The Clown Show of ‘Record Heatwaves’

They burned CA and the West Coast down for years....burned Australia....are currently burning the UK.....deforested Brazil for years. They've been trying to change the climate for when they cause a heatwave they can use it to pass their socialist agenda.
Previous post was approved by margorie taylor greene and the lower educated everywhere.

hilarious troll branch
Seems only fair. Global warming nutjobs have been trolling for decades.

Give the sheeples pretty colors and they’ll believe anything.
June 21, 2017 vs June 21, 2022
View attachment 672993

lol......great thread.

Old Rocks and Crick have been pulling the dark red maps bs for years in here. Colorful as fcuk, those guys. :spinner:

Heres the thing........most people arent bamboozled.

While this is a good video, I believe it made several assumptions. Assumptions that the social engineers and oligarchs running things, don't intend to happen.

I don't think, in the future, anyone who is poor or middle class, will own a car.

Likewise, I do think the establishment is, either consciously or not, engaging in a multi-prong strategy to reduce the birth rate. I think what folks will be able to consume in the future will be significantly less. I think they are already purposely slowing growth.

I saw some stats recently on the decline in fertility rates among those who got the vaccine in Europe, those statistics were not encouraging.

This whole, "you will own nothing and be happy," and making a digital ID tied to your identity, has to do with tracking energy consumption. This, in the end, tracks all use of energy, with the intention, in the end, of doing away with currency altogether. IT MAKES ENERGY, the final currency.

The technocracy allots everyone a proscribed amount of energy at the beginning of the month, and what ever you don't use at the end, you lose. No savings, no investments, no getting ahead in life.

Clearly they mean to reduce the population, and control everyone in this manner.

I am disturbed but what I have seen in Sri Lanka, the Netherlands, and most recently, our neighbors to the north. Call me a conspiracy theorist, but these media narratives on the heat, timed with these government power grabs on energy and fertilizer laws, they seem. . . oddly conspicuous.

They've been trying to change the climate for decades......

I think there is some more literal truth to this, than most folks realize. It might be speculation, but I am seeing more evil and nastiness now, than I thought I would ever see in supposedly "liberal democracies."

That last, "election," was probably the last straw before the establishment types went full crazy.

I have no idea if there is an intentional, timed and tracked psy-op on the planetary population, but after some of the conferences I have watched at the WEF? And read about what went on at things like that Event 201 and Dark Winter, if you told me there was an actual conspiracy going on, I'd not be shocked, AT ALL.

" Article III
1. The provisions of this Convention shall not hinder the use of environmental modification techniques for peaceful purposes and shall be without prejudice to the generally recognized principles and applicable rules of international law concerning such use.

2. The States Parties to this Convention undertake to facilitate, and have the right to participate in, the fullest possible exchange of scientific and technological information on the use of environmental modification techniques for peaceful purposes. States Parties in a position to do so shall contribute, alone or together with other States or international organizations, to international economic and scientific co-operation in the preservation, improvement, and peaceful utilization of the environment, with due consideration for the needs of the developing areas of the world."



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