The CNN Climate Change Scarefest

If there are only 10-11 years left on Earth, why don't Democrats line up at The Poison Koolaide Bar, Off Themselves and Decrease The Surplus Population on Earth?

A Little Mass Suicide could clean up The Gene Pool.
Face it all this climate change green initiative agenda amounts to is a new form of taxation. These clowns know very well that to accomplish their goal will stuff state and federal coffers with carbon tax revenue generated from those that cannot make the adjustment within the allotted time period. So who is asking the important question of what they will do with their windfall and what do they intend on doing to force China, Russia, India, and other developing countries in complying with their legislative efforts? Frankly absolutely nothing, unless of course they will enact import tariffs. So after the economy crashes and standard of living diminishes what will they then do or say? The primary problem with Dim’s is their stupidity and naïveté.
The CNN Climate Change Scarefest
The CNN Climate Change Scarefest

BROADCAST TRANSCRIPT EXCERPT: "......It reminds me of back in the days when the Democrats were telling every seasoned citizen that Republicans were gonna take away their Social Security. It never happened, but they damn well thought it might and so they voted Democrat all the time. Why? Because they were scared. They were scared that it might happen, and they couldn’t take the chance.

It’s the same thing here. Seven hours last night. Nothing but scaring people literally to death last night is what the objective was. And so the task in dealing with people who, for whatever reason, are inclined to accept this drivel, it’s because they’re scared. And they want to not be scared. And so if the Democrats have ways to solve this, like things last night – and we’ll get into this in detail — stop eating meat.

Andrew Yang: We’re gonna take away your gasoline car. We’re gonna force you to drive an electric car. Kamala Harris was talking about straws. It was an absolute joke. But if you put yourself in the shoes, in the bra and panties, in the clothes of somebody who’s scared listening to this stuff, well, it’s gonna affect ’em. And we know, sadly, how many people still do treat as gospel what they see in the Drive-By Media........

ME: As I have always said, Democrats use fear as a weapon because they have no ideas. Thats why they invented the KKK, thats why they scream "racism" today to scare minority voters (Trump is no racist) and thats why they push this stupid climate change crap
Climate change is real
True, it’s just not man made....
The CNN Climate Change Scarefest
The CNN Climate Change Scarefest

BROADCAST TRANSCRIPT EXCERPT: "......It reminds me of back in the days when the Democrats were telling every seasoned citizen that Republicans were gonna take away their Social Security. It never happened, but they damn well thought it might and so they voted Democrat all the time. Why? Because they were scared. They were scared that it might happen, and they couldn’t take the chance.

It’s the same thing here. Seven hours last night. Nothing but scaring people literally to death last night is what the objective was. And so the task in dealing with people who, for whatever reason, are inclined to accept this drivel, it’s because they’re scared. And they want to not be scared. And so if the Democrats have ways to solve this, like things last night – and we’ll get into this in detail — stop eating meat.

Andrew Yang: We’re gonna take away your gasoline car. We’re gonna force you to drive an electric car. Kamala Harris was talking about straws. It was an absolute joke. But if you put yourself in the shoes, in the bra and panties, in the clothes of somebody who’s scared listening to this stuff, well, it’s gonna affect ’em. And we know, sadly, how many people still do treat as gospel what they see in the Drive-By Media........

ME: As I have always said, Democrats use fear as a weapon because they have no ideas. Thats why they invented the KKK, thats why they scream "racism" today to scare minority voters (Trump is no racist) and thats why they push this stupid climate change crap
Terri, the Democrats use FEAR of Climate Change apocolypse as their big tool to herd the brainwashed liberal crackpots to the polls.
It empowers the dirty Democrat politicians.
CNN used to be redundant, now it's pathetic. Democrats can't win on popularity so cheap threats voiced by their minions in the media are all they have left
Bernie Sanders:

Would you do anything about overpopulation Bernie?

YES. I support a women's right to choose.

What a spectacle. I used to like the guy, figured he was genuine, just confused. Nope, he's just another cock.
I didn't watch all of it because it was too disgusting but what I did watch proved that the Democrats are bat shit crazy and never should be allowed to hold office.
The CNN Climate Change Scarefest
The CNN Climate Change Scarefest

BROADCAST TRANSCRIPT EXCERPT: "......It reminds me of back in the days when the Democrats were telling every seasoned citizen that Republicans were gonna take away their Social Security. It never happened, but they damn well thought it might and so they voted Democrat all the time. Why? Because they were scared. They were scared that it might happen, and they couldn’t take the chance.

It’s the same thing here. Seven hours last night. Nothing but scaring people literally to death last night is what the objective was. And so the task in dealing with people who, for whatever reason, are inclined to accept this drivel, it’s because they’re scared. And they want to not be scared. And so if the Democrats have ways to solve this, like things last night – and we’ll get into this in detail — stop eating meat.

Andrew Yang: We’re gonna take away your gasoline car. We’re gonna force you to drive an electric car. Kamala Harris was talking about straws. It was an absolute joke. But if you put yourself in the shoes, in the bra and panties, in the clothes of somebody who’s scared listening to this stuff, well, it’s gonna affect ’em. And we know, sadly, how many people still do treat as gospel what they see in the Drive-By Media........

ME: As I have always said, Democrats use fear as a weapon because they have no ideas. Thats why they invented the KKK, thats why they scream "racism" today to scare minority voters (Trump is no racist) and thats why they push this stupid climate change crap
Climate change is real

Cool dude, the problem is that there is no proof that we are causing it or can do anything to stop it. Not sure why you mental midgets can't seem to figure that out.
Yes there is irrefutable proof we are contributing to it
The only uncertainty is much?
CNN and the entire group of Democrat candidates are irresponsible liars. Between banning everything, more, and more taxes more onerous regulations, they are showing the hate most Americans except for their elite cronies.
The CNN Climate Change Scarefest
The CNN Climate Change Scarefest

BROADCAST TRANSCRIPT EXCERPT: "......It reminds me of back in the days when the Democrats were telling every seasoned citizen that Republicans were gonna take away their Social Security. It never happened, but they damn well thought it might and so they voted Democrat all the time. Why? Because they were scared. They were scared that it might happen, and they couldn’t take the chance.

It’s the same thing here. Seven hours last night. Nothing but scaring people literally to death last night is what the objective was. And so the task in dealing with people who, for whatever reason, are inclined to accept this drivel, it’s because they’re scared. And they want to not be scared. And so if the Democrats have ways to solve this, like things last night – and we’ll get into this in detail — stop eating meat.

Andrew Yang: We’re gonna take away your gasoline car. We’re gonna force you to drive an electric car. Kamala Harris was talking about straws. It was an absolute joke. But if you put yourself in the shoes, in the bra and panties, in the clothes of somebody who’s scared listening to this stuff, well, it’s gonna affect ’em. And we know, sadly, how many people still do treat as gospel what they see in the Drive-By Media........

ME: As I have always said, Democrats use fear as a weapon because they have no ideas. Thats why they invented the KKK, thats why they scream "racism" today to scare minority voters (Trump is no racist) and thats why they push this stupid climate change crap

The CNN Climate Change Scarefest
The CNN Climate Change Scarefest

BROADCAST TRANSCRIPT EXCERPT: "......It reminds me of back in the days when the Democrats were telling every seasoned citizen that Republicans were gonna take away their Social Security. It never happened, but they damn well thought it might and so they voted Democrat all the time. Why? Because they were scared. They were scared that it might happen, and they couldn’t take the chance.

It’s the same thing here. Seven hours last night. Nothing but scaring people literally to death last night is what the objective was. And so the task in dealing with people who, for whatever reason, are inclined to accept this drivel, it’s because they’re scared. And they want to not be scared. And so if the Democrats have ways to solve this, like things last night – and we’ll get into this in detail — stop eating meat.

Andrew Yang: We’re gonna take away your gasoline car. We’re gonna force you to drive an electric car. Kamala Harris was talking about straws. It was an absolute joke. But if you put yourself in the shoes, in the bra and panties, in the clothes of somebody who’s scared listening to this stuff, well, it’s gonna affect ’em. And we know, sadly, how many people still do treat as gospel what they see in the Drive-By Media........

ME: As I have always said, Democrats use fear as a weapon because they have no ideas. Thats why they invented the KKK, thats why they scream "racism" today to scare minority voters (Trump is no racist) and thats why they push this stupid climate change crap
The CNN Climate Change Scarefest
The CNN Climate Change Scarefest

BROADCAST TRANSCRIPT EXCERPT: "......It reminds me of back in the days when the Democrats were telling every seasoned citizen that Republicans were gonna take away their Social Security. It never happened, but they damn well thought it might and so they voted Democrat all the time. Why? Because they were scared. They were scared that it might happen, and they couldn’t take the chance.

It’s the same thing here. Seven hours last night. Nothing but scaring people literally to death last night is what the objective was. And so the task in dealing with people who, for whatever reason, are inclined to accept this drivel, it’s because they’re scared. And they want to not be scared. And so if the Democrats have ways to solve this, like things last night – and we’ll get into this in detail — stop eating meat.

Andrew Yang: We’re gonna take away your gasoline car. We’re gonna force you to drive an electric car. Kamala Harris was talking about straws. It was an absolute joke. But if you put yourself in the shoes, in the bra and panties, in the clothes of somebody who’s scared listening to this stuff, well, it’s gonna affect ’em. And we know, sadly, how many people still do treat as gospel what they see in the Drive-By Media........

ME: As I have always said, Democrats use fear as a weapon because they have no ideas. Thats why they invented the KKK, thats why they scream "racism" today to scare minority voters (Trump is no racist) and thats why they push this stupid climate change crap

by the way the KKK were and are hyper Christians, afraid of change. They are now known as white nationalists, white supremacists, etc. They know we will soon be the minority.

So tramp can create tragedy at the border (he use to and probably still does hire illegals) and scare all you right wing nuts.

Yet the scientific evidence about climate change (even tramp knows it) is fake.

Afraid of change? Lol. No. Afraid of bad science and its implications and repercussions.

Bingo! Well put.
The CNN Climate Change Scarefest
The CNN Climate Change Scarefest

BROADCAST TRANSCRIPT EXCERPT: "......It reminds me of back in the days when the Democrats were telling every seasoned citizen that Republicans were gonna take away their Social Security. It never happened, but they damn well thought it might and so they voted Democrat all the time. Why? Because they were scared. They were scared that it might happen, and they couldn’t take the chance.

It’s the same thing here. Seven hours last night. Nothing but scaring people literally to death last night is what the objective was. And so the task in dealing with people who, for whatever reason, are inclined to accept this drivel, it’s because they’re scared. And they want to not be scared. And so if the Democrats have ways to solve this, like things last night – and we’ll get into this in detail — stop eating meat.

Andrew Yang: We’re gonna take away your gasoline car. We’re gonna force you to drive an electric car. Kamala Harris was talking about straws. It was an absolute joke. But if you put yourself in the shoes, in the bra and panties, in the clothes of somebody who’s scared listening to this stuff, well, it’s gonna affect ’em. And we know, sadly, how many people still do treat as gospel what they see in the Drive-By Media........

ME: As I have always said, Democrats use fear as a weapon because they have no ideas. Thats why they invented the KKK, thats why they scream "racism" today to scare minority voters (Trump is no racist) and thats why they push this stupid climate change crap

by the way the KKK were and are hyper Christians, afraid of change. They are now known as white nationalists, white supremacists, etc. They know we will soon be the minority.

So tramp can create tragedy at the border (he use to and probably still does hire illegals) and scare all you right wing nuts.

Yet the scientific evidence about climate change (even tramp knows it) is fake.

Afraid of change? Lol. No. Afraid of bad science and its implications and repercussions.

You know you are, afraid of all changes. Maga, when exactly was that?
The CNN Climate Change Scarefest
The CNN Climate Change Scarefest

BROADCAST TRANSCRIPT EXCERPT: "......It reminds me of back in the days when the Democrats were telling every seasoned citizen that Republicans were gonna take away their Social Security. It never happened, but they damn well thought it might and so they voted Democrat all the time. Why? Because they were scared. They were scared that it might happen, and they couldn’t take the chance.

It’s the same thing here. Seven hours last night. Nothing but scaring people literally to death last night is what the objective was. And so the task in dealing with people who, for whatever reason, are inclined to accept this drivel, it’s because they’re scared. And they want to not be scared. And so if the Democrats have ways to solve this, like things last night – and we’ll get into this in detail — stop eating meat.

Andrew Yang: We’re gonna take away your gasoline car. We’re gonna force you to drive an electric car. Kamala Harris was talking about straws. It was an absolute joke. But if you put yourself in the shoes, in the bra and panties, in the clothes of somebody who’s scared listening to this stuff, well, it’s gonna affect ’em. And we know, sadly, how many people still do treat as gospel what they see in the Drive-By Media........

ME: As I have always said, Democrats use fear as a weapon because they have no ideas. Thats why they invented the KKK, thats why they scream "racism" today to scare minority voters (Trump is no racist) and thats why they push this stupid climate change crap

by the way the KKK were and are hyper Christians, afraid of change. They are now known as white nationalists, white supremacists, etc. They know we will soon be the minority.

So tramp can create tragedy at the border (he use to and probably still does hire illegals) and scare all you right wing nuts.

Yet the scientific evidence about climate change (even tramp knows it) is fake.

Afraid of change? Lol. No. Afraid of bad science and its implications and repercussions.

You know you are, afraid of all changes. Maga, when exactly was that?

The climate has been changing for thousands of years. Yes, we are ignorant and but a pinprick to earth climate change. Perhaps you should look to see whats happening with the sun, magnetic pole movements, planet perturbations, abrupt changes in atmospheric conditions of several planets. To suggest we are causing climate change is the height of arrogance.

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