The Color of Crime...Report Statistics Released

Hagbard Celine said:
Wrong. Other factors come into play in determining the way a person turns out. Parents lay the foundation, but then kids come into contact with all sorts of outside influences: friends, neighbors, classmates, other parents, other adults, gang members, crack heads, etc. It's easy, especially when you're living in a crime-ridden area, to fall-in with the wrong crowd. You hear stories all the time from "good" parents whose kids are in jail or dead or throwing their lives away because they took the wrong path. Parents can't control the decisions their kids make, they can only control what they contribute to the kid. There are more black criminals represented in the statistics because there are more criminal opportunities presented in the places blacks live.

Do you have kids? If so, what are you teaching them as they grow up?

Humor me for a moment.
Hagbard Celine said:
Wrong. Other factors come into play in determining the way a person turns out. Parents lay the foundation, but then kids come into contact with all sorts of outside influences: friends, neighbors, classmates, other parents, other adults, gang members, crack heads, etc. It's easy, especially when you're living in a crime-ridden area, to fall-in with the wrong crowd. You hear stories all the time from "good" parents whose kids are in jail or dead or throwing their lives away because they took the wrong path. Parents can't control the decisions their kids make, they can only control what they contribute to the kid. There are more black criminals represented in the statistics because there are more criminal opportunities presented in the places blacks live.

"Good Parents" can affect the contacts friends, neighbors, classmates, other parents, other adults, gang members, crack heads, liberals, etc, have with their children.

There are more black criminals, in perportion to their percentage of the population NOT Because of criminal opportunities, but because more blacks, in perportion to their percentage of population DECIDE TO BREAK THE LAW.
Hagbard Celine said:
I don't have kids yet.

Ok...hypothetically speaking. I'm sure you have thought about getting married, having kids.

How do you plan on raising them. What kind of basic tenants will you teach them?

Is there anything that you absolutely will not allow?
"Good Parents" can affect the contacts friends, neighbors, classmates, other parents, other adults, gang members, crack heads, liberals, etc, have with their children.

Yeah, but you and I both know that if your kid really wants to do something, he/she will do it regardless of what you say. And if you tell a kid to not hang out with somebody they are friends with, most kids will still find a way to hang out with that kid/group. Punishing them for defying you will work to an extent, but let's be realistic here. You cannot control every aspect of your kid's life and he/she will come into contact with things you do not like but cannot control. And in a ghetto, where crime is rampant and opportunities to do drugs, shoplift, join a gang, etc. are more abundant, controlling these things is even more difficult. Especially when deviant behavior like that is glorified by black/minority celebrities (role model figures) like rappers, athletes, etc.

There are more black criminals, in perportion to their percentage of the population NOT Because of criminal opportunities, but because more blacks, in perportion to their percentage of population DECIDE TO BREAK THE LAW.

Yeah, more decide to break the law, but the reason is that they are confronted with more opportunities to do so. Higher rate of occurrence of these opportunities will always result in a higher proportion of people taking advantage of them.
Yeah, but you and I both know that if your kid really wants to do something, he/she will do it regardless of what you say. And if you tell a kid to not hang out with somebody they are friends with, most kids will still find a way to hang out with that kid/group. Punishing them for defying you will work to an extent, but let's be realistic here. You cannot control every aspect of your kid's life and

My mother had this saying whenever I told her that...."yes you may try but I'm sure as hell not going to make it easy for you to do it".

And usually that ended that
Hagbard Celine said:
Yeah, but you and I both know that if your kid really wants to do something, he/she will do it regardless of what you say. And if you tell a kid to not hang out with somebody they are friends with, most kids will still find a way to hang out with that kid/group. Punishing them for defying you will work to an extent, but let's be realistic here. You cannot control every aspect of your kid's life and he/she will come into contact with things you do not like but cannot control. And in a ghetto, where crime is rampant and opportunities to do drugs, shoplift, join a gang, etc. are more abundant, controlling these things is even more difficult. Especially when deviant behavior like that is glorified by black/minority celebrities (role model figures) like rappers, athletes, etc.

Yeah, more decide to break the law, but the reason is that they are confronted with more opportunities to do so. Higher rate of occurrence of these opportunities will always result in a higher proportion of people taking advantage of them.

BS. I can walk down the street right now and every person I pass gives me the opportunity to break a crime. Every store I walk into every day gives me the opportunity to break a crime. Every time I get behind the wheel of my car, I have the opportunity to break a crime.
GotZoom said:
BS. I can walk down the street right now and every person I pass gives me the opportunity to break a crime. Every store I walk into every day gives me the opportunity to break a crime. Every time I get behind the wheel of my car, I have the opportunity to break a crime.

Dead on!!!! :bow3:
GotZoom said:
I wonder if that kid who lost his license would have - had he been raised "right" the first 16 years of his life.

I can't say specifically of course, but I dare say that if you looked at the percentage of kids raised "right" and not raised "right", there would be many more "troubled" kids out of the "not right" column.

Whatever--just looking a bit deeper into the consequences of your plan to punish parents for the crimes of thier children. The logic that if all kids had good parenting there would be no crime is just faulty. Good parenting would certainly decrease crime however punishing bad parenting would open up so many cans of worms that we could all fish forever. How does punishing a parent teach a kid to be responsible for his own actions?
dilloduck said:
Whatever--just looking a bit deeper into the consequences of your plan to punish parents for the crimes of thier children. The logic that if all kids had good parenting there would be no crime is just faulty. Good parenting would certainly decrease crime however punishing bad parenting would open up so many cans of worms that we could all fish forever. How does punishing a parent teach a kid to be responsible for his own actions?

I never said that good parenting would eliminate crime. Exactly as you stated, good parenty would certain decrease crime.

How does punishing a parent teach a kid to be responsible for his own actions?

You have kids? If your kid, or one of your kids, did something wrong, and the punishment would be for you to serve 4 weekends a month picking up trash on the weekend - your days off - what would you do or say to your kid about it?
Hagbard Celine said:
And in a ghetto, where crime is rampant and opportunities to do drugs, shoplift, join a gang, etc. are more abundant, controlling these things is even more difficult. Especially when deviant behavior like that is glorified by black/minority celebrities (role model figures) like rappers, athletes, etc.
Well there ya go then...It's ALL THE GHETTOS FAULT!!
Of course the people living there can't change that, nope.
IT'S the GHETTOS Fault!! Can't move, the ghetto is got ahold of me, although thousands do move on and up. They call them "OREOS" and "uncle Toms" ya know?

Give me a break! Face reality and stop the blame game.
xen said:
Their centuries of trauma will not disappear magically.
If this was accurate reasoning then Jews could never succeed, their centuries of trauma are even more far reaching, longer-lasting, and even more eggregious in some cases. Trauma doesn't breed failure, this is a fallacious argument and an attempt to excuse real action. Those that buy into beliefs such as this, that past action on ancestors breeds failure today, are simply excusing behavior that is in actuality inexcusable.

When successful blacks are often accused of "Uncle Tomming" or being "oreos" by those of their race, you blame this on actions on their ancestors? I blame it on their "leadership" who preach that they can never make it without help from the same "race" that oppressed them for centuries, while at the same time inexplicably blaming that same "race" for racism. This is garbage, all they need to turn it around is to get each other to work toward success rather than recompense. In other words to get out of the "victim" mentality and into a more positive mindset. The best revenge is to live well, not to whine until they give you something.
Ok...hypothetically speaking. I'm sure you have thought about getting married, having kids.

How do you plan on raising them. What kind of basic tenants will you teach them?

Is there anything that you absolutely will not allow?

Haha, militant Islam will not be allowed under my roof mister! But seriously. I'll try to instill a foundation of Christianity in my kids at a young age and teach them to share and how to be good people. Hopefully I'll be able to find a decent church that isn't full of fundamentalist zealots. Hey, a guy can dream. Maybe I'll become an Episcopalian.

Teenage years, smoking and drinking will be forbidden because it's against the law, but every kid's going to do that stuff so you've got to be realistic about punishing them for those things. Weed too. I've had experience with all of it, so I know what's serious and what's not. Teenagers drinking beer and smoking a doobie every now and then is not something to lose sleep over. Hard drugs like coke, heroin, things like that will equal instant rehab.

No physical punishment. I got whipped pretty bad as a kid and I don't think kids should be hit by their parents. There are smarter ways to deal with young people.

I think telling kids the truth about things is better than "shielding" them from the real world just because they are young. Growing up, my mom was always bullsh*tting me about everything she thought I was too young to know. One funny instance of this was when I was in fourth grade, I was reading Jurassic Park and in the book, one of the lab technicians uses a turkey baster to impregnate one of the dinosaurs. Well, I didn't know what a turkey baster was so I asked my mom and she didn't tell me. She could have showed me, because I asked her in the kitchen, and told me it was for making turkeys juicy, but instead she automatically assumed I was asking something that I shouldn't be and so she didn't tell me. When kids ask you a question, withhold sordid details of course, but answer the damn question because inquirining minds need to grow.

Mandatory out-doors play as kids. I see too many roly-poly pale-faced kids today who sit inside all the time and play nintendo 24-hours a day. I'll encourage a lot of atheletics. Athletic activity and competition are good for the mind and the body.

And of course choosing a neighborhood with good people in it and good schools is very important.
Ok, I've got my two cents to put in here.

Blacks are not stuck in a rut. That's bullcrap. Here, in Georgia, there are a lot of middle class black families whose kids have fairly nice cars and aren't going to have to work their way through college. I've also seen poor black kids get non-minority scholarships to go to college and easily overcome this bullcrap about how they can't succeed because of culture.

Now, here's anothing thing I've noticed. After Katrina, the black population in my county shot up due to evacuees. Do you know what shot up at about the same rate? Carjackings and gang violence. Fortunately for us, that stuff quickly shot right back down as Georgia cops are some of the toughest in the country, and quite possibly the toughest, and they don't take crap from gangs, and they're too loyal to take bribes. In fact, I now know somebody who was almost the victim of a carjacking in a church parking lot. This guy's going to get struck by lightning, I swear. Oh, and the only reason it was almost is because my friend carries a tazer, the scary kind that doesn't shoot darts but that you can SEE the arc of electricity.
Hagbard Celine said:
Haha, militant Islam will not be allowed under my roof mister! But seriously. I'll try to instill a foundation of Christianity in my kids at a young age and teach them to share and how to be good people. Hopefully I'll be able to find a decent church that isn't full of fundamentalist zealots. Hey, a guy can dream. Maybe I'll become an Episcopalian.

Teenage years, smoking and drinking will be forbidden because it's against the law, but every kid's going to do that stuff so you've got to be realistic about punishing them for those things. Weed too. I've had experience with all of it, so I know what's serious and what's not. Teenagers drinking beer and smoking a doobie every now and then is not something to lose sleep over. Hard drugs like coke, heroin, things like that will equal instant rehab.

No physical punishment. I got whipped pretty bad as a kid and I don't think kids should be hit by their parents. There are smarter ways to deal with young people.

I think telling kids the truth about things is better than "shielding" them from the real world just because they are young. Growing up, my mom was always bullsh*tting me about everything she thought I was too young to know. One funny instance of this was when I was in fourth grade, I was reading Jurassic Park and in the book, one of the lab technicians uses a turkey baster to impregnate one of the dinosaurs. Well, I didn't know what a turkey baster was so I asked my mom and she didn't tell me. She could have showed me, because I asked her in the kitchen, and told me it was for making turkeys juicy, but instead she automatically assumed I was asking something that I shouldn't be and so she didn't tell me. When kids ask you a question, withhold sordid details of course, but answer the damn question because inquirining minds need to grow.

Mandatory out-doors play as kids. I see too many roly-poly pale-faced kids today who sit inside all the time and play nintendo 24-hours a day. I'll encourage a lot of atheletics. Athletic activity and competition are good for the mind and the body.

And of course choosing a neighborhood with good people in it and good schools is very important.

Sounds great.

Now...when your child brings home bad grades, and you find out it is because they cut a few classes, didn't do their homework, etc....what will you do?

When you go to pick up your kid from school one day, and you see him/her right off campus with some "undesireable" kids, what will you do?

When your kid...smokes that doobie...and you catch him/her..what will you do?
I give up on you guys. If you could only see yourselves, you would know that you are arguing that environment plays no role in criminal behavior. That's ludicrous.

So answer me this...are people just born criminals? Some are born criminals, some are born to be law-abiding citizens? And the fact that many of the criminals grew up in the gutter surrounded by other criminals and Johnny citizen grew up in gee-whiz suburbia-land has nothing to do with it? Break me off a piece of that Kit-Kat please.
Hagbard Celine said:
I give up on you guys. If you could only see yourselves, you would know that you are arguing that environment plays no role in criminal behavior. That's ludicrous.

So answer me this...are people just born criminals? Some are born criminals, some are born to be law-abiding citizens? And the fact that many of the criminals grew up in the gutter surrounded by other criminals and Johnny citizen grew up in gee-whiz suburbia-land has nothing to do with it? Break me off a piece of that Kit-Kat please.

I, personally, never said NO role. I am stating that with the right parental upbringing, environment becomes less of a factor. More and more parental involvement, the lesser the environment comes into play.
Hagbard Celine said:
Yeah, but you and I both know that if your kid really wants to do something, he/she will do it regardless of what you say. And if you tell a kid to not hang out with somebody they are friends with, most kids will still find a way to hang out with that kid/group. Punishing them for defying you will work to an extent, but let's be realistic here. You cannot control every aspect of your kid's life and he/she will come into contact with things you do not like but cannot control. And in a ghetto, where crime is rampant and opportunities to do drugs, shoplift, join a gang, etc. are more abundant, controlling these things is even more difficult. Especially when deviant behavior like that is glorified by black/minority celebrities (role model figures) like rappers, athletes, etc.

I can tell you with authority I CAN control every aspect of my kids life while they are little. While my kids are little I absolutely WILL Know what they are watching, reading, with whom they are playing, where they are going and how they are getting there. While my kids are little, I will train them in the way they should go, thus, when they are older, they will stay the course. They will know the difference between right and wrong, and to the best of their ability, they will do the RIGHT thing - even if the WRONG thing is something they'd be justified in doing. My children are, and will be compassionate, Strong-willed, and even keeled. They will know beyond the shadow of a doubt their Father's love for them. When they are faced with a decision to do right or wrong, they will choose 'right' more often than not because that is the standard which as been set. Do the Right Thing, Alaina...those are the words to my daughter. Those are her mantra. She'll fail. And she fails. When she does, she faces the consequences knowing full well she can fall into Dad's arms and he'll love her no matter what.

I hope you don't have kids until you've stopped 'being a wuss'. You've given up on the kids you don't have yet. :(


Yeah, more decide to break the law, but the reason is that they are confronted with more opportunities to do so. Higher rate of occurrence of these opportunities will always result in a higher proportion of people taking advantage of them.

Bullshit. Having the opportunity to commit crime is NEVER a justification or reason. The problem is a generation of parents who feel 'You can't control every aspect of your kids' lives, they will do what they want!'
Hobbit said:
Ok, I've got my two cents to put in here.

Blacks are not stuck in a rut. That's bullcrap. Here, in Georgia, there are a lot of middle class black families whose kids have fairly nice cars and aren't going to have to work their way through college. I've also seen poor black kids get non-minority scholarships to go to college and easily overcome this bullcrap about how they can't succeed because of culture.

Now, here's anothing thing I've noticed. After Katrina, the black population in my county shot up due to evacuees. Do you know what shot up at about the same rate? Carjackings and gang violence. Fortunately for us, that stuff quickly shot right back down as Georgia cops are some of the toughest in the country, and quite possibly the toughest, and they don't take crap from gangs, and they're too loyal to take bribes. In fact, I now know somebody who was almost the victim of a carjacking in a church parking lot. This guy's going to get struck by lightning, I swear. Oh, and the only reason it was almost is because my friend carries a tazer, the scary kind that doesn't shoot darts but that you can SEE the arc of electricity.
Yeah, my wife held a bail/bond hearing the other day for one of these “evacuees”.
The guy had broken into a store and stole, guess what? You’ll never guess, CELL PHONES! Then he blamed it on the Hurricane…

No he didn’t get out of jail…
Now...when your child brings home bad grades, and you find out it is because they cut a few classes, didn't do their homework, etc....what will you do?

I'll let them know that if they do not bring the grades up, they will lead a spartan life with few privileges. Parties and "hangin' out at the Max" will be put-off until homework is finished and understood. But that's only if bad grades are brought home. If the kid's smart, that won't be a problem, especially if I decide to stay with Georgia schools. I used to skip class all the time in highschool. I still skip class every now and then. But if it doesn't affect my grades, it's not a problem.

When you go to pick up your kid from school one day, and you see him/her right off campus with some "undesireable" kids, what will you do?

Well, that won't happen unless I raise my kid to be a skank. I'm a preppy guy. I play golf and hang out at the country club. Kids that do that sort of thing don't hang out with skanks. Highschool is a cliquey place.

When your kid...smokes that doobie...and you catch him/her..what will you do?

Take it from him/her, give the lecture about why only losers smoke dope, give the guilt-trip about how I could be held accountable for this under the law because it's being done on my property, threaten future punishment if it happens again, and then go smoke the rest of it with my wife.:D
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