The Color of Crime...Report Statistics Released

Max Power said:
Don't get me wrong, I'm not for affirmative action, but you're sorely mistaken if you think that white Americans have it tougher than everyone else.

And, BTW, I'm a white American, and I haven't been excluded from colleges, jobs, or anything based on race.

i have....I am a wasp....didn't get into cal due to quotas.....can't get any public works / city county projects as my company is not minority owned
dilloduck said:
and what about the whites who have been---any feelings about them?

I'm not a fan of affirmative action, but if you can't get into MIT because of your 1100 on the SAT, I don't really give a flying fuck. Blaming black people isn't really going to help.
manu1959 said:
i have....I am a wasp....didn't get into cal due to quotas.....

What year was this?

I'm just curious because quotas are illegal, have been for a while.
Max Power said:
What year was this?

I'm just curious because quotas are illegal, have been for a while.

78 and the california university system still does it....they assign slots to ethnic if you are white and lnext to last may be better than some other dude but because they still have slots they go in and you don't.....just happend to my bosses son.....he new the 'minorty dude that went in that had worse grades etc...than he did....
manu1959 said:
78 and the california university system still does it....they assign slots to ethnic if you are white and lnext to last may be better than some other dude but because they still have slots they go in and you don't.....just happend to my bosses son.....he new the 'minorty dude that went in that had worse grades etc...than he did....

That really sucks, and I *Don't* agree with affirmative action, but I still don't think that this makes white people worse off than blacks.
Max Power said:
That really sucks, and I *Don't* agree with affirmative action, but I still don't think that this makes white people worse off than blacks.
Perhaps not yet, but it will... Couple that with what they are doing to boys in general and infer...
Max Power said:
And, BTW, I'm a white American, and I haven't been excluded from colleges, jobs, or anything based on race.

Good for you.

I have.

If you'd like to read up on it, check the Washington Post archives sometime. But I doubt you will. Whites, as Jared Taylor has noted, are bizarrely unreceptive to the reality that they are being discriminated against as a race, kind of like a cancer victim who refuses to believe he has cancer. Fred Lynn has written a fine book about whites and affirmative action, in which he goes into excruciating detail about why white men won't acknowledge that they are victims of affirmative action: it goes against white manhood! You don't like to admit you're a victim of anything.

It's funny, Max Power. Liberals are such wet limp-wristed wimps about EVERYTHING YOU CAN IMAGINE, but all of a sudden become hard-edged, no-excuses tough guys when it comes to anything that hurts white people.

Do you sense a contradiction there?
I offered up a reason for why blacks show a higher percentage of criminal behavior because the only reason you guys were putting forward was that they are an inferior race. But I don't think they are, it's no use talking to any of you, you're just going to bullsh*t me about everything I say no matter what I say, f*ck it.
Hagbard Celine said:
I offered up a reason for why blacks show a higher percentage of criminal behavior because the only reason you guys were putting forward was that they are an inferior race. But I don't think they are, it's no use talking to any of you, you're just going to bullsh*t me about everything I say no matter what I say, f*ck it.

people in desperate situations that can see no alternative, resort to extreme measures to survive and blame others or their situation for their behaviour.

people steal pens and paper from their place of work,rationalize it and blame their boss......

race has nothing to do with it
William Joyce said:
Good for you.

I have.

If you'd like to read up on it, check the Washington Post archives sometime. But I doubt you will. Whites, as Jared Taylor has noted, are bizarrely unreceptive to the reality that they are being discriminated against as a race, kind of like a cancer victim who refuses to believe he has cancer. Fred Lynn has written a fine book about whites and affirmative action, in which he goes into excruciating detail about why white men won't acknowledge that they are victims of affirmative action: it goes against white manhood! You don't like to admit you're a victim of anything.

It's funny, Max Power. Liberals are such wet limp-wristed wimps about EVERYTHING YOU CAN IMAGINE, but all of a sudden become hard-edged, no-excuses tough guys when it comes to anything that hurts white people.

Do you sense a contradiction there?

So, there is no way for a white man to succeed in America?
I noticed you guys are now debating nature vs nurture. To save you some time, 19th century anthropologists pretty much did away with the the nature argument. Behavior and culture is exclusively linked to nurture. Take a look at Angelina Jolie's kid. It's originally from Southeast Asia I think, but it will grow up learning American culture and by the time it's a teenager, you won't be able to tell it apart from any other rich American. The same would be true if you took a black baby from the worst part of Harlem and sent it to grow up with a middle class family in the suburbs. It would grow up playing golf and talking like Carlton from Fresh Prince. It wouldn't automatically start shoplifting or drinking forties just because it's black. The reason so many criminals are blacks is because they are born into a poor environment. They start off surrounded by poverty and crime.
Nuc said:
So, there is no way for a white man to succeed in America?

I think what William Joyce is saying is, yes, it's impossible for white men to succeed in America.
Hagbard Celine said:
I noticed you guys are now debating nature vs nurture. To save you some time, 19th century anthropologists pretty much did away with the the nature argument. Behavior and culture is exclusively linked to nurture. Take a look at Angelina Jolie's kid. It's originally from Southeast Asia I think, but it will grow up learning American culture and by the time it's a teenager, you won't be able to tell it apart from any other rich American. The same would be true if you took a black baby from the worst part of Harlem and sent it to grow up with a middle class family in the suburbs. It would grow up playing golf and talking like Carlton from Fresh Prince. It wouldn't automatically start shoplifting or drinking forties just because it's black. The reason so many criminals are blacks is because they are born into a poor environment. They start off surrounded by poverty and crime.

What about rhythm? Don't they still have natural rhythm?
Max Power said:
I think what William Joyce is saying is, yes, it's impossible for white men to succeed in America.

Works for him, I guess. I would rather be succesful and not worry about other people.
My point was that the reason why someone commits crimes like that is irrelevant. Nature, environment, just plain mean....I don't care. Lock them all up, and fire up Old Sparky.
speederdoc said:
My point was that the reason why someone commits crimes like that is irrelevant. Nature, environment, just plain mean....I don't care. Lock them all up, and fire up Old Sparky.

Agreed--whether it's nature or nuture we don't stand much of a chance of changing either one. Remove criminals from society so they don't prey on more people. We have two basic methods of punishment in America and fining a criminal who has no money in the first place is not punishment. Lock em up.
Hagbard Celine said:
I noticed you guys are now debating nature vs nurture. To save you some time, 19th century anthropologists pretty much did away with the the nature argument. Behavior and culture is exclusively linked to nurture. Take a look at Angelina Jolie's kid. It's originally from Southeast Asia I think, but it will grow up learning American culture and by the time it's a teenager, you won't be able to tell it apart from any other rich American. The same would be true if you took a black baby from the worst part of Harlem and sent it to grow up with a middle class family in the suburbs. It would grow up playing golf and talking like Carlton from Fresh Prince. It wouldn't automatically start shoplifting or drinking forties just because it's black. The reason so many criminals are blacks is because they are born into a poor environment. They start off surrounded by poverty and crime.

Parental upbringing will not have any effect on these poor blacks I guess.

There are no stories, ever, of black (or any race) being brought up in a poor environment; crime, poverty, food stamps, single parent working 19 jobs....etc.

They never make it?

Forget economics, forget color, forget everything except their upbringing.

I don't care how poor, how rich, what color, everything..I dont' care....if the child's parent/parents don't instill responsibility, honesty, a work ethic, pride, and the difference between right and wrong, the kid will never have a chance.

It starts at home - the upbringing. Nothing else.
GotZoom said:
Parental upbringing will not have any effect on these poor blacks I guess.

There are no stories, ever, of black (or any race) being brought up in a poor environment; crime, poverty, food stamps, single parent working 19 jobs....etc.

They never make it?

Forget economics, forget color, forget everything except their upbringing.

I don't care how poor, how rich, what color, everything..I dont' care....if the child's parent/parents don't instill responsibility, honesty, a work ethic, pride, and the difference between right and wrong, the kid will never have a chance.

It starts at home - the upbringing. Nothing else.

I double dog dare ya to try to tell someone how to parent their children.
dilloduck said:
I double dog dare ya to try to tell someone how to parent their children.

Of course you can't.

But I tell you what, maybe if we starting holding parents more accountable to their children's actions things might improve.

Kid skips school - parent sits in detention for the day with them.

Kid stays out after curfew - parent arrested along with the kid for curfew violation.

Just to name a few. It would be rough at first, certain segments of the population would throw a royal fit, but eventually, parents would realize that they will be accountable for their child's behaviour.

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