Vindication cannot come out of condemnation. You're just reaching at this point, changing the words to mean something completely different.

Show me any dictionary that does not use " Judge" in its definition of condemnation;

the definition of condemn
Look at the definition of judge. You can be condemned as a result of being judged. They are not the same because you can also be vindicated as a result of of being judged.

Have you ever considered a criminal trial? The defendant is judged in every trial, but he is not condemned in every trial. Do you see where you are wrong?

You stand for the condemnation of unbelievers,. I stand for their complete forgiveness and salvation. I see salvation in the scriptures and I search the scriptures for it. There is now no condemnation for the world ; Jesus has overcome the world and satan ;Jesus has died to keep sinners out of the hands of satan and Christians ; and anyone who condemns humans. The devil and Christians cannot stop the salvation of sinners.
And yet Jesus Himself says multiple times in Scripture that people will be condemned. Your problem isn't with me, it's with Him.

Your dead wrong , my problem is with Christianity and their lust for condemnation. I know posting scriptures is a useless cause for those who think like you , but for others , here's 150 reasons why I have no problem with Jesus , and unbelievers have no problem with him either;

150 Reasons For Believing In The Final Salvation Of All Mankind
Your problem is indeed with Jesus, because He makes it absolutely clear that many will be condemned. I have posted Scripture multiple times for you showing exactly that, but you either ignore them altogether or just change the words to suit your viewpoint.
That is not the point. The argument was that Jesus intended to save the entire world, but the source used actually contradicts that assertion.
But it's like arguing over whether Batman actually was going to save Gothem city but another comic book contradicts that.

And it all comes down to proof, how can you folks believe in something so important with absolutely no proof? It boggles the mind.
As you said, you grant credibility to UFO abductions because of the stories. You are a walking example of taking something on faith.
So you're saying that nobody's ever been abducted by aliens? They aren't stories, real people have really been abducted. But nobody's actually seen your invisible Big Guy.
You accept their stories on faith. You were not there, you did not see, hear, touch, or smell the aliens or their craft, you were not present when the examinations were done, none of that. You are taking their word on their experiences by faith, to the point that you have now moved from a position of cautious possibility to absolute statements of fact. Face it, you are believing by faith.

Using that same standard, people have actually seen God work, have actually heard His voice, have actually had direct experience with Him, for thousands of years.
No, not absolute statement of fact. But the facts are pretty overwhelming, what with all the abductions, sightings... So I'm just missing... an alien, lol.
As for god, he's completely invisible and no real proof has ever come forward. I just go with what's there, if god were provable and real, I'd have no problem with that. But logically, if a god wants me to obey him, he just has to ask, I shouldn't need to have to read a book that sounds like a con man's handbook, and then suspend reality to do so.
Again, you accept alien abductions by faith with no evidence, just hearsay.
Show me any dictionary that does not use " Judge" in its definition of condemnation;

the definition of condemn
Look at the definition of judge. You can be condemned as a result of being judged. They are not the same because you can also be vindicated as a result of of being judged.

Have you ever considered a criminal trial? The defendant is judged in every trial, but he is not condemned in every trial. Do you see where you are wrong?

You stand for the condemnation of unbelievers,. I stand for their complete forgiveness and salvation. I see salvation in the scriptures and I search the scriptures for it. There is now no condemnation for the world ; Jesus has overcome the world and satan ;Jesus has died to keep sinners out of the hands of satan and Christians ; and anyone who condemns humans. The devil and Christians cannot stop the salvation of sinners.
And yet Jesus Himself says multiple times in Scripture that people will be condemned. Your problem isn't with me, it's with Him.

Your dead wrong , my problem is with Christianity and their lust for condemnation. I know posting scriptures is a useless cause for those who think like you , but for others , here's 150 reasons why I have no problem with Jesus , and unbelievers have no problem with him either;

150 Reasons For Believing In The Final Salvation Of All Mankind
Your problem is indeed with Jesus, because He makes it absolutely clear that many will be condemned. I have posted Scripture multiple times for you showing exactly that, but you either ignore them altogether or just change the words to suit your viewpoint.

The Christian tithe is a rip off. A rip off of scripture by the church to change the biblical principles to words that suit their viewpoint.
Look at the definition of judge. You can be condemned as a result of being judged. They are not the same because you can also be vindicated as a result of of being judged.

Have you ever considered a criminal trial? The defendant is judged in every trial, but he is not condemned in every trial. Do you see where you are wrong?

You stand for the condemnation of unbelievers,. I stand for their complete forgiveness and salvation. I see salvation in the scriptures and I search the scriptures for it. There is now no condemnation for the world ; Jesus has overcome the world and satan ;Jesus has died to keep sinners out of the hands of satan and Christians ; and anyone who condemns humans. The devil and Christians cannot stop the salvation of sinners.
And yet Jesus Himself says multiple times in Scripture that people will be condemned. Your problem isn't with me, it's with Him.

Your dead wrong , my problem is with Christianity and their lust for condemnation. I know posting scriptures is a useless cause for those who think like you , but for others , here's 150 reasons why I have no problem with Jesus , and unbelievers have no problem with him either;

150 Reasons For Believing In The Final Salvation Of All Mankind
Your problem is indeed with Jesus, because He makes it absolutely clear that many will be condemned. I have posted Scripture multiple times for you showing exactly that, but you either ignore them altogether or just change the words to suit your viewpoint.

The Christian tithe is a rip off. A rip off of scripture by the church to change the biblical principles to words that suit their viewpoint.
A plain reading of Christ's words make it clear that people will be condemned for unbelief and sin. Your problem is with Him, not with Christianity.
Show me any dictionary that does not use " Judge" in its definition of condemnation;

the definition of condemn
Look at the definition of judge. You can be condemned as a result of being judged. They are not the same because you can also be vindicated as a result of of being judged.

Have you ever considered a criminal trial? The defendant is judged in every trial, but he is not condemned in every trial. Do you see where you are wrong?

You stand for the condemnation of unbelievers,. I stand for their complete forgiveness and salvation. I see salvation in the scriptures and I search the scriptures for it. There is now no condemnation for the world ; Jesus has overcome the world and satan ;Jesus has died to keep sinners out of the hands of satan and Christians ; and anyone who condemns humans. The devil and Christians cannot stop the salvation of sinners.
And yet Jesus Himself says multiple times in Scripture that people will be condemned. Your problem isn't with me, it's with Him.

Your dead wrong , my problem is with Christianity and their lust for condemnation. I know posting scriptures is a useless cause for those who think like you , but for others , here's 150 reasons why I have no problem with Jesus , and unbelievers have no problem with him either;

150 Reasons For Believing In The Final Salvation Of All Mankind
Your problem is indeed with Jesus, because He makes it absolutely clear that many will be condemned. I have posted Scripture multiple times for you showing exactly that, but you either ignore them altogether or just change the words to suit your viewpoint.
The scriptures have been changed many, many times. What's one more?
Look at the definition of judge. You can be condemned as a result of being judged. They are not the same because you can also be vindicated as a result of of being judged.

Have you ever considered a criminal trial? The defendant is judged in every trial, but he is not condemned in every trial. Do you see where you are wrong?

You stand for the condemnation of unbelievers,. I stand for their complete forgiveness and salvation. I see salvation in the scriptures and I search the scriptures for it. There is now no condemnation for the world ; Jesus has overcome the world and satan ;Jesus has died to keep sinners out of the hands of satan and Christians ; and anyone who condemns humans. The devil and Christians cannot stop the salvation of sinners.
And yet Jesus Himself says multiple times in Scripture that people will be condemned. Your problem isn't with me, it's with Him.

Your dead wrong , my problem is with Christianity and their lust for condemnation. I know posting scriptures is a useless cause for those who think like you , but for others , here's 150 reasons why I have no problem with Jesus , and unbelievers have no problem with him either;

150 Reasons For Believing In The Final Salvation Of All Mankind
Your problem is indeed with Jesus, because He makes it absolutely clear that many will be condemned. I have posted Scripture multiple times for you showing exactly that, but you either ignore them altogether or just change the words to suit your viewpoint.
The scriptures have been changed many, many times. What's one more?
But it's like arguing over whether Batman actually was going to save Gothem city but another comic book contradicts that.

And it all comes down to proof, how can you folks believe in something so important with absolutely no proof? It boggles the mind.
As you said, you grant credibility to UFO abductions because of the stories. You are a walking example of taking something on faith.
So you're saying that nobody's ever been abducted by aliens? They aren't stories, real people have really been abducted. But nobody's actually seen your invisible Big Guy.
You accept their stories on faith. You were not there, you did not see, hear, touch, or smell the aliens or their craft, you were not present when the examinations were done, none of that. You are taking their word on their experiences by faith, to the point that you have now moved from a position of cautious possibility to absolute statements of fact. Face it, you are believing by faith.

Using that same standard, people have actually seen God work, have actually heard His voice, have actually had direct experience with Him, for thousands of years.
No, not absolute statement of fact. But the facts are pretty overwhelming, what with all the abductions, sightings... So I'm just missing... an alien, lol.
As for god, he's completely invisible and no real proof has ever come forward. I just go with what's there, if god were provable and real, I'd have no problem with that. But logically, if a god wants me to obey him, he just has to ask, I shouldn't need to have to read a book that sounds like a con man's handbook, and then suspend reality to do so.
Again, you accept alien abductions by faith with no evidence, just hearsay.
No, there's actually tons of real proof of alien abductions, you just refuse to accept it. For god, there's no proof, only wishful thinking.
As you said, you grant credibility to UFO abductions because of the stories. You are a walking example of taking something on faith.
So you're saying that nobody's ever been abducted by aliens? They aren't stories, real people have really been abducted. But nobody's actually seen your invisible Big Guy.
You accept their stories on faith. You were not there, you did not see, hear, touch, or smell the aliens or their craft, you were not present when the examinations were done, none of that. You are taking their word on their experiences by faith, to the point that you have now moved from a position of cautious possibility to absolute statements of fact. Face it, you are believing by faith.

Using that same standard, people have actually seen God work, have actually heard His voice, have actually had direct experience with Him, for thousands of years.
No, not absolute statement of fact. But the facts are pretty overwhelming, what with all the abductions, sightings... So I'm just missing... an alien, lol.
As for god, he's completely invisible and no real proof has ever come forward. I just go with what's there, if god were provable and real, I'd have no problem with that. But logically, if a god wants me to obey him, he just has to ask, I shouldn't need to have to read a book that sounds like a con man's handbook, and then suspend reality to do so.
Again, you accept alien abductions by faith with no evidence, just hearsay.
No, there's actually tons of real proof of alien abductions, you just refuse to accept it. For god, there's no proof, only wishful thinking.
Faith, faith, faith. Again, using your standard of proof, God absolutely exists.
You stand for the condemnation of unbelievers,. I stand for their complete forgiveness and salvation. I see salvation in the scriptures and I search the scriptures for it. There is now no condemnation for the world ; Jesus has overcome the world and satan ;Jesus has died to keep sinners out of the hands of satan and Christians ; and anyone who condemns humans. The devil and Christians cannot stop the salvation of sinners.
And yet Jesus Himself says multiple times in Scripture that people will be condemned. Your problem isn't with me, it's with Him.

Your dead wrong , my problem is with Christianity and their lust for condemnation. I know posting scriptures is a useless cause for those who think like you , but for others , here's 150 reasons why I have no problem with Jesus , and unbelievers have no problem with him either;

150 Reasons For Believing In The Final Salvation Of All Mankind
Your problem is indeed with Jesus, because He makes it absolutely clear that many will be condemned. I have posted Scripture multiple times for you showing exactly that, but you either ignore them altogether or just change the words to suit your viewpoint.
The scriptures have been changed many, many times. What's one more?
Oh, come on, seriously? Just search the net, I'm not going to do it for you. Start with how the KJV came about, it was edited by tons of people gathered for just that purpose.

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