The 'Classified' Documents DOJ / FBI Raid Targeted ARE ALREADY UNCLASSIFIED...& They Knew It would boxes of documents that "national archives are going through" be doing at Mar-A-Lago?

Or are you saying they were sent to National Archives, reviewed and then RETURNED...and then confiscated by FBI through a COURT WARRANT, no less .

That story seriously makes sense in your head?
Because they were declassified by Trump. So you actually believe presidents pack their belongings when they leave the white house? So what did Hillary have a private server with classified documents downloaded at her home?
Because they were declassified by Trump. So you actually believe presidents pack their belongings when they leave the white house? So what did Hillary have a private server with classified documents downloaded at her home?

Nothing you've just said makes the half baked story any more coherent.

You guys are just making this shit up, admit it.
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(some of) The FBI agents were on camera -

They have families -
People should protest at their homes, go to their kid's schools, let everyone know that their fathers are terrorists.
Follow them into restaurants and get in their face.
Let them know that they are not welcome there.
Eh, that's the leftist shitbags' M.O.

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For a Christian fanatic you sure are a liar.
Bitch! Clinton did steal furniture and China from The White House. Something tells me Bubba didn't do that, either.

"All told, the Clintons paid back or returned approximately $136,000 worth of furniture, artwork, china and other household items they had kept upon leaving office, with $86,000 of that total consisting of personal gifts they would presumably have been allowed to retain but decided to pay for to avoid the appearance of impropriety. About $50,000 of the total comprised items they had removed but were later determined to belong to the government."

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As reported and I have pointed out repeatedly, President Trump is the DECLASSIFYING AGENT for all of the classified documents he intended to tale with him when he left office / the WH.

That means he could- AND DID - personally declassify all of the documents he took with him BEFORE HE LEFT.

“Trump declassified whole sets of materials in anticipation of leaving government that he thought the American public should have the right to read themselves.”

Once declassified, the documents markings must be updated, which takes time to do. Once the documents have been declassified, however, the declassification is recorded and the process of updating the markings begin. The documents, however, remain 'Unclassified'.

It is being reported that the DOJ and FBI wanted to raid / collect the UNCLASS documents whose markings had not been fully updated and potentially charge Trump with having classified documents.

“The White House counsel failed to generate the paperwork to change the classification markings, but that doesn’t mean the information wasn’t declassified."



The WH Counsel was aware of the declassification of the documents - its on record.

The DOJ was aware of the documents being declassified because Trump's team was already working with them on it and had turned over 15 boxes of documents voluntarily to have them checked out!

The FBI LIED AGAIN, claimi h Trump had taken CLASSIFIED docu.ents, which was already on record and communicated as NOT the case.

There was no need for a search warrant.

There was no need for an historic, unprecedented edented, dangerous political raid.

It's all being reported....

....but let's see how Garland, Wray, & Biden can spin / manufacture shit to get out of this one!

A former President cannot de-classify anything. He is not a monarch as you seem to think he is. You are lying again as Trump supporters always do. A federal magistrate does not agree with you.
A former President cannot de-classify anything. He is not a monarch as you seem to think he is. You are lying again as Trump supporters always do. A federal magistrate does not agree with you.
Idiot... the order was done PRIOR TO LEVAING OFFICE... now slink away...
So....Why don't we know? What does the FBI have to hide?
Know what.What's there ta know.We are So beyond needing
to know.Like whether Joe is old and has dentures.Whether the FBI is
just corrupt or purposedly corrupt.Or inherently corrupt.
" The more corrupt the State the more numerous the laws. "
Cornelius Tacitus { c. 55-117 A.D.} Roman Historian
Not true at all... you've never dealt with classified material, have you?... :heehee:
Patooey! Trump was Never a Politician before and look what
he managed.It's like wondering what kind of Ice Skater
Knute Rockne would have made.
Or what kind of Meatloaf Babe Ruth preferred.
As reported and I have pointed out repeatedly, President Trump is the DECLASSIFYING AGENT for all of the classified documents he intended to tale with him when he left office / the WH.

That means he could- AND DID - personally declassify all of the documents he took with him BEFORE HE LEFT.

“Trump declassified whole sets of materials in anticipation of leaving government that he thought the American public should have the right to read themselves.”

Once declassified, the documents markings must be updated, which takes time to do. Once the documents have been declassified, however, the declassification is recorded and the process of updating the markings begin. The documents, however, remain 'Unclassified'.

It is being reported that the DOJ and FBI wanted to raid / collect the UNCLASS documents whose markings had not been fully updated and potentially charge Trump with having classified documents.

“The White House counsel failed to generate the paperwork to change the classification markings, but that doesn’t mean the information wasn’t declassified."



The WH Counsel was aware of the declassification of the documents - its on record.

The DOJ was aware of the documents being declassified because Trump's team was already working with them on it and had turned over 15 boxes of documents voluntarily to have them checked out!

The FBI LIED AGAIN, claimi h Trump had taken CLASSIFIED docu.ents, which was already on record and communicated as NOT the case.

There was no need for a search warrant.

There was no need for an historic, unprecedented edented, dangerous political raid.

It's all being reported....

....but let's see how Garland, Wray, & Biden can spin / manufacture shit to get out of this one!

Also mentioned here.....

Former Pentagon Chief of Staff Kash Patel alleges the documents Trump has are all declassified, and the paperwork was slow walked. The Deep State slow walked every policy Trump tried to enact, so Patel’s version of events seems plausible.

The word “illegal” is also ridiculous, and the lengthy explanation makes it sound like Barack Obama did not leave with 30 million documents. The National Archives do not have a single digital upload from that stash as of today. When will his residence get raided? It won’t be under a Democrat or a Republican president, and everyone knows it. That is why a majority of voters see the Mar-a-Lago raid for the political theater it was.

Because Trump and his lawyers were never served before the raid. The reports are that there were 15 boxes of documents but, the FBI had already gone through those boxes way back in June. They already knew there was nothing in those boxes so they decided to do a 'fishing expedition.' Reports are that the FBI ransacked his whole home including bedrooms, closets (his and Melania's) his office, etc. and left a mess.
I feel better.

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