The Clinton Scandal

An intern barely out of her teens was the aggressor and the most powerful man in the world was a "victim"? Bill bombed freaking Europe when he was caught with his pants down. He pardoned every single FALN terrorist bomber who was doing time in NY prisons apparently to court some sort of radical Hispanic base for his wife's run for the senate. He pardoned the most notorious corporate pirate in history while he was on the FBI's ten most wanted. Next thing you know his wife donates a million dollars to the "Clinton library". The jury is still out on whether Hillary was selling influence to enrich the Clinton Foundation but it dried up when she lost the election.
I must have missed the bit where Monica made a complaint.
I guess you missed the part where the President of the United States started a dialog about the difference between sodomy and sexual intercourse. Bill and (pretty in pink) Hillary went before the American public in a press conference and denied molesting an intern barely older than Chelsea when they must have known about Bill's DNA on Monica' dress.
An intern barely out of her teens was the aggressor and the most powerful man in the world was a "victim"? Bill bombed freaking Europe when he was caught with his pants down. He pardoned every single FALN terrorist bomber who was doing time in NY prisons apparently to court some sort of radical Hispanic base for his wife's run for the senate. He pardoned the most notorious corporate pirate in history while he was on the FBI's ten most wanted. Next thing you know his wife donates a million dollars to the "Clinton library". The jury is still out on whether Hillary was selling influence to enrich the Clinton Foundation but it dried up when she lost the election.
I must have missed the bit where Monica made a complaint.

As I always suspected. You think it is OK to molest a child so long as she's willing and compliant.
How old was the child ?
Watching this doc on uk tv now.

Its hard to see Bill as anything but a victim. The Starr witch hunt was a partisan hit job and the majority of his oppressors were also shagging hypocritically.

Those squealing about Mr Mueller might reflect on the difference between collusion with Russia and a blow job.
Zooom... Bait in the water...
Brits can take in the propaganda, though don't seem to know about the MI6 connection to the Clintons. Chapman Pincher came close with his Swiss connection to Paul Ruegg (Too Secret Too Long). Not surprising that dossiers would surface in the media linked to MI6.
Watching this doc on uk tv now.

Its hard to see Bill as anything but a victim. The Starr witch hunt was a partisan hit job and the majority of his oppressors were also shagging hypocritically.

Those squealing about Mr Mueller might reflect on the difference between collusion with Russia and a blow job.
He was impeached
Watching this doc on uk tv now.

Its hard to see Bill as anything but a victim. The Starr witch hunt was a partisan hit job and the majority of his oppressors were also shagging hypocritically.

Those squealing about Mr Mueller might reflect on the difference between collusion with Russia and a blow job.

You are right. There is no difference. Both are bogus political hit jobs. Nothing more.
Wait. Clinton was impeached for lying to investigators (over a beeg)?

Isn't that the "process crime" that Trumpers say isn't a crime?
The only possible manner in which Bill Clinton can be seen as a victim is that he's married to the US government's 100% medically provable PUREST psychopath who ever ran for president. Who manages to make Slick Willy look rather benign by comparison. Bill is certainly less revolting than Hillary, I'll graciously give him that. He never seemed consumed with the enraged, extreme, predatory hatred of the American public as that....that CREATURE he married.

Also to Bill's credit, he loathes the Obamaggot. He's been quoted as saying, "That man is my most hated living thing on earth." And, "A few years ago, that guy would have been serving us coffee."
Wait. Clinton was impeached for lying to investigators (over a beeg)?

Isn't that the "process crime" that Trumpers say isn't a crime?
He was impeached for lying to a grand jury under oath, tapioca-for-brains.....He was also under hack for using his position as POTUS to bully and intimidate a witness - Linda Tripp- into doing his lying for him.
He was impeached for lying to a grand jury under oath

Which if I understand what you clowns call a "process crime"
No, it's called perjury, idiota....And threatening Linda Tripp is known as subornation of perjury....Both real criminal acts.

Nobody can be as stupid as you are by accident...There has to be a real effort being expended here.
The people telling me that Clinton is guilty are the same ones telling me that Mrs Obama is a man. Do me a favour.
The people telling me that Clinton is guilty are the same ones telling me that Mrs Obama is a man. Do me a favour.

Who, other than a rare, random kook here and there, is claiming that Michelle Obama is a man? Certainly not I.

That said, though I cannot say for certain of his guilt; the evidence against the Clintons is quite abundant and damning; that he is a dangerous, violent sexual abuser, and that she was a willing accessory to his crimes.

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