The Clinton Fear Factor

I'm not capable of voting for Hillary Clinton, but judging from the histrionics of the far-right ... she looks likes the odds are forever in her favor.

Yeah....according to that unbiased media.

And the far-right blames THE MEEEEDDDDIIIAAAA
Like the far-left blames BOOOOOOSH

There is a media problem and if you don't recognize that you're not to be taken serious.

so you're using the media to determine Clinton struggled after she announced she was running ...

got it ..
How many times have you seen a right winger post a thread saying "boy the left must be terrified of 'xyz', look at all the negative threads"

By that standard, the right-wingers look like they are soiling their diapers over Clinton.
Nope, we just enjoy a good joke, and Hillary sure fits the bill, doesn't she?:badgrin:
About like hearing Rubio announce his love for illegals...
Oh so now suddenly they are "illegals" again?...
I though the PC police had that term banned?
Did you forget the GOP's love of illegals?
I'm not capable of voting for Hillary Clinton, but judging from the histrionics of the far-right ... she looks likes the odds are forever in her favor.

Yeah....according to that unbiased media.

And the far-right blames THE MEEEEDDDDIIIAAAA
Like the far-left blames BOOOOOOSH

There is a media problem and if you don't recognize that you're not to be taken serious.

so you're using the media to determine Clinton struggled after she announced she was running ...

got it ..

The irony is so thick is can't be cut with a chainsaw.
And no doubt it doesn't register at all with her.
Isn't that what I heard when nobody in the restaurant would buy her a burrito, or even acknowledge that she was there?

Who the hell goes to a restaurant and find someone to hook 'em up with a burrito?
You think it's like a chic that goes to a bar to sponge drinks of folks? Is this a new epidemic sweeping the country? She's a common burrito whore?
The kool-aid is so strong among so many.

Yeah it was the media and those skewed polls (oops which turned out to be correct.)

VERY correct - well, at least the aggregate. In most cases, the many polls were off to the right in margin, but the direction was correct.

Well if you remember - many of the polls adjusted their likely voter models in responsed to the far right whining about skewed polls. In essence they got bullied into second-guessing their models and they moved their polls to the right a bit. Before that, they were a lot closer to on target.
I'm not capable of voting for Hillary Clinton, but judging from the histrionics of the far-right ... she looks likes the odds are forever in her favor.
The far right? Let me know when the far right gets involved with running a candidate...
Or is that you believe anyone who does not kowtow to the liberal narrative is a "far right winger"?
The kool-aid is so strong among so many.

Yeah it was the media and those skewed polls (oops which turned out to be correct.)

VERY correct - well, at least the aggregate. In most cases, the many polls were off to the right in margin, but the direction was correct.

Well if you remember - many of the polls adjusted their likely voter models in responsed to the far right whining about skewed polls. In essence they got bullied into second-guessing their models and they moved their polls to the right a bit. Before that, they were a lot closer to on target.


Here the complete analysis, after the election was long history:

Statistikhengst s ELECTORAL POLITICS - 2015 and beyond The moment of truth how did the pollsters do
Who the hell goes to a restaurant and find someone to hook 'em up with a burrito?
You think it's like a chic that goes to a bar to sponge drinks of folks? Is this a new epidemic sweeping the country? She's a common burrito whore?
I'm sure Hillary appreciates you taking up for her. Can she add you to her six supporters in Iowa the other day?
I'm not capable of voting for Hillary Clinton, but judging from the histrionics of the far-right ... she looks likes the odds are forever in her favor.
The far right? Let me know when the far right gets involved with running a candidate...
Or is that you believe anyone who does not kowtow to the liberal narrative is a "far right winger"?

Dude, we're not talking about candidates here. We are talking about message board posters. Wanna re-read the original post and get back to me????????
I'm not capable of voting for Hillary Clinton, but judging from the histrionics of the far-right ... she looks likes the odds are forever in her favor.

Yeah....according to that unbiased media.

And the far-right blames THE MEEEEDDDDIIIAAAA
Like the far-left blames BOOOOOOSH
And you sit on the fence, wet your finger, stick it in the air. You so called moderates, the ones sailing the rudderless ships, stand for nothing. You have no honor.
Oh, you claim to be open minded and you claim to look at issues from all sides. When all you really do is wait to see what the crowd is doing and head that way.
All you care about is hangin with the popular people.
Who the hell goes to a restaurant and find someone to hook 'em up with a burrito?
You think it's like a chic that goes to a bar to sponge drinks of folks? Is this a new epidemic sweeping the country? She's a common burrito whore?
I'm sure Hillary appreciates you taking up for her. Can she add you to her six supporters in Iowa the other day?
That was pretty bad. There was a rather small turn out.
Who the hell goes to a restaurant and find someone to hook 'em up with a burrito?
You think it's like a chic that goes to a bar to sponge drinks of folks? Is this a new epidemic sweeping the country? She's a common burrito whore?
I'm sure Hillary appreciates you taking up for her. Can she add you to her six supporters in Iowa the other day?


I'm not a Hillary fan. But, if I'm going to nail her then I'm going to nail her for policy/issues and proposed solutions and the Democrat policies that are already in existence.

For the past few months you guys have been reaching for anything. It's pretty funny.
Who the hell goes to a restaurant and find someone to hook 'em up with a burrito?
You think it's like a chic that goes to a bar to sponge drinks of folks? Is this a new epidemic sweeping the country? She's a common burrito whore?
I'm sure Hillary appreciates you taking up for her. Can she add you to her six supporters in Iowa the other day?
That was pretty bad. There was a rather small turn out.

You think someone would have bought her a burrito if only there were only more people?

It was staged.
I'm not capable of voting for Hillary Clinton, but judging from the histrionics of the far-right ... she looks likes the odds are forever in her favor.

Yeah....according to that unbiased media.

And the far-right blames THE MEEEEDDDDIIIAAAA
Like the far-left blames BOOOOOOSH
And you sit on the fence, wet your finger, stick it in the air. You so called moderates, the ones sailing the rudderless ships, stand for nothing. You have no honor.
Oh, you claim to be open minded and you claim to look at issues from all sides. When all you really do is wait to see what the crowd is doing and head that way.
All you care about is hangin with the popular people.

If that were true of me I would not be anti-abortion - a majority of Americans disagree with me on that one.

How come people feel so compelled to create a personae around a poster they don't know from Adam and then try to pick an argument with the personae they created rather than the actual poster. Never ceases to amaze me. BTW - moderate does NOT mean I do not have strongly held convictions. It means (for me) that some of my convictions fall on the right and some fall on the left. It means my convictions are not changed by appeals to emotion, and it means when you balance my right- and left-leaning convictions - I wind up pretty much in the middle.

Throw away your cookie cutter - it doesn't fit anyone (expect the fantasy people you create with it).
I have NO problem calling Hillary to the carpet on real issues.

She's ugly, she's old qualifies RW's as irrelevant little farts in a wind storm.
I'm not capable of voting for Hillary Clinton, but judging from the histrionics of the far-right ... she looks likes the odds are forever in her favor.

Yeah....according to that unbiased media.

And the far-right blames THE MEEEEDDDDIIIAAAA
Like the far-left blames BOOOOOOSH
And you sit on the fence, wet your finger, stick it in the air. You so called moderates, the ones sailing the rudderless ships, stand for nothing. You have no honor.
Oh, you claim to be open minded and you claim to look at issues from all sides. When all you really do is wait to see what the crowd is doing and head that way.
All you care about is hangin with the popular people.
Not selling your positions to a party in no way constitutes being rudderless or representative of standing for nothing. Rather it means that what they stand for is not what either party really represents.
I have VERY STRONG stance on almost any issue yet do not support the filth of the republican or democratic parties. You say those like me are rudderless - I say those like you have sold their political power to a party that represents nothing but corruption and self-interest.
I'm not capable of voting for Hillary Clinton, but judging from the histrionics of the far-right ... she looks likes the odds are forever in her favor.

Yeah....according to that unbiased media.

And the far-right blames THE MEEEEDDDDIIIAAAA
Like the far-left blames BOOOOOOSH
And you sit on the fence, wet your finger, stick it in the air. You so called moderates, the ones sailing the rudderless ships, stand for nothing. You have no honor.
Oh, you claim to be open minded and you claim to look at issues from all sides. When all you really do is wait to see what the crowd is doing and head that way.
All you care about is hangin with the popular people.
Not selling your positions to a party in no way constitutes being rudderless or representative of standing for nothing. Rather it means that what they stand for is not what either party really represents.
I have VERY STRONG stance on almost any issue yet do not support the filth of the republican or democratic parties. You say those like me are rudderless - I say those like you have sold their political power to a party that represents nothing but corruption and self-interest.

Very well said
It's a freaking caucus state. It's about small crowds. She's poking fun at her media circus and talking to people. She set out her four campaign pillars (three actually I think) and is telling people why she wants to run. The term "champion" may be a bit strong, but the reality is she is the only dem who can raise the money to compete with the gop superpacs, and the gop wants to tax the rich less, cut middle class spending and inevitiably drive the debt higher. She's light on specifics, but she doesn't need to be specific yet because ..... she's gonna win in Iowa.

I'd think the dems would be a bit horrified if she flew in on a chartered boeing 787 and scheduled a rally at the Iowa Hawkeyes football field and paid people to come.

I'd be a lot happier if Christie hadn't imploded, as he's really the only one with a record of successfully attacking entitlements and roughly balancing a budget, but ......

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